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Learning Sciences Institute - YouTube - 8 views

shared by Evrim Baran on 25 Sep 13 - No Cached
    I've watched the video twice and in the end I've felt some concerns about the results of the studies. In the "how people learn" part, researchers were testing the storage and connection system of the brain through some high-tech tools. However, does neuropsychology provide enough evidence on the functioning of the brains? Can we generalize the results to all people from all cultures? I am not the one who is against neuropsychology, but for me one discipline may not give an appropriate answer to such a deep question. My second concern is about the integration of computer programs into the curriculum as a major learning tool. We see a program where "Betty" is speaking and giving feedback on the video. The program seems user friendly, but what about the negative aspects and limitations of the integration of technology into learning? Ok, I agree that we have to adapt to the rapid technological changes in the society. However, is technology the key to all learning processes? Plus, the program is designed on the mapping of the concepts. Does concept mapping make a curriculum compelling all the time? I am not sure about all characteristics of the program, but if it hasn't been designed in a challenging style and if all students come up with the same products, then how will they develop their knowledge and reasoning abilities? I couldn't find an answer to that. As for the part "effective teaching", I am in the same opinion with the researchers that there should be a connection between the real world and the subject taught. Moreover, I think the integration of the disciplines is difficult but a very good way of giving meaning to life. Besides, in the video we see teachers as a guide, as a facilitator and there is no doubt that providing individual support to the students helps students feel more involved.
    Firstly, even if it is designed by utilizing modern technology and different understanding, which makes it a more developed and complicated one, the program used in the video reminded me the teaching machines of old times. It gives the priority to the cognitive aspect of learning. This seems to be a one-dimensional approach which underestimates the social aspect of learning. I think the value of classroom interaction for effective learning cannot be replaced by any kind of computer programs. Research on brain is really important and it provides very useful insights for learning and instructional activities. However, it should be supported by the findings of research by social psychologists as well. The very same individual may perform at varying levels when he is taught with the same methods in different environments. I personally experienced many times that even the absence of one individual in my classes affected the teaching an learning processes in a negative or positive way depending upon the classroom dinamics.

Is China trying to emulate Finland? - 9 views

    it seems that we will try to go to some Chinese Universities in ten years time, instead of Europe or States.
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    The scandinavian pioneering role in school reforms has a long tradition. It is not only the comprehensive-school-system which makes Finnland a top-performer. Many countries are trying to emulate Finland and more equal opportunities in education can be a good progress. But why is Finnland a top-performer? In my opinion it could be PISA which is responsible for the comparison of school systems. PISA is criticized by many researchers, so first we have to scrutinize whether Finland can be a prototype.
    According to the latest scores of PISA, it seems like we all start to search how China and South Corea is doing in their education systems. As for the question why Finland is a top-performer, there are several aspects to explain it. I think, initially, teacher education comes first and equality and equity in education follow this. Therefore they show up as top thanks to PISA. Their school tradition, history of both economics and education, population and mentality of learning could be obstacles to make it as a prototype and compare with some countries.
    My aim was not to call Finland as a top-performer into question. I want to criticize PISA and their purposes. For example the test-structure are determining the results, so if sth. would be changed, another country will be the top-performer. I found an interesting critique: But maybe I failed the original topic, because that article doesn't discuss PISA.
    We had the same conversation here with my colleagues from Belgium and Netherlands the outcomes that PISA is measuring. It is after all measuring certain outcomes that OECD wants to measure. We also have to be careful in taking Finland as a model and such comparative approach just like mentioned in a series of reports that Christian shared.
    PISA is a big goal for policy makers. They want to success even they don't believe, because it makes country popular as seen above:) We have to focus on real indicators like development... And here is an infographic about Finland's educational system:
    In my oppinion, we couldnot seek the other countries' educational systems, at the begining of possible educational reform process. Before this, students profile and the reasons behind the problems have to be analysed; such as economic and social problems, teacher's competencies, subject matter, schools' physical equipments, etc. As I mentioned, before analysing other countries systems, we have to analyse our educational systems indetail and clearly. From that point, solutions can be seeked and useful after determination fo the problems..
    Now I understand your point, Christian. Thanks for sharing that pdf, I think that is related with the article since it discusses the whole structure of PISA which is showed as a scale. And for sure,that might happen that another country would be top according to another kind of testing but still there is a hard fact about Finland and their school culture. I have seen that infographic before but I feel the need to correct some issues there according to my stay in Finland. For instance, it says that there are no seperate classrooms for accelerated learning or special education but there are many of them. As for homeworks, this saying of having rarely homework is not actually reflecting the reality. They do have homeworks but the definiton of it might cause misunderstandings;)
    Thank you Sinem for correcting the infographic's assumptions. I would like to hear more about your experiences in Finland.
    In my opinion education policy of the countries do not be planned based on the students' academic achievement. Real achievement of an education system could be observed as individuals' adaptation to life. For example the main vision of the elementary science curriculum defined by Ministry of National Education of Turkey [MONE] (2005) is that regardless of the individual differences of students, they are educated to become scientifically literate, the uniqueness nature of the learner; background and culture of the learners and motivation of the learners were taken into consideration in the development of the curriculum (MONE, 2005), but putting those in the practice is very difficult.
    Also, as mentioned in the text "… those results come at the cost of one of the highest levels of student anxiety in the world." Anxiety is very important and big research area in educational psychology also the news in the link exemplifies its importance in Chinese case.

