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Nik Peachey

Nik's Learning Technology Blog: 10 Teacher Development Task for Web 2.0 Tools - 3 views

    "I created a number of tasks for teachers which I hope will help develop their ability to use technology and to evaluate and create materials using web based tools. I've decide now to share those tasks so anyone who wants to use them to train other teachers or to develop their own skills can take advantage of and make good use of them."
    I created a number of tasks for teachers which I hope will help develop their ability to use technology and to evaluate and create materials using web based tools. I've decide now to share those tasks so anyone who wants to use them to train other teachers or to develop their own skills can take advantage of and make good use of them.
facebook guru

Google OpenSocial application development company | Social media marketing - 0 views

    Increase your monetization from beginning to end, google opensocial applications designed by professional opensocial developers.
Nik Peachey

Tools and Practices for Autonomous Teacher Development - 1 views

    Tools and Practices for Autonomous Teacher Development
Robert Smith

National Security has prompted Significant new Federal Investment in Foreign Language p... - 0 views

    In the United States, about 70 new federal grants for language education to school districts over the past year, more than half include Mandarin programs. A number of National Foreign Language Center's long-standing recommendations gained support. These include development of the language capabilities of U.S. heritage speakers, teaching languages to higher levels, development of improved K-12 programming in critical languages and articulation among K-12 programs, higher education programs, study abroad, and the world of work. NFLC website
Nik Peachey

Nik's Quick Shout: Quick Twitter Video Activity - 1 views

    "Educators seem to be constantly searching for new activities and ways to use Twitter with their Students. At the same time developers seem to be constantly looking for ways to build on the success of Twitter and develop apps and sites that will extend its functionality and increase its usefulness and usability."
Nik Peachey

Comparing Texts to Aid Noticing - 1 views

    QuickDiff is an interesting tool that analyses differences in two very similar texts. It was actually developed for examining programming code, but could be a really useful tool to use with students to get them to look more closely at the texts they write and notice the mistakes and corrections and differences in the text.
    QuickDiff is an interesting tool that analyses differences in two very similar texts. It was actually developed for examining programming code, but could be a really useful tool to use with students to get them to look more closely at the texts they write and notice the mistakes and corrections and differences in the text.
Señora Knipp

Join the worldwide movement of fair trade & sustainable development || Ten Thousand Vil... - 0 views

    Support fair trade and sustainable employment in developing countries. Ten Thousand Villages connects the stories and wares of world artisans with the North American marketplace.
Tom Daccord

LANGUAGES AND LEARNING - THE PATH I HAVE FOLLOWED - The Educators' Royal Treatment - 0 views

    LANGUAGES AND LEARNING - THE PATH I HAVE FOLLOWED "with my "Languages and Learning" blog at I also joined Twitter, although I found it a lonely and pointless activity initially. I now find it to be one of my main sources of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) and also a place where people are generous with their praise and genuine in their concern. A visit to the Isle of Wight for a languages and ICT conference, organised by the amazing Joe Dale (, added to my enthusiasm, and as I approach the end of this academic year, I have created a wiki for my pupils ( and also dabbled with Audacity, Goanimate, Voki, ToonDoo, Animoto and Voice Thread, amongst others.Today I ran workshops on all of these as well as an overview of blogging, Twitter and Diigo."
    LANGUAGES AND LEARNING - THE PATH I HAVE FOLLOWED with my "Languages and Learning" blog at I also joined Twitter, although I found it a lonely and pointless activity initially. I now find it to be one of my main sources of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) and also a place where people are generous with their praise and genuine in their concern. A visit to the Isle of Wight for a languages and ICT conference, organised by the amazing Joe Dale (, added to my enthusiasm, and as I approach the end of this academic year, I have created a wiki for my pupils ( and also dabbled with Audacity, Goanimate, Voki, ToonDoo, Animoto and Voice Thread, amongst others.Today I ran workshops on all of these as well as an overview of blogging, Twitter and Diigo.
yc c

Illuminations: Computing Pi - 3 views

    The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a public voice of mathematics education, providing vision, leadership, and professional development to support teachers in ensuring mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students. With 100,000 members and 250 affiliates, NCTM is the world's largest organization dedicated to improving math education in preK‑12. The Greek mathematician Archimedes approximated pi by inscribing and circumscribing polygons about a circle and calculating their perimeters. Similarly, the value of pi can be approximated by calculating the areas of inscribed and circumscribed polygons. This activity allows for the investigation and comparison of both methods. Instructions:   In this applet, polygons are inscribed and circumscribed around circles. The area of the polygons around a circle of radius 1 are calculated on the left, and the perimeter of the polygons around a circle of diameter 1 are calculated on the right. Change the value of n to increase or decrease the number of sides in the polygons, and notice how the calculations of the areas and perimeters begin to approximate pi.
Nik Peachey

Nik's Quick Shout: Survey Results: Mobile learning for ELT - 1 views

    The purpose of the survey was to ascertain the level of awareness and openness to mobile learning among English language teachers. I also wanted to find out to what degree and how teachers were already using mobile learning both in their teaching and and professional development and to establish whether they would be willing to pay for and use mobile content. The survey also collected information about the teachers' existing access to mobile services and the kinds of device they are using to get access to mobile Internet.
Nik Peachey

Development - ELT and the Crisis in Education | Delta Publishing - English Language Tea... - 0 views

    "In this first blog posting I'd like us to look at some of the major issues that are affecting education at this time and try to examine them in relation to English language teaching and how they may affect it."
    In this first blog posting I'd like us to look at some of the major issues that are affecting education at this time and try to examine them in relation to English language teaching and how they may affect it.
Isabelle Jones

The Teacher Tap: Professional Development Resources for Educators - 0 views

    This website is a professional development resource for teachers and librarians, helping them to incorporate technology into the classroom.
Alyssa Ruesch

Top 10 Language Learning Blogs 2009 - & Lexiophiles - 0 views

    Top 100 Language Learning blogs - nice resources for developing your PLN.
Tom Daccord

BBC Janala Delivers 1M English Lessons To Mobile In Bangladesh - 2 views

    Janala, a mobile service which helps learn English via mobile phones in Bangladesh, has delivered 1 million English lessons. Janala, which means "window," was launched in November last year and is run by BBC World Service Trust and funded by UK's Department for International Development.
The dexway method

Online language learning at its best - 0 views

    Have you noticed that some of the most "POPULAR" language programs and methods are suddenly getting on board the 21st century train and offering live online learning? Learning a language online in the comfort of your own home with the assistance of a teacher is a truly genius concept. The only problem is, developing a curriculum, finding great teachers and integrating a fully functional eLearning program with progressive technological tools doesn't happen overnight.
placement india

Listening: An Important Aspect of Effective Communication - 0 views

    The human evolution is primarily all about developing skills of language and communication. Now, it is a commonly accepted fact that effective communication is all about words. Effective communication that includes proper listening avoids misunderstanding & disrespect and breeds trust & confidence, apart from strengthening relationships and existing bonds.
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