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zeina ammar

Is Obama wagging the Dog? - 15 views

There is a fine line between being critical and being a conspiracy theorist. To avoid falling in the conspiracy trap, there are some questions that you need to ask yourself: - What is the l...

Dina Azar

P.C.H.A.S.-Personal Campaign of Hate Against Santorum - 7 views

    "you can call a napkin a car, but it doesn't make it a car." the deep philosophies of Rick Santorum.
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    I'm starting to like him, he would go down in history for the most entertaining president of all time! Hahah I can just imagine your faces while you're reading this! :D
    I think the interesting question is, who is responsible for this? Could this be Obama firing back at Santorum's Obamaville ad?
    Actually Dina, Abraham Lincoln had a similar quote that said something like if you call a dog's tail a leg, how many legs does it have? Four, because calling the dog's tail a leg doesn't make it a leg... :p just sayin'
Tarek Maamari

US Election 2012: Rick Santorum drops out of race - Telegraph - 2 views

    Rick Santorum dropped out 34 minutes ago.
Dima Saber

The 2011 Arab Public Opinion Poll - Brookings Institution - 2 views

    This article is full of "must-have" info for Arab World Revolutions documentation
    I suggested this article to someone in class last Friday (not sure who), glad it ended up here!
Jad Rahme

Twitter And The Countdown To Super Tuesday [INFOGRAPHIC] - 2 views

    Twitter activity studiend on the basis of primaries :)
    You can zoom in for a better reading :)
Dima Saber

A Vision of Students Today - YouTube - 5 views

    I am working on a proposal to encourage faculty to train their instructors/professors on digital learning etc. kinda shifting the focus from teaching students, to teaching teachers... Working on modules right now & just remembered this video (posted in 2007) & thought you guys should like it!
    Nice :)
    This was made in 2007: Today the issue is a lot more important and still very few professors are aware of that!
Dima Saber

This Man - YouTube - 4 views

    This ad was analyzed by Karin Assaf in her first position paper 
    hah good one!
Dina Azar

Man who tweeted bin Laden's raid - 8 views

    Do you guys think it really is possible for regular people to become "journalists" through social networking sites like twitter? thoughts??
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    Sure it is called "Citizen Journalism" :) It is actually an important debate in the journalism world!
    The terms "journalist" and "reporter" are often used interchangeably. I'd make the distinction between the two and say that so-called citizen journalists are actually citizen reporters. Reporter = a person who makes a shorthand record of a speech or proceeding (Merriam-Webster). Journalist = a writer who aims at a mass audience (Merriam-Webster). When you tweet about an event, you don't produce a well-researched piece of writing but a spontaneous piece of information. I call that citizen reporting.
    All I can say this is definitely enough reason for you guys to join the Twitter vs. Journalism debate at ArabNet Community Day (March 31). :-)
    I liked this differentiation Zeina :)
    Wow that's amazing!
Brittany Frye

Media Effects: Fox News Viewers Know Less Than People Who Don't Watch Any News - 3 views

    Fox News viewers are less informed than people who don't watch any news, according to a new poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University. The poll surveyed New Jersey residents about the uprisings in Egypt and the Middle East, and where they get their news sources.
    Not surprising, but still funny to see presented with statistical evidence.
    Jon Stewart discusses the U.S. mainstream media and describes it as sensationalist and lazy (mainstream meaning New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, etc.)
Brittany Frye

Julia Bacha: One Story, One Film, Many Changes - 3 views

    Bacha discusses the U.S. media, confirmation bias, and methods of expanding people's belief systems through film. Also, her documentary Budrus is definitely worth watching if you haven't already.
zeina ammar

Lebanese Women Rights and the Nationality Law - YouTube - 3 views

    Karin, this is to answer your question about what it would mean to change the law, PRACTICALLY speaking. This fight is not just a matter of principle. Britney, the video is subtitled ;)
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    zeina this video is incredible. i had no idea that you needed to have a certain amount of money in the bank in order to obtain a business visa...
    Exactly 15,635 were for Muslim women (38.8% to Palestinians), 2,225 for Christians. And those are only the registered ones. So if a Christian were against granting women the lebanese citizenship for this reason and they were to read this, you'd be giving them a heart attack.:) And this is not just for political reasons. Because as Dima said in class, the percentage between Muslims and Christians will more or less remain the same. Or so it seems, (I haven't finished the full report yet) I posted the actualy UNDP report which was summarized in the video.
    Correction: "I havent finished reading the full report yet", not that I actually wrote it :P And: actual*
    I'm going to face a similar problem when I come to apply for jobs because I don't have the nationality although my mother does. Companies here prioritize Lebanese citizens. This is an awesome video Zeina :)
Dina Azar

Eggs & Yoghurt Attack: TV host pelted with food over neo-Nazi guest - YouTube - 3 views

    this is crazy, yet slightly hilarious. 
zeina ammar

Kevin Allocca: Why videos go viral - YouTube - 2 views

    Tastemakers, Participation, Unexpectedness
    Pretty interesting :)
zeina ammar

Lebanese Elections Explained - 5 views

    Interesting :)
    Cool to see CCERLeb make these kind of videos!
Tarek Maamari

How Super PACs Work - YouTube - 1 views

shared by Tarek Maamari on 08 Mar 12 - No Cached
Jad Rahme and zeina ammar liked it
    Stuff we used in the Super PAC's presentation back when diigo wasn't there, maybe they would still come handy
    Clear and makes it simple :)
Brittany Frye

