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Kyle Wisner

Texas considering concealed handguns on campus - This Just In - Blogs - 0 views

  • Texas lawmakers are weighing a bill that would allow professors and students to carry concealed weapons on college campuses.
    • Kyle Wisner
      Why isnt this allowed now? It is a right to carry arms...
  • "It's about protecting lives of students who are totally vulnerable and defenseless and able to be picked off by a deranged shooter, as was the case in Virginia."
    • Kyle Wisner
      This is a good point. Now if there is another shooting on campus college students can now protect themselves.
  • Most recently in Texas, a student fired an assault rifle in September at the University of Texas. He killed himself, but no one else was hurt.
    • Kyle Wisner
      How did no one notice that this person had an assalt rifle on campus?
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  • Opponents of the bill are concerned that more guns would mean more violence.
    • Kyle Wisner
      I agree with this.
Michelle Perritt

Pa. priest defends self on radio in sex abuse case - U.S. news - - 0 views

  • Joseph DiGregorio was one of three priests removed from the ministry while their cases are being reviewed by the Philadelphia archdiocese after they were named as child molestation suspects in a scathing grand jury report. The archdiocese also pledged to reopen complaints made against 34 other priests still on the job.
    • Michelle Perritt
      People would think that you could trust your own priest, but this just proves that you really can't trust anyone. I think it is such a shame that so many priests are being sexual predators.
  • "Any statement she made concerning me is an absolute lie, completely and totally a lie," DiGregorio said in an interview with the station. "I never once touched her. I never once groped her or did anything inappropriate."
    • Michelle Perritt
      It seems like such cases like these are always he says she says types of cases. How does the jury decide based off of little fact and more of peoples words?
  • earlier grand jury report, in 2005, blasted the church for ignoring or dismissing sexual-abuse complaints made against 63 priests in the archdiocese over many decades.
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  • raping boys in the late 1990s or endangering children by co
    • Michelle Perritt
      Why would the church ignore such actions? Don't the people realize how much of a big deal this actually is? I think that they would think differently if that was them, or their child.
  • vering up the crimes. An
  • "Let's be accurate and let's condemn those who did something, and not just group or grab a number of priests and we'll throw them to the wolves," he said. "That's what I think is happening here."
    • Michelle Perritt
      He says all of this but how can he prove himself innocent? It just seems like he doesn't have much of a case, but at the same time neither does the other side.
Adam Mazurek

Jury decides on death penalty for woman who headed vigilante squad - - 0 views

  • If the jury had not voted for the death penalty, the judge would have decided whether Shawna Forde should have received life with a chance of parole after 35 years or life with no possibility of parole.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I would be highly upset if I was the mom and see that the killer of my husband and daughter only got 35 years in jail. I think that if the woman does not get the death penalty, she should be put in jail for life.
  • The vigilante attacks were in May 2009. The child and her father were American-born U.S. citizens but were targeted by Forde and her hit squad.
    • Adam Mazurek
      Why would the woman target American-born U.S. citizens when she wants to stop illegal immigration? I thought she would have targeted illegal immigrants instead.
  • The defense told the jury that Forde has a personality disorder caused by a childhood of abuse, abandonment and living in seven different households by the age of 5, according to KVOA.
    • Adam Mazurek
      I wonder if these things will make the jury not give her the death penalty. I am pretty sure the woman knew what she was doing though, so she should be put to death no matter what.
    In Arizona, a woman is facing the death penalty for plotting to kill a family. She along with several other people, raided a house for money and drugs to finance a new anti-illegal immigration outfit, killing the dad and 9 year old daughter. The mom was shot in the leg, but survived. The woman was the shooter and the leader of the group.
Purnima Malik

