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paul lowe

PhotoShelter integration plugins & themes for Wordpress - Graph Paper Press - 1 views

    "Now this is going to be fun…. We're excited to announce our first batch of Wordpress + PhotoShelter plugins that allow you to: 1. Integrate your PhotoShelter photos and galleries into your Graph Paper Press themes for Wordpress 2. Allow your visitors to search your PhotoShelter photos from your site's sidebar 3. Pull in your PhotoShelter gallery updates into your site's sidebar If you are a photographer who uses PhotoShelter, these integration plugins will enable you to manage your portfolio, blog, and PhotoShelter photos and galleries all from one site. The combination of Wordpress, PhotoShelter and our themes and plugins will push your web presence into the future, allowing you to connect with clients, promote, sell and license your work all from one place."
paul lowe

Project MUSE - The South Atlantic Quarterly - Mobilizing Shame - 0 views

    Thomas Keenan - Mobilizing Shame - The South Atlantic Quarterly 103:2/3 The South Atlantic Quarterly 103.2/3 (2004) 435-449 Mobilizing Shame Thomas Keenan What difference would it make for human rights discourse to take the photo opportunity seriously? Not the photo ops on behalf of human rights, but the ones coming from the other side, the other sides. What would it mean to come to terms with the fact that there are things which happen in front of cameras that are not simply true or false, not simply representations and references, but rather opportunities, events, performances, things that are done and done for the camera, which come into being in a space beyond truth and falsity that is created in view of mediation and transmission? In what follows, I wish to respond to these questions by focusing on what, within human rights activism and discourse, has come to be known as "the mobilization of shame." Shame and Enlightenment It is now an unstated but I think pervasive axiom of the human rights movement that those agents whose behavior it wishes to affect -- governments, armies, businesses, and militias -- are exposed in some significant way to the force of public opinion, and that they are (psychically or emotionally) structured like individuals in a strong social or cultural context that renders them vulnerable to feelings of dishonor, embarrassment, disgrace, or ignominy. Shame is thought of as a primordial force that articulates or links... Project MUSE® - Download/Export Citation * MLA * APA * Chicago * Endnote Keenan, Thomas, 1959-. "Mobilizing Shame." The South Atlantic Quarterly 103.2 (2004): 435-449. Project MUSE. [Library name], [City], [State abbreviation]. 22 Apr. 2009 . Always review your references for accuracy and make any necessary corrections before using. Pay special attention to personal names, capitalization, and dates. Consult your library or click here for more information on citing sources. Keenan, T
paul lowe

Five great places to find free (or cheap) music for your films « Adam Westbrook - 3 views

    "Increasingly music is finding its way into online multimedia journalism, and with good reason. A well chosen soundtrack can pull your viewers deep into your story, keep them hooked and make an emotional point. Music is, and let's be honest about this, a way of manipulating how your audience feel. There are those purists who are against that, who argue the story should be strong enough not to need to tell your viewer how to feel. Whichever camp you lie in, one thing is for sure: if you use music in any piece of online video journalism or digital story it must be legal. There is no excuse for getting your client or your newsroom shouldered with an expensive bill just because that bit of Arcade Fire fitted perfectly with the film. The good news is there are plenty of resources out there for free, or cheap, music. Most, but not all, operate under the Creative Commons Licence, which lets you use music on certain conditions."
paul lowe

When It Comes to SEO, a Picture Is NOT Worth a Thousand Words | Black Star Rising - 0 views

    When It Comes to SEO, a Picture Is NOT Worth a Thousand Words By Levi Wardelllevi-wardellcloseAuthor: Levi Wardell See Author's Posts (1) Recent Posts * When It Comes to SEO, a Picture Is NOT Worth a Thousand Words Levi Wardell is a Washington, D.C.-based marketing professional and photographer. With 10 years of experience in online marketing for companies of all sizes, Levi currently focuses on helping fellow photographers leverage the power of search engine optimization. You can follow Levi's blog at his Web site. Levi's photography has been seen in office settings, local newspapers, marketing documents, and most recently on display at the Mark Whistler Gallery in Baltimore. When traveling for work, Levi oftentimes found himself searching the Web for the best places to photograph in various cities. With no consistent luck finding such a resource, Levi created a directory for all photographers to enjoy -- The Best Places To Photograph Directory. in Business of Photography on December 8th, 2008 As a photographer, you face unique challenges in optimizing your Web site for search engines. Fundamentally, you want your site to showcase your work; unfortunately, a picture is not worth a thousand words to Google. Sure, Google takes hundreds of variables into consideration when building search engine result pages (SERPs). But while a human can look at your photographs and feel the expressed emotions, understand the story you're telling, and get a sense for what your expertise is, a search engine needs to be told with text. That's why, for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes, it's important for your site to combine text-rich content with a solid visual representation of your work.
paul lowe

