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Jeff Mann

Fathers disappear from households across America - Washington Times - 0 views

    Fifteen million U.S. children, or 1 in 3, live without a father, and nearly 5 million live without a mother Read more: Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
Child Therapy

Developing Self Confidence In Children - 1 views

started by Child Therapy on 29 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
David Ellena

5 Ideas To Bring Parents Into The Learning Process | The Principal of Change - 0 views

  • Here are some ways that we can build strong connections with the parents in our school communities:
  • 1.  Use what the kids use
  • If we can connect using mediums (blogs, YouTube, Twitter, etc.) that our students use, not only are we building an understanding and instructional leadership within our schools, but we are familiarizing our parents with many of the tools that their children will be using. 
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  • 2. Have an open mind
  • You may not have all parents excited about the changes that are happening in school, but they are out there.  You have to find them which leads into the next point.
  • 3.  Tap into parent leadership
  • One thing that we have to realize is that parents are more likely to listen to other parents.
  • What is imperative is that we connect with parents that have a voice with others and get their feedback on new initiatives.
  • 4. Focus on open communication
  • 5.  Create learning opportunities
    Involving parents is critical in student success
David Ellena

The Future of Learning-Digital, Mobile, Real-Time - Getting Smart by Guest Author - #bl... - 0 views

  • the future of learning and education is becoming easier to predict every day: it’s digital.
  • The combination of ubiquitous mobile devices and dramatic improvements in personalized and engaging digital learning experiences has resulted in drastically reduced time-to-market for high-quality, technology-enhanced educational content.
  • Alvin Toffler. For a while now, he has talked about the need for speed in learning—and relearning—and the essential skills required for success. He’s said, “the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”
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  • A major element of the Framework for 21st Century Learning is the “ability to learn through digital means, such as social networking, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy, technological awareness, and simulation.”
  • Our digital and connected world calls for changes in how our children learn and how our teachers teach. We’re evolving from the “sage on the stage” model to one of coach and facilitator, and that’s a good thing.
  • I believe that the most effective educator is one who deeply understands the learner—where he or she is in the moment of their learning journey.
    Some very interesting thoughts on the future of learning
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