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Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

AUDIO | Preparing Adults for Lifelong Learning | The EvoLLLution - 0 views

    Blog post by Jeff Cobb, the author of Ten Ways to be a Better Lifelong Learner and Mission to Learn blog, on EvoLLLution (illuminating the lifelong learning movement), 3.26.2012 See excerpt below for obstacles that keep people from lifelong learning: "AA: What are the major gaps keeping today's adults from effectively continuing their education? JC: There are two ways to come at that question, at least. It's high-level at first, to differentiate between education-which I consider to be primarily a formal, structured activity-and learning, the vast majority of which is informal and not necessarily structured. And learning encompasses education, but learning is just so much broader. When it comes to education, there can be any number of barriers that prevent an adult from continuing her education. Time and money tend to be two of the biggest. Those barriers can be overcome; like anything in life it's just often a matter of priorities and planning, both on the part of the individual and the society, but they do have to be overcome. On the other hand with learning, there's really nothing that can prevent an adult from continuing learning if they are in fact dedicated to doing that. We really can't help doing it; we're pretty much hard-wired to be continually learning. But we all know how overwhelming the flow of information can be around us these days; on the one hand it's this sense of being overwhelmed that can hold people back, I think another factor is that we simply don't look at a lot of the amazing new opportunities that we have, primarily through what the web now enables. … We don't necessarily look at these as learning tools and as things that can really help us to engage with and grow in life. Really, once you recognize that and once you start thinking in terms of effective strategies and effective approaches, the sky's the limit."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Intended Purposes Versus Actual Function of Digital Badges | HASTAC - 0 views

    "The Varied Functions of Badges" summary from HASTAC discussion, 9/2012 My interest in the functions of badges was spurred along when the MacArthur Foundation asked for help documenting the design principles for using digital badges that emerge across the 30 projects underway by the awardees in their Badges for Lifelong Learning project. We needed to come up with a manageable number of categories. Here is what we came up with: Recognizing Learning. This is the most obvious and arguably the primary function of badges. David Wiley has argued cogently that this should be the primary purpose of badges. If we focus only on purposes, then he may well be right. His point is that badges are credentials and not assessments. This is also consistent with the terrifically concise definition in Seven Things You Should Know About Badgesby Erin Knight and Carla Casilli. Assessing Learning. Nearly every application of digital badges includes some form of assessment. These assessments have either formative or summative functions and likely have both. In some cases, these are simply an assessment of whether somebody clicked on a few things or made a few comments. In other cases, there might be a project or essay that was reviewed and scored, or a test that was graded. In still other cases, peers might assess an individual, group, or project as badgeworthy. Motivating Learning. This is where the controversy comes in. Much of the debate over badges concerns the well-documented negative consequences of extrinsic incentive on intrinsic motivation and free choice engagement. This is why some argue that we should not use badges to motivate learning. However, if we use badges to recognize and assess learning, they are likely to impact motivation. So, we might as well harness this crucial function of badges and study these functions carefully while searching for both their positive and negative consequences for motivation. Evaluating Learning. The final category of
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Management in Networks | Harold Jarche - 0 views

    Once again, Jarche comes through for me. Tuesday, January 14, 2014 "The keys to motivation at work are for each person to have a sense of Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. This is a network management responsibility." Could we do a play on RAMP-R-----Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose in the Studio? Another excerpt that I buy to a point--I don't think networks are the new companies but short of that, I agree with his premise: Most management practices today still focus on 20th century models, such as Henry Fayol's six functions of management [look familiar?]. forecasting planning organizing commanding coordinating controlling I heard these same functions discussed by a workplace issues consultant on the radio as recently as yesterday morning. Notice that there is no function for enhancing serendipity, or increasing innovation, or inspiring people. The core of management practice today has not changed since the days of Fayol, who died ninety years ago. "But the new reality is that networks are the new companies. The company no longer offers the stability it once did as innovative disruption comes from all corners. Economic value is getting redistributed to creative workers and then diffused through networks. Knowledge networks differ from company hierarchies. One major difference is that cooperation, not collaboration, is the optimal behaviour in a knowledge network. In networks, cooperation trumps collaboration."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

