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Steph Starr

Valley Family Buries Daughter Twice - Phoenix News Story - KPHO Phoenix - 0 views

  • heart and brain were maintained for further examination
    • Steph Starr
      What do they examine? Are they investigating into what happened to her? It doesn't seem like that. It seems like this is typical for anyone who dies in the military.
  • Linda Gillam still questions why her daughter died on a military base
    • Steph Starr
      This happened it 2007. Did they not want to get an autopsy report done?
  • what we wanted to do with her heart and brain
    • Steph Starr
      What does this mean? This makes it seem like they had a choice in the matter, when I thought they were forced to give up their daughter's vital organs.
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  • "We were not allowed near the grave,"
    • Steph Starr
      I can see why they wouldn't WANT to go near the grave, but they're not allowed to even if they wanted to? How can this be? It's their daughter! What grounds does the military have to enforce this?
  • did a short stint in drug rehab
    • Steph Starr
      This makes the military seem very irresponsible. How could they allow that to happen? It sounds like she was being observed constantly, if she were in medical rehab, so it surprises me that a problem like this occured.
Adam Mazurek

Pizza Shop Owner Accused of 'Food Terrorism' - - 0 views

  • Nickolas Galiatsatos, 47, owner of Nina’s Bella Pizzeria in Upper Darby, Pa., was allegedly caught red handed placing a bag of mice in the bathroom of another pizza place.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Why would the owner of a pizza shop put mice in another pizza shop? Maybe he wanted his pizza shop to more more successful?
  • The cops found the mice in a bag planted inside a ceiling tile.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Why would the guy have the mice in a bag? Also, why would the guy put the mice in the ceiling? I wonder if he has a mental problem.
  • The officers went outside and saw Galiatsatos walking into a different pizzeria with another bag in his hand.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I can't believe he was trying to put something, maybe more mice, in another pizza shop. I wonder if he was just attempting to make a joke and be funny or if he actually meant what he was doing. Either way, what he was doing was wrong.
    In Philadelphia, an owner of a pizza shop was arrested for putting mice in another pizza shop's bathroom. Apparently the owner was going to put mice in another pizza shop too because police found mice in a trash can. The owner is being charged with disorderly conduct, harassment and animal cruelty.
Eric Sowers

Crowds swell in Ohio as lawmakers prepare to meet - - 0 views

  • Thousands gathered in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday to protest
    • Eric Sowers
      This is the people practicing there 1st admendment right, the right to a peaceful protest.
  • "We're allowing unions to negotiate terms that should be the employers' decision."
    • Eric Sowers
      They let the people in the workers unions decide certain rights and negotiate within there unions. This would be benifitial to the workers.
  • The next Senate hearing on the measure is set to begin Tuesday at 1 p.m.
    • Eric Sowers
      In the next hearing on tuesday they should pass the bill the unions are striking for.
Kyle Wisner

Seattle farmers market features medical marijuana - - 0 views

  • Despite the packed crowds and stands full of marijuana, the farmers market operates in a legal gray zone.
    • Kyle Wisner
      How can they operate if it is not completly legal?
  • "Medical marijuana is not legal in the state of Washington," said state Department of Health spokesman Donn Moyer. A law passed in 1998 allows for what is called the "medical marijuana defense" -- that allows for juries to take into account if someone charged with pot possession was taking the drug for health purposes.
    • Kyle Wisner
      This "medical marijuana defense" does not make the selling of it legal. So how can this farmers market operate if the sale is not legal?
  • Under the current law, certain health care providers like doctors or nurse practitioner can issue the recommendations for medical marijuana for a variety of ailments including cancer, HIV and anorexia.
    • Kyle Wisner
      Then why is the sale of medical marijuana illegal if it is legal for doctors to reccomend it?
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  • "It's a city by city, county by county situation right now,"
    • Kyle Wisner
      That is not a good situation. Alot of confusion is going to come out of that.
  • A 2003 measure officially pegged arresting people for personal use of marijuana as the lowest priority for the city's police department.
    • Kyle Wisner
      I didnt know that police stations ranked the order of importance of crimes.
  • Market organizers said they are hopeful that a bill working its way through Washington's legislature will provide medical marijuana users and growers in the state surer legal footing to operate on.
    • Kyle Wisner
      Would this make the law like it is in California and Colorado?
Robyn Allen

