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Angelique Noel

Resource area for teaching - 6 views

    With all the areas that children are taught in school, the author feels that while trying work at the achievement gap we should look at the engagement gap. The eagerness that children have a young age needs to be maintained. Hands-on learning should be implemented into the lesson.
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    This article hits the nail on the head! At my school we are redesigning our language program to a more student-centered, hands-on instructional approach. I think it is very important to change up the old ways of teaching and find new ways that really engage students. This year, I took out all the desks in my room. Taking down that physical barrier has helped to improve student engagement. We sit or stand in a circle and students are much more motivated! Including games and activities that connect to students' interest is also important.
    This is a great article focusing on engagement in the classroom! It discusses the necessity of hands on learning to maintain students interest. This is important for students of all academic levels. Hands on learning not only engages students because they are "doing", they also are developing critical thinking skills. As a special education teacher, I know that in order to assist my students in learning, I need to keep their attention and provide them with interesting, hands on learning.
    I love this article! I have always been a strong believer in hands on learning and I love that they call it an engagement gap! Students get bored when a teacher gets up and lectures them all day. They need to be engaged! The activities need to be purposeful and have a specific meaning but a teacher can make just about any topic engaging just by getting the kids moving and interacting. I 100% agree that students retain information longer when they are engaged and enjoying what they are learning.

Study shows new teaching method improves math skills, closes gender gap in young students - 0 views

    This study shows the importance of encouraging students to explain their thinking while solving math problems. This study focused on how formative assessments, in which students are allowed to explain their thinking, can then be used to help inform teacher instruction to address the specific gaps in knowledge. This study focused on Kindergarten and First Grade students.

Sprawl - Definition for English-Language Learners from Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dict... - 0 views

    I like to use this dictionary and the dictionary of "student-friendly" definitions. Never think that you have to reinvent the wheel Merriam-Webster already did for you. Look for links to the English-Language Learners Dictionary and the Kids' Dictionary in the standard entries for "student-friendly" definitions.

ASCD Book: Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner - 0 views

    Chapter 6 of this book by Pérsida Himmele and William Himmele focuses on Total Participation Techniques that move. Of particular interest to my data team is the section of this chapter on Bounce Cards. This strategy can help all students feel confident and comfortable participating in a group discussion. I think it can be especially helpful to world language teachers looking to encourage students to discuss academic topics in the target language. (Week 9)
Jamie Bullock

Get The Math - 2 views

    This is a website that helps connect students to the real world. It take a wide array of places you use math and sometimes don't think about it, like sports, music, fashion, restaurants and so many more. Videos are shown to show how math and the topic relate to each other and then students are given a task to help figure out using math. Students will be so engaged that they will forget they are even doing math!

Instructional Design Using the Addie Model - 0 views

    Week 9: This design model is for all learners fro designing and planning a course. It shares the process and steps for using the A.D.D.I.D model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) which serves as a blueprint and "device to help us think through a course's design".
Barbara Lindsey

Why and how to use Outliner - 0 views

    This describes a new feature of Diigo which allows you to create outlines of information, including notes, links, images, videos, etc. This could be a great way to help students think about the information they are collecting and to analyze and synthesize the information they are collecting and learning about.

