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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Carla Arena

Carla Arena

Blog via e-mail with Posterous | Webware : Cool Web apps for everyone - CNET - 0 views

    How's it going, Ana Maria? Have you used Posterous? How do you like it?
Carla Arena

informationfluency » Digital Storytelling and Reforming PowerPoint - 0 views

    I've been changing the way I made my presentations. You should consider it. Fun to learn a new skill and improve the way we show what we think. Present to inspire!
Carla Arena

How should we use the tagging system to b... | Diigo - 1 views

  • tag things with as many keywords as possible
  • tag things so they are easier for others to find
  • choose any or all of the recommended tags for your bookmarks.
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • you could simply use quotation marks for "lesson plan"
  • there are no better tags than others.
  • we should agree on a special tag for the group like "LWC" that we would always add to every bookmark we tagged.
  • Organizing tags in topics or bundles
  • CamelCase is my favorite for MultiWordTags
  • plural forms for countable nouns.
  • Take, for instance, collaborat, a tag I tend to favor in to capture the essence of collaborate, collaboration, collaborative, and collaborators
  • awareness-raising,
  • are means of raising awareness
  • wondering if there're any shortcut suggestions to 'attacking' the project of revisiting and tagging them?
  • I've been tagging many things both ESOL and ESL (because I don't know if diigo would automatically search for both. Is there a way to find out ?
  • we're moving from just collecting resources to a more engaged collective way of making the best out of the resources we share with the group.
  • the power of folksonomies is exactly having everybody tagging as much as possible, with as much key-words as you can think of. We won't ever be able to create a true "system"
  • agging for personal use x tagging for public good
  • Tagging will always be ambiguous because our very personal ways of classifying things and making them useful for us. Even so, with folksonomies, we're able to see the latest trends in a determined group or about a certain topic, we can go to places never imagined before.
  • e-learning
  • e-teaching, e-learning, networking, workshop, web
  • "prof. development"
  • difference between tags and categories
  • web2.0, wiki, professional_development, technology, edtech
  • e-learninge-learninge-teachingedtechnetworkingprof. developmentprofessional_developmenttechnologyweb2.0web2.0wikiworkshop
  • ProDev
  • web2.0, wikis, education, learning, teaching, ProDev, k-12
  • networking
  • I tend to use underscores and plurals, as well as one word tags, like professionaldevelopment, though I agree with Paul that ProfDev would make sense
  • I need to be more consistent.
    So, how could we organize our tagging system after this week's discussion? Give some practical hints here. I'll start with: - try to keep a single word tag - add as many tags as you can think of - think of individual uses of the tags you're using, as well as the collective needs of easy retrieval of resources - tag, tag, tag - pay attention to mispelled words - use the groups' recommended tags in addition to the ones you've already used -
Carla Arena

SoapBox: Sue Waters and friends Twitter : The Knowledge Tree - 0 views

    Thanks, Joao, for sharing this one more resource Sue shares with us.
Carla Arena

Easy Thumbnails Software -- Free thumbnail utility from Fookes Software - 0 views

shared by Carla Arena on 16 Jun 08 - Cached
    Thanks Gladys and Paul for sharin these photo manipulation sites. We all need them nowadays. I must confess I'm totally in love with Flickr together with Picnik . It gives lots of editing options, including adding text, special effects, etc and when I'm done, it saves directly to my Flickr account. Lots of fun and very useful to create tutorials, for example.
Carla Arena

How do you envision using the Webslides feature? - 124 views

diigo goodpractices learningwithcomputers practices webslides
  • Carla Arena
    Share with us some uses you can think would be profitable and useful for the Webslides. Would you use it with a group of students or for Professional Development?

    We're eagerly waiting for your brilliant ideas and enriching contributions.
  • ...1 more comments...
  • Carla Arena
    Wow, Mary, I loved our Blogging4Educators webslides. The cool thing is that you don't need to spend any extra time to prepare them. They are already there. Did you know that you can make webslides for specific feeds as well as bookmarks?

    Here's a fantastic tutorial

    Oh, and we can add a sound track to the Webslides, too.

    As for students, you're right. It's visually appealing and we can direct them to specific sites.

    I'm preparing a special webslide to show you here in some days, very soon! It's related to a post Michele Martin wrote about creating our personal e-portfolios using bookmarkings, so I'll show you what I came up with!

    Thanks for being here with us.