Photography Websites: How to design a website that image buyers will love - A Picture's... - 1 views

    Photography Websites: How to design a website that image buyers will love website-montage.jpg We're releasing something special today. If you're selling photos online, displaying your portfolio to get more commercial or editorial assignments, or even designing websites for photographers, you'll want to have a look at this. Do you ever wonder, "Is my website doing its job? Am I working hard to get people there, only to have the site itself betray me?" Don't worry, you're not alone (being betrayed by your website is a growing problem). When we launched our photography website templates last fall, we picked up on this very fact - photographers and designers generally build websites based on their artists' intuition, and leave sound business reasoning aside. That's bad, of course, when you want your website to support your primary business goal - selling more of your work.
paul lowe

Flickr: **Social Documentary Photography & events / - 0 views

    **Social Documentary Photography & events / Group Pool Discussion 3,466 Members Map Join This Group Guest Passes let you share your photos that aren't public. Anyone can see your public photos anytime, whether they're a Flickr member or not. But! If you want to share photos marked as friends, family or private, use a Guest Pass. If you're sharing photos from a set, you can create a Guest Pass that includes any of your photos marked as friends, family, or private. If you're sharing your entire photostream, you can create a Guest Pass that includes photos marked as friends or family (but not your private photos). Learn more about Guest Passes![?] spacer!
paul lowe

MediaStorm: Resources - Gear Guide - 2 views

    There are a myriad of options out there right now when it comes to tools for multimedia storytelling. The combination of tools you use can be your greatest strength or your greatest weakness. The important thing is to find the right combination of gear that fits your style of shooting and allows you to tell the best story possible. Below is a list of tools that we may use a combination of on any given multimedia shoot. Again the importance is to find what combination works best for you. Multimedia tools are constantly evolving. There are many options on the market from which you can mix and match to best suit your needs. The following describes our current field production kit.
paul lowe

Bert P. Krages Attorney at Law Photographer's Rights Page - 0 views

    The Photographer's Right A Downloadable Flyer Explaining Your Rights When Stopped or Confronted for Photography The Photographer's Right is a downloadable guide that is loosely based on the Bust Card and the Know Your Rights pamphlet that used to be available on the ACLU website. It may be downloaded and printed out using Adobe Acrobat Reader. You may make copies and carry them your wallet, pocket, or camera bag to give you quick access to your rights and obligations concerning confrontations over photography. You may distribute the guide to others, provided that such distribution is not done for commercial gain and credit is given to the author.
paul lowe

Quotes about Photography - 0 views

    Welcome, fellow photographers from around the world. We have collected quotations that we hope will help promote the art of photography. If the reader is aware of others that deserve to be recognized here, we would appreciate your sending them to us. We have tried to accurately credit all sources for the quotations we have used. If anyone can offer corrections or additional information, it will be appreciated. If any source objects to being quoted here, or if we have strayed into any copyrighted materials, our sincere apology - please advise us and, if you wish, your quotation will be removed. Our goal is to include a short biography for each source. Knowing the contribution of each source, and the time period each lived and worked, may add additional meaning to the quotations listed here. If you have information about any source (birth date, death, employment, interesting anecdotes, accomplishments), please send it to us. Your help is needed to make this an interesting site. We intend to update this page monthly, so please check back from time to time. Thanks for your visit, and enjoy!
paul lowe

Strobist: Lighting 101 - 0 views

    Sunday, March 19, 2006 Lighting 101 Intimidated by the idea of off-camera lighting? Don't be. We are pretty much starting from scratch, so no worries. The first posts will be about what kind of gear you will need to do the minimalist strobe thing. When we are done having our way with your wallet (remembering that light gives you far more bang-for-the-buck than does fast glass or the latest digital camera or 300/2.8) we'll move into basic technique. And after that, we'll keep it going with periodical essays and ideas on how to improve (or refresh) your lighting ability. When you've worked your way through the basics of designing your light kit and learning how to use it, make a point to browse some of the examples in the "On Assignment" section. Those will be updated constantly, too. So keep checking back. You will likely have some questions along the way. Sadly, it is not possible for me to take the time to personally answer all of the one-to-one lighting questions that pop up. So try to resist asking them in the comments section. The only people reading this behind you are the people who are, well, behind you. You will find the one-to-one knowledge bank you seek in the Strobist Group on Flickr. There, you can ask away and get the diversity of response that you need. These are the lighting grad students, so to speak. They know this stuff, and are very enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge.
paul lowe

ASMP: Terms and Conditions - 0 views

    Terms & Conditions for your business paperwork Good paperwork is of the utmost importance in your business. It helps prevent misunderstandings, protects your legal and financial interests, and conveys a crisp, businesslike impression to your clients. Every few years, ASMP publishes a new edition of its manual Professional Business Practices in Photography. The sample business forms in that book represent the best business practices in our ever-changing industry. The medium of print, however, is entirely static and cannot convey the vast range of options that good paperwork must encompass. The Web, in contrast, provides a malleable medium in which the text can be varied to reflect the choices made by users. Hence this module.
paul lowe