Massachusetts, PARCC Assessments, and the Common Core - 3 views

    I selected a source from ERIC that focused somewhat upon the novelty and implementation on PARCC assessments in place of other testing batteries in school systems. This article may help us to a degree in honing our focus of our EQ as to why students grades declined significantly in the third quarter. Discussing issues with the ELA and the Common Core in Massachusetts, the very novelty of the testing led one overwrought educator to even remark, "...I'm not really thinking about PARCC yet. I have too much else to do" (Barrett, 2014, p. 25). Herein, Barrett mentions that field testing was just implemented into 18 states, just last year, and income and resource availability may play a significant role in Massachusetts' national performance leadership on former testing assessments and the Common Core (p. 24). Interesting to note is that the two parts of the PARCC testing, the PBA and the end of year examinations are only one month apart, spanning from March-April, and May-June (p. 25). Barrett, L. (2014). Common core 'A really big reset'. Education Digest, 79(8), 22.
    This citation caught my eye because I am a Massachusetts educator and it is still undetermined whether or not the PARCC tests will be implemented in my district again this year. In general I felt that, last year, the assessment took too much time away from instruction. Now the teachers and parents I know seem more uncertain than ever that all our preparation efforts are worth it. I think if we weren't in such an all-fired hurry to raise our scores PARCC could actually develop into a meaningful exercise. Everybody relax!

Education World: Homework Study Hall: Making Up Missed Work - 4 views

    How one principal managed to turn around failing grades by instituting a mandatory study hall for missed homework. He also communicated with parents when 5 assignments were missed. The teachers had indicated that grades would improve if students did their homework and were better prepared for class as a result.
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    A mandatory homework policy has been successful at our middle school. Students must complete all homework and quizzes before they are permitted to take summative assessments, and parents are notified when assignments are missing or when students do not pass a summative. Resource time, aka study hall, is time set aside for students to make up missing work and get extra assistance as needed. It's good to read about a similar successful program for high school, and I wonder if this kind of program could be helpful for addressing our team's identified learning gaps.
    Our school does this as well, especially our math department. Of course it is up to the teacher as to whether or not they want to implement this strategy but administration seems to fully support the cause. I have a science teacher friend and a math teacher friend who both to do this. They give the students detention slips and they come after school to make up or re-take work or assignments. I cannot see myself doing this (an art teacher) but I can see why math and science would want to. I feel that most teachers should make themselves available at lunch for students. I would not suggest every day availability, but students could come meet and get help by appointment only. Too often I hear from students that the teacher tells them to come in the next day for lunch and there is no one to be found in the classroom.
    I like the idea of a before and after homework study hall. I can contest to being so busy that you do not want to chase your child around to get their homework done. My son is only five and it is a hassle to get him to do his homework, therefore, I can only imagine how it will be when he gets older. I believe that this might benefit more students if this were implemented nationwide. Students can get the extra assistance they may not be able to get at home with their assignments. I wonder how well this would benefit my school?
    I think this is a great idea, especially in high school and middle school! I have been speaking to middle schools in Pennsylvania, and the principals discussed how they have decided to implement homework/tutoring study halls. I think it encourages students to stay on top of their own homework. Also, it allows teachers to have one on one interaction with students, who are struggling. I thought it was smart of the principal to have another administrator oversee the process of tracking missed homework. Data has become such an important part of being a teacher, and using it to help students strive to be better in school is great.

The world needs all kinds of minds - Temple Grandin - YouTube - 0 views

    Temple Grandin is a renown icon in the Autism Field. She has a PHD in Animal Science and was diagnosed with Autism as a very young child. In this specific video she discusses how many students diagnosed with Autism think and view the world. She is an extremely helpful resource as she understands what its like to be in my students shoes. Its important to grasp how students might be thinking or viewing something to better understand their reactions to their environment. In Hopes to better understand why we might see certain behaviors spike at certain points. Furthermore how to address or prevent them from happening. -I am a Special Educator Serving students with Autism

Effective Learners | EL Education - 0 views

    This video was useful for exploring the dimension of both 'student engagement' and 'depth of knowledge'. The teacher explores ideas and experiments with ways to involve the student into asking themselves what things are relevant to their own learning. This is relevant to my SMART goal of 100% pass rates among my SLO group on their standardized tests because I can have them explore and better understand the language, vocabulary, and contextual reading goals I am setting for them in my class. I think these strategies could be universally effective in nearly all learning environments.