You're Breathing All Wrong - - 0 views

    blog by Chuck Thompson, June 2009, in Men's Journal. To improve your athletic performance and to feel clearer all the time, start with the most fundamental act of life. Excerpt: "We all come into the world with the ability to take full, unencumbered breaths, but as we get older we forget how to breathe properly," says Don Campbell, a journalist turned wellness expert who champions a new movement among doctors and athletes known as "conscious breathing." A host of challenges conspire against our breathing well, Campbell says: "Poor posture, restrictive clothing, bad habits such as smoking, diets that lead to high blood pressure and racing hearts, increasingly rapid and emotionally stressful lives, lack of exercise, multitasking, polluted environments, and slouching in front of computers are just a few of the things that literally take our breath away, creating a lifestyle that's incongruent with proper breathing." Modern life causes the average person to use about a third of his natural lung capacity, while drawing about 15 breaths a minute." Breathing exercises: Relearn How To Breathe Do this exercise five times a day and you'll start thinking and performing better in no time: 1. Inhale deeply 2. Exhale with a short burst (as if blowing out a candle). This helps activate your diaphragm, which most people don't use. 3. Exhale with a long, slow finish to empty the lungs. Breathlessness comes from not expelling enough CO2. 4. Inhale, filling your lungs from the bottom to the top, instead of taking short sips. Most use a third of their lung capacity. 5. Hold for a moment to allow oxygen to saturate the cells. 6. Exhale slowly and completely. 7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for five minutes. Read more: Follow us: @mensjournal on Twitter | MensJournal on Facebook
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

What Oprah Knows for Sure About Getting Unstuck - - 0 views

    Great short post by Oprah on getting unstuck. The quote by Turecki is so true: "Nothing happens until you decide." Excerpt: When our expert, Dr. Stanley Turecki, finished watching, he said something that made the hairs on my arm stand up: "Nothing happens until you decide." The reason her 3-year-old didn't sleep in his own bed was that the mother had not decided it would happen. When she did, the child would go to his bed. He might cry and scream and rant until he fell asleep, but he would eventually realize that his mother had made up her mind. Well, I knew he was speaking about a 3-year-old, but I also knew for sure that this brilliant piece of advice applied to many other aspects of life: Relationships. Career moves. Weight issues. Everything depends on your decisions. For years I was stuck in a weight trap, yo-yoing up and down the scale. I made a decision two years ago to stop wishing, praying, and wanting, wanting, wanting to be better. Instead I figured out what it would really take to improve my life. Then I decided to do it. When you don't know what to do, my best advice is to do nothing until clarity comes. Getting still, being able to hear your own voice and not the voices of the world, quickens clarity. Once you decide what you want, you make a commitment to that decision. One of my favorite quotes is from mountaineer W.H. Murray: "Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way. I have learned a deep res
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Pricing: When the Right Price is Nothing: Associations Now - 0 views

    article by Mark Athitakis on pricing and making some things free "After all, this very blog post is an example of a "freemium" model at work. (Come for the articles, stay for the information about ASAE events, membership, and products and services.) But giving things away also demands some consideration about who's coming for what you're giving away, what you'll offer once they arrive-and what price tag you'll attach to those things. And how often you'll be changing that that pricing structure, too."
Lisa Levinson - 0 views

    Free Ebook from Jacob Morgan: 5 Ways People Over 50 Can Stay Relevant. How Older Workers Can Embrace the Coming Changes and Stay Relevant in the Future of Work. Has info on what does the future of work look like for the 50+ population; The 5 key trends shaping the future of work; Why you need to embrace the coming changes; The 5 ways older workers can embrace these changes and stay relevant in the changing world of work; Specific actions that you can take to help future-proof your career.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Time to Brave Up | Kathy Caprino | TEDxCentennialParkWomen - YouTube - 0 views

    women's professional crises; we are not brave enough; we have not learned how to stand up for what we want to be, do, etc. girls go underground when they enter puberty--stop thinking they can be a leader, become reoccupied with their image, go underground. Crisis emerges--on average, most women (70%) face three crises at a time. 1) can't speak up 2) can't get out of crushing competition 3) can't break cycle of mistreatment by narcissists 4) can't heal chronic illness 5) can't do work that I love. See bravely, speak bravely, shine bravely is way to change one's life. How are you special? What are your amazing gifts? How are you precious and valuable in this world? "The talents that come easily to you are just the ones the world needs." Are you leveraging the talents that come easily to you? Women are viewed more negatively than men when they are perceived as forceful. Sharing who you are is not bragging. 20 facts of who you are and what you have done, and why it's important. Way to attract people who need you. Own your authority but ground it in value and respect. ground forceful statements in one of your values. Frame it with a value, then explain position. All ideas have value. Shine bravely--
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Coming of Age in the News | Coming of Age Bay Area - 0 views

    Second story by Eric Nelson offers good reasons for volunteering during transitions to build relationships, references, reach clarity on new directions, etc. January 29, 2013.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Leadership groups for social learning | Wenger-Trayner - 0 views

