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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Citizenship; a Manual for Voters, by Emma Guy Cromwell. - 24 views

  • Citizenship
  • civil rights
  • We must be familiar with our national and state Constitutions
  • ...69 more annotations...
  • Citizenship not only embraces civil rights, but political rights which is the right of suffrage or voting.
  • Civil rights and political rights are not the same,
    • charlie v
      Political rights and civil rights are not the same, but political rules and rights should not cut into a persons civil rights
  • The way to get good government is through the parties; that is one reason women must choose their party and enter into the organization of the party of their choice.
  • The United States is both a Democracy and a Republic. A Democracy is a government by the people in which the will of the people prevails throughout the country. "This is the fundamental principle of American government." A Republic is a democracy where the people elect representatives to carry on the government.
  • Constitution is the foundation upon which our government is built
  • There are now forty-eight states in the United States with forty-eight constitutions framed upon the Federal Constitution. Each state has its own constitution, which in no way conflicts with the Federal Constitution.
  • first Constitution of Kentucky was adopted April 3, 1792, at a convention that met in Danville, and later on June 1st, 1792, Kentucky was admitted into the union as a state.
  • An amendment to the Kentucky Constitution requires a three-fifths vote of the members in both houses of the legislature to pass, and then it is submitted by the General Assembly to the voters of the State, which requires a majority of the voters to be adopted.
  • There are now eighteen amendments to the Federal Constitution. The nineteenth amendment on "Suffrage" is still pending, needing only one more state to give universal suffrage to women.
    • aplatonic 3
      Was KY the second to last to ratify the 19th ammendment? Why so long? Ties as a southern state?
  • The citizen who does not possess some knowledge of his government and its workings will become a prey to the demagogue, or of individuals who are anxious to advance their own interest at the expense of the people.
    • aplatonic 3
      How does one trust a politian, even if you are involved in the current events of the day?
  • Parties are just what their constituents make them.
    • aplatonic 3
      I like this simple description. Now if we could keep the interpretation as simple.
  • trial by jury is composed of twelve men,
    • aplatonic 3
      Not yet appropriate for women?
  • As long as men and women think for themselves we shall have political parties.
  • A person with no opinion on public affairs is a coward and unpatriotic.
    • aplatonic 3
      Very provoking! Not to mention esteem to become educated.
  • Citizenship
  • Citizenship
  • As a test of one's love
    • aplatonic 3
      Stron conservative woman emphasizeing patriotism.
  • Emma Guy Cromwell
  • Emma Guy Cromwell
  • Emma Guy Cromwell
  • Emma Guy Cromwell
  • Copyright 1920
    • Syle Khaw
      This manual was created before Tennessee ratified the 19th amendment.
  • a sponger, a coward and a shirker
    • Syle Khaw
      Cromwell shows that being a good citizen is part of your moral core and noone would want to be accused of being lazy or bad because it's an insult.
  • Copyright 1920
  • Copyright 1920
  • have the vote and let us not only count it a privilege but a duty to do our part as citizens in establishing good
  • good government
  • government
  • government
  • government.
  • no state constitution can conflict with our Federal Constitution
  • The Federal Constitution may be amended by two-thirds vote of each House of Congress, and if passed must be referred to the state legislatures for ratification
  • no law will stand in our courts that is in violation of our National Constitution.
    • Syle Khaw
      this shows complete faith in our National Constitution
  • To be an intelligent and desirable citizen we must have a knowledge of our Constitution, and know by whom and how our country is governed. The man or woman who does not possess some knowledge of how the country is governed—as has been said—may easily become a prey of persons who are anxious to advance their own interests at the expense of the people.
    • aplatonic 3
      A prevailing problem.
  • There are four ways which we, as citizens, can help maintain our government: [Pg 59]"First: Vote at every election, read and be interested in public affairs. "Second: Help to manage public affairs and be ready to hold an office, if you are the choice of the people. "Third: Try to understand public questions, so you can vote intelligently and criticize justly. "Fourth: Remember to pay your share of the expense of doing the work."
  • The voting place is the leveling place, and when women realize that the exercise of suffrage gives not only the equal right to vote, but also allows equal expression of opinion, then the better purpose of woman suffrage will have been accomplished.
  • Only white persons and negroes may become naturalized. "Chinese, Japanese and East Indians cannot become citizens unless born in the United States." Unmarried women can become citizens like the men. A married woman is a citizen if her husband is a citizen. She cannot become naturalized by herself. A woman born in the United States who marries an alien ceases to be an American citizen and becomes a subject of the country to which her husband belongs. The wife of a man not a citizen of the United States cannot vote in this country.