Behind the Practice: Approaching Language Dives with Sarah Mitchell, Stephanie Clayton,... - 0 views

    I found this video to help with the dimension of 'Rigor and Relevance.' It explores the practice of 'language dives', something I was previously unfamiliar with. This video deals with them in the primary setting, but I think it could be easily adapted to secondary education, and can especially have a place in the music classroom. I do believe implementing these strategies could help me achieve my SMART goal of 100% passing rate on state and county standardized tests among my target SLO group.

Give One, Get One, Move On (Go Go Mo) | EL Education - 16 views

    this is a "protocol students can use to share and gain knowledge in preparation for an assessment."
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    Dimension chosen: Student engagment Rating: 3 (Moderate engagement for most students) This activity would be good for preparing for my SMART learning goal of "by the end of quarter 1, 60% of students will score a 70% or higher on the Quarter 1 Literacy Assessment on Theme." Students could read a text and then come up with various themes based on their own evidence by passing around the clipboard. I think it would be engaging for majority of my fourth grade students to be able to move around and see new ideas from their classmates.
    Dimension: Student Engagement Level: 3 (Moderate Engagement for most students) My partner's SMART goal is "By the end of the numbers unit, 60% of students in the Special Education program in MS Spanish 1A - Period 2 will achieve 80% or higher on each formative assessment including listening, speaking and writing assessments." I could see this GoGoMo protocol as a useful way to both check for understanding and review before upcoming Spanish assessments. Students could help each other review the material, and having to speak to other students also helps them practice in the target language. Also, because students are speaking to multiple other students, it helps keep them active and engaged with this class task.
    Dimension chosen: Student engagement Rating: 3 This activity would be great to review different strategies to solve a certain math problem. Smart Target Learning Goal: By the end of marking period 1, 70% of students will score 90% or higher on the EMATS/ performance matters. This will help the students remember all the different strategies, the more practice the more likely they are going to remember different ways to solve when the assessment happens.
    Dimension: Impact on learning Rating: 4 Students have to be able to reflect on their learning and they also be prepared to summarize it and present it to their peers. This repetition and organization of their learning will help them remember it better and possibly understand it in new ways.
    Dimension: Student engagement Rating: 4 This is a good activity to allow students to collaborate and share ideas. It will allow them to focus on a specific topic (essay) by explaining and allowing interactions with peers so that students are not only reading but they understand that writing takes focus. This is useful in supporting my team's SMART Goal achievement for improving their writing proficiency for the 5th grade students so they are able to reach their WIDA exiting level of 4.4 because students will be able to remember what they are learning. As a writing tool, this concept would help to initiate a meaningful asset for improving a student's skills of communication and concepts of what is needed to form a proper essay for writing. It promotes brainstorming for supporting a topic of discussion.
    Smart Target Learning Goal(s): By the of Unit 5, 80% of students will score at least 70% on the end of unit assessment By the end of the quarter, 80% of students will obtain a 60% or higher in Algebra 1 By the end of the unit, 50% of students will score 70% or higher on the assessment. Impact on learning - Using this protocol the teacher would be able to see what pieces of the content students are comfortable with and which pieces students are unsure about. This match my teams goals as we all wish to improve test scores. In our groups we noticed that there are gaps in the students learning across the board in specific areas. If we all implement this protocol we would be able to see what students do not understand and make sure to go over it before any assessments.
    This protocol uses the most basic collaboration tool of pen and paper. My focus dimension is techonolgy integration. There are several options that can be used to integrate techonlogy but not overly complex to distract the students from the instructor's assigned topic. Students ciuld use googke drive, wiggio, padlet, recap, etc. SMART GOAL * For students to be able to analyze word problems to identify mathematical components needed to solve complex word problems and apply them to real life problems and scenarios. * Extending learning units when covering quadratic equations. Assign weekly formative tests to better track progress and adjust to students individual needs. The formative tests should only be 3-5 questions to be able to show progress and allow the teacher enough time to give detailed feedback but also adjust teaching strategy if necessary. * Goal is to show 90% student improvement from beginning of unit to the end of unit. * The games introduced will directly work to improve reading comprehension and application of quadratic formulas on multiple skill levels. * Time to complete goal is a unit of study, optimally 12-16 weeks. I would use this protocol with this SMART goal in the begining of a lesson as a way for students to share and monitor their own progress. However, the protocol does not allow for the teacher to be able to give direct feedback and adjust lessons. This is a huge part of the goal. If one of the technology tools was integrated into the lesson, it would allow the teacher to monitor progress easier and more individually.
    I would rate the Go Go Mo protocol a 4 in the Rigor and Relevance dimension. While using this protocol, students are not only thinking (when they are giving) but also working. Students are actively moving around the classroom seeking out others from whom they can get new information. The teacher also suggested that they take their readings with them, which may hint at the fact that may still need to actively search for information. My group's SMART goal is that students will be able to analyze word problems to identify mathematical components needed to solve complex word problems and apply them to real-life problems and scenarios. This method could be effective (may be used on a smaller scale with 2-3 people for word problems) in that all students will have to identify information that they deem important and share with their classmates. From here, they can begin to decide what information is actually most important to solving the problem that is proposed and work together to solve the problem.
    This activity will help close the learning gap by enabling collaboration and information sharing between students prior to exams.