New York airport bomb plotter handed life sentence - 0 views

  • conspiring to blow up buildings, fuel tanks and pipelines at the airport in the New York City borough of Queens
    • Purnima Malik
      How did this conspircy come out? And what did it involved. I bet this plan involved more than one person. So did he name anyone else?
  • He was arrested in June 2007 along with three other men
    • Purnima Malik
      Hold on was this for the similar thing? The people in this world are crazy!
  • government informant
    • Purnima Malik
      It is a pain how it is and now insiders are also helping these pathetic people! Did they figure out who it was?
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  • nowhere near being operational when the men were arrested.
    • Purnima Malik
      Does this mean that they can't be charged for it then?
  • hoped would rival 9/11
    • Purnima Malik
      No reglious thing? Ok, this man is lacking his brain if he thinks that this type of stuff goes down in some record breaking book or something. What would make a man do this?
  • handing out the life sentence that Defreitas richly deserves." The men sought to offer their plans to Jamaat Al Muslimeen, an Islamist extremist group
    • Purnima Malik
      1) How will they know if the plans are legit? 2) What is the punishment for the other men? 3) What security/protection system type stuff will they enforce now?
  • sentenced to 15 years
    • Purnima Malik
      All of them should serve a lifetime in jail for all the lives that could have been destoryed by their plans. It's like 1st degree murder on a bigger scale. What made them get off the hook? What where the lesser crimes?
Marco Quintana

Florida woman pleads not guilty to childrens' murder | Reuters - 0 views

  • A Florida woman pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the execution-style killings of her two teen-age children last month.
  • A Florida woman pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the execution-style killings of her two teen-age children last month.
  • A Florida woman pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the execution-style killings of her two teen-age children last month.
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  • A Florida woman pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the execution-style killings of her two teen-age children last month.
  • A Florida woman pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the execution-style killings of her two teen-age children last month.
    • Marco Quintana
      I don't understand why she plead not guilty when she was covered in blood, and she planned the murders of her kids.
  • A Florida woman pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the execution-style killings of her two teen-age children last month.
  • A Florida woman pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the execution-style killings of her two teen-age children last month.
  • A Florida woman pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the execution-style killings of her two teen-age children last month
  • A Florida woman pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the execution-style killings of her two teen-age children last month.
  • A Florida woman pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the execution-style killings of her two teen-age children last month.
  • A Florida woman pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the execution-style killings of her two teen-age children last month.
  • Both had been shot in the head.
  • Both had been shot in the head.
  • Both had been shot in the head.
  • Both had been shot in the head.
  • Both had been shot in the head.
    • Marco Quintana
      How much more proof do they need to prove that she killed her kids?? She was found with a bloody apron.
    "A Florida woman pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the execution-style killings of her two teen-age children last month."
Samantha Montalvo

Man opens fire on girlfriend along Vegas freeway ยป Kitsap Sun - 0 views

  • A fight in a moving vehicle ended in gunfire after a man shot his female acquaintance
    • Samantha Montalvo
      Thats really crazy that a person can get so angry over an argument and then shoot his girlfriend.
  • Police say the man punched one of his friends and then assaulted the woman.
  • The woman and the two friends ran from the car, but the gunman followed, shooting the woman as motorists zoomed past
    • Samantha Montalvo
      The fact that they tried to run from him and he chased after them with a shotgun and proceeded to shoot her makes it all worse.
Samantha Montalvo

New Jersey Man Convicted of Manslaughter in British Reality TV Star's Death - - 0 views

  • A New Jersey man who admitted killing one of Britain's most eligible bachelors was convicted Wednesday of reckless manslaughter and weapons offenses stemming from the August 2007 slaying.
    • Samantha Montalvo
      I think the only reason why he admitted it was because he had a guilty conscience after so many years. Even though he should have turned himself in right away, its good that he finally turned himself in.
  • believing the man who was a reality show competitor in the U.K. was part of a group out to hurt or kill him.
    • Samantha Montalvo
      Even though he thought this man was out to get him, this is still no reason to killl him, especially because he didn't have any evidence or poof.
  • Davies faces up to 10 years in prison.
    • Samantha Montalvo
      I thought if someone killed another person they got life in prison?
Kyle Wisner

State Democrats absent for vote as Wisconsin budget protests swell - - 0 views

  • a bill that would strip teachers and other public employees of most of their collective bargaining rights and cut their benefits.
    • Kyle Wisner
      How are they allowed to just strip these teachers of their rights? Is that not a violation of rights?
  • thousands of people came to Madison to protest the bill for a third day
    • Kyle Wisner
      How many thousands of people?
  • eliminate more than 6,000 teaching jobs in the next fiscal year.
    • Kyle Wisner
      People now adays complain about the education system and how bad it has become, then how can they eliminate 6000 teaching jobs?
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  • -- In California, Gov. Jerry Brown imposed a statewide hiring freeze across all government agencies.
    • Kyle Wisner
      This will only make the unemployement rate worse.
  • State Democrats absent for vote as Wisconsin budget protests swell
    • Kyle Wisner
      This is a great example of the people using their right to assemble peacefull and the right to petition.
Purnima Malik