    Carla having fun in Boston

    Mary Hillis wrote:
    > Hi Carla and LwCers,
    > The Webslides are really visually appealing and would be great for use with a class or for professional development.
    > For use with a class, you could bookmark some sites you wanted students to take a look at and embed the Webslides widget on your class blog or site. The slideshow may be more attractive than a simple list of links, and may appeal especially to visual learners.
    > For professional development, using the Webslides feature would be a nice way to showcase a project or to create a kind of portfolio. During the Blogging4Educators session that we co-moderated earlier this year, we created a lot of content on various sites. I bookmarked these sites, saved them to the list Blogging4Educators, and then looked at the webslides. It looks really professional, and is easy to share with others!
    > Looking forward to hearing more great ideas about Webslides!!
    > Mary
    > Carla Arena wrote:
    > > Share with us some uses you can think would be profitable and useful for the Webslides. Would you use it with a group of students or for Professional Development?
    > >
    > > We're eagerly waiting for your brilliant ideas and enriching contributions.
  • Carla Arena
    Wow, Ana! I loved your collection! Thanks for sharing it.

    As soon as I get another group of students, I really want to show them a collection of links in webslides mode. As mentioned before, it makes it visually appealing and it organizes stuff for us.

    I don´t know where I saw Paul´s comment about adding voice to the Webslides, which I thought was pretty interesting to test. We can add a sound file to a webslide, so we can narrate our slideshow here and even guide students. As Paul mentioned, it´s a matter of synching our narration to the time of each slide, which shouldn´t be that hard using a recording program like Audacity.

    Thanks everybody, for sharing here ideas.

    So, here goes mine!

    Some weeks ago, I read Michele Martin´s interesting post about creating an e-portfolio in Delicious.

    As we had started testing Diigo, I decided to start my portfolio here just by deciding on a unique tag, digifolio_carlaarena. Then, I created a list called "digifolio" and started adding the pages that represented my work, projects, thoughts, ideas, collections. It's just in the beginning, but I guess it has potential and it can show a bit about who you are, what you believe in, what you do in a very interesting way. Still lots to do, though...I want to narrate it or, at least, add some music to it, but I haven't had time (suffering a lot on vacation in Boston!!!). The description of my list, I used to add some info about the digifolio. Then, for the description space for each link, I added some aspect about my project, work, collection or thought. Well, just an idea. I hope you enjoy it. And suggestions and comments are always welcome to improve it!

    Do you think it's an effective way to showcase or at least give a nice sample of our professional development?

    anamaria menezes wrote:
    > Dear Carla and Mar
    > y
    > so, let´s imagine I wanted to my students to explore some listening sites, like I have done before, the webslides would have been much more interesting than the list of links I provided them.

    > Well, I´m still thinking of the potential of webslides.
    > anamaria
  • Carla Arena
    Dear Berta,

    I have the same feeling...I wish I had known about Diigo and Webslides before I had taught the Listening Plus online course, but it's never too late, and I'll surely see how it can be used in a near future with my online students.

    Thanks for sharing your experience with your course. I never gave you feedback, and I wanted to say that I browsed through it some time ago and just loved the Webheaddy approach to it, open with lots of interesting tasks meant to encourage students to find their way and you as a guide. Wonderful job, and I'll surely take a look at it again to see your students' production. Interesting to see that they wanted to stick to the wiki because of their international collaboration. Maybe because they were more comfortable with it?

    Well, you could use the webslides to showcase to colleagues your students' work, for sure, even adding some music or your own voice telling more about the project.

    Hope to see you soon!


    Berta Leiva wrote:
    > Thanks Carla, Mary and Ana María for sharing your great examples of what can be done with slideshows. I wish I had known about this feature of Diigo at the beginning of this trimester to set something up for my writing course. did not work that well and links in the blog did not either. Students were so overwhelmed with work from their different subjects that they did not profit from my course as much as they had wanted (or at least that´s what they said in their self-evaluation), so they did not dedicate much time to exploring on their own. Ours was an introductory course to EFL writing and the approach was one of self-discovery as writers, readers, learners.
    > I would try to see if I can make a slideshow of my students´ blog (even if that did not work out as I had expected). They concentrated so much on the wiki that when I introduced them to blogs for free writing, they preferred to stick to their wiki page and set written assignments. That was quite an interesting experience and I think the main reason why this happened is that we decided to participate in an international exchange project with some students in Nagasaki and that motivated them more than writing in their blogs. In the end I think it was too much work for them but hope they will keep building their blogs after the class is over. At least a couple said they would.
    > Thanks for all the wonderful ideas and sorry I have not participated much lately. I am really exhausted. This is our last week of class and evaluations.
    > Cyberhugs, Berta
Carla Arena