Helping All Learners: Tiering | EL Education - 14 views

    A useful module that explains how tiering can provide help learners learn better and has videos of examples. This can help improve Smart Goals for improvement in assessments, and homework and classroom performance.
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    My groups (Group 4, ETDC615) SMART learning goal is "Given 1 month of supplemental biology instruction, students who are currently in AP Biology but took lower level Biology 1, will score at least a 3 on their next unit exam." This EL Education video focuses on using a tiering system of differentiation to make all the content available for all students to learn. Looking at this lesson in terms of impact on learning, it has a potential to have a high impact on student learning. By differentiated the material to different tiers based on students current skills the students are more likely to be successful, because the material will be the right level of engaging/challenging for each student. This lesson method could be used for my groups SMART goal, because I could do a better job to differentiate the material to make up for the learning gaps that students that came from low level biology one have.
    Tiering a lesson is the act of differentiating content to create learning opportunities for all students and allow for the accessibility of content to all students. The learning goal for my group is that students will be able to analyze word problems to identify mathematical components needed to solve complex word problems and apply them to real-life problems and scenarios. Because many of my students struggle with extracting information from word problems, which in turn leads them to an incorrect solution, I believe that tiering would help students access problem-solving strategies in a way that is most helpful to them. While there is an emphasis on showing multiple strategies, it may help students to tier the content in a way that makes sense for the student. Having students circle all important numbers only helps if a student understands why those numbers are important. Tiering may be the way to help bring that understanding to them. Tiering is best evaluated using the impact on learning dimension because differentiation does have a high impact on learning. Allowing students better access to content in a way in which they understand, and puts them in control will impact their learning for years to come.
    This is a great article for our start goal because it discusses how to help all learners and improve assessments which will help those students in need.
    This video about differentiation in teaching provides the dimension of a high impact on learning. The ideal is to provide equivalent learning activities that cater to the students' strengths but bring all of the students to the same learning objective. On one end of the spectrum is the one-size-fits-all learning activity, while on the other end is the completely individualized learning plan for each student. Catering to different students learning styles can help achieve the SMART goal of : By the end of the month, give practice tests the day before exams with at least 75% scoring at least 75%.
    I enjoyed the video on Tiering. Our teams' SMART goal is, "Students will be able to solve an on grade level math task, that will require them to respond and defend their work to explain their reasoning 3 out of 5 times by the end of the 1st marking period." I think an important concept to note, is that this activity has a high Impact on Learning because it differentiates for the particular needs of each student. This process also encourages Student Engagement, which allows for the students to work comfortably in a peer environment. By having more time to plan differentiated work to meet simultaneous goals between students, the teacher is also scaffolding. The teacher is giving support to students who need it and to also challenge those students to maintain interest or to continue the work of those who have mastered a specific skill but may need more advanced strategies to continue the upward curve of learning. EDTC 615 Fall2018
    With the video, the topic of towering the lesson is shown. With my SMART goal focusing on the 11th graders in my health education classes, it I'm important for me to address all the educational needs of my students. Currently, I use DI in my classes and I found a piece of information from the video that can I can begin to implement. The teacher had her students raise their hand with chosen number of fingers in the air. The number represents the level that each student feels they are on in regards to understanding the topic. While the exact way this strategy is used is not something I think will be effective with my high school students, the number system is. I can have my students write and post their perceived number and explain why they chose that number. Then, I can see the comfortability each student has with the topic. THey would have to apply extended reasoning which is a respresentation of depth of knowledge from the planning protocol rubric. EDTC Fall2018 EL
Sue Dickson