Lieberman, Collins: FBI and Pentagon could have stopped the Fort Hood shootings - 1 views

  • accused in the murders of 13 people and the attempted murders of 32 others in the shooting spree at Fort Hood, Tex., in November 2009
    • Purnima Malik
      It is slightly ironic that we are talking about the privacy act and terrorism today.
  • and that makes this incident all the more tragic.
    • Purnima Malik
      That what they said about 9/11. Apparently a lot of small government agencies caught wind of a couple details, but they weren't able to put the puzzle together in time.
  • Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Hasan, a psychiatrist, openly expressed his beliefs that suicide bombings were justified, that U.S. military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan were wars against Islam, that Muslim Americans in the U.S. military might engage in fratricide against their comrades and that his loyalty to his religion was greater than his sworn obligation as a military officer to support and defend the Constitution
    • Purnima Malik
      This is quite outrageous! Why didn't he get fired? And couldn't he completely lose his medical license, because psychiatrists aren't suppose to bias their patients because it will confuse them and cause conflicts.
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  • collectively had sufficient information to have detected Hasan's radicalization to violent Islamist extremism but failed both to understand and to act on it."
    • Purnima Malik
      I think these government agencies should be confident enough to act on what they know. This is not the first time this has happened.
  • radicalization was praised as research on terrorism and Islam.
    • Purnima Malik
      Even so, because of his profession his patients could have even more damage because now they might be inflicted with the Islamist extremism ideas and their own. This will basically will elevate their traumatic experiences.
  • The Washington JTTF reviewed Hasan's sanitized personnel evaluations and casually and erroneously concluded that his radical communications were part of legitimate research on terrorism and Islam.
    • Purnima Malik
      I am glad that they will pay closer attention to it. However, I don't think Hasan mentioned that he was doing any kind of research so how are they able to assume such a thing?
Davonta Covington

Coach slapped with kiddie porn charges - - 0 views

  • A record-setting North Andover wrestling coach with a high school hall of fame career was arraigned on child pornography charges yesterday after police said they uncovered more than 100 photos of young girls in his attic.
    • Davonta Covington
      Why do people do this? I think this is one thing that people shouldnt do. Like why do you want to see underage kids naked? Its other things to do then to do that. Its also placces that can help you with problems like this.
  • Castricone, who lives in North Andover, has spent 38 years as a head high school wrestling coach. He is the all-time winningest coach in New England with 681 victories.
    • Davonta Covington
      Why would you throw this away? Meaning like people for a long time has known you for winning wrestling matches in high school. Not the person who wants to look at child porn.
  • During a search of his house, cops reportedly seized eight printed images of child pornography, more than 100 images of young girls in underwear and revealing clothes, and 77 pages of females who appear to be unaware they are being photographed.
    • Davonta Covington
      This is crazy. All I have to say is why?
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  • Castricone said heโ€™s been having a โ€œtough timeโ€ since his wife started going to Florida for the winter last year, according to the police report. โ€œHe gets anxiety since his son passed away and has been seeing a counselor,โ€ police added.
    • Davonta Covington
      Still doesn't mean you can go out and take young girls and take pictures of them being naked. Like I said before its places you can go and visit that will give you the attention that you want or need
Robyn Allen

Mom, tot found dead in dumpster - - 0 views

  • the mother and child may have been there for days.
  • Until autopsies determine the cause and manner of their deaths, Cruz refused to speculate on what evil may have befallen Maria Avelina Palaguachi-Cela, 25, and Brian Palaguachi, 2, except to say the mother was last seen at her home at 427 Warren Ave. on Thursday.
    • Robyn Allen
      this is horrible... I can't believe people these days. It's horrible to think that someone is actually capable of something like this.
  • โ€œWe do not believe this is a random act,โ€ Cruz said.
    • Robyn Allen
      They think that someone who knows the family did this? that is just absolutely terrible.
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  • The babyโ€™s father had called his family repeatedly last week โ€œand there was no answer, no answer. So he was worried,โ€ said the cousin, who is also named Manuel Caguana. โ€œHe was like, my wife, my son, where are they?โ€
    • Robyn Allen
      I don't think it was him. It's hard to fake an emotion you don't have. If he had done this he wouldn't have called and called again.
  • When the father returned home, โ€œeverything was quiet, clean, just as he had left it, so he was shocked when the police came and told him she was dead,โ€ Caguana said.
    • Robyn Allen
      He was shocked when they told him? He has a two year old son and his house was clean. That would have been my first clue.
  • โ€œAll they said to me was, โ€˜We found a young woman in the Dumpster in a duffel bag, dead,โ€™ โ€
    • Robyn Allen
      That is so dissrespectful to say. It's like telling someone there grandparents died instead of passed on.
Rob High

