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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Adam Mazurek

Adam Mazurek

Roommate of Rutgers student who committed suicide pleads not guilty - - 0 views

  • Defense attorneys entered a not guilty plea Monday for the roommate of the Rutgers University student who committed suicide following a candid online broadcast of his sexual encounter with another man, prosecutors say.
    • Adam Mazurek
      This is horrible. Why would someone stream live something that would hurt the people that were involved? I feel sad for the student who committed suicide
  • Dharun Ravi, 19, is charged with streaming the footage of his roommate, Tyler Clementi, 18, engaging in a physical relationship with another man in their shared dormitory last September.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I don't understand why the man would stream the encounter live on Twitter without the student's permission. Did he want revenge on the college student?
  • Clementi later killed himself, jumping from the George Washington Bridge between New York and New Jersey.
    • Adam Mazurek
      This is upsetting. Why did he choose to kill himself? He could have expressed his feelings to someone he trusts or something like that.
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  • Ravi faces a 15-count indictment of hate crime charges involving invasion of privacy and evidence tampering after prosecutors say he tried to stage a cover-up, deleting the previous Twitter post and replacing it with another intended to mislead investigators as well as asking witnesses not to testify against him.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I think he deserves some jail time too. He did something that caused the person who was effected to committ suicide.
  • A second student charged, Molly Wei, 19, pled not guilty earlier this month in two counts of invasion of privacy.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Why did she plead not guilty? Is she lying just to try to save herself or did she really not do anything?
  • The case exposed the issue of bullying on school campuses and has fed anti-bullying efforts across the nation.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I thought bullying was already trying to be prevented in schools across the nation?
    A college student committed suicide after he found out that his sexual encounter with another man was streamed live on Twitter for people to watch. Defense attorneys have entered a not guilty plea for the roommate of the student who committed suicide. The man who streamed the sexual encounter live on Twitter was charged with 15 hate crimes. Another person was charged too, but she plead not guilty.
Adam Mazurek

Autopsy shows Houston man shot before dismembered - - 0 views

  • A Texas medical examiner says a man whose headl
    • Adam Mazurek
      Why would the killer leave the headless body outside the house where it can be seen?
  • They have arrested his best friend, 32-year-old Noe Morin, on a murder charge.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder why they chose to arrest the man's best friend. What evidence do they have that shows the best friend committed the crime?
  • The Harris County medical examiner's spokeswoman, Roxanne Mena, said Tuesday that an autopsy determined Thomas' death was a homicide and he died from the gunshot wound.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder where the man was shot in the face. Was he facing the gun when the trigger was pulled?
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  • Neighbors reported hearing gunshots on Saturday but said the sound wasn't uncommon in the neighborhood.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Why would people want to live in that neighborhood if there are often gunshots? I know for sure that I would not live there.
  • They have described Thomas and Morin as best friends for years and suggested a possible argument over money or theft of property might have led to the slaying.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I just can't believe that an argument over something little would cause a person to go off the deep end and kill somebody. It is just so upsetting and sad.
    In Houston Texas, a man was killed by being shot in the head and getting his head was cut off. The man's headless body was found outside of an empty home. The man's best friend was arrested and charged with murder. It is said that an argument over money or theft of property between the two best friends may have caused the murder.
Adam Mazurek

3 Dead, 1 Injured in Shooting at California Home - - 0 views

  • A shooting inside a home Saturday left three people dead, including the suspected shooter, after what investigators believe was a dispute among roommates, a police spokesman said.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder what the roommates were arguing about. What made the shooter snap and kill the three people?
  • Fairfield police received a call from a man inside the home shortly after noon reporting that he had been shot and that the shooter was firing at other people, said Officer Cleo Mayoral.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Wow that is amazing! I can't believe he was able to call the police while the shooting was happening. I can't believe the shooter did not kill him. This man was very brave.
  • A third man, believed to be the shooter, was critically injured with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Mayoral said.
    • Adam Mazurek
      So, I guess the shooter tried to kill himself?
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  • "Officers have been there several times in the past involving disturbances," he said.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder what the other issues were with the roommates in the past. Were they as serious as this one?
  • Investigators were trying to determine the exact relationships between the victims and what may have caused the deadly altercation.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Did they find anything that could have helped spark the shooting? Will charges be put on the man who survived the shooting?
    In Fairfield California, 3 roommates were shot and killed, the shooter was also killed. The person who was injured was shot in the foot, he was able to call the police while the shooting was taking place. The shooter was critically injured after he shot himself and later died at a hospital.
Adam Mazurek