ProCon Teachers Lesson Planning - 1 views

    The purpose of ProCon is to provide resources for critical thinking and to educate without bias. They research issues that are controversial and important, and present them in a balanced, comprehensive, straightforward, transparent, and primarily pro-con format at no charge. Detailed lesson plans are targeted towards a variety of standards to chose from and guidance on how to incorporate the lessons into 15 National Teaching Standards is included.

Strategies to Level Up Learning - 20 views

    Week 8: In our Data Action meeting we discussed intructional strategies involving simulation and games. This article explain some advantages and fears for educators implementing games into their lesson plans. Matthew Farber Social Studies Teacher, Ed Tech Leadership EdD Candidate, Author In the fall of 2014, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop (a nonprofit founded by Sesame Street creator Joan Ganz Cooney) assessed the impact of the gaming in school settings.
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    I have not had much experience with gaming in the classroom, but I have seen other teachers use it and have much success when it comes to motivating students and bridging the learning gap. One interesting point the article mentions is the the "platform" model strategy. In this, students have one log in, and are able to access a variety of games which can be reported t to the teacher as a formative assessment. Teachers are also able to log in and track students progress.
    I see the ideas for digital game-based-learning as a method of differentiation that can be particularly effective for students with special needs and learning disabilities. Interest in using games in the classroom continues to grow, as evidenced by the recent Library of Congress grants to build civics applications for classrooms. The full report mentioned in this article is linked within, and worthwhile reading. The learning gaps that we see in our team's data could possibly be addressed using digital games from iCivics, Shephard Software, and other sources.
    I agree 100% with Andrea's quote "I see the ideas for digital game-based-learning as a method of differentiation that can be particularly effective for students with special needs and learning disabilities." I only have to think back to this morning in my 2nd period where this worked with one of 8th grade students in special education who has a severe visual disability. In fact I even have the link to the game I use in that class all the time. I encourage everyone to set up a free account: !!!! Kahoot was introduced to me in my Electives Professional Development. More than one of the teachers has issues with incorporating technology into their health classroom. I agree with this article when they write "Additional teacher training, as well as creating a common language between educators and developers, was recommended."
    I am a little familiar with a few digital games. In my classroom, I use to assist my students in learning their vocabulary. I use this website to make a classroom game that we all play together. Everyone can participate at the same time, competing for first place in points. I can create the questions on my smart-board, and the students can play on another computer or they can download the app on their phones. This makes our lessons more interactive, and the students get more involved and enjoy the class more.
    Just like the article suggests, I use games to help students review or understand a lesson. A great one that was mentioned, and that I use is iCivics. Since Government is tested in my county, we have to make sure that our students fully understand the purpose, how the government works, and why it was created. When it comes to making sure the students are comprehending the information I will use iCivics,, and a Jeopardy game I find online. It promotes students to take learning and their education into their own hands. I think the games don't have to be created by us or super complex, as long as you find one that relate to your content and engages students.
    I love the idea of using these types of games to keep students engaged. At my son's school, he often has online math games given for homework. He loves IXL and it keeps him motivated to practice skills and learn new ones. In my 6th grade Spanish class we are exploring Students can play vocabulary building games while I work one-on-one with students. It is a great way to keep kids engaged while doing assessments, too.
    Initially, I was very hesitant to buy into learning through online games. I know that children today spend so much time in front of screens, and I didn't want to contribute to this obsession (for some children it does border on that). I did see that BrainPop, a site which I use frequently, introduced GameUp and Spotify. I figured if BrainPop was okay with gaming for learning, then I had to give it a try. Well, my students will now beg for BrainPop and will do evey activity, quiz and graphic organizer associated with a lesson in order to get to sortify. What a great tool. I am now a firm believer.
    I too see the benefits of using these online games within instruction. The games provide students with a means of engagement that we often struggle to provide students. With the growth of technology, students are becoming more in-tune with new technology and are using it more often at home. By connecting technology to instruction, we are able to meet them in the middle. There are so many tools available online that it's a shame not to use them!