Donald Clark Plan B: 9 reasons why I am NOT a Social Constructivist - 1 views

    I am curious about what you think on this. Do you agree?
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    Hocam, I think this guy has an introvert personality. If he doesn't, perhaps he took a course from a teacher who made him feel fed up with pair and group work activities :-)) I have read the comments of other people under the article and I liked the one made by Doug. As Doug stated, Donald Clark compares different perspectives in a linear manner, but these thinkers represent different developmental periods of the theory. So he should have made comparisons considering the development of the theory to be more plausible. For his overall comments at the end of his article, I can say that what he mentions ("Those with good digital literacy, literacy, numeracy and other skills will have the social support, especially at home") is not something peculiar to the results of this theory. We used to have more segragations in the societies when former theories were dominant. So his comment doesn't seem logical to me. He also mentions that some learners like studying alone, which is not supported by this theory. Of course sometimes we need some isolation to think, analyze and synthesize, but this doesn't make us forget about the advantages of peer learning. There is a saying, "two heads are better than one". As we discussed in the classroom, we learn better when we are cognitively engaged and in my opinion, "engagement" requires contradictory or contributory comments made by other members of the society. It doesn't take place without interactions. To sum up, the theory may have some limitations, but I prefer it to the older ones :-)
    While reading I felt that the author is somewhat close to new ideas coming from other people, other thinkers, actually coming from the rest of the world. I mean as I understood at some parts, he is not open to accept the judgements or theories of some thinkers because what they said were already out there, they did not bring anything new. However I would name these people as men of action and thinkers ahead of their time. Because they draw attention to critical points that were ignored or missed by others. Maybe yes what they put forth were already out there or maybe some of their methods are not sufficient compared to our current methodologies but still they were the ones to see the complete picture and summarize things.
    Thank you Evrim Hocam:) I strongly believe in community, wikinomy, we have to share, we can learn from each other in an informal environment but social constructivism is not working on me:) As he wrote "At University I learned almost everything in the quiet of my own room and the library. In corporate life, I relished the opportunity to learn on trains and planes, havens of forced isolation, peace and quiet. To this day I blog a lot and enjoy periods of intense research, reading and writing. It's not that I've learned everything in these contexts, only that they go against the idea that all learning needs to be social." I always got successful with deliberate practice and with "Learning by Doing". I don't like social media as well, there are many damages than benefits and I'm not so introvert, maybe a little:) but it's not about being introvert or extrovert, it's about talking or doing... I want to tell a real story of my friend who was a novice programmer in a company. There were many experts, novices and they were taking courses, online, offline, with collaboration every time. Everybody were sharing, commenting, discussing but he began a real life project first week by himself and after 6 month they were still asking to each other but he finished his project. After one year he was the best programmer in the company. And everyone began to ask to him. I asked him, he told that he believes in working until suffering and just doing:) And he added this interesting sentence "You will learn and you will be successful when you will be so related, so suffering that one day you will see dreams and solve problems about the topics in your sleep" My friend's opinions are maybe a little bit dramatic but I believe in "doing" too, at least it's working for us:)

