How Partners in School Innovation is addressing the Teaching Gap | Partners in School I... - 1 views
(“To Close the Achievement Gap, We Need to Close the Teaching Gap”),
The teaching gap refers to disparities between the working conditions and level of support for teachers in the United States and their counterparts in other industrialized nations.
teachers in the U.S. have larger class sizes, spend more time directly teaching children
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This site provided an article that looked into what the organization, Partners in School Innovations is doing to "not just close the achievement gap, but the teaching gap." Results from a survey are shared regarding average class sizes and the time spent teaching versus the time spent planning. The article provides a case study of a school that focused on instructional gaps and its results. This is a great read for administrators, policymakers and other stakeholders.
I realize this has more to do with achievement gaps than specific gaps within a single classroom, but it has been my experience that targeted instruction to support a few helps every learner in the room.