    Blog post by Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Trayner on leadership groups within communities as act of service to lead group process. September 14, 2012 Need to do something like this in setting up Studio leadership roles that could be period specific, event specific, etc. See excerpt: The practice goes like this: everyone at a meeting belongs to a leadership group - and each group stewards one part of the learning process of the whole group. In this way leadership of the community meeting is distributed over the entire event. Leadership here is seen as an act of service, that is, not leadership in terms of telling others what to do, but helping the group develop itself as a learning partnership. We've seen these groups lead to some transformational turn-arounds in group dynamics and the learning potential. (Notwithstanding the times they flopped - which led us to learn a great deal!) We gave playful names to the groups in the spirit of making it a fun and inventive way of leading the process: agenda activists, community keepers, critical friends, social reporters, external messengers, value detectives. Over the years we've come to see that these groups can work well in lots of different contexts including group meetings, conferences, and long-term community development. Anywhere, that is, where there is an intention for collective learning.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

WordPress › Support » How to set up email address ( - 0 views

    Post in WP discussion forum on how unhelpful so-called help discussion forums really are. Excerpt: "I signed up for WP AT Godaddy,com and have the same question, so I have to come here and do whatever I can understand of what i'm told. my universal experience with forums like this - here at WP and at the forums which serve as the ONLY assistance for non-paying users of third party design businesses -is that genuinely inexperienced people are not-so-subtly encourage to self-select out. people who need help make it very clear that they are really inexperienced, beg for step-by-step directions and get responses they cannot decipher or use. And if they have the temerity to say so, well, here's the first forum i clicked under this topic: the forum was simply shut down. lol? I don't understand why experienced users who know how to do things bother to make such replies. Is there some club somewhere where such things are on display for the amusement of our betters? Because unintentionally or not, it seems gratuitously mean. "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Early MOOC Takes A Different Path - Education - Online Learning - - 0 views

    ALISON MOOC--"With more than 1.2 million unique visitors per month and 250,000 graduates worldwide, Advance Learning Interactive Systems Online (ALISON), founded in 2007, is considered by some the first massive online open course (MOOC). " blog by Ellis Booker, Information Week Education, Excerpt: "Our focus is workplace skills," company CEO Mike Feerick told InformationWeek in a phone interview. Indeed, ALISON started with two globally in-demand skills: English and IT literacy, the latter in the form of ABC IT, a 15- to 20-hour training suite that remains the site's most popular course." Excerpt: "Employers don't care where you found those skills or how much you paid for them," he insists. Rather, employers want one thing: Verified competency. One service ALISON offers is tests for prospective hires that employers can administer to check the competence of job applicants who come with ALISON certificates. For a small fee, students can purchase an ALISON certificate after successfully completing a course, as a PDF, paper parchment or framed parchment."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Behind the Slides: '26 Time Management Hacks' | SlideShare Blog - 1 views

    A Slideshare by Etienne Garbugli on using time effectively that went viral to get 1 million views since being uploaded in March 2013. Very effective ideas; maybe we could use it as an experimental exercise--"find three ideas to test doing in the next week; come back and tell us how it went"
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The Art of Data Visualization | Off Book | PBS - YouTube - 0 views

    Video on YouTube, posted May 9, 2013. "Style and aesthetics cannot rescue failed content." "Google Maps are visualization" helping people do something. "History of visualizing data is history of science" Not an aerie-faerie "Three things to inform your design--what you have to say and communicate, reader is not you and they will come with their own bias and assumptions, and data itself and what it has to say." Can communicate a lot of information very quickly--emotional impact, react to aesthetics of piece, presenting information in visual format is fastest way for them to engage with information." "Successful infographic tells a story. "Hero is one key element of piece." "Take complicated data and convert to something simple. Hours to seconds..." "Data are measurements of something" "Revelation--show us something we haven't seen before"
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Are YouTubers Revolutionizing Entertainment? | Off Book | PBS - YouTube - 0 views

    Video by Off Book/PBS on how YouTube has broadened what we think of as entertaining, valuable, educational, etc. Fast Feedback loop on content. June 6, 2013 Unlike TV, can comment on it and affect directly what is being made, importance of subscription for those who want to watch it. "Just so cool that people all over the world can build a community and drive development." Very intimate and close up framing of videos on YouTube. That comes across, makes it feel personal. "Has to feel like one person is in charge of everything, otherwise it doesn't feel like YouTube." Using feedback mechanisms and viewer interactivity to make new stuff Even TimeWarners of world are reallocating resources to YouTube production "Will be as comfortable going to YouTube as turning on TV"
Lisa Levinson

