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Lisa Levinson

How To Keep Your Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive As The Company You Work For Grows - 0 views

    Forbes, 10/22/13, by Jacquelyn Smith "Entrepreneurial spirit is a mindset. It's an attitude and approach to thinking that actively seeks out change, rather than waiting to adapt to change. It's a mindset that embraces critical questioning, innovation, service and continuous improvement. "It's about seeing the big picture and thinking like an owner," says Michael Kerr, an international business speaker, author and president of Humor at Work. "It's being agile, never resting on your laurels, shaking off the cloak of complacency and seeking out new opportunities. It's about taking ownership and pride in your organization." Sara Sutton Fell, CEO and founder of FlexJobs, says: "To me, an entrepreneurial spirit is a way of approaching situations where you feel empowered, motivated, and capable of taking things into your own hands. Companies that nurture an entrepreneurial spirit within their organization encourage their employees to not only see problems, solutions and opportunities, but to come up with ideas to do something about them." Entrepreneurial companies tend to have a more innovative approach to thinking about their products or services, new directions to take the company in, or new ways of doing old tasks, she adds. "Entrepreneurial spirit helps companies grow and evolve rather than become stagnant and stale." According to Jay Canchola, an independent human resources consultant, entrepreneurial spirit is also associated with taking calculated risks, and sometimes failing. "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Coming to a Couch Near You: A New Wave of Telecommuting - 0 views

    ""We do our best work when we're physically connected," says Roy Hirshland, CEO of T3 Advisors, a commercial real estate advisor. Dialing in on Skype will work in a pinch, but it's not a substitute, he says. "When you're in the same room, you can see facial expressions, you can feel energy in a room." The idea is based on Media Richness Theory, which posits that some tasks require face-to-face interaction. Skype doesn't fit the bill. "Skype is a great, free way to communicate with sound and picture, but with glitchy connections, awkward camera angles, the limitations of webcams and cheap microphones, etc.," says Dr. Matthew Lombard, a professor at Temple University and president of the International Society for Presence Research. "It's far from the same experience as talking to someone in person. Face-Time and other tablet and phone methods have the advantage of mobility, but they suffer in terms of the vividness of the experience." "Narrow-bandwidth tech like text-based chat rooms and messaging, and email, are great for specific, relatively straight-forward, 'dry' cognitive tasks but not so good for things that involve ambiguity and emotion," Lombard says. "So there are an awful lot of tasks people need to complete in business (and certainly in life generally) that don't lend themselves well to these technologies.""
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

6 Key Issues Facing Association Leaders | Fast Company | Business + Innovation - 0 views

    by Seth Kahan, April 12, 2013, Fast company 1. fundamental model of membership is in question ...What is membership turning into? Too early to tell. Engaged action is one candidate. This is the anticipated, intentional, collective behavior of a group. 2. Adoption of private sector business practices ...Pursuing the bottomline in tough market conditions seems like a no-brainer, but the overall impact is not necessarily what is desired for a mission driven organization, shifting priorities away from impact and member value. 3. Talent ...continuous, aggressive professional development is an organizational asset only in some associations. This is changing. It means less certainty for employees while it opens up new territory for innovation and expansion of the organization. 4. Competitive intelligence ...many associations are doing negligible work on behalf of their mission. Prices for gathering intelligence are plummeting. Often it is only the CEO who actively searches for new information and connects the dots for organizational strategy. Expect this to change 5. Disruption of members' business Savvy associations leaders are looking around the curve, putting the puzzle together for members. This means going beyond providing information and ata. Instead it means compiling, analyzing, distilling and communicating useful knowledge that impacts members' lives. ???It is not uncommon to see associations beefing up their subject matter experts these days because members need it in a disruptive economy. 6. Driving uptake in a competitive world ...each association owned a small monopoly, providing the single best resource to everyone in their field. No more. With the advent of 24/7 interconnectivity, anyone can set up shop and begin serving your members.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Manager and machine: The new leadership equation | McKinsey & Company - 0 views