    • aplatonic 3
      One condition after another in preventing a woman form having eqality.
  • There are now over 27,011,330 voting women in the United States, soon to take part in all elections, and share the responsibility as well as the privilege of suffrage.
    • aplatonic 3
      It would be interesting to see statistical camparisons and voting paterns (populations) from this number to the first two decades of 2000.
  • Let the women of our country come forward and identify themselves with the party of their choice and organize under competent leaders, showing to the world we not only deem it a great privilege to vote, but are willing to share the responsibility of making our government the best in the world.
    • aplatonic 3
      Let her no longer fear to proclaim her independence!
  • A citizen is one who has the rights and privileges of the inhabitants of the community, state and nation, and as a duty should equip himself so as to render the best citizenship possible.
    • Jamsasha Pierce
      As a citizen it is important to practice your political rights. Voting allows you to be an active citizen and to get your point across.
  • A state Constitution cannot interfere with the Federal Constitution, neither can the Federal Constitution interfere with the regulation of the state.
  • ecause it is only in this way that there can be a fair expression of the political sentiment of the qualified voters on any question.
  • Kentucky has one hundred and twenty counties
  • Kentucky has eleven congressional districts, therefore eleven congressmen elected by the people.
    • granestrella
      Referencing the Suffragists but appealing to the Maternalists as well
  • improve and protect the home, the church and the community.
  • It is the duty of every man and woman under the protection of our flag to give his or her best to the country and be willing to take upon themselves the burden as well as the privilege of government, and fully appreciate the inheritance our fathers left.
    • granestrella
      This is true today even though too few people will take responsibility for the actions of their country.
    • granestrella
      This draws the line between then and now and how far the image of the 'upstanding' citizen has come since the civil rights era.
    • granestrella
      This feels abandoned in modern Kentucky. We tend to operate on a county by county basis now from what I can tell.
    • granestrella
      Political apathy is HUGE today and a major problem among youth. It should be the job of a 'citizen' to invigorate those without an opinion.
  • composed of one man
  • The convention is opened with prayer.
    • granestrella
      This is almost comical. The images kind of detract from the seriousness of the matter.
    • granestrella
      Religion clearly shaped politics
  • The expense of our government is enormous, but the paying of taxes is one way in which all must take part.
    • granestrella
      I have to agree that taxation is necessary for an established government. The trouble has come with the accumulationof external   debts that the public is expected to repay.
  • Porto Rico.
    • granestrella
      Really? Why on Earth is it spelled this way?
  • We are not patriotic unless we respond to the call of our government.
    • granestrella
      In agreement with my stance on current definitions of citizenship
    • granestrella
      This is entirely contradictory.
    • granestrella
      Without a doubt, this is true today.
    • granestrella
      I believe all of these are still relevant except the second bullet.
  • Another reason is that the right to vote is not only a privilege but a duty that is imposed by law, and where one is entitled to exercise that privilege, the failure to so exercise it is a failure to perform a duty on the part of the voter.
    • granestrella
      YES! This is an idea people still don't seem to understand but the discrepancy now falls among age groups rather than gender
  • A strong appeal is made to the women voters of our nation to prepare themselves for public life
  • let us not forget that the home is the most sacred refuge of life
    • flamenco clap
      this refers to maternalists and suffragists, appealing to different types of women
    A Kentucky woman politician, the first state librarian, and first woman to be appointed to a statewide public office in Kentucky - takes it upon herself to write a how-to manual ... just like all the cookbooks and how to get an education and other womanly things that a New Woman in the 1920s should educate themselves about.
  • ...1 more comment...
    A Kentucky woman politician, the first state librarian, and first woman to be appointed to a statewide public office in Kentucky - takes it upon herself to write a how-to manual ... just like all the cookbooks and how to get an education and other womanly things that a New Woman in the 1920s should educate themselves about.
    This manual by Cromwell is not only free and open, but useful in many ways when studying or researching citizenship. Cromwell lists points in her work that cover all aspects of how to be a good citizen. She does this by referencing our constitution and laws and how we should follow them.
    "Citizenship not only embraces civil rights, but political rights which is the right of suffrage or voting."

