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Garrett Eastman

Middle East Peace Potential through Dynamics in Spherical Geometry - 2 views

    "This is an exploration of the hypothesis that unique belief systems depend for their coherence on distinctive patterns typically embodied in geometrical symbols in two dimensions. On the basis of that assumption, the case tentatively explored here is that of the "incommensurability" of the 5-fold Star of Islam and the 6-fold Star of David of Judaism -- both symbols appearing on flags of the nations having those distinct faiths. ... The approach taken here explores the possibility that the "pieces" only fit together on a three-dimensional surface, namely a sphere. It is the spherical geometry that then merits consideration, together with the challenge of how to get from any "mis-fitting" two-dimensional layout to a three-dimensional form. Of course, two-dimensional layouts are far more readily comprehensible. Hence the focus on them. However the three-dimensional layout has the potential of rendering comprehensible a far more elegant layout which may well exemplify intuitions characteristic of the faiths so dramatically opposed. The approach follows from various earlier explorations of the potential of mathematics to offer a new perspectives on these issues" ....
Garrett Eastman

Knowledge of fractions and long division predicts long-term math success - 8 views

    "A research team led by Carnegie Mellon University's Robert Siegler has identified a major source of the gap -- U. S. students' inadequate knowledge of fractions and division. Although fractions and division are taught in elementary school, even many college students have poor knowledge of them. The research team found that fifth graders' understanding of fractions and division predicted high school students' knowledge of algebra and overall math achievement, even after statistically controlling for parents' education and income and for the children's own age, gender, I.Q., reading comprehension, working memory, and knowledge of whole number addition, subtraction and multiplication. Published in Psychological Science, the findings demonstrate an immediate need to improve teaching and learning of fractions and division."
Darren Kuropatwa

Mathematics Learning in Early Childhood: Paths Toward Excellence and Equity - 1 views

    Relying on a comprehensive review of the research, Mathematics Learning in Early Childhood lays out the critical areas that should be the focus of young children's early mathematics education, explores the extent to which they are currently being incorporated in early childhood settings, and identifies the changes needed to improve the quality of mathematics experiences for young children.
Roland O'Daniel

Conceptua™ Math - 14 views

    Nice set of applets that let students explore fraction understanding from multiple perspectives and models. I love that they use a variety of models for fractional development, including bars (multiple versions), sets, and linear. From the site:  "Why Fractions? Fractions are one of the earliest stumbling blocks for students in math. Our goal is building conceptual understanding in fractions as a basis for comprehension in all later topics."

SAT prep in Boston and Brookline, Math tutors and tutoring - 0 views

    "First School of Mathematics is an after school and weekend enrichment program which offers comprehensive math and science education to students of 1st through 12th grades of public and private schools."
Garrett Eastman

DML 2011: Towards a Digital Mathematics Library - 12 views

    A conference scheduled for July 20-21, 2011 in Bertinoro, Italy, aims at formulating strategies for a comprehensive digital mathematics literature library, addressing such considerations as algorithms, standards, technology, formats, markup languages, interoperability and publishing models.
Garrett Eastman

Handbook of Mathematical Induction: Theory and Applications (Hardback) - Taylor & Francis - 3 views

    "This comprehensive book covers the theory, the structure of the written proof, all standard exercises, and hundreds of application examples from nearly every area of mathematics."
Roland O'Daniel

The Numbers - Weekend Box Office Chart - 4 views

    Movie box office data that is current and very comprehensive. Several different trends are easy to track including exponential, and log functions. Great for using with students to create regression models, making predictions based on the models, checking the results and re-analyzing. Also, when a movie doesn't follow the predictions there are often easy to understand reasons for why the movies behave differently (a holiday weekend may cause the movie to gross more on a given weekend than predicted, etc.)
Garrett Eastman

Probability and Statistics Cookbook | Matthias Vallentin - 3 views

    "The cookbook contains a succinct representation of various topics in probability theory and statistics. It provides a comprehensive reference reduced to the mathematical essence, rather than aiming for elaborate explanations."
Patricia Donaghy

Egyptian numbering translation - 0 views

    Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over theworld by Google News.‎Finance - ‎About Google News - ‎Languages and regions - ‎Editors' Online from Australia and the World ...News headlines from Australia and the world. The latest national, world, business, sport, entertainment and technology news from News Limited news News Updates | Latest News Headlines ...Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breakingnews and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health,
Garrett Eastman