    article by Martin Dewhurst and Paul Willmott, September 2014 on new leadership skills required in age of new information technologies Machines force executives and senior leaders to: 1. open up their companies through crowdsourcing and social platforms within and across organizational boundaries 2. create data sets worthy of the most intelligent machines 3. "let go" in ways that run counter to a century of OD 4. to make the biggest difference through the human touch. ...questions they frame, their vigor in attaching exceptional circumstances highlighted by increasingly intelligent algorithms ... tolerating ambiguity and focusing on the "softer" side of management to engage the organization and build its capacity for self-renewal. 5. turbocharged data-analytics strategy, a new top-team mind-set, fresh talent approaches, and a concerted effort to break down information silos...transcend number crunching..."weak signals" from social media and other sources also contain powerful insights and should be part of the data-creation process. 6. ...early movers will probably gain insights of unstructured data, such as email discussions between representatives or discussion threads in social media. 7. ...dashboards don't create themselves. Senior executives must find and set the software parameters needed to determine, for instance, which data gets prioritized and which gets flagged for escalation. 8. ...odds of sinking under the weight of even quite valuable insights grow as well. Answer: democratizing it: encouraging and expecting the organization to manage itself without bringing decisions upward. units and functions will be able to make more and better decisions on their own. 9. 8 will happen even as the CEO begins to morph into a "chief experimentation officer," who draws from acute observance of early signals to bolster a company's ability to experiment at scale. 10. need to "let go" will be more significant and the discomfort of s
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Build an Enterprise Learning Network in your Enterprise Social Network and in... - 0 views

    Interesting blog post by Jane Hart on building an enterprise learning network within an enterprise social network. Is the WLS going to be an enterprise learning network? Perhaps not in the usual sense of an organization with employees comprising a workforce. But perhaps it can use some of the same techniques advocated by Hart below: Under Part Two 1. new social approaches to training and online learning--backchannel learning, online social workshops ("participants with a lot of autonomy, so that they participate in the ways that they feel more comfortable and best suits them..." ); tiny training aka microlearning--short bursts of learning ten minutes long... 2. Innovative Learning Initiatives--social onboarding, social mentoring 3. Continuous series of learning activities and events 10 minutes a day - provide a daily link to a place where individuals can spend just 10 minutes learning something new. Note: 10 minutes a day, each weekday adds up to around 6 days of training in a year! Live chats - run regular live Twitter-like live chat sessions on different topics. They might just take place over 1 hour or be a longer all-day event that people can join in at any time. Hot seats - put one of your people (e.g. CEO or a leading expert) in the hot seat for a period of time, and encourage employees to ask them questions. Book club - organise a monthly time for conversation around a book of interest. Lunch'n'Learns - ask someone to lead a short informal session on a topic of interest to them. This might be purely conversational or involve a web meeting or face-to-face meeting, with the ELN used as a backchannel. 4 - SUPPORT OTHER PEOPLE-BASED LEARNING SERVICES Your ESN provides the opportunity to set up and support other learning activities in private group spaces. A Learning Help Desk service (aka Learning Concierge service) which provides an advice centre for ad hoc learning and performance problems. - See more at:
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How Making Employees Lifelong Learners Can Help Your Company Succeed - 0 views

    CEO Aaron Skonnard of an online trainer company for web developers advocates for learning among employees, March 20, 2014 and shares his tips for same.
Lisa Levinson

PDF.js viewer - 0 views

    "In 2002, approximately 12 million people were employed by nonprofits and another 100 million volunteered their time to help these organizations (O'Neill, 2002). If any sector could be exempt of the glass ceiling - where professional women would advance and be paid at the rate same as men - the nonprofit sector seems like the most viable candidate. An overw helming percentage of nonprofit employees are 3 women, so it logically follows that in this sector, the percentage of female CEOs would be larger than the percentage of male executives and the two groups would be similarly compensated (Hays, et al., 2009; Johnston, & Rudney, 1987; Gibelman, 2000a; Joslyn 2003; Shaiko, 1996; Pynes, 2000; McGinnis, 2009). Perhaps in this se tting, supportive female co-workers would be more likely to confront inequity and encourage women as they work toward promotions. But such scenarios are the exception rather than the norm. It turns out that the glass ceiling of nonprofits is similar in construc tion and resiliency to the gl ass ceilings of government and private industries. "
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

How Your Organization's CEO Can Use Social Media for Thought Leadership | LinkedIn - 0 views

    Very key point that Beth Kanter makes in her blog post on LinkedIn "But in today's world, those boundaries are pretty blurred. As employees of nonprofits increasingly interact with their professional contacts in online social networks that favor individual participation, such as Facebook or Twitter, they are likely to experience a collision of their professional and personal identities"
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

What HSN CEO Mindy Grossman told the Women's Forum of New York about the 'boys' club' i... - 0 views

  • HSN (NASDAQ: HSNI), a multichannel retailer in St. Petersburg, is the only company from the Tampa Bay area to hit the 40 percent level, according to a recent report from the advocacy group 2020 Women on Boards. Nationally, women hold 18.8 percent of board seats, while the percentage of board seats held by women at Tampa Bay’s largest public companies is 14.3 percent.
    HSN with Mindy Grossman's leadership has women as 40% of its board members. Tampa Bay Business Journal, November 30, 2015.
Lisa Levinson