The Associated Press: Ore. congressman explains mental health issues - 0 views

  • PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — U.S. Rep. David Wu, who is facing calls for his resignation over reports of erratic behavior, says he was once knocked for loop by the reaction to common mental health drugs and had to be hospitalized.
    • Robyn Allen
      Common mental health drugs? I hadn't realized that mental health drugs were common... Maybe that's one of the problems?
  • The Oregon congressman told The Associated Press, however, that it does not explain the behavior documented in reports over the last month, which included sending his staff photos of himself wearing a tiger costume.
    • Robyn Allen
      That sounds like a little more then the drugs "threw him through a loop". That sounds more like he abused them.
  • Wu said the drugs left him dizzy and confused on Election Day 2008, when his staff and family reportedly were unable to locate him.
    • Robyn Allen
      Was this the presidential election or the election of congressmen? If it was the latter why in the world was he elected? He is obviously irresponsible.
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  • Wu said he was hospitalized for symptoms that were later diagnosed as a reaction to the drugs. A spokesman, Erik Dorey, identified them as the sleep-aid drug Ambien and a generic form of Valium, which he said Wu used for anxiety and stress.
    • Robyn Allen
      I thought Valium was a heavy duty pain killer? You aren't supposed to take pain killers for anti-anxiety in the first place...
  • Six staff members quit after his 2010 re-election campaign during which the congressman gave angry speeches and talked his way inside the secure portion of Portland International Airport.
    • Robyn Allen
      I would have quit also. This congressman was extremly unprofessional. His behavior was unacceptable for someone who is that high up in power. Where was everybody when he was sending pictures of himself in a tiger suit? Aren't there like publicists and stuff that are supposed to intercept stuff like this when it happens?
  • The congressman said last year's episodes were the culmination of a period of mental health challenges that began in 2008 as marital issues led toward his separation from his wife.
    • Robyn Allen
      If the people in his district knew he had mental health problems why was he elected? Being a congressman isn't easy and to have marital problems just makes it that much worse.
  • Wu was prescribed mental health drugs that he described as "very common."
    • Robyn Allen
      Since when is Valium "very common"? I was under the impression it was hard to get ahold of...
  • He said he continued to feel unwell until summer 2009, when doctors linked his symptoms to his medications. Despite his allergy, Wu acknowledged taking two tablets of an unknown painkiller from a campaign donor in 2010.
    • Robyn Allen
      That is more then an allergic reaction if it made him feel unwell for a year... Did he say he took something and didn't know what it was? I'm a 16 year old girl and I know not to take anything if I don't know what it is...
  • "That is what a combination of pain and bad judgment will do, and I shouldn't have done it," Wu said.
    • Robyn Allen
      He should stop making excuses. He did it he should just face the cosequences. What was the pain from anyway? I thought it was mental health problems?
  • He said he was experiencing severe neck spasms from an old football injury and left his prescription painkillers in Washington, D.C. Wu said he did not experience any side effects from taking the medication.
    • Robyn Allen
      I feel like his story is changing up now... This seems sketchy now that he is talking about an old football injury.
  • He declined to discuss his specific diagnoses, but said he has never been treated for substance abuse.
    • Robyn Allen
      He should be treated for it. It seems like he is abusing pain killers.
  • Wu attributed his outbursts in 2010 to stress from a tough campaign, a dissolving marriage and taking care of his children, ages 11 and 13.
    • Robyn Allen
      Didn't he say that his marital problems had nothing to do with it earlier?
  • Wu said the staff departures were a wakeup call that he had been a "hard boss" — curt with his staff when he's short on time and impatient when there was no need to be.
    • Robyn Allen
      I thought his staff quit because of his unprofessionalism? I know I would have at least.
  • "Anyone who has known me over a period of time has said that I handle a wide variety of things very well," Wu said. "Last October was an atypical period for anybody."
    • Robyn Allen
      He obviously doesn't... Or else this wouldn't have happened.
  • Wu said he would not step down, despite calls for his resignation from Republicans and from some Oregon newspapers."I can do this job, and I can do this job well," he said.
    • Robyn Allen
      He needs to resign. What he did was inexcuable. He should resign as congressman because he isn't very good at his job at all.
Michelle Perritt