Did Pentagon turn blind eye to rape victims? - U.S. news - Life - Military - - 0 views

  • Fourteen current and former members of the U.S. military charged in a lawsuit filed Tuesday that the Pentagon turned a blind eye when they reported being sexually harassed, assaulted and raped by fellow service members while on active duty.
    • Rob High
      This is pretty wrong and a good sign we should just start bringing troops home and let the middle east have fun with themselves.
  • identified as a naval aviator, charges in the lawsuit that she was drugged and gang-raped by two of her colleagues
    • Rob High
      The fact something like this could happen shows that we should have closer regulations no matter what state of danger we are in.
  • When she reported the attack, she says her commanderโ€™s only response was to reassign her assailant and tell her "this stuff happens."
    • Rob High
      What else could they have done? In foreign countries can they take legal action like in the U.S?
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  • But Pentagon officials acknowledge that most cases go unreported โ€” and of those that do, department figures indicate less than one in four ever get criminally prosecuted.
    • Rob High
      Sooo do they want to change this? They seem all around unphased by the statements they are making.
  • "We're talking about changing the way people think and the way people feel โ€ฆ the research tells us it takes eight to ten years to change the culture."
    • Rob High
      This sounds to me like someone needed to make a response and they went to be early and overslept their alarm. Change the way people feel? Really? This seems like a poor plan of action.
  • who says that after a night of partying,
    • Rob High
      Well this wasn't exactly the best decision. Not to sound mean but most likely being one of the few females getting drunk and partying with the guys you are flirting with danger.
  • Suffering from depression as a result of the experience, she gained 30 pounds and was eventually assigned to a weight-loss training program.
    • Rob High
      I really can't understand this. You would think being as drunk as she was and not resisting and taking time to report it and what not that this situation was caused by her own carelessness and could have been handled by herself in better and different ways.
  • Albertson, Havrilla and Gallagher all believed their military commanders never took their complaints as seriously as they should have.
    • Rob High
      While I agree this is true. Very little is said to what they could have done differently. Because of this I overall feel that this is more of slander then real fact because nothing is backed up.
Rob High