A Brief History of Online Job Boards since 1995 - Job Boarders - 0 views

    By Sara Sutton Fell, CEO of Her take on the status of Job Boards today. She has 3 observations: Boards have changed, job postings haven't and need to be updated; big box job boards focus on volume, smaller niche job boards on a refined pool of potential applicants; ATS/RMS keep candidates and hiring managers apart. New technologies such as gaming used by Marriott may erase this.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Sebastian Thrun and Udacity: Distance learning is unsuccessful for most students. - 0 views

  • The problem, of course, is that those students represent the precise group MOOCs are meant to serve. “MOOCs were supposed to be the device that would bring higher education to the masses,” Jonathan Rees noted. “However, the masses at San Jose State don’t appear to be ready for the commodified, impersonal higher education that MOOCs offer.” Thrun’s cavalier disregard for the SJSU students reveals his true vision of the target audience for MOOCs: students from the posh suburbs, with 10 tablets apiece and no challenges whatsoever—that is, the exact people who already have access to expensive higher education. It is more than galling that Thrun blames students for the failure of a medium that was invented to serve them, instead of blaming the medium that, in the storied history of the “correspondence” course (“TV/VCR repair”!), has never worked. For him, MOOCs don’t fail to educate the less privileged because the massive online model is itself a poor tool. No, apparently students fail MOOCs because those students have the gall to be poor, so let’s give up on them and move on to the corporate world, where we don’t have to be accountable to the hoi polloi anymore, or even have to look at them, because gross.
  • SG_Debug && SG_Debug.pagedebug && window.console && console.log && console.log('[' + (new Date()-SG_Debug.initialTime)/1000 + ']' + ' Bottom of header.jsp'); SlateEducationGetting schooled.Nov. 19 2013 11:43 AM The King of MOOCs Abdicates the Throne 7.3k 1.2k 101 Sebastian Thrun and Udacity’s “pivot” toward corporate training. By Rebecca Schuman &nbsp; Sebastian Thrun speaks during the Digital Life Design conference on Jan. 23, 2012, in Munich. Photo by Johannes Simon/Getty Images requirejs(["jquery"], function($) { if ($(window).width() < 640) { $(".slate_image figure").width("100%"); } }); Sebastian Thrun, godfather of the massive open online course, has quietly spread a plastic tarp on the floor, nudged his most famous educational invention into the center, and is about to pull the trigger. Thrun—former Stanford superprofessor, Silicon Valley demigod, and now CEO of online-course purveyor Udacity—just admitted to Fast Company’s openly smitten Max Chafkin that his company’s courses are often a “lousy product.” Rebecca Schuman Rebecca Schuman is an education columnist for Slate. Follow This is quite a “pivot” from the Sebastian Thrun, who less than two years ago crowed to Wired that the unstemmable tide of free online education would leave a mere 10 purveyors of higher learning in its wake, one of which would be Udacity. However, on the heels of the embarrassing failure of a loudly hyped partnership with San Jose State University, the “lousiness” of the product seems to have become apparent. The failures of massive online education come as no shock to those of us who actually educate students by being in the same room wit
  • nd why the answer is not the MOOC, but the tiny, for-credit, in-person seminar that has neither a sexy acronym nor a potential for huge corporate partnerships.
    Slate article by Rebecca Schuman, November 19, on why MOOCs a la Udacity do not work except maybe for people who are already privileged, enjoy fast access to the Internet, have good study habits and time management skills, and time to craft their schedules to fit in MOOCs among other assets/strengths.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

More companies are going virtual for their annual shareholder meetings - The Washington... - 0 views

  • HP won't be&nbsp;the first company to host a completely virtual shareholder meeting, but it may very well&nbsp;be&nbsp;the largest.
  • In 2011, just 21 companies used Broadridge Financial Solutions, a primary provider of online shareholder meeting technology, to hold&nbsp;virtual-only meetings. By 2014, that number had grown to 53.
  • Big companies, including Intel and Microsoft,&nbsp;have hosted what's known as hybrid meetings, in which a physical event&nbsp;is held but&nbsp;investors can also "attend" online.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • (While many companies now webcast their meetings, that only allows shareholders to view the event, not participate in it.)
  • Also,&nbsp;unlike many companies that&nbsp;only use audio for their online meetings, HP will broadcast video of CEO Whitman and the company's meeting participants.
  • because the question-and-answer session during regular&nbsp;meetings is often limited,&nbsp;online meetings could actually expand the number of questions that get asked.
    Article by Jena McGregor, Washington Post, on HP and other big companies moving to virtual or hybrid meetings to lower cost, expand participation, etc. March 17, 2015
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