Fla. police: Toddler raped at SeaWorld - U.S. news - Crime & courts - - 0 views

  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
    • Michelle Perritt
      That is so discusting. A 2 year old little innocent girl was raped by a 26-year old male. What even goes through your mind to want to rape a small child? Let alone rape anyone in general. I hope he gets the death penalty for this and not just jail time.
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  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
  • and NBC News
  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
  • ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida authorities say a 26-year-old man raped a 2-year-old girl at SeaWorld Orlando and saved pictures of the crime on his cell phone, local media reported Friday.
  • after her mother had asked him to briefly watch the toddler inside the theme park,
    • Michelle Perritt
      Did the mother know him before asking him to watch her little girl? If she didn't that was a really stupid mistake on her part. You should never leave your child with a stranger.
  • Grzybowicz told investigators that he didn't know how the photos got onto his cell phone, according to media reports.
    • Michelle Perritt
      He should know how they got on his vell phone considering it is HIS cell phone and he emailed it to HIS email. No one would just take his phone out of his pockt and take pictures of gim raping a girl, they would have put a stop to it.
  • A warrant indicates Grzybowicz faces charges of sexual battery and lascivious molestation on a child younger than 12, according to the Sentinel.
    • Michelle Perritt
      I wonder what the type of punishment for this type of crime would be? I would hope it would be really high.
destiny basnight

Defense of Marriage Act is Indefensible | - 0 views

  • The decision is being hailed as one more victory for lesbian and gay Americans, but the reality is that this is a win for all Americans, including conservatives.
    • destiny basnight
      Does this mean that no states can make gay marriage illegal anymore?
  • What DOMA did when it was enacted 15 years ago by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Clinton, was to create a law that legally discriminated against a group of citizens.
    • destiny basnight
      I do not understand how all other types of discrimination seemed to be negative at the time but this was allowed.
  • it prevented the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages and it permitted states to not recognize gay marriages performed elsewhere
    • destiny basnight
      I do not understand what is the difference between a man and a woman getting married or two men. Why was this allowed to be illegal if it did not affect anyone besides gay people?
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  • Yet those couples, legally married in their home state or Washington, D.C., do not enjoy the same rights as legally married heterosexual couples in the United States do.
    • destiny basnight
      What are all of the rights that gay married couples do not get to enjoy?
  • Similarly, our government should never cherry-pick which rights and privileges are awarded to which citizens.
    • destiny basnight
      This is the same with certain races the same way you cannot deny someone their rights because of their race you should not be able to deny someone their rights because of their sexuality. As many people have claimed, it violates their right to privacy because who they marry is their business.
  • Under DOMA, gay couples legally married in Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and the District of Columbia, are not entitled to over 1,000 federal benefits that married heterosexual couples have. Legally married gay couples can’t file joint federal tax returns, collect survivor benefits from Social Security or avoid estate taxes when a gay spouse dies.
    • destiny basnight
      Are gay couples allowed it adopt children? And if they are do they have the same cusody rules as a married man and woman would?
  • As a country, do we really want separate and unequal laws for different citizens? And if we do – if we allow discriminatory legislation like DOMA to stand – what will prevent some future generation from passing legislation that might discriminate against other groups of people?
    • destiny basnight
      This is true because just like before with race and religions that were outcast, we can not do this to someone because of their sexuality. Eventually all of this racism and prejudice will come backa and people will think it is okay.
  • Any law that degrades human personality is unjust.” DOMA is an unjust law. It was time for our government to stop
    • destiny basnight
      Agreed. People should not feel like outcasts because of certain choices they make, their religion, their race or anything else. American should influence people to be whoever they are and try to put them in a safe environment to live no matter how different they are.
Eric Sowers