Republicans Say Obama Budget Plan Not Serious - - 0 views

  • as they begin to debate his $3.7 trillion budget proposal for 2012.
    • Rob High
      So does this mean he wants to reduce our debt also? Because this number really means nothing if it puts us further into debt.
  • Though the administration says the plan will save more than $1 trillion over the next decade
    • Rob High
      This is very weak looking at our current debt. Are people really happy with saving 1 trillion dollars over a decade? This doesn't even mean it will stop or bring back our debt just that we will save a little money over a larger span of time.
  • "I would best sum it up as a sort of lack of seriousness
    • Rob High
      I would mainly have to agree with this statement seeing as how this budget is doing very little and in reality impacts nothing considering in ten years one trillion dollars might be a very small amount compared to our mounting debt.
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  • say discretionary spending rose by 24 percent over the past two years
    • Rob High
      So the way to reduce debt and fix an economy is to spend way more money (seeing as how 24 percent is a large number considering the amounts of money we are talking about)?
  • var vcmArticleInfo = { imgAllPath: "", vcmId: "6580c696a4b2e210VgnVCM10000086c1a8c0RCRD", url: "/politics/2011/02/15/republicans-say-obama-budget-plan/", pubDate:"February 15, 2011", myTopChannelName:"politics", summary:"President Obama urged lawmakers on both sides of the aisle Tuesday to \"give a little bit,\" as they begin to debate his $3.7 trillion budget proposal for 2012.&;", baynoteOrOutbrain:"baynote" }; var disqus_identifier = "6580c696a4b2e210VgnVCM10000086c1a8c0RCRD"; var disqus_category_id = "462854"; var disqus_developer = 0; President Republicans Say Obama Budget Plan Not Serious Published February 15, 2011 |   Print   Email   Share   Comments (634)   Text Size   Feb. 15: Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D., right, looks on as the committee's ranking Republican, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. questions Budget Director Jack Lew on Capitol Hill in Washington during the committee's hearing on President Barack Obama's fiscal 2012 federal budget. (AP) President Obama urged lawmakers on both sides of the aisle Tuesday to "give a little bit," 1as they begin to debate his $3.7 trillion budget proposal for 2012.   But Republicans fired back that the federal government has been giving for the past two years and that Obama still hasn't given them enough to work with in terms of spending cuts. 1Though the administration says the plan will save more than $1 trillion over the next decade , the GOP says the president is not taking any serious steps to address entitlement reform, is not cutting enough in the way of discretionary spending and as a result will not reverse the rising debt anytime soon.  1"I would best sum it up as a sort of lack of seriousness ," Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told reporters Tuesday afternoon, after Obama conducted his first solo press conference of the year.  Republicans, who are trying to cut billions out of this year's budget while girding for a battle over next year's budget, 1say discretionary spending rose by 24 percent over the past two years and that merely freezing funding -- as Obama proposes, along with targeted cuts -- is not good enough.  "He just punted," House Speaker John Boehner said Tuesday.  rela
  • The Progressive Change C/ampaign Committee slammed the president Tuesday for so much as mentioning Social Security in the context of entitlement reform. The group said any tinkering with Social Security amounts to a "broken promise" to those workers who paid into the system. 
Adam Mazurek

Florida Man Allegedly Attacks Woman over Facebook Status Dispute - 0 views

    A woman asked a man why he changed his Facebook relationship status to single and he got mad. He pushed her against a brick wall, shouted bad words at her and threatened to shoot her. He also destroyed a TV in her home. The man is facing battery charges.
  • ...1 more comment...
    "When the woman asked 21-year-old Eric Wilson why he was newly listed as single, he pushed her against a brick wall and threatened to shoot her, Palm Bay police told WKMG." I wonder why he got so mad at the woman. Maybe he recently broke up with a girlfriend/wife and was really upset over it.
    "Police said he also shouted obscenities at her and broke a television set in the victim's home." How did he get inside the woman's home?
    "A county judge in a Feb. 12 hearing ruled that Wilson was not allowed to contact the woman or return to her home." I think the police should make him go back and apologize to the woman first.
Steph Starr

Hot Cheese: Chula Vista parents sue Disney over hot nacho cheese - KSWB - 0 views

  • The boy's hand caught a food tray and a cup of nacho cheese flew onto his face, burning his upper lip and other spots, Cahill said, adding that his clients worry that their son's lip will be permanently scarred.
    • Steph Starr
      This sounds like an accident, not something you would be able to sue over.
  • no effort on Disney's part to regulate and monitor the temperature of nacho cheese being served to young children
    • Steph Starr
      Do businesses/restaurants often regulate cheese temperature? I thought they simply heated it up.
  • clients worry that their son's lip will be permanently scarred.
    • Steph Starr
      I'm surprised that hot cheese could do this to his lip. Normally, you would wipe it off and put ice on it. Either the cheese was very, very hot, or the parents are just exaggerating.
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  • after months of trying to resolve the case out of court.
    • Steph Starr
      What does this mean? That they were asking for money from Disney, but Disney refused to cooperate?
destiny basnight