"Welcome to Obamaville" is Rick Santorum's "Hunger Games" (Video) | Washington Times Co... - 5 views

    I can't believe his campaign actually produced this. AND the video we saw is only PART of a series titled "Obamaville" that will be available on his website. He is certifiably crazy. And his campaign manager must be on crack.
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    brittany, i wish you could see how hard i'm laughing right now.
    Oh My God! I can't believe there's a sequel! Haha this is going to be sooooo entertaining!!
    Mmm creating a series of ads against an opposing candidate as opposed to having one focused on the candidate himself... Not sure if it's a great idea
Dima Hajj

Change Law 251 - 4 views

shared by Dima Hajj on 23 May 12 - No Cached
Dima Saber liked it
    Our video! :D
zeina ammar

Rhetological Fallacies - 4 views

    A few fallacies to avoid during debates
    This post is golden!
Dima Hajj

Rick Santorum's latest ad against Obama - 8 views

shared by Dima Hajj on 25 Mar 12 - No Cached
    What do you guys think of this? Seems ridiculous to me..
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    I am not sure if I am more amused or scared about this increasing tendency to build momentum towards a war on Iran... I mean you guys could campaign, sure! But why Iran? Again? Seriously?!
    I understand that it is a bit exaggerated but obama will indeed grow much more radical in which case he's re-elected. I'd love to see the look on the faces of democrats after a second obama term, but hopefully he won't see another term. Unless of course Santorum wins the nomination.
    Daniel you're such a rightist in all your positions about absolutely everything. Gotta admire the consistency...
    Of course I am! And thanks! :)
    you guys, it was like santorum took control of my computer! i couldn't even pause the video to continue on my rampage against him. did you notice at :32 when the creepy voice says, "and the residents of THIS town must come to grips with the harsh reality that a rogue nation and swarn american enemy, has become a nuclear threat." the OBSESSION with iran has to stop, it's getting a little out of hand. santorum is using propaganda (at it's absolute worst!) to rally the americans into another war with another invisible enemy. jesus. i cannot see any more santorum news, it'll make me sick.
    Dina 100% with you. Which is why, Daniel (oh Daniel!) we REALLY need to talk. I need to hear your arguments one by one. Not in class of course but find a way because your convictions are so strong that they terrify me. I have so many questions for you.
    I hate Santorum and I do not support him, but for you to call Iran an American obsession is very interesting. Iran now trains terrorists in full-fledged camps in Venezuela, and deals with drug cartels in Mexico which have access to American soil, and it's still an "obsession" to you? Let's not go too far, stay here in Lebanon and look at your situation, do you really approve of Iran's gradual encroachment on your historical home as a member of a minority? Or perhaps you will awaken when alcohol and clubbing among other things are no longer allowed in Lebanon? It's called way of life and it is such a shame to see the liberal media succeed in alienating those who defend our way of life. Zeina my convictions aren't meant to terrify you, they're meant to terrify those determined leftists or anything/anyone ultimately contributing to the curbing of my freedom or the changing of my identity. They should know that there is and will always be a hard wall they will hit other than reality.
    "obama will indeed grow much more radical in which case he's re-elected" I HOPE he becomes more "radical" in his second term when he no longer has to worry about getting reelected. He has been way too soft on certain controversial issues (i.e. healthcare reform). For instance, some speculate that he may legalize gay marriage or alter U.S. policy towards Israel once reelected.
    These speculations are not to his advantage though, are they? I mean gay marriage sure whatever I'm guessing all Democrats (and sane people) agree on that but Israel policy? That will cost him.
    i just wanted to share this: John Brabender, a senior advisor to Santorum, told CNN the campaign has no plans to purchase airtime for the video. don't worry daniel, i'll be getting back to your condescending comment in a moment.
    Well for you this is a dream come true but for me it's a nightmare. "Too soft"? You call gradually turning America into a socialist country "too soft"? 99 weeks of unemployment benefits is not "too soft". The EPA having enough power to enforce a freaking dust limit just because of nine migratory birds is not "too soft". VETOING the Keystone Pipeline is not "too soft". I could go on, but then again, things like that actually please liberals. I don't like to emphasize gay marriage a lot since I'm indifferent to it but don't prefer it. But to think that the he'll change US policy towards Israel, especially at this critical time, is a nightmare that even Santorum ad's can't express. Republicans, and Conservatives in general, are the sane people, but look at history, people who turned out to be right were always at first alienated and made to look stupid. No hard feelings.
    Dude I'm sorry if I made you feel like you were under attack. I respect your opinion. I really would've liked to have this conversation elsewhere so that I don't spam everyone's inbox. My main concern is not that you have these opinions but that you refuse to question them. You seem so certain about everything. I myself change positions on the same subject 100 times before settling on one opinion and I've learned to do that thanks to people around me who keep challenging me. And I wanted to hear your arguments precisely to reconsider my positions once again. PS: sorry about the word "sane" I had no right to say it like that and I certainly wasn't directing it against you. Peace, Love & Such Positive Vibes *_*
    haha you have no idea what I had to go through to arrive at these conclusions. Self-doubt, head splitting pondering, constant self-criticism, etc. But as you said it always helps to be challenged, it reveals flaws. I'm glad that you made me think hard about what to say. No need to worry I considered this a strictly political debate from the start and I'm also sorry if I said something messed up. Peace.
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