Pennsylvania Man Killed Self After Trying to Abduct Ex - - 0 views

  • State police say a central Pennsylvania man fatally shot himself after trying to abduct his ex-girlfriend.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Why did he want to kidnap his ex-girlfriend in the first place?
  • Police say the woman escaped and called 911 from a convenience store.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder how she was able to escape. She made a smart move by calling 911 right away.
  • Police chased Avery's vehicle when they spotted it and he crashed into a ditch in Frankstown Township.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Did he crash into the ditch on purpose? I wonder why he just did not try to keep driving away from the police.
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  • Police say that's when Avery killed himself with a shotgun.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder if it was his shotgun or if he stole it from someplace.
  • Police tell the Altoona Mirror that they later learned Avery had rented a motel room where they found rope, duct tape, an eye mask and sleeping pills which they believe were intended for the woman.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Wow! I am glad the ex-girlfriend was able to escape. I can only imagine all the bad things the man could have done to her with those items.
    In Hollidayburg PA, a man tried to kidnap his ex-girlfriend. The ex-girlfriend was able to escape and call 911. Police chased the man in his vehicle until he crashed into a ditch. Before the police could get to him, the man shot and killed himself with a shotgun.
Adam Mazurek

Prosecutors Review Charges in Attack at McDonald's - - 1 views

  • Baltimore County prosecutors are reviewing whether further charges, including hate crimes counts, are warranted in an attack on a transgender woman at a McDonald's that was caught on video, authorities said Monday.
    • Adam Mazurek
      So the woman who was attacked is transgender? That is interesting. The two teenagers probably did commit hate crimes then.
  • The video posted online shows a woman being attacked outside the restroom of the restaurant in Rosedale and apparently having a seizure.
    • Adam Mazurek
      That is horrible. The poor woman must have been punched many times very hard to have had a seizure.
  • The 14-year-old told police that she and Brown fought with Polis over using the restroom, according to charging documents.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I can't believe that! They fought over who would use the restroom? That is just stupid. Why couldn't they just take turns?
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  • No one was helping the woman and one bystander was even recording the attack with his cell phone camera, she said. When she stepped up and asked the girls to stop, Thoms ended up getting punched in the face herself, she said.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I don't understand why no one else was trying to stop the attack. I feel bad for this woman. All she was trying to do was stop the attack and she got punched in the face.
  • "I told him, `No I didn't and I don't care,"' she said. "He said he worked with her and she had a smart mouth -- in other words, she deserved it."
    • Adam Mazurek
      Why would anyone say that the woman deserved getting attacked? This person is rude and ignorant.
  • More than 200 people gathered in the parking lot of the McDonald's, for a rally Monday night.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I am glad to hear that people are standing up for the woman who was attacked.
    There was recently an attack at a McDonalds in Baltimore County Maryland involving two teenage girls punching a 22 year old woman over using the bathroom. A woman who tried to stop the attack was punched in the face. The older teenager (18) was charged with first and second degree assault and the younger teenager (14) was charged as a juvenile. Prosecutors are reviewing the case, they are trying to find out if hate crimes were committed too.
Adam Mazurek

Detroit Father Guns Down Wife, Son Before Killing Self - - 0 views

  • Police say a Detroit man fatally shot his common-law wife and adult son before turning the gun on himself, reports. 
    • Adam Mazurek
      This is an awful story. I wonder what caused the man to snap like that and kill his family.
  • Detectives say Eugene Fraser shot his 21-year-old son Monday morning in their Warren home, picked up his wife, Donna Chance, from the home improvement store where she worked, fatally shot her as he drove and then killed himself before slamming into a tree.
    • Adam Mazurek
      The part where it says he shot his wife and himself while driving is crazy! Why would he do that in the car driving?
  • The couple had been together for more than 20 years and had two children, the station reports. 
    • Adam Mazurek
      I feel bad for the other child. It must have been so devastating learning that your family is gone forever.
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  • "He did all our cement work in our house in Detroit, and his son's a very hard worker. He worked with his dad from knee on high," family friend Janet Klein told the station. 
    • Adam Mazurek
      So the son worked with his dad? I wonder if they did not get along or had troubles working together.
  • reports that Robert Fraser posted a message on his Facebook page on April 1, saying, "First day to back to work. I hope me and my old man get along better this year."
    • Adam Mazurek
      This is an interesting piece of information. What the son posted on his Facebook page makes it seem like he and his father fought at work a lot.
    In Detroit, a man shot and killed his adult son in their home. Then the man went to pick up his wife at Lowes where she worked. While they were driving, he shot and killed his wife and then himself. The car crashed into a tree. No one knows why the man did this. People who knew the family said that they lived happily together.
Adam Mazurek