Free and Online courses - 1 views

shared by Hatice Çilsalar on 01 Oct 13 - No Cached
    here is the website which offer some free some paid online course for people around the world you can enroll and join the course. Evrim hoca mentioned before this website and I want to share with you

learning from social media - 3 views

    Here is an interesting example how learning is practiced in social media. If you want to find out more about the theoretical background, google "Professor Sreenivasan".
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    Social media is mainly for entertainment and socializing. Altough it can assist the classroom subjects in different ways, I am not sure if using social networking as the main tool in the classroom is a great idea.
    Of course social media shouldn't be the main tool. But I think excluding it as it is done in most of the schools is not up-to-date. Social media is part of our modern world and we have to discuss, if it may could be included in our learning environment. So what we are doing now (using diigo or twitter in our course) is the try to learn referring to social media.
    Some of social media samples can be used during some spesific classes such as History, English, Biology and likewise. But as a Maths teacher, I do not believe that I can use it as a tool to teach a subject. However, I definately aggree that it is obviously a great thing to exchange new ideas, to make brain storms, to create a discussion platform and broaden ideas according to several perspectives.
    I liked the idea of integrating social media into instruction. But the teacher or instructor should be extra careful and strategic as it may be risky. Such devices or technology are mostly to capture the attention of the students or to keep students engaged in the lesson. I still think that the magic is in the hands of the teacher to keep the students attention and ensure effective learning. It may be too much technological to use facebook or tweeter in each lesson, which constitutes a balance issue. The students need to be close to the books, pencils and notebooks, papers etc. The dose of social media should be arranged carefully and strategically.

statistics about learning - 1 views

    It is an interesting video related to learning which occurs around the world.
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    I liked the definition: "Education is how information becomes knowledge" and the metaphor of sponge sucking the fluid of knowledge like our brains and minds.
    I agree with the idea that we are all really fortunate and We should never stop learning regardless of our status, gender, and etc. also, the video advises us to make a distinction between right and wrong . once people believed that the earth was flat but at those times there were people that they knew that the earth is round. so, in order to be like the ones who are always at the right side we should be very careful and should nor accept every information as it is and question it.
    If the education would be completely trading thing, that would be an affective commercial! It gives an overview to several kinds of education and its oppurtinities as well as motivation!

Childhood damaged by overtesting - 1 views

    After I read this I become more worried about our students especially in secondary schools. There were SBS (exam for entering high schools) and they were taking 3 different exams at each grade, 6,7,8 but now with the new regulations they will have 36 exams. Apart from that in 10 years the system has changed for 5 times. what can be more devastating their chilhood than that?
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    This change in the system is very major, I agree with you. Once again we as educators are facing implementations without needing any pilot testing or making use of any kind of sound research. I also read that there will be open-ended questions but I am not sure. But if this is the case, we have one other reason to worry about maybe; the quality of these new questions.
    I am afraid that there is no other country in which incessant testing is applied more Turkey. Every year, something is changed by the Ministry of Education, no need to mention about the examination system. They change the system without even measuring or analyzing the results or outcomes. Deep modifications need to be implemented to improve the infrastructure of the education system. However, in our "unique" political environment How???
    I agree with you about the testing system in Turkey but it is only the top of the iceberg. For me, childhood ends for children who start the formal education in Turkey. Our system is so demanding and competitive that children cannot endure the difficulties they encounter. First of all, we have very overloaded curricula and students always need to be alert and hardworking to keep up with the required activities. While trying to make use of constructivist understanding curriculum developers missed some points: the opportunities and facilities the schools and students have, the difficulty level of activities, background of the learner and student and parent profile in Turkey, teacher characteristics in our schools and so on. The curricula cannot be implemeted in most of the schools so teachers invented their own methods and techniques which do not match to any of the instructional theories properly. Parents started to find out ways to protect their children and they made lots of mistakes. For example, some parents do projects of their children and smarter children started to sell ready-made projects at schools. Although teachers know the truth, he grade these projects because the system makes it nearly impossible to fail. In short, our system is working but not in the way writen in the curricula. The changes, negativities and difficulties in the system is damaging the childhood and future of the students. Somebody should change it, not the curricula:)
    World is getting more populated, and each individual wants to have a better life. And a better life is significantly related to education. So, exams still appear to be a "must" in this racing system. Actually, I am a supporter of the exams if we want to have a more "fair race". I remember the terrible old days when successful people couldn't get what they deserved because of the bribery system in Turkey. On the other hand, I agree about the side effects of the overtesting. And as an individual who has been exposed to overtesting, the question I ask to myself is "How has the overtesting affected my mental health?" The truth is I have been stressed, depressed and sad because of the tests :(

Mirror Neurons - 0 views

    A new type of neurons that is believed to be the neural basis of empathy which is interpreted as a bridge between people in connecting their ideas, feelings, thoughts in shaping the world we live in.
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    What if teachers understood how to reach students so well that children feel included? It would be wonderful to find out the answer of this question, because the sense of isolation ibs the biggest barrier between students and teachers and it is really difficult to overcome.
    Thank you Defne :-) I don't know why but I always like reading the issues we discuss in well-known magazines and this is one of them :-)) Up to know, we've mostly tended to make a link between feelings and psychology, but now we see that our feelings and actions are closely connected with neurons, smtg physical. I wish we could understand all its implications on education. Perhaps in the future...
    I think that mirror neurons are really interesting to have such a function.

