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Nikki Red

A Local-based SEO Consultant is a Good Pick - 1 views

As a businessman in Kent, it has always been my desire to have my sales increased and retain my customers. That is why I put up a website for my tree nursery business. Next, I needed to hire a loca...

SEO consultant

started by Nikki Red on 19 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Maggie Verster

AMESA 15th Annual National Congress - 0 views

    Official 2009 website for the Amesa conference
Colleen Young

Colleen Young blog - 1 views

    I am gradually adding all my Maths links to Diigo - watch this space!
    Education - mostly Maths. A growing collection of links (via Diigo) and and comments on favourite Maths websites
Maggie Verster

The Internet Mathematician - 0 views

    Use this free, interactive tutorial to improve your Internet research skills: Tour the best of the web for mathematics. Discover how to search the internet effectively. Judge which websites are worth using....
Martin Burrett

Super Teacher Worksheets - 1 views

    Free, Printable Math and ELA Worksheets for Teachers and Homeschool Families
    A nice primary worksheet website with well made, downloadable resources. A huge amount of English, maths, science and other subject worksheets and answer keys to choose from.
Roland O'Daniel

Arcademic Skill Builders: Online Educational Games - 1 views

    Play these online or on the Wii
    The website says: "THE Place For Educational Games!Our research-based and standards-aligned free educational math games and language arts games will engage, motivate, and help teach students. Click a button below to play our free multi-player and single-player games! In the future we'll add features enabling you to save records, tailor content for differentiated instruction, and pinpoint student problem areas." I think using the games in conjunction with a holistic approach to developing skills would make for a great way of getting students to practices some skills. Let students play, set goals, monitor those goals, reflect on their progress, and apply strategies/heuristics to specific problems they struggle with would create an environment in the classroom where learning was fun, self-monitored, and successful. 
Mike McIlveen

Interactivate: Lessons - 19 views

    Java applets some of which the website claims may be used for assessment. E.g. Venn, Fractions, Geometry Lots for Grades 3-8
Cassie Banka

Educational Games, Worksheets & Homework Help for Kids, Parents and Teachers | Game Cla... - 3 views

    Game Classroom is an educational games website catering to the K-6 market. Game Classroom offers mathematics games and language arts games. Games can be found by selecting a grade level and then a subject area. Both the mathematics and language arts categ
Roland O'Daniel

Main Page - HSMath - 16 views

  • is a website designed for High School and Middle School level students and educators. We hope to use this wiki and Sage notebook server to share helpful Sage tools and information with the world.
Garrett Eastman

Gordy McGranite Grapples with Gradients (A Calculus Story) - 7 views

    A children's book illustrating calculus, slideshow viewable at this website
Kathy Favazza

ICTmagic - Maths - 0 views

    links to many online math game websites
Maggie Verster

MIT BLOSSOMS-maths and science video classes 4 high school - 13 views

    "The open repository of interactive high school lesson video modules sponsored by MIT's Learning International Networks Consortium (LINC) has unveiled an updated website. Every lesson, filmed in high school classrooms from Brooklyn to Beirut to Bangalore, is still a complete resource that includes video segments, a teacher's guide, downloadable hand-outs, and a list of additional online resources relevant to the topic. Since first appearing in these pages six months ago, the library of videos has grown to over 50 math and science lessons, all freely available to teachers as streaming video, Internet downloads, DVDs, and videotapes."
Kristen Ekhoff

DesignatedDeriver - Home - 0 views

    This website has a plethora of resources for teaching Calculus.

Best Websites for Teaching Math: More Than 50 Resources! - 1 views

  • Engaging games, animated learning moves, and activities to encourage kids on their unique learning path.
    • oritocortez
      videos to show for math lessons
  • Math worksheets for just about any area of study.
    • oritocortez
      Great worksheets for maths
  • Figure This! challenges families to practice math together. It includes math games and challenges and even offers challenges in Spanish.
    • oritocortez
      fun activities for math
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Front Row allows kids to practice at their own level with more than 30,000 math questions covering all K-8 standards.
    • oritocortez
      practice math exercises
  • Excellent math tasks, videos, lesson plans, and curriculum modules available for free for teachers!
Martin Burrett

MathisVisual - 0 views

    "A maths website with a vast number of maths videos and resource to use in your classroom. Topics include counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and many more."
Garrett Eastman

PROCEEDINGS of the 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mat... - 0 views

    Held in Taipei, Taiwan, July 18-22, 2012. Theme. Opportunities to Learn in Mathematics Education Conference website:
Frederick Koh

The Challenge of Mathematics - 1 views

A privilege to have PHD student Lê Nguyên Hoang share his personal insights in a guest post on my main website: Hope ...

Mathematics maths resources teaching

started by Frederick Koh on 08 Feb 13 no follow-up yet
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