Shirky: Ontology is Overrated -- Categories, Links, and Tags - 0 views

  • there is no shelf, and that there is no file system. Google can decide what goes with what after hearing from the user, rather than trying to predict in advance what it is you need to know.
    • Carla Arena
      This is exactly the idea of the Third order, the digital world, that things don't have the constraint of being in one single place. It can be in many different places at once. That's one there's no file system. Our "categories" are much more fluid.
  • the semantics here are in the users, not in the system.
  • It's all dependent on human context
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The signal benefit of these systems is that they don't recreate the structured, hierarchical categorization so often forced onto us by our physical systems. Instead, we're dealing with a significant break -- by letting users tag URLs and then aggregating those tags, we're going to be able to build alternate organizational systems, systems that, like the Web itself, do a better job of letting individuals create value for one another, often without realizing it.
Carla Arena

Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata - 0 views

  • A user on Flickr, Andrew Lowosky, began posting pictures of doorbells in Florence, along with a brief piece of fiction about the doorbell in the description of the photograph. He dubbed this combination of photograph and short story “flicktion,” and tagged it as such. (Lowosky, 2004.) Some other users have been tagging photographs with “flicktion” and writing short fiction to accompany it
    • Carla Arena
      Interesting use of tags.
  • the most used tags are more likely to be used by other users since they are more likely to be seen
    • Carla Arena
      That's our idea, isn't it? Providing more tags that will be useful for individual use and for the group.
  • A folksonomy represents simultaneously some of the best and worst in the organization of information. Its uncontrolled nature is fundamentally chaotic, suffers from problems of imprecision and ambiguity that well developed controlled vocabularies and name authorities effectively ameliorate. Conversely, systems employing free-‍form tagging that are encouraging users to organize information in their own ways are supremely responsive to user needs and vocabularies, and involve the users of information actively in the organizational system. Overall, transforming the creation of explicit metadata for resources from an isolated, professional activity into a shared, communicative activity by users is an important development that should be explored and considered for future systems development.
    • Carla Arena
      imprecision and ambiguity x free-form tagging - user-generated communicative activity. We should see how our community semantic building evolves.
    Thanks, Paul, for bookmarking this site. Interesting reading that points out to what we've been experiencing, the strengths and weakenesses of folksonomies. If we learn about them, we can try to minimize a bit ambiguity problems in tagging, though they will always be there!
Carla Arena

k12learning20 » home - 0 views

    Tools for 21st Century Teaching & Learning
Carla Arena

Using Categories and Tags Effectively on Your Blog - 0 views

    This is specifically related to tagging and categorizing on our blog posts. However, very pertinent to our discussion in the learningwithcomputers group and based on Jennifer's questions.
Carla Arena

k12learning20 » 23Things - 0 views

  • Each week, you will complete two or three Discovery Exercises and Learning Tasks ("Things"), as listed below.
    • Carla Arena
      I just loved the concept of "things here". Wonderful resource for personal exploration or to give you an idea on teacher training.
Carla Arena

learningwithcomputers07 wiki / online_bookmarking2 - 0 views

    Hi, guys. I've just posted our second week on our wiki, though we're still on week 1. Just for the ones who like to play around during the weekend. Thanks for the wonderful contribution on week 1! This is truly a social bookmarking experience. Let's keep digging Diigo. Carla and Susana.
Carla Arena

About Throughout the Ages - 0 views

    A wonderful site for visual literacy. It gives teachers lots of practical tips on how to use visual literacy in the classroom and the photos archives with historical background and questions are great. Though it is meant for American schools, lost of interesting resources and ideas.
Carla Arena

Delicious & Diigo « Cycling Through Ed Tech - 0 views

    • Carla Arena
      Diigo's Features. Let's explore them and see how they can be used for personal resources and in the classroom.
Carla Arena

The Web2.0 in 64 seconds at The Journey - 0 views

    Dear all, I'd like to invite you to take part in this wonderful project called Web2.0Wednesday . Join us! Fun, enriching, connected. This is my first production based on the task proposed for this Wednesday. How would you define the Web2.0 in one minute?
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