The 5 Keys to Successful Comprehensive Assessment in Action | Edutopia - 19 views

  • goals
  • These methods mean that assessment is no longer done to students, but with them, putting the focus on the student and learning.
  • Although students are awarded grades, they are rewarded through being at their best and coached through their challenges.
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    • tricia1022
      I do aspire to coach students through their difficulties. This articles gives teachers a lot to live up to. I like how it condenses unit planning.
  • podcast or a Prezi
  • learning
  • I want to make sure that all of my students succeed, so I must know those goals for all students.
  • "Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content." "Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience." "Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility of each source, and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources."
    • tricia1022
      These standards have to be incorporated into your entire school year for students to receive enough practice to master them. Feedback on the little things like warm up responses should have impact on the larger pieces of writing. LIGHT BULB IDEA have students rewrite responses from warm-ups and read them out loud to a partner. Have them do it the old way once, then the new way.
  • I began with the end in mind when I planned this unit
    • tricia1022
      Having a picture in mind of what product I want students to create is easy. Mapping out all the skills that students will need to create the product I am still working on but very possible.
  • Whether those are Common Core State Standards or other important district- or school-level objectives and outcomes, we must make sure that our units of instruction are aligned to them.
    • tricia1022
      Explaining a concept in writting is a higher-order thinking skill. A student can demostrate learning through writing an explanation. teachers have to give students enough sustenance to build knowlegde upon to own the concept.
  • the power of media.
  • "How do advertisers trick us?"
  • Even though there was choice in the written products, there was a common, standards-aligned rubric that could be used to assess all the products to ensure that all students were meeting the same outcomes.
  • Portfolio
  • In fact, students were able to show some of their content knowledge as well as speaking and listening standards around collaboration and effective presentation.
  • Performance assessments like these allow us to check not only for engagement, but also for deeper learning through 21st-century skills.
  • Feedback
  • differentiation decisions
  • Students were also given specific, timely, and actionable feedback through the formative assessment process, with peer critique, teacher critique, and even outside expert critique on their performance assessments.
  • . Student Ownership of Assessment Process
  • the rubrics
  • ments
  • learning
    WEEK 8 - (Chris Baugher, Patricia Bankis and A. Burns) Assessment is the key to good instruction. It shows us what students know and allows us to adjust our instruction. Assessment is tied to learning goals and standards, but students must own the assessment process as well, as they must be able to articulate what and how they are being assessed -- and its value.
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    point 4 - Formative assessment and feedback along the way - "Formative assessment allowed students to experiment and, yes, sometimes fail. However, they were given the tools, both through feedback and instruction, to improve and move forward to success." In the video it is mentioned that we often grade students on a paper, tell them what they have done wrong, but do not let them go back and rewrite the paper. Students should be able to experiment and fail... but need to be able to take these failures as lessons to go forward and succeed!
    Linda Darling-Hammond, professor of education at Stanford University "A false distinction has cropped up in the United States which seems to suggests that it is ok for outside summative assessments to just be multiple choice." She goes on to mention other countries that use project based summative assessments as well as essays, performance and oral examination to allow students to show understanding or learning im more real world methods.
    This article provides five useful strategies to help students improve and to improve assessments. There are two key factors in this article which ring true for me. The first is "formative assessment and feedback along the way" (Miller 2015) where students are given specific feedback on their assessment on how to improve and continue forward (Miller 2015). "Formative assessment allowed students to experiment and, yes, sometimes fail. However, they were given the tools, both through feedback and instruction, to improve and move forward to success." (Miller 2015). What this entails if differentiated instruction; something my district and school are pushing for. The second is "student ownership of assessment process" (Miller 2015). Giving students choice, options, and freedom allows students to take ownership and responsibility for doing something all while doing their best on it. In addition, students will know more about what is being asked of them or what they're supposed to do in order to earn a higher grade or preform the task more effectively. "These methods mean that assessment is no longer done to students, but with them, putting the focus on the student and learning" (Miller 2015). Hopefully with these implementations and integration, students can feel the focus from assessment scores to learning content and gaining understanding.
    This article is useful when considering big picture assessment objectives. In my own experiences, I have touched upon each of these strategies when conducting an assessment, but I've never built each of them into one assessment. The (5) strategies mentioned in this article include: Aligning Essential questions at the beginning of a unit to standars, building in written assessment components for students to describe/explain in writing, creating performance and project-based assessments to demonstrate understanding and application of concepts taught, regular and on-going formative assessments and feeback to help teachers to better tailor instruction to meet each learner's needs, and involving students in the decision-making process when choosing activities and when determining diagnostic measurement tools. As a World Language teacher, I think that these tasks which are challenging in themselves to build into curriculum, become extremely difficult in the L2 setting. I'm wondering how L2 instructors find themselves doing each of these things on a regular basis. Do they conduct all of it in L2, as it is suggested that L2 teachers do, or does some of this end up being done in English?