Man who threatened 'South Park' creators gets 25 years in prison - - 0 views

  • was sentenced Thursday to 25 years in prison
    • Eric Sowers
      This seem like a real harsh penalty just for putting online threats to writers of a show. I know its bad but 25 years seems harsh.
  • "His actions caused people throughout the country to fear speaking out -- even in jest -- to avoid being labeled as enemies who deserved to be killed,"
  • Chesser pleaded guilty in October to providing material support to terrorists, communicating threats and soliciting others to threaten violence.
Cole Gentry

Fiscal discipline or the end of unions? - - 0 views

  • Washington (CNN) -- For many in labor unions, the political battles in Wisconsin, Ohio and now Indiana are seen as nothing short of a frontal assault on their very existence.
    • Cole Gentry
      Will it spread it other states? What is the likely hood of pennsylvania?
    • Cole Gentry
      Is this happened just in these locations or is it happening other places in America?
  • shows that 61 percent of Americans oppose eliminating or restricting collective bargaining rights for public employee unions.
    • Cole Gentry
      I figured that the percentage would have been higher than only 61 percent
  • "We don't think that retirement security is wrong," Henry said. "What's really wrong is that 50 percent of us don't have access to it and that corporate CEOs earn 400 times what the average American worker earns."
    • Cole Gentry
      Thats crazy how 50 percent of Americans don't have retirement security. And it's crazy how CEOs make that much money. But I personally believe that America needs a higher, middle, and lower middle class
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  • unions
  • collective
  • Indiana
  • "Despite a lot of the rhetoric we've heard over the past 11 days, the bill I put forward isn't aimed at state workers, and it certainly isn't a battle with unions," he said.
    • Cole Gentry
      Well then what is it aimed towards? I wish he would explain.
  • Walker threatened that if Democrats don't return to the statehouse by Friday, he'll lay off as many as 1,500 public employees.
    • Cole Gentry
      Wow that would be crazy if he did that! I hope he doesn't do that. It would destroy their government.
  • "We've got a projected $8-plus billion budget deficit that we have to deal with," she said. "And we're not like Washington. We can't just print more money and pawn it off on our children. We've got to balance these budgets."
    • Cole Gentry
      I completely agree. I think that the government on all levels just looks out for themselves and just lets the "future" worry about it.
Davonta Covington

Gay marriage: Obama administration won't defend part of marriage act - - 0 views

  • The administration vows not to defend the law against two lawsuits brought by same-sex couples
    • Davonta Covington
      Why cant you defend them? They are people just as people that have the opposite sex as a spouse. I think this is crazy because that hurts them also. They have feelings and things they like. I think they should be giving a fair trial just as people who arent gay
  • In his legal analysis, discrimination against gays "warrants heightened scrutiny," not general acceptance.
    • Davonta Covington
      Why does it have to be all this? Is it because the people are gay? I think people dont think before they say things.
  • The lawsuit brought by the gay couples argued that they were entitled to the same benefits as other couples because they were legally married in their states.
    • Davonta Covington
      So what about if they go to a different state? Why cant the gays get a fair trial in a different state. As I said before they are people as well. I dont know why this a issue for people. Just stop trying to avoid and face it that they are here and they are not going anywhere for a very long time. Well girls that is, (lesbians)
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  • He also cited "recent evolutions" of the law in courts and state legislatures recognizing the principle of equal treatment for gays and lesbians.
    • Davonta Covington
      Treat them as you want to be treated is all i want to say. Just because they are gay doesnt mean anything. Thats like saying you have a gay judge (which may never happen) and they dont like you because you are not gay. Dont that to them if you dont want it done to you
Steph Starr

New Technology Eliminates Paper Speeding Tickets In Balt. Co. « CBS Baltimore - 0 views