Adult Twins Who Lived With Dead Mother for 3 Months Charged With Murder - - 0 views

  • Twin Houston men were charged Tuesday with the murder of their 89-year-old mother after police say the pair allowed her to die on the floor in their foyer after she fell, then lived for three months with her decomposing, bug-infested corpse.
    • Adam Mazurek
      This is just a horrible story! Why would anyone just leave there mother on the floor to die like that? Why would anyone live in a house with a rotting corpse for 3 months? I think these twin brothers had to have some type of mental illness.
  • The home was in "deplorable condition and smelled terribly," and the elderly Berndt was lying face down on the floor of the foyer, according to the documents.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I just can't imagine how these twins were able to tolerate the horrific smells from their rotting mother's corpse and were able to live in that house!
  • The brothers told police their mother had fallen and died, and that they didn't have enough money to bury her. They said they didn't call police because they didn't want to go to jail.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Those are really stupid excuses. They made it way worse on themselves for not calling the police right when their mother fell.
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  • The twins later told police they lived with their mother and cared for her.
    • Adam Mazurek
      If they truly cared for their mother, they would have never let her die.
  • His brother said they didn't give her any food or water while she lay on the floor.
    • Adam Mazurek
      It is just awful that these twins let their mother die a slow death.
  • The brothers then decided to leave her on the floor because they didn't have money to bury her.
    • Adam Mazurek
      There has to be another reason why they let their mother die. I bet they were mad at her for something.
    In Houston Texas, twin brothers both 48 years old allowed their mother who was 89 years old to die. The police say the mother fell in her home and could not get back up. The twins just let her lay on the floor for three days until she finally died. The twin brothers have been charged with murder.
Adam Mazurek

Okla. Murder-Conspiracy Suspect Found Dead After Standoff - - 0 views

  • A defendant in a high-profile Oklahoma murder case was found dead in a Tulsa home following an overnight standoff, police said Tuesday.
    • Adam Mazurek
      The man was already in trouble with the law. Why would he want to make his potential punishments even more severe by doing this?
  • Tulsa police officer Leland Ashley said Tuesday that officers entered the property in the 5000 block of North Utica Place after hearing gunshots.
    • Adam Mazurek
      The article did not say anything about the man firing a gun. If he did not hurt the girl he kidnapped, I wonder what his purpose was to shoot the gun.
  • "We used precautions before we made any type of entry. We actually used chemical agents, pepper balls outside the residence to attempt to get a response. We were unable to get any type of response," Ashley said.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Why would the police use chemical agents and pepper balls when that could risk the hostage getting hurt?
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  • He released the girl unharmed shortly before 10:30 p.m., but remained holed-up inside the house, which the police had surrounded.
    • Adam Mazurek
      That is sure a relief, especially to the girl's mother.
  • It was the second time in 14 months Shields had taken the girl hostage, KWTV reported, with authorities alleging on the earlier occasion that Shields had a "homicide starter kit" with him that included a gun, handcuffs, and sleeping pills.
    • Adam Mazurek
      That is crazy! Why did the man not go to jail the first time he kidnapped the girl? The second kidnapping would have been avoided if he was in jail!
  • Shields was scheduled for a court appearance Monday afternoon on charges relating to the murder of businessman Neal Sweeney, but failed to show up.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder if this is why he took the girl hostage. He did not want to go to court, so he thought that if he took the girl hostage he would not have to go.
    In Oklahoma, a defendant took his ex-girlfriend's daughter hostage in a house. The man already was supposed to go to court for a murder case. The standoff lasted nearly six hours before he let the girl go unharmed, but he did come out of the house. When the police went into they house, they found the man killed himself.
Adam Mazurek