Mississippi governor asked to denounce attempts to honor KKK leader - - 0 views

  • Forrest, a popular and controversial figure, is best known as a leader of the KKK, the white supremacist group known for terrorizing blacks in the South after the Civil War
    • destiny basnight
      Does the KKK still commit racist acts?
  • The controversy over whether Forrest conducted or condoned the massacre is still a matter for heated debate.
    • destiny basnight
      It is understandable that this is still a very heated topic to many people but there has been a change and this was a long time ago.
  • Mississippi NAACP leaders feel a state-sanctioned license plate honoring a man with ties to the KKK sends the wrong message to people in the state and across the country.
    • destiny basnight
      I completely agree that this would send the wrong message. The same way an employer would decide not to hire someone based on prior convictions and/or misdemeanors this kind of affiliation should not allow him to be honored for anything of this sort.
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  • "Any individual who was a traitor to our country and our Constitution should be treated as such," said Derrick Johnson, president of the state NAACP chapter.
    • destiny basnight
      I understand being the leader of the NAACP he would think and feel this way but you have to give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes. I also agree he should not honored but that the president of the NAACP should take it a little easy on him.
  • Forrest was a "terrorist" whose acts were "immoral and unconstitutional,
    • destiny basnight
      This is true. In a way he should be viewed just as we see the terrorists that attacked the twin towers, though they are against our nation the KKK is against african americans which is a group of people.
  • The group's website says they "are united in sending a message to the state government of Mississippi that WE WILL NOT STAND for the public glorification of one of the original leaders of the Ku Klux Klan."
    • destiny basnight
      I feel as though going through with this will just cause more trouble for him and everyone around him and possibly endanger him.
  • "If we can't hold him up to where he's supposed to be, then nobody else is gonna do it," group member Greg Stewart said. Forrest is being "unfairly maligned," he told CNN.
    • destiny basnight
      Though to a certain extent this is true he committed acts of violence and these are the consequences. It's just something he has to deal with because of what he did.
  • Stewart said Forrest was chosen to be recognized not because of his time with the KKK, but for his spirit and leadership during the Civil War.
    • destiny basnight
      But there was nothing civil about his acts towards these people.
  • Barbour has not responded to the controversy since it began making headlines last week.
    • destiny basnight
      He probably understands that it will cause a lot of uneceassary preventable problems.
Michelle Perritt

Suspect in deadly New York stabbing spree returns to court - - 0 views

  • he will be appointed a lawyer.
    • Michelle Perritt
      If you are appointed a lawyer are they worse than they normally would be? Also who pays for the lawyer, the state? I guess that the taxes would take care of appointed lawyers.
  • Maksim Gelman was arraigned Sunday in Brooklyn Criminal Court on four counts of murder, one count of attempted murder, one count of assault, two counts of robbery and two counts of criminal possession of a weapon, Brooklyn District Attorney's office spokesman Jonah Bruno said.
    • Michelle Perritt
      He certainly has a very long rapsheet. A man like this definitely deserves to be put away for a VERY long time. I think it is interesting however because i watch a lot of shows dealing with this kind of stuff such as law and order, 48 hours mystery and dateline.
  • "This was a set-up, man."
    • Michelle Perritt
      I feel like guilty people always have lame excuses such as these. He really doesn't have an argument if he has done so many bad things.
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  • Authorities said Saturday that Gelman allegedly stabbed three people to death, hit and killed a man with a car, slashed at least five other people and carjacked two vehicles before he was wrestled to the ground early Saturday while attempting to break into the cab of a subway car.
    • Michelle Perritt
      All of that in one day just seems crazy. I can't believe that someone would want to hurt innocent people.
  • Police said Gelman got into a dispute with his mother at her Brooklyn home about 5 a.m. Friday after she refused to let him take her 2004 gray Lexus. The suspect's stepfather, Aleksandr Kuznetsov, intervened and was stabbed 11 times. Kuznetsov, 54, died, while Gelman's mother -- who survived unscathed -- alerted authoritie
    • Michelle Perritt
      People seem to always take out their problems on other people, which isn't fair but is true. Some people just handle their anger and frustration better than others.
  • Police believe the suspect eventually abandoned the Pontiac, which was later found near a Brooklyn railroad line he was known to frequent as a graffiti artist. Shortly before 1 a.m. Saturday, Gelman allegedly got into a cab in Brooklyn and stabbed the driver. As of Saturday, that driver was in stable condition.
    • Michelle Perritt
      This man just kills everyone that comes in his way. It doesn't make any sense to me how he could do that. Is he insane?
  • Soon after, the officers -- with aid from off-duty New York police Det. Marcelo Razzo and an unnamed civilian nearby -- wrestled Gelman to the ground. No one was hurt in that scuffle, during which a knife fell to the ground.
    • Michelle Perritt
      Thank goodness that they caught hime because who knows how many people he could have ended up killing. Not that he didn't already kill too many as it is.
  • "she had to die."
    • Michelle Perritt
      That sounds like a messed up man. He was obviously in a rage.
Eric Sowers