  • Now a major technology upgrade will eliminate paper tickets, cutting down on the time you spend pulled over
    • Steph Starr
      Now that you think of it, it's surprising that they didn't have electronic tickets before. This seems like something that should have been implemented years ago.
  • It has, in fact, reduced crime in Baltimore County
    • Steph Starr
      I don't understand. How does the method of reporting crime decrease the crime rate? Are the criminals suddenly afraid because the system is more efficient?
  • They’ll be replaced by new, high-tech electronic citations
    • Steph Starr
      I wonder how many counties have electronic tickets. Is this a new idea for the whole country?
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  • online permitting for building, plumbing and electric
    • Steph Starr
      This sounds very convenient! Are there any downsides to these new methods?
Kendra Yinger

Ex-wife recalls violence of suspect in Bellefontaine slaying | The Columbus Dispatch - 0 views

  • "He tried to stab me a couple of times, and when he didn't succeed, he'd lock me in the basement for a couple of hours,"
    • Kendra Yinger
      Why didnt she leave him or try to get help? Nobody should have to deal with that.
  • Littleton, 37, is charged with murder in the death of 26-year-old Tiffany Brown
    • Kendra Yinger
      Why did he kill her? Or did he do it just because he wanted to?
  • "Instead of calling the law, I just got out of the relationship
    • Kendra Yinger
      I think that she should have callled the law becaause that he could have been arrested then and this may have not happened.
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  • Brian, 47, recalled Littleton as "a good guy" who turned mean when he drank.
    • Kendra Yinger
      Maybe that was a sign that when he drank he turned mean.
  • "I knew he was always smacking her around and beating on her," he recalled of Tammy. "She'd come to our house, and she'd be hiding from him."
    • Kendra Yinger
      someone should have called the police and that may have stopped this whole thing.
  • What started as a hobby became a violent means of control for Sammy Littleton throughout his marriage to Tammy Queen, she says.
    • Kendra Yinger
      What started as a hobby? Was he do something or collect something?
  • area landfill today
    • Kendra Yinger
      Why a landfill? Is that where they think that they he might be or might have taken them?
Eric Sowers

Smuggler tunnels probe for U.S. border weakness - - 0 views

  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
  • "I've personally seized groups of 30 individuals with 50-pound bundles [of drugs]."
    • Eric Sowers
      This tunnel seems to be contributing alot to illegal drug trafficing between the US and Mexico. If we can contain this tunnel from immigrants the drug crime would decrease across the border in the US.
  • Agents get into the tunnel by lifting a heavy grate and climbing down a metal ladder. Once inside the tunnel, only flashlights separate them from complete darkness as they inspect the mile-long structure.
    • Eric Sowers
      It seems like controlling the border would be a very difficult task underground. The procces of just entering the tunnels is hard but being down there with just a flashlight would be very difficult considering how big they are.
Robyn Allen

Fla. girl dead in toxic truck; brother burned | Top AP Stories | - Houston Ch... - 0 views

