Nik's Quick Shout: Survey Results: Mobile learning for ELT - 1 views
The purpose of the survey was to ascertain the level of awareness and openness to mobile learning among English language teachers. I also wanted to find out to what degree and how teachers were already using mobile learning both in their teaching and and professional development and to establish whether they would be willing to pay for and use mobile content. The survey also collected information about the teachers' existing access to mobile services and the kinds of device they are using to get access to mobile Internet.
jeKai Home Page - 3 views
a group of volunteers throughout the world began creating an open, free, online Japanese-English dictionary. The form and content of the dictionary are decided by the participants in the project. Among its features are the following: * Definitions that explain the meaning of words as completely as possible * As many examples as possible of each word in real contexts * Photographs and other illustrations, especially for entries about uniquely Japanese things * No restrictions on the type or range of vocabulary * No restrictions on the length of entries The dictionary has been named jeKai (je海), pronounced "jay-kai" or ジェーカイ.
Tools - Mozilla Learning - 2 views
Free Spanish Course - 0 views
Coaching Both Parent And Child - 1 views
I want to see my kid happy and grow to his full potential. That is why, when I see him having trouble opening up to me or to other people, I feel bad as a parent. I feel that I am not doing a good ...
That'SLife » Blog Archive » Online Language Learning - 0 views
There are certain perceived advantages – flexibility, price, personalized learning… but frankly most of the research will show that these are not nearly as important as we might feel.
Disadvantages in online language courses are relatively obvious, I think – lack of easy group practice, lack of eye contact, lack of many paralinguistic features which make the possibility of group gelling and real communicative practice much harder than they might be in a face-to-face context.
there are plenty of opportunities online for real, meaningful language practice – Second Life with its international communities of native speakers springs to mind here – and these may be much more real and useful than anything that may be achieved in an online classroom.
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Open Learning Initiative at Carnegie Mellon University - 1 views
A collection of "cognitively informed," openly available and free online courses and course materials that enact instruction for an entire course in an online format.
Computer Support Specialists Today Are Ready To Serve You - 1 views
Our zoo is highly operated by computers. The cages of the animals are powered by computers which opens and closes once operated from our server. Since the zoo has a sophisticated computer system, w...
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