    "the three major sections of the manual will be Fluency with Whole Numbers, Fluency with Fractions, and Particular Aspects of Geometry and Measurement. The Fluency with Whole Numbers section is further broken down into subcategories given the wealth of information for this area. The remaining two sections, Fluency with Fractions, and Particular Aspects of Geometry and Measurement are presented only as broad categories because the amount of available information is considerably limited relative to the whole number literature. Finally, two standard protocol interventions are presented as examples of comprehensive, evidence-based mathematics instruction that have been shown effective at increasing mathematics performance according to the Department of Education's What Works Clearinghouse."
David Wetzel

Warning: Flipping Your Classroom May Lead to Increased Student Understanding | Teaching... - 14 views

    Flipping a classroom is not a teaching technique, it is more in line with a philosophy or way of teaching. It involves using technology as a tool, not the main focus, for helping students increase their understanding of science or math concepts.
Roland O'Daniel

Eureqa | Cornell Computational Synthesis Laboratory - 3 views

    s a software tool for detecting equations and hidden mathematical relationships in your data. Its primary goal is to identify the simplest mathematical formulas which could describe the underlying mechanisms that produced the data. Eureqa is free to download and use.
Roland O'Daniel

Netboooks Are Dead, Baby, Netbooks Are Dead - NetBooks - Gizmodo - 5 views

    Statistics that lie! This is a great example of data that isn't reported correctly. The article decries the death of Netbooks, when in fact it is more about a stabalization of sales. I encourage math teachers to let students read the article and at least the first two responses. It's a great example of blatant misinformation. 
Mike Kammerzell

How to Encourage Critical Thinking in Science and Math | Teaching Science and Math - 28 views

  • Viewpoint
  • Implication
  • How could you ask that question differently?
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • What did you learn from solving this problem?
  • Is this the most important question to ask when solving the problem?
  • What questions need to be answered before answering this question?
  • What does this presume?
  • When you ask these and similar questions, you are encouraging your students to move from passive to active learning.
  • Avoiding Questions Easily Answered on the Internet
  • The following examples are referred to “Google-Proofing” in some circles.
  • the frequency of questions is not as important as the quality of questions.
  • the following are factors to consider when asking students questions.
  • The average level of questions asked by teachers are 60 percent lower cognitive, 20 percent procedural, and 20 percent higher cognitive. 
  • Increasing the frequency of higher cognitive questions to the 50
  • With predominate use of lower cognitive questions; students tend toward lower achievement
  • The use of higher cognitive questions tends to elicit longer student answers in complete sentences, quality inference and conjecture by students, and the forming of higher level questions.
    Encouraging students to use critical thinking is more than an extension activity in science and math lessons, it is the basis of true learning. Teaching students how to think critically helps them move beyond basic comprehension and rote memorization. They shift to a new level of increased awareness when calculating, analyzing, problem solving, and evaluating.
Roland O'Daniel

ZIPskinny - Get the Skinny on that ZIP (demographics by ZIP Code) - 2 views

    Enter your zip coade to see US census data and comparisons with neighboring zip codes. Great data site for data that is engaging to students, can be represented in multiple ways, and potential for predicting future trends.

Professional resources - Group | Diigo - 0 views

    Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over theworld by Google News.‎Finance - ‎About Google News - ‎Languages and regions - ‎Editors' Online from Australia and the World ...News headlines from Australia and the world. The latest national, world, business, sport, entertainment and technology news from News Limited news News Updates | Latest News Headlines ...Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breakingnews and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health,
Patricia Donaghy

Welcome to Waldomaths - mathematical applets and videos for 11- to 19-year-olds - 2 views

    For the teaching and independent learning of mathematics
    Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over theworld by Google News.‎Finance - ‎About Google News - ‎Languages and regions - ‎Editors' Online from Australia and the World ...News headlines from Australia and the world. The latest national, world, business, sport, entertainment and technology news from News Limited news News Updates | Latest News Headlines ...Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breakingnews and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health,
Darren Kuropatwa

Who's Counting: John Allen Paulos - ABC News - 1 views

    John Allen Paulos' column for ABC news: mathematics in daily life as it reads in the news.
    Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over theworld by Google News.‎Finance - ‎About Google News - ‎Languages and regions - ‎Editors' Online from Australia and the World ...News headlines from Australia and the world. The latest national, world, business, sport, entertainment and technology news from News Limited news News Updates | Latest News Headlines ...Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breakingnews and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health,
Garrett Eastman

Language key to learning math - 15 views

    "An assistant professor at the University of California, Riverside Graduate School of Education has shown that a reading comprehension technique helps non-native English speakers in elementary school learn math."
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