  • a 10-year-old boy in the front seat of an exterminator's red pickup alongside a busy interstate, convulsing from seizures, dripping in chemicals so toxic they sickened rescue workers. Nearby, the boy's father lay on the ground, unresponsive and doused in gasoline in what he later told police was a futile attempt to kill himself.
    • Robyn Allen
      The boy was covered in stuff so toxic that rescue workers couldn't go near him?! What is wrong with the father?
    • Robyn Allen
      and why is the father doused in gasoline?
  • The most horrifying find would come hours later because the truck was too toxic to search — the deteriorating body of the boy's twin sister, wrapped in plastic bags, wedged between chemical containers in the enclosed pickup bed.
    • Robyn Allen
      How did she die? Why is this happening to these kids?
  • The caller said the twins' feet and hands were bound with duct tape and they were kept in a bathtub as punishment. Child welfare officials also believe the girl was being starved.
    • Robyn Allen
      What did they do for these kids when they heard this? Did they take the kids away? Monitor the house?
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  • The state officials described a disturbing picture of a Jorge and Carmen Barahona, who adopted the twins, an 11-year-old autistic boy and a 7-year-old girl from foster care. The couple has been the focus of at least three abuse allegations in the past several years, but nothing ever came of them.
    • Robyn Allen
      I thought they were twins? One can't be 7 if the other is 11. Why were they able to adopt if the had three abuse allegations in the first place?
  • Authorities haven't said how Nubia was killed or when they think the chemical was put on Victor.
    • Robyn Allen
      Who are Nubia and Victor? Are they the children?
  • Barahona, 53, told officers he put his dead daughter in the truck and began driving with his son, intending to commit suicide. He was distraught, gave his son a handful of sleeping pills and,
    • Robyn Allen
      So did he admit to killing his daughter? Will he be charged with attempted homicide? Reckless endangerment? Where was the mother in all of this?
  • He told police he intended to light himself on fire but said he could not do it because the boy was in the truck, according to the documents.
    • Robyn Allen
      This doesn't make sense. Why would it matter if the boy was in the truck. The boy was dying anyway.
  • Fumes from the boy were so toxic, workers were overcome just by being close to him when they were wheeling him into the hospital. Four firefighters working the scene were also treated for chemical exposure.
    • Robyn Allen
      What was this chemical that hurt so many? Was it radioative? How did he get a hold of it?
  • The Department of Children and Families began investigating the family last week after the Barahona's 7-year-old granddaughter told an adult the twins were kept locked in the bathroom, their hands and feet bound. The child said Nubia was sometimes kept in the tub all day.
    • Robyn Allen
      They were investigating? How did this happen if they were investigating? Were they following up?
  • A doctor who interviewed the little girl who reported the alleged abuse, said she did so even though her grandmother told her they were "family secrets" and warned her to stay quiet.
    • Robyn Allen
      A family secret is like when you have a schizophrenic uncle who thinks he is Tarzan and lives in a tree. Not if your parents tie you up in a bath tub and leave you there for a day.
  • "How could we have gotten a call to a hotline on Feb. 10 and a child died" a few days later, Judge Cindy Lederman said at the hearing.
    • Robyn Allen
      Is the hotline confidential? What hotline was this? I didn't even know there was a child abuse hotline that isn't confidential. Even still where is the social worker for these children? They follow up with the family up to five years after adoption.
  • When asked why Fleary didn't interview the remaining two kids in the house, she said it was 9 p.m. on a Friday night. The judge was furious with the answer.
    • Robyn Allen
      Irresponsible. I would have her fired.
  • Carmen Barahona attended Wednesday's hearing with a piece of paper covering her face, crying and whispering at times. Her attorney Grissel Picot declined comment.
    • Robyn Allen
      She should be crying. I hope her and her husband go to jail for a long time.
  • Nubia also suffered from a medical condition where her genitals looked like a boy's. She had corrective surgery in July, Lambert said. Child welfare officials said classmates teased Nubia mercilessly and her parents decided to home school her last fall.
    • Robyn Allen
      Is this why she was punished so harshly?
  • "I never saw these kids outside. No one knows anything about this family," said neighbor Gerardo Rodriguez, 72.
    • Robyn Allen
      When children are adopted the parents have to references. They talk to neighbors! Was this an illegal adoption? This is ridiculous!
Rob High

Debt ceiling: Postponing hike comes at a cost - Feb. 22, 2011 - 0 views

shared by Rob High on 23 Feb 11 - No Cached
  • he legal cap on how much the government can borrow is currently set at $14.294 trillion.
    • Rob High
      What happens after this cap? Also, isn't it set for a reason? Instead of raising it shouldn't we be tryinf to lower it?
  • some lawmakers are arguing that it should not be raised unless Congress also cuts spending.
    • Rob High
      Why aren't all lawmakers argueing for this? Isn't the point of a cap to help reduce and cut spending so you never reach it? So with raising the cap that should be reward for cutting spending so you don't reach it.
  • reasury took in the past to keep the debt from hitting the ceiling, which has been raised 12 times since 1995.
    • Rob High
      That's a lot of times to raise it in such a short period of time.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • But since the government's monthly borrowing needs have grown so much in recent years, the GAO estimates that Treasury's actions may only cover "as little as a few days to a few weeks."
    • Rob High
      So are they saying any actions taken by the department won't really make an impact. So is the plan keep spending until the debt grows so big that it just breaks and we are left with an unsolvable problem?
  • Raise the debt limit - or cut $738 billion
    • Rob High
      I feel like this is a good start, but no where close to being any sort of solution.
destiny basnight

