Contents contributed and discussions participated by Isabelle Jones
My Languages: Translation is Back! 20 Ideas for Teaching Translation - 1 views
My Languages: Language World 2016, 12th March 2016: Lost in Translation? - 2 views
My Languages: Technology In Language Teaching SANAKO Conference, Altrincham Grammar Sch... - 1 views
My Languages:@Marie_Sanako Technology In Language Teaching SANAKO Conference,...
My Languages:@Marie_Sanako Technology In Language Teaching SANAKO Conference,...
My Languages: Motivating Tools for Reading and Writing in the EAL and MFL Classroom, Pr... - 2 views
My Languages: Motivating Tools for Reading and Writing in the EA...
My Languages: Motivating Tools for Reading and Writing in the EA...
My Languages: Practical Pedagogies Conference, International School of Toulouse (IST), ... - 0 views
My Languages: Review: Think Bilingual-The First Language Immersion App? - 2 views
My Languages: ALL Session at Woodbridge School, Saturday 17th May 2014 - 2 views
My Languages: Language World 2014, 4-5 April at Lancaster University - 2 views
My Languages: Myths and Reality: Foreign Language skills for the 21st century? - 6 views
Osiris Educational Blog » Myths and Reality-Foreign Languages skills for the ... - 1 views
Myths and Reality-Foreign Languages skills for the 21st century? -
Myths and Reality-Foreign Languages skills for the 21st century? -
My Languages: ICT into Languages Conference, Southampton University, 8-9th February 2014 - 1 views
My Languages: ICT into Languages Conference, Southampton Univers...
My Languages: ICT into Languages Conference, Southampton Univers...