1923 Article on Emma Guy Cromwell - 9 views

    this says she taught law classes at UK!
  • ...1 more comment...
    its pretty cool that Cromwell beat another women running for secretary of state, miss eleanor h wickiffel.
    Oh, I like this little snippet, too:,3445468&dq=emma+guy+cromwell&hl=en "Mrs. Cromwell Visits in the City Today"--so proper! Additionally, it might be useful to know in the future that Google News archives newspapers going all the way back to the 1920's (or earlier)! That is pretty cool.
    I found it intresting that Cromwell said she would not have pursued politics as a careear choice unless her husband and son would have died. She was clearly invested in her local community, but still valued the idea of being a mother and a wife. The responsibilities that come with that would of outweighted her committment to public office in the political world.

Adapting to an Industrial Society > Merging Separate Spheres - 7 views

    This site offers some good information of the time Emma Guy Cromwell lived.
    It gave a better frame of reference to put things in perspective.

Famous Kentucky Woman - 7 views

    This article is about Famous women from Kentucky
  • ...1 more comment...
    It has short summaries of famous female Kentuckians. Cromwell is mentioned. While these are small blurbs, they are concise and provide a good starting point for further research on each of these women.
    **Cromwell--first woman in Kentucky to be elected to a statewide office
    This seems to be a news letter or article that has short bios on some of the most influential woman of Kentucky. It has several different categories including education pioneers reformers then the woman who were mover and shakers in that area.

Emma Guy Cromwell bio on KY Secretary of State website - 6 views

    Useful snapshot of Cromwell's political life and bio as part of the official Kentucky government's website; many of the statements were supplied to the researcher by a descendent and several of the resources are outdated.

Kentuckiana Digital Library - 6 views

    Primary sources can be found here through a search of your topic or person, etc. by searching newspapers, pictures, journals, oral history, manuscripts, maps, books.
    This is a great site!!!! Use this people!!!!

Nancy Isenberg - Sex and Citizenship in Antebellum America - 5 views

    Professor Isenberg offers a powerful argument that the first organized US women's rights activists can be traced to the antebellum period, long before the 1920 milestone of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.

Notable Kentucky African Americans - - 4 views

  • She was one of the first African American woman from Kentucky to enlist during World War II, the first to become an officer, and the first African American WAC over an all-white regiment. Clarke led the protest that desegregated the Douglas Army Airfield theater.
    Here's a compilation of many different resources on Kentucky woment during World War II. Needs exploring by the class very interesting.
    Thank you for this website! I find it very interesting to read about because I am joining the military. It is very informative and like you said interesting to read about!
    This site provides a ton of information regarding the tough road most African Americans had to take in order to be treated with dignity and respect in the military, espically women.

A History of KY Female Orphan School - 4 views

    This site has scanned pages to a book copyrighted in 1930 about the history of KFOS by Harry Giovannoli.

About Midway College | Midway College - 4 views

  • Midway College, formerly the Kentucky Female Orphan School, was the dream of Dr. Lewis Letig Pinkerton, a young physician and minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Together with James Ware Parrish, the Midway Christian Church elder who raised the funds necessary to open the school, they joined with other progressive thinkers to launch a revolutionary educational experiment. In antebellum Kentucky, the few girls who received formal education were taught to read only because it was considered necessary for their role as mothers. When they reached adulthood, they would read the Bible to their children. Female orphans were rarely offered even this meager amount of schooling. Without education or parental support and concern, the most many could hope for was a lifetime of drudgery as a maid or laborer. The liberal arts curriculum and career preparation proposed by Dr. L. L. Pinkerton was a comprehensive solution to this tragic situation, and the benefits reached far beyond the individual girls who attended the school. Dr. L. L. Pinkerton’s dream became a reality as Midway-educated teachers went forth to share their learning with youngsters throughout the state and region. In the years since its inception, the institution has evolved to meet the educational needs of women while preserving the goals and standards of its founders. Today, Midway College has achieved its goal of excellence in education, providing advanced instruction in a broad range of subjects based upon a strong liberal arts curriculum. The campus and programs have grown with the school’s enrollment, yet many of the traditional ideals Midway was founded on have remained constant. The college's affiliation with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) remains strong and many members of the student body are active members of Christian Church congregations.
  • This academic balance remains true to Dr. L. L. Pinkerton's vision, and is as carefully structured to enrich today's student as was the original curriculum in pre-Civil War times.
    Great picture of some female students. Also a description of a females education, or lack of, in antebellum KY.

The My Hero Project - Women Had Key Roles in Civil Rights EraWomen_CivilRights_AP - 3 views

    Another great article explaining the behind the scenes roles of black women in the civil rights movement. Also, this includes some of the more famous of these women. 
    ``After the bus boycott got going and (Martin Luther) King got involved, they wouldn't even let Rosa Parks speak at the first mass meeting,'' she said. ``She asked to speak, and one of the ministers said he thought she had done enough.'' That is so insanely demeaning! I wonder who in the movement was propagating that repression of women's voices, MLK himself seemed very willing to engage women, at least in the Anne Braden reading. Great article, i agree.

Women in Kentucky- KY Timeline - 3 views

started by One Ton on 06 Oct 10 no follow-up yet

Important Women in KY History - 3 views

started by One Ton on 06 Oct 10 no follow-up yet

Important women throughout Kentucky's history - 3 views

    I think that this article gives a good insight into the influential women that have come out of Kentucky. It gives brief descriptions of each of the women. This could be a very helpful resource to look back at which women were the most influential.
    Many influential artists, sculpture and painters came from Kentucky that were women. I too grew up in Louisville like many of these artists and found it cool that a scultpture from louisville did the Daniel Boone sculpture in Cherokee Park.