Creating an assessment-centered classroom: Five essential assessment strate...: UMUC Li... - 0 views

    (Week 8: Javon and Kim) I found this article on UMUC in the online Library. Traditionally, classrooms are not assessment-centered focus. Most often students take an assessment after learning specific content, but in an assessment-centered learning environment, the teacher and students have a road map for learning and is more positive. Author and Professor, Steven L. Turner, PhD., raises an article on creating an assessment-centered learning classroom. He does this by presenting PILOT -an acronym for an assessment strategy. PILOT Assessment Strategy P- Preassessment The purpose of Preassessment is to evaluate a student's knowledge about a particular subject that will be taught. Turner suggesting asking a series of questions to gain this information (i.e. "What is the student's current knowledge about this unit", "What students are interested in this topic?" etc.). Preassessment surfaces student thinking and information that helpful for teachers and those designing curriculum and assessments. I-Identify student strengths and areas of need (readiness) Identifying the areas where students are strong enables them to be more engaged in the topic. Students are also able to self-assess to identify where they presently are, become aware of their challenged areas, and what it will take for their progress. L-link differentiated classroom learning experiences to district standards and learning goals Linking the classroom learning experience to standards and benchmark testing have proven to be successful. Curriculum that links with the Common Core Standards - what students in K-12 should learn in language arts and math, strengthens foundational knowledge for students. O-offer multiple in-class assessment opportunities Offering multiple assessment methods allows the student to take control of their learning while putting them in the "driver's seat." Although this step could be time consuming it shows the student that the instructor cares and is conc

The Role of Questions in Teaching, Thinking and Learning - 1 views

    This article focuses on the importance of teaching through questions rather than relying on answers.

Using Higher Order Thinking Skills To Improve Reading Comprehension - 4 views

    Although lengthy, this is a worthwhile read about how using questions in certain ways can help to increase student reading comprehension levels.
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