3 Utah Caregivers Jailed After Disabled Woman Dies - - 0 views

  • Three suspects held Monday in the death of a disabled woman are accused of beating her, putting a pepper seed in one of her eyes, and wrapping her arms and hands with bandages so she couldn't remove it, authorities said.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder what made these three people hurt and kill this disabled woman like that.
  • Investigators found Harms' body covered in bruises with marks on her wrists and ankles, Unified police spokesman Justin Hoyal said Monday.
    • Adam Mazurek
      If the investigators found bruises on the woman, why haven't the three people been charged with battery yet?
  • Investigators believe the small, oval-shaped pepper seed found under one of Harms' eyelids would have caused a burning sensation, Hoyal said.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Who would have even thought of putting a pepper seed in someone's eye? This is just horrible.
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  • Harms also had a 2-year-old daughter who is now in state custody, Hoyal said.
    • Adam Mazurek
      This is very sad. I hope the daughter can recover well mentally. I can't even imagine a two year old losing their mom that young.
  • No bail had been set for any of the suspects, and no charges had yet been filed.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I don't understand why there have been no charges placed on the three people yet.
    In Salt Lake City, a disabled woman was found dead in her home. Investigators say that she was beat up, had a pepper seed in one of her eyes and her arms and hands were wrapped in bandages. The three people who take care of the woman were put in jail with no bail. No charges have been given yet to these three caretakers.
Adam Mazurek

Man Facing DWI Charge Reportedly Shows Up to Court Drunk - - 0 views

  • Keith Gruber, 49, of Swan Lake, arrived for his appointment 90 minutes late with an open can of beer while acting visibly drunk, officials said.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I can't believe the man could be that stupid! I wonder if he was trying to be funny and make a joke.
  • At the security check, authorities uncovered four additional cans of Busch beer in a black bag Gruber was attempting to carry into the courtroom, the Times Herald-Record reports.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Did he really think he could get away with that?
  • The bag was then presented to the judge, who in turn relieved Gruber’s attorney from the case and put the suspect in jail with no bail.
    • Adam Mazurek
      If I was the judge, I would have sentenced the man to jail the second he walked into the courtroom.
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  • Gruber said he was sorry for the incident and tried to throw away the open beer can – but officers stopped him.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I don't think the man really is sorry. I wonder how long he has had this drinking problem.
    In New York, a man facing a DWI charge walks into his hearing drunk and drinking a can of beer. Police also found 4 cans of beer in the man's bag which they gave to the judge. The judge immediately sentenced the man to jail with no bail.
Adam Mazurek

Colorado Boy Faces 9 Charges in Parents' Deaths - - 0 views

  • Documents released Monday in the case of a 12-year-old Colorado boy accused of fatally shooting his parents and wounding two siblings show prosecutors filed nine charges against him, including two counts of first-degree murder.
    • Adam Mazurek
      This is just horrible. Why would any kid that young even think of killing their family? I wonder how the boy was able to get ahold of a gun.
  • Police said they found the bodies of Charles and Marilyn Long on March 1 after somebody called 911 to report a shooting at their Burlington home, about 140 miles east of Denver and near the Kansas state line.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Who called 911? Was it a neighbor after they heard gunshots?
  • Prosecutors have not decided whether to charge the boy as an adult.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Unless the boy has a mental problem, I think he should be charged as an adult. Everyone at that age knows that killing people is wrong.
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  • The Longs, both in their early 50s, had seven children; four are grown and no longer live at home.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder if one of the older siblings will now take care of the two younger siblings that were injured once they fully recover.
  • Marilyn Long homeschooled the children and ran the children's ministry at the local Evangelical Free Church. Her husband served as a church elder and was a snack delivery driver.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I can't believe that this happened to a religious family. This is a very sad story.
    In Colorado, a 12 year old boy killed his mom and dad and injured two other siblings. The boy is facing nine charges, including two counts of first-degree murder. The court does not know whether to charge the boy as an adult or not.
Adam Mazurek

Pennsylvania Man Faces Murder Charges in Death of Parents, Twin Brother - - 0 views

  • Authorities say Joseph McAndrew Jr. stabbed his family to death in a bloody rampage Saturday inside their Montgomery County home.
    • Adam Mazurek
      This is just awful. There had to be something mentally wrong with this guy. Why would anyone even want to kill their own family?
  • Authorities are not yet clear on a motive.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder why. Did the man not talk at all to the police? How are the police going to try and figure out his motive?
  • Investigators also found several knives and a Samurai-style sword, according to the station. 
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder where they found these weapons. Did the man's family know that he had these weapons? Why did the man have these weapons?
    In Pennsylvania, a man went on a rampage in his home stabbing and killing both his parents and twin brother. The police have no idea why the man killed his family. The man is facing first degree murder charges.
Adam Mazurek