In Child Porn Case, a Digital Dilemma - - 0 views

  • FBI and Justice Department officials, meanwhile, have said that encryption is allowing terrorists and criminals to communicate their plots covertly.
    • Eric Sowers
      If this is the case there needs to be something done legally to protect against people doing this. It is endangering are national security.
  • "The consequence of this decision being upheld is that the government would have to find other methods to get this information,"
    • Eric Sowers
      I think its going to be hard to protect against this because the guy can just say that he dosent know the password and nothing else can be done about it. There going to have to find away to get passed these codes.
  • That's what the Fifth Amendment is intended to protect."
    • Eric Sowers
      It is true based on this admendment that he can choose not to self incriminate himself and i really dont see why he would.
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  • "The last line of defense really is you holding your own password," he said. "That's what's at stake here."
    • Eric Sowers
      Looks like a safe way out of getting away with commiting a crime. Sounds like a real problem.
Cole Gentry

Chechen claims responsibility for attack on Russian airport - - 0 views

  • Similar special operations will be taking place in the future,
    • Cole Gentry
      Doku Umarov is claiming there will be more attacks on Russia! If i lved in Russia I would be very scared and fearful of travel. Also, I wonder how the Russian government is handling this.
  • Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov claimed responsibility Monday for last month's deadly attack on Moscow's main international airport that left 36 people dead.
    • Cole Gentry
      Do the Chechen rebels work with any other similiar groups? Why did Doku Umarov wait a month to post the video? The the terrorist bombing probably went as planned if it left 36 people dead!
  • "I won't tell you there are hundreds of us prepared for jihad. But 50 or 60, God willing, we will find," said Umarov. "Those operations will be conducted monthly or weekly, as Allah allows us,"
    • Cole Gentry
      50 or 60 "bombers" are already prepared to attack! Thats crazy especially with operations that are conducted monthly or weekly! I wonder if Russia will declare war if the attacks continue.
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  • But he told Russian state television the alleged bomber was under the influence of drugs before the attack.
    • Cole Gentry
      I personally think it doesn't matter if the bomber was on drugs. I believe he had planned on bombing the airport before he was on drugs and that the drugs didn't effect his decision to proceed with the attack.
  • "I would like Putin and Medvedev and all other kaffirs and enemies to understand that there are many of us who will follow in our footsteps and give their lives for Allah,"
    • Cole Gentry
      Are kaffirs a group of people? Where are "they" located? Does "enemies" mean Russia? And if a country or group was considered as Chechen's enemy I would be very scared.
    Why did it take so long for this video to be released? And does the Chechen work with any other "terrorist" group?
  • ...2 more comments...
    Doku Umarov is making threaten and serious attack towards Russia. I wonder if he will pull through and if i was Russia I would be very scared.
    50 or 60 are ready to attack to die for there god! That's crazy!!
    I think the guy intending on blowing up the airport before he was on drugs. I don't think he was forced to or had no control of what was going on.
    I think that this is just absolutely horrible! I can't even imagine why the two men did that just because they were upset over an argument about something! I wonder what the argument was about. I think the two men should be put in jail for what they have done, instead of just getting charges. I hope the eleven people that were injured will recover quickly.
Kendra Yinger

Ohio train fire contained after explosion - 0 views

  • after a freight train derailed and caused an explosion in northwest Ohio,
    • Kendra Yinger
      What caused the train to derail?
  • Breyman said three or four cars were still burning, but those were expected to be out as soon as early Monday morning.
    • Kendra Yinger
      Why cant they jsut put it out now? Why do they have to wait until monday morning?
  • to get the burned cars off the track so they can work to get trains moving through there again.
    • Kendra Yinger
      Wouldnt they want to figure out why the first train derailed before they send another train on the same track because the same thing could just happen again.
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  • but was being contained
    • Kendra Yinger
      How are they containing it?
  • "When they went thousands of feet in the air, they could be seen from 20-plus miles away.
    • Kendra Yinger
      Is it the ehtanol that caused the fire to go that high in the air? If so how would the be able to control something like that?
  • Authorities initially were concerned that the derailment and explosions happened next to a fertilizer plant.
    • Kendra Yinger
      What could have happened if the ethanol had reached the fertilizer plant? Would it have casued more of an explosion?
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