Martin Luther King Project - 3 views

shared by charlie v on 06 Oct 10 - No Cached
    This website offers basic information in regards to the neighborhood. the site contains information on a project designed to refurbish and renovate many of the historical buildings in the old Lexington neighborhood.

The Wall Between - 3 views

  • it has taken a toll on her family. But I suppose somebody has to do that to get movements ... you know, to be part of a movement.
  • she grew up in a privileged upper-middle-class white family in Anniston, Alabama.
  • And the parents were completely shocked by her radical views and particularly her radical deduction in the 1950s
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • she was so committed to her sense of what was right that she stuck to her guns
  • It either leads them to realize the evil that is going on around them and to do something about it, or it just totally envelops the person.
  • She was 30, but it's almost as if she was 20
  • authority was set up to help her, not to hurt her in any way
  • "polite racism."
  • and so hounded him about the Bradens and what had been their motives for buying the house
  • "Well, not only is everybody in Louisville against her; none of her friends will associate with her anymore."
    This is the transcript from an interview of the Wilma and Dava Jonathan, and Cate Fosl. It gives great insight on the author and activist Anne Braden.
2More two women receive WWII medals - 3 views

    Two women receive medals for their service in the military. They are from Wilmore these could be two women that could help with the oral history and give more insight into how women were treated in WWII as nurses.
    I think that's a fantastic idea Mary. I just read the article and these women are very interesting.

KET | Living the Story | Jennie Hopkins Wilson - 3 views

    Powerful video about a woman who lived during the violence of segregation and how everyday activities we take for granted today took great courage then. For more information about this time period in Kentucky's history, see George C. Wright's ground-breaking book _Racial Violence in Kentucky, 1865-1940: Lynchings, Mob Rule, and "Legal Lynchings."
    This KET video will serve as the focus for the first of the UK AASRP Race Dialogues ( held in the UK Student Center on Sept 16th 4:30-6 p.m.
    The video on jennie and Alice Wilson is a powerful example of how standing up for what you believe in is the best thing a person can do. Jennie is a strong woman because of her childhood. Seeing her parents as slaves and as free people made an impression on her. This impression made her srong enough to raise foour children in Kentucky during segregation and send all four of them to college. Alice was strong enough to integrate into mayfield high school with 9 other children at the age of fourteen when no other black students would. After integrating she dealt with vocal abuse from white classmates, but never retaliated physically or vocally in a negative manner. Alice simply continued on with the importantt things in her life, the completion of school and the hopes of continuing onward to college.

Laura Clay - 3 views

  • Lexington's Sayre School
  • an unusually powerful position for a southern girl in the 1860's when any woman demonstrating intellect was considered a "bluestocking" doomed to spinsterhood.
  • Their resulting divorce in 1878 was the turning point in all of the Clay women's lives. According to laws at the time, a woman held no claim to house or property
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • the Clay women turned to the equalizing of women's rights.
  • Laura decided to lease White Hall from her father
  • She then collaborated with Susan B. Anthony to organize suffrage societies across the Commonwealth
  • During this same period, Clay became the best-known southern suffragist and the South's leading voice in the councils of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). While chair of the association's membership committee, she introduced recruiting innovations that almost tripled the number of members, from 17,000 in 1905 to 45,501 in 1907, and succeeded in establishing associations in nine southern states.
  • Clay was an emancipationist; one who believed that it was up to each state to grant freedom/rights to citizens
  • Clay was also a believer in Anglo-Saxon superiority but was paternalistic in her attitudes. A product of her time and region, this hearkening back to Southern pre-Civil War beliefs caused some critics to castigate her as a racist.
  • She also worked to promote the involvement of women in politics, advocating that women not silently accept the party affiliation of their husbands, but instead form and act upon their own beliefs.
    The beginning of this article is a great biography. The best part of this piece was being able to find out more about her positions on states rights and whether she believed in civil rights for blacks as well. Clay was a major supporter of states rights. In all that she did for women's rights ( a list is given at the end) Clay was not an advocate for the rights of African Americans. 
    I found it unique that Laura Clay began to pursue womens equal rights after her parents seperated. Her mother took care of the White Hall estate for 45 years and then was all the sudden homeless because the property belonged to the father according to the laws that prevented women from owning land. This left Laura and her sisters to pursue the equality of women. She was also responsible for creating the Kentucky Equal Rights Organization with the help of Susan B. Anthony.
    This site has a short but very informative biography of Laura Clay. Along with a biography it list all of her monumental accomplishment fighting for equal rights. The site is full of pictures of Laura Clay and is very well documented with numerous sources citing the information.
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