What does leadership mean in the 21st century? | Ashoka - Innovators for the Public - 0 views

  • The relevance for leadership?&nbsp;Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and their lesser cousins have proved the power of the platform. They have shown that if your average 21st century citizen is given the tools to connect and&nbsp;the freedom to&nbsp;create, they will do so with enthusiasm, and often with an originality that blindsides the so-called creative industries.&nbsp; The result is a&nbsp;growing awareness from those who think about business structures for a living, that good leadership is no longer about ‘taking charge’ or imposing a strategic vision but about creating the platforms that allow others to flourish and create. By way of example,&nbsp;Frederic&nbsp;Laloux&nbsp;– the organisational theorist currently developing a cult-like following across the world – offers a telling story about his meeting with Jos de Blok. De Blok is the founder and CEO of&nbsp;Buurtzorg, a&nbsp;Dutch&nbsp;nursing care&nbsp;firm&nbsp;that has grown from four&nbsp;to 9,000 employees in&nbsp;nine&nbsp;years, by devolving all decision-making down to small teams of nurses across the country. It’s a structure that leaves only 45 people working in central administration and management but has delivered huge gains in the efficiency and impact of nursing care in The Netherlands.
  • Like social media networks, their job is to create the frameworks that let others take decisions and make change.
  • It’s what being a leader in this new world is all about: helping others to generate change on their own terms rather than taking on the role of sole changemaker yourself.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • This shift to changemaking leadership may, in truth, be more the result of the rapid growth of the popular desire for self-expression and self-determination, charted in rigorous detail by&nbsp;Ronald Inglehart
    Great article by Adam Lent, Ashoka, on how social media networks unleash the power of people to act as meaningful change makers themselves. June 8, 2015 Suggests that company leaders need to provide the platform to "allow others to flourish and create. Cites Frederic Laloux's book on organizational theory.
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

New KPMG CEO's advice to women in business | Fox Business Video - 0 views

    interview with Lynne Doughtie on new study of why more women aren't moving into C-suite roles. "Mornings with Maria on Fox Business News. 6 minutes long
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

Habits: Why We Do What We Do - 0 views

  • 40% to 45% of what we do every day sort of feels like a decision, but it’s actually habit.
  • There’s a cue, which is like a trigger for the behavior to start unfolding, A routine, which is the habit itself, the behavior, the automatic sort of doing what you do when you do a habit.
  • And then at the end, there’s a reward. And the reward is how our neurology learns to encode this pattern for the future.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • diagnose the cue and the reward.
  • every cue falls into usually one of five categories.
  • t’s usually a time of day, a certain place, the presence of certain other people, a particular emotion, or kind of a set of behaviors that’s become ritualized.
  • And that’s the reward that I was craving, was socialization.
  • keystone habits. Some habits seem to have a disproportionate influence
  • And in a lot of people’s lives a keystone habit is exercise. When they start exercising, they start using their credit cards less. They start procrastinating less. They do their dishes earlier. Something about exercise makes other habits more malleable.
  • So O’Neill actually said, I want to make workers more safe. I want to change worker safety habits. And everyone could sign on to that. What he was actually saying was, I want to make every single factory more efficient and more productive and producing a higher quality product, because that’s how we make things safer. But if he had come in and he had ordered greater efficiency, everyone would have rebelled, all the workers at least. But you come in and you say, I want to make everything safer, that’s something everyone can sign onto.
  • But 5% of your job as a CEO is making the big strategy choice. 95% is managing small choices, managing what your culture is going to be like, managing how you structure the rewards and the incentives that determine how people kind of automatically behave.
  • And when psychologists have looked at quantum changers, what they found is these are people who suddenly became very deliberate about their habits. There’s something almost magical about understanding how habits work, because studies show that once you understand, once you think about the structure of a habit, it becomes easier to change that habit. And once you change that habit, you start making these small, incremental adjustments to your day that over a year or over a decade can add up to a huge difference.
    great interview with Charles Duhigg--transcript and podcast--on how individuals and organizations can bring about changes in their lives with "keystone habits"
Doris Reeves-Lipscomb

7 lessons nonprofits can learn from newborn babies / Nonprofit With Balls - 0 views

  • By the way, last week, I launched two peer support groups on Facebook. Nonprofit Happy Hour already has over 1,300 members, and the group specifically for EDs/CEOs, ED Happy Hour, has over 200 members. These are great forums for when you have a problem and want to get advice from colleagues. Check them out.
    announcement on peer support groups on Facebook for Nonprofit staff members and EDs of nonprofits
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