Ethical issues in Educational Neuroscience: Raising Children in a Brave New World - 0 views

    The article talks about the probable challenges of educational neuroscience and underlines the difference between designing children and raising children with some example cases.

The International Baccalaureate | - 0 views

shared by canannn on 26 Oct 13 - Cached
    This is the website for The International Baccalaureate (IB) program that I mentioned in the class. It is a recognized leader in the field of international education, encouraging students to be active learners, well-rounded individuals and engaged world citizens. The organization offers to schools three programmes: the Diploma Programme, the Middle Years Programme and the Primary Years Programme. It is applied in some of the private colleges such as Eyuboğlu Schools that I have worked in, İstek Schools and Enka Schools from Istanbul.

England's young adults trail world in literacy and maths - 5 views

started by filizbezci on 08 Oct 13 no follow-up yet

Early Childhood Education: The Montessori Method - 2 views

    I had chance to visit some Montessori early education centers and got impressed by the way children learn. I am really looking forward to hearing your comments on this method.
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    I also present a brief paper on this method. You can download it clicking on the link below:
    Whatever they are named, there are many nice ideas-theories of edcation. Montessori method is one of the contemporary ones which seems to present many potentials for the teachers. One point which looks problematic about Montessori in our education sysytem is motivating students to be actively engaged in activities. The question is "Is there a way to connect activities and heavy academic knowledge?". In other words, Can we help our students to get ready for the exams by engaging them in daily activities? My answer is "not really" :(
    I liked the school environment too much. As far as I can see from the video, Montessori method engages ownership in learning, self-management and authenticity which I most appreciate in a learning process. The students have the chance to relate what they learn with life with willingness and curiosity. But as İbrahim said, my question is "Can we apply this to our education system?". Our children are in a race from the beginning for a endless examination world. Unfortunately, this is a bit utopia for us. However, I think in kindergarten or pre-school period we can apply this. But for high-school or even primary school I am not sure.

Collaborative Learning at CSCL 2013 - 0 views

    The writers present their insights on the international CSCL conference and the perspectives presented from the different regions of the world on the past and future CSCL.

Studying Dinosaur Learning on an Island of Expertise - 3 views

    This is an example of learning on an Island of Expertise. For example: A child is interested in dinosaur. The parents maybe make some activities which build an island of expertise. Activities could be a visit in a museum or a movie about the topic.
    Similar projects can be done at schools about the animals or things around us (like visiting a dog barn or visiting a factory). Such visits may help students get motivated about the world around them.

Fish is Fish - 5 views

    Here is the animated version of the book Fish is Fish mentioned in Bransford's chapter.
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    Human is human... This video rememinded me of how humans imagine the aliens. We sometimes seem to forget humans are humans; and imagine aliens similar to human beings :)
    Thank you for the video, I had really enjoyed it while reading, glad there is a video of it:)
    Thanks for the video hocam:-) The story in the article was great and now we have the video of it. I think it accurately depicts the situation. While I was reading the story, it reminded me of the Rorschach test. Everyone sees a different thing when looking at the ink because we belong to different worlds and we go through different psychological and cognitive processes. This is like reading the same book but visualizing people in a different way.

2 Pioneers in learning sciences - 12 views

started by mskaraca on 09 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

2 important people in the field of learning sciences - 5 views

started by Özlem Duran Ataalp on 12 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

Discovery Retreat - 1 views

    "The purpose of the Discovery Retreat is to promote environmentalism through the practice of contextual teaching and learning among teachers and their sutdents. It is our practical and philosophic belief that teachers can play an important role in the preservatin of our environment." "The Discovery Retreat is a program within the Department of Workforce Education, Leadership, and Social Foundations, which ranked 4th in the nation by the U.S. News and World Report. The Department of Workforce Education, Leadership, and Social Foundations is also recognized nationally and internationally for its work in the development of contextual teaching and learning theories and practices in teacher education."
    there is much more to learn when you are outside than when you are inside :)

PISA: Measuring student success around the world - 0 views

shared by leventmetu on 03 Nov 13 - No Cached
    I can only see Shanghai and HK from China. Why? Why they do not have any results from the rural regions. These 2 cities have special administration and have significantly high GDP. I am not stuck with the idea of "money is everything". But it talks in many cases.
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