MediaShift . Your Guide to Citizen Journalism | PBS - 0 views

    "What is Citizen Journalism? The idea behind citizen journalism is that people without professional journalism training can use the tools of modern technology and the global distribution of the Internet to create, augment or fact-check media on their own or in collaboration with others. For example, you might write about a city council meeting on your blog or in an online forum. Or you could fact-check a newspaper article from the mainstream media and point out factual errors or bias on your blog. Or you might snap a digital photo of a newsworthy event happening in your town and post it online. Or you might videotape a similar event and post it on a site such as YouTube. "
paul lowe

4 Ways To Be A Better Twitter User | Virtual Photography Studio - Digital Photography B... - 0 views

    "Do you ever shut down your computer at the end of the week, and all of the sudden it hits you: You haven't kept up with your social sites for the week.twitter-logo With less than 7 percent of all Twitter users using it on a regular basis, it can be a little frustrating knowing you have a tool ready to help grow your business, yet unsure of how to truly use it. Just like blogging, Twitter takes work. But there are ways you can incorporate it into your photography business, and have it start working for you."
paul lowe

Blipfoto - the daily photo journal for everyone - 0 views

    Welcome to blipfoto - the zero-fuss, free website that lets anyone join in and publish one photo a day. Record your life in pictures, improve your photography skills, or just keep in touch with your family and friends.
paul lowe

Photography Workshops | Digital Photography Workshops | Santa Fe, New Mexico - 0 views

    Santa Fe Photographic Workshops is an inspirational resource for all photographers, from enthusiasts to professionals. Offering over 150 educational programs a year, you'll learn from today's most influential instructors to inspire your creativity and expand your technical skills. Whether engaging your imagination in Santa Fe or exploring far off places, The Workshops supports all levels of participants in their passion for photography.
paul lowe

THE BEST ASSIGNMENTS ARE FREE…. | Joe McNally's Blog - 0 views

    THE BEST ASSIGNMENTS ARE FREE…. In Thoughts at 11:12am They are gifts we give ourselves….. You already know the ones…the ones that really terrify you. The ones you think you can't handle. The ones you think are way, way, beyond your capabilities. Gateway assignments. The ones you need to take. They come in on the phone (rarely) or in the email of your imagination as loud as the "TERRAIN! TERRAIN! TERRAIN!" warning in the cockpit. You must respond. You must engage. Increasingly, these are the ones you give yourself. On the other side of that job, win, lose or draw, you will be a different photographer, and presumably, absolutely, a better photographer. Like a redwood, you just accumulated another ring. You could liken it to a scar, the way things go in this business. I try not to think about it. But here's the beautiful thing about scars. They are on the surface. Not attractive perhaps, but at the end of the day, inconsequential. They don't affect your core.
paul lowe

ASMP: Business Tips for the Freelance Photographer - 0 views

    Business Tips for the Freelance Photographer By Ira M. Gostin, MBA, © 2008 This article, and the others in the series, will provide you with tips for establishing, building and growing your photography business. Like any consultant, opinions are presented based on my own experiences and a great deal of research gleaned from 25 years of running a photography business along with an MBA education. Collect data from multiple sources and make decisions that are best for your individual business. The smarter you operate your business, the more opportunity to be creative and have fun. I hope these articles help.
paul lowe

ASMP: Business Resources - 0 views

    Knowledge is power! Keep your business education in top form. Learn from experts who share their business knowledge with ASMP. Make them your experts and benefit directly from their vast experience. ASMP publishes information and advice on all aspects of the business of publication photography. You can profit from the experience of others by tuning into this resource and applying its lessons to your own experience.
paul lowe

ASMP: ASMP Recommended Business Forms - 0 views

    Why These Forms are Critical to Your Business By Victor Perlman and Richard Weisgrau Every business day, photographers have a need to communicate transactional information to their prospects and clients. It might be the information in an estimate, the agreement expressed in a confirmation, or the verification of a delivery of photographs. Regardless of the nature of the communication, records of your communications are important, especially when they set the terms, conditions, price, and license to use your work.
paul lowe

ASMP: Copyright Application Tutorial - 0 views

    ASMP's Copyright Application Tutorial Your original images are your legacy. Like many a photographer, you probably expect to retire on the royalties from the photographs you have made over the years. Early planning, especially with proper copyright protection, can facilitate this. Although every original photograph you create is automatically copyrighted the instant the shutter is clicked, you don't get much legal protection unless you follow through on a few things. So it is important for you to develop an easy system that will allow you to quickly and regularly register your copyrights as soon as possible. In this ASMP Tutorial on copyright, we explain the necessary steps to take and the problems that you should avoid.
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