Bodies of Four Americans Killed By Somali Pirates Headed Home on USS Enterprise Along W... - 0 views

  • My aunt is a very smart and avid sailor. She was living her dream, sailing around the world," Nina Crossland, Phyllis Mackay's niece, said.
    • destiny basnight
      This shows that no matter how good of a sailor you are you can be effected by piracy
Samantha Montalvo

Sentencing due in hate crime killing of immigrant - - 0 views

  • Two men convicted of a hate crime in the beating death of an undocumented Mexican immigrant are scheduled to be sentenced Wednesday in a Pennsylvania federal court.
    • Samantha Montalvo
      I didn't know people still committed hate crimes just because of your race. I think it's so sad that they resulted in killing him instead of turning him in to immagration offices.
  • The two had previously been acquitted of murder charges in state court and convicted of simple assault.
    • Samantha Montalvo
      This is not simple assault at all. They should be charged with first degree murder because they knew exactly what they're doing.
  • witnesses testified that racist language was used before and during the attack and that Ramirez was kicked in the head repeatedly after he fell down. The defendants, they said, didn't want immigrants in their neighborhood and repeatedly ordered Ramirez to leave.
    • Samantha Montalvo
      This is NO excuse at all to do something like this. Even if they were upset that an immigrant was in their neighborhood, like I said before they should have just called the authorities!
Marco Quintana

The Associated Press: Ga. killer sentenced to death in beheading murder - 0 views

  • 2007 slaying of a nurse whose beheaded body
    • Marco Quintana
      What this a big National news becuase i never heard of this.
  • But she said even Hilton's execution wouldn't bring total justice in the case of her friend,
    • Marco Quintana
      She is right, Killing the murder isn't going to bring her friend back. It is very sad to see someone do such a horrible thing to another human being.
  • Hilton is also a suspect in at least three other killings, two in North Carolina and one in Florida.
    • Marco Quintana
      Will they wait till he is prosecuted for the other murders or will they just kill him??
destiny basnight

Bodies of Four Americans Killed By Somali Pirates Headed Home on USS Enterprise Along W... - 0 views

  • The bodies of the four Americans killed after Somali pirates hijacked their yacht headed home on the USS Enterprise from the dangerous waters off the Somali coast last night
    • destiny basnight
      Were they dead bodies?
  • "There is an ongoing investigation into the hijacking,"
    • destiny basnight
      What are they investigating? If they hi-jacked them then thats what they did.
  • The deaths at the hands of pirates increases concern about the growing strength of piracy around the horn of Africa
    • destiny basnight
      What makes somebody a pirate? And how much more power do pirates have than any other group of poeple on a boat?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Piracy is a "top priority for NATO and there has been an increased presence," Olson said
    • destiny basnight
      If its such a big problem why don't many people know about the issue? People probably don't see piracy as a big problem to be aware of because you never really think of piracy as an existing problem.
  • Jean Adam usually kept a blog during her travels, but stopped posting when the group hit dangerous waters to avoid giving pirates a way to track them.
    • destiny basnight
      Why did they take dangerous waters? If she knew there was a chance that pirates were there why didnt they turn around or go a different way.
  • President Obama had authorized Navy warships to follow the yacht and use deadly force if needed, hoping to keep the Americans safe
    • destiny basnight
      They should probably have navy warships on watch all the time to protect people from these issues.
  • Officials were negotiating with two pirates on board the destroyer USS Sterett. In the midst of those negotiations, without warning, pirates on board the hijacked yacht fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the Sterett.
    • destiny basnight
      What was the point of this?
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