Mightybell Is Just Another Social Network Inspired By AOL Chat Rooms. Wait, What? | Fas... - 0 views

    from Fast Explanation of Mightybell and interview with Gina Bianchini about why she created it. Again, the focus is on groups. "Today, the number of social networks available to us means there's a surfeit of places to come together online--we share aspirational photos on Pinterest, photos from our lives on Instagram, news on Google+, Internet happenings on Tumblr, and everything else on Facebook. But with so many channels to work with (waste time on?), the things we want to say are easily drowned out in noise, making it hard to establish genuine, intimate relationships with groups of people who aren't close friends and family. Sure, you can like a photo or retweet a clever one-liner as gestures of social solidarity, but they don't go far in making connections that count. Which is why Gina Bianchini, founder of new social network Mightybell, thinks it's time for an AOL chat room renaissance. Collaboration and action in intimate circles could be her competitive advantage."
    More on Mightybell
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Notifications Are Evil - 0 views

    blog post by Clay Johnson, Information Diet author, Lifehacker, Excerpt: "First, let's define notification. In the context of our discussion, a notification is something that comes from a service that the service deems worthy of your attention: The scarlet box at the top of every Google page notifying you of things happening in Google+. The messages you get from Twitter telling you that you have a new message. The email icon that shows up in your system tray telling you that you have a new email. Facebook letting you know what you're missing out on Facebook. Your sister's latest move in Words with Friends." Besides being disrespectful to your attention, notifications like this do something else that's much more nefarious: they train you to be a passive consumer of information rather than an active one. If we don't control the notifications we're receiving, we're forced to react to them: from Google's big red box, to Living Social's notification for a deal on backwaxing." Besides being disrespectful to your attention, notifications like this do something else that's much more nefarious: they train you to be a passive consumer of information rather than an active one. If we don't control the notifications we're receiving, we're forced to react to them: from Google's big red box, to Living Social's notification for a deal on backwaxing."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

The 2012 Social Media Report Card - Edudemic - 0 views

    Interesting assessment of growth, # of users, and ROI in 2012 for Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and LinkedIn and where each is going in 2013. Impact for Studio--looks like Twitter is strong, and LinkedIn is up and coming?
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How I Overcame My Fear of Technology and Became a Paid Tech Blogger | Next Avenue - 0 views

    Blog post by Suzie Mitchell, November 6, 2012, on how her desire to have a more satisfying relationship with her son led to learning about technology and using online tools to build her knowledge, which in turn led to a new career and more satisfying life. Wonderful justification for Studio IMO enriching one's life in the short-term and how opportunities came to her for work, etc. Excerpt: ""Google is your friend, Mom. Use it whenever you don't understand something." OK, duh!, but those words set me free. I could ramp up my learning all by myself. I dived headfirst into the tech world, got a smartphone and started downloading apps on every topic that interested me: health and wellness, fitness, recipes, news and, yes, shopping. Soon Justin and I were exchanging emails about apps, articles and websites. It felt great; my son-buddy was coming back into the fold. There was a lot I didn't understand, but I embraced the "fake it until you make it" approach. Before long he was sending me links he thought would appeal to me. Some I really liked, but others were hard to comprehend. They offered products and services that boomers would supposedly appreciate - but I couldn't figure out how to navigate the site, or I didn't understand what was so "amazing" about the "revolutionary" product."
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Meg Jay: Why 30 is not the new 20 | Video on - 0 views

    Excellent video on why 20s are critical adult forming period--brain is fully formed for adulthood; "Plan and not quite enough time to do great things"--Leonard Bernstein Musical chair relationships and fear of not being able to sit down at age 30 with partner for life can cause bad decision making Post millennial crisis is not having the career that you want, or family that you want Story of Emma--at age 25--"having an identity crisis". Thought she might want to work in art or entertainment. Lived with boyfriend who displayed temper more than ambition. Head in lap, and sobbed for hour. In case of emergency, please call. who will be there for me? Told her three things that all 20 somethings need to hear: 1. Get identity capital--investment in who you might want to be next. Identity capital begets identity capital. Discounting exploration is not supposed to count when it is procrastination. 2. New piece of capital or person to date comes from weak ties--half of 20 somethings are underemployed, and half of them are not--reaching out to weak ties is how you connect; 3. You can't pick your family but you can pick your friends. You can pick your family and the time is now. The best time to work on your marriage is before you are married. Consciously choosing what you want. Found an old roommate's cousin who helped her get a job; married and has plenty of emergency contacts. One good conversation, one good Ted Talk can have an enormous impact. "Thirty is not the new 20, claim your adulthood, get your identity capital, reach out to weak ties to make your family.
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