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David Ellena

7 Mid-School Year Reminders on Finishing Strong | Connected Principals - 0 views

  • 1. Remember to use both sides of your brain: instruction and management.
  • 4. Always be professionals in conversations, emails, social media, and personal appearance.
  • 6. Be a goal-setter personally, professionally and collaboratively.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 7. Remember to celebrate.
    Some ideas to help motivate you at the mid-point of the year
David Ellena

20 Things That Mentally Strong People Don't Do | Elite Daily - 0 views

    Some traits of mentally strong leaders
Don Lourcey

At Least 20 Things to Stop Doing as a Leader | Management Excellence - 5 views

    The list is a great manifestation of what demotivates employees. As Daniel Pink says near the end of "Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us" (, we need to start treating people like people
lucid league

HRD Trainer India - Dr. Shailesh Thaker - 0 views

    Train The Trainer - HR Training in India for HR and Business Professionals by Dr. Shailesh Thaker, renowned Management Guru, Management Thinker, Keynote Speaker and Motivational Coach from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
lucid league

Business Consultancy India - 0 views

    Dr. Shailesh Thaker, the world renowned Management Thinker and Management Guru, has motivated millions of professionals from various fields through his workshops.
lucid league

HRD Audit - Dr. Shailesh Thaker - 0 views

    Train The Trainer - HR Training in India for HR and Business Professionals by Dr. Shailesh Thaker, renowned Management Guru, Management Thinker, Keynote Speaker and Motivational Coach from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
David Ellena

Doing Less, Leading More - Ed Batista - Harvard Business Review - 0 views

  • Our first accomplishments as professionals are usually rooted in our skill as individual contributors. In most fields we add value in the early stages of our careers by getting things done.
  • Instead simply doing more, sustaining our success as leaders requires us to redefine how we add value.
  • Continuing to rely on our abilities as individual contributors greatly limits what we actually contribute and puts us at a disadvantage to peers who are better able to mobilize and motivate others. In other words we need to do less and lead more.
    As educational leaders, we need to make sure we are LEADING
David Ellena

7 Hats Principals Must Be Prepared to Wear | Connected Principals - 0 views

  • 1. Coach
  • Someone has to make the final call, and as the principal, that will often be you.
  • Coaches also set the tone, cast the vision, or help motivate their teams to action.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • 2. Manager
  • School leadership is much more than management, but it is still an important part of it.
  • 3. Counselor
  • But I have learned the importance of giving my attention to someone in need, providing them feedback, and helping them find solutions.
  • 4. On Duty
  • 5. Chief Communicator
  • Here are a few ways I try to keep communication clear: a. Be present and visible. b. Follow up meetings with email summaries. c. Email parents and teachers in group emails with school updates. d. When someone is upset, call or see in person if possible. e. Send photos and updates to your local media outlets. f. Create a school newsletter so great events are published to a wider audience.
  • 6. Servant-Leader
  • 7. Team Player
  • principal must remember he is not working alone. You are surrounded by teachers, students, or staff members who are talented, intelligent and creative.
    What would you add to tho list?
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