Pizza Shop Owner Accused of 'Food Terrorism' - - 0 views

  • Nickolas Galiatsatos, 47, owner of Nina’s Bella Pizzeria in Upper Darby, Pa., was allegedly caught red handed placing a bag of mice in the bathroom of another pizza place.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Why would the owner of a pizza shop put mice in another pizza shop? Maybe he wanted his pizza shop to more more successful?
  • The cops found the mice in a bag planted inside a ceiling tile.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Why would the guy have the mice in a bag? Also, why would the guy put the mice in the ceiling? I wonder if he has a mental problem.
  • The officers went outside and saw Galiatsatos walking into a different pizzeria with another bag in his hand.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I can't believe he was trying to put something, maybe more mice, in another pizza shop. I wonder if he was just attempting to make a joke and be funny or if he actually meant what he was doing. Either way, what he was doing was wrong.
    In Philadelphia, an owner of a pizza shop was arrested for putting mice in another pizza shop's bathroom. Apparently the owner was going to put mice in another pizza shop too because police found mice in a trash can. The owner is being charged with disorderly conduct, harassment and animal cruelty.
Adam Mazurek

Jury decides on death penalty for woman who headed vigilante squad - - 0 views

  • If the jury had not voted for the death penalty, the judge would have decided whether Shawna Forde should have received life with a chance of parole after 35 years or life with no possibility of parole.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I would be highly upset if I was the mom and see that the killer of my husband and daughter only got 35 years in jail. I think that if the woman does not get the death penalty, she should be put in jail for life.
  • The vigilante attacks were in May 2009. The child and her father were American-born U.S. citizens but were targeted by Forde and her hit squad.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Why would the woman target American-born U.S. citizens when she wants to stop illegal immigration? I thought she would have targeted illegal immigrants instead.
  • The defense told the jury that Forde has a personality disorder caused by a childhood of abuse, abandonment and living in seven different households by the age of 5, according to KVOA.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder if these things will make the jury not give her the death penalty. I am pretty sure the woman knew what she was doing though, so she should be put to death no matter what.
    In Arizona, a woman is facing the death penalty for plotting to kill a family. She along with several other people, raided a house for money and drugs to finance a new anti-illegal immigration outfit, killing the dad and 9 year old daughter. The mom was shot in the leg, but survived. The woman was the shooter and the leader of the group.
Adam Mazurek

Florida Man Allegedly Attacks Woman over Facebook Status Dispute - 0 views

    A woman asked a man why he changed his Facebook relationship status to single and he got mad. He pushed her against a brick wall, shouted bad words at her and threatened to shoot her. He also destroyed a TV in her home. The man is facing battery charges.
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    "When the woman asked 21-year-old Eric Wilson why he was newly listed as single, he pushed her against a brick wall and threatened to shoot her, Palm Bay police told WKMG." I wonder why he got so mad at the woman. Maybe he recently broke up with a girlfriend/wife and was really upset over it.
    "Police said he also shouted obscenities at her and broke a television set in the victim's home." How did he get inside the woman's home?
    "A county judge in a Feb. 12 hearing ruled that Wilson was not allowed to contact the woman or return to her home." I think the police should make him go back and apologize to the woman first.
Adam Mazurek

Authorities Seek Answers in Deadly Ohio Fraternity House Shooting - 0 views

    College students in Youngstown Ohio were having a house party. There was an argument, causing two men to leave the party. They later returned and opened fire on the people partying in the house. One person was killed and eleven others were injured. Both shooters have been charged.
Adam Mazurek

White House to Pursue Health-Care Appeal After Florida Ruling - 1 views

    A Florida judge recently ruled Obama's health care law unconstitutional. I agree with the judge. The law required that people purchase health insurance or else they would have to pay a penalty. This is called "the individual mandate" and it says nothing about that in the Constitution.
Adam Mazurek

Judge enters not guilty pleas for Arizona shooting suspect - 0 views

    The man who killed 6 people and injured 13 a few weeks ago in Tucson Arizona was recently held on trial. One of the federal judges entered a plea of not guilty for the man. The federal judge did not say why she did so.
    I don't see how that federal judge could have not found the man not guilty. It was the man's choice to go on a rampage and kill those innocent people. He should be severely punished for what he has done.
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