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Christopher Bugaj

Use of Text-to-speech Software to Improve Reading Skills of High School Struggling Readers - 2 views

    Evidence suggests that using text to speech helps students improve reading skills
Christopher Bugaj

Research Insights Into LAMP (Language Acquisition through Motor Planning) - 9 views

    Research Insights Into LAMP (Language Acquisition through Motor Planning) Ben Satterfield Center for AT Excellence GA Tools for Life
Christopher Bugaj

Print Books vs. E-Books Research Finding - 1 views

    The enhanced e-book was less effective than the print and basic e-book in supporting the benefits of co-reading because it prompted more non-content related interactions. When adults prompt children with questions pertaining to the text, label objects, and encourage them to discuss the book contents in terms of their own experiences and curiosities, this elicits increased verbalization by the child and can lead to improved vocabulary and overall language development.
Christopher Bugaj

Using Captioned Television To Improve the Reading Proficiency of Language Minority Stud... - 3 views

    Research article supporting the use of Captioning as a valid method for improving the reading abilities of students.
Christopher Bugaj

Reading for Pleasure Research by Scholastic - 1 views

    Article outlining research about the benefits of reading for pleasure.
Christopher Bugaj

Communication Matters - 2 views

    Communication Matters is committed to supporting people who find communication difficult because they have little or no clear speech. You will find here information on methods of communication which can be used to supplement the more usual methods of speech and writing. These methods are called Augmentative and Alternative Communication, or AAC for short.
Judith Schoonover

Research-Based Practices for Creating Access - 2 views

    Research-Based Practices for Creating Access to the General Curriculum in Reading and Literacy for Students with Significant Intellectual Disabilities
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