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Adam Bohannon

SLumming » Almost a Year: Education (in SL) - 0 views

  • I believe that any college or university which accepts US federal dollars and requires students to use second life as a classroom space is in violation of regulation 508 because SL is not accessible to individuals who are blind.
  • The creation of an inaccessible school is a de facto violation of US laws governing accessibility including IDEA, and regulations 504 and 508.
  • The much bruited installation of “voice chat” as accessibility option is merely an indication of how very little the educational establishment actually understands the issue of accessibility.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Second, the main instantiation of educational activity in SL seems to be the recreation of the classroom in virtual space.
  • Third, efforts to introduce games and problem-based instruction as educational strategies have focused on adding a “game layer” on top of the SL environment rather than using the environment itself as a game.
  • I’ll be anxious to see how long it takes the educational community to realize that SL affords capabilities that transcend and exceed the capabilities of the classroom.
  • Fourth, my sense is that educators are generally tourists — outsiders looking in, just visiting — in the environment.
  • Few hold jobs. Comparatively few even “get off the island.” This is especially true of those educators who participate through the auspices of a private island. They’re very busy controlling the environment to suit their own purposes without really taking the time to understand the culture and environment. It’s no wonder they’re unable to recognized the inherent value of the space.
  • Fifth, everybody is interested in the space as an educational environment and almost nobody is looking at it as a learning environment.
  • They still think that there’s a direct correlation between teaching and learning in RL as well. That bias has been brought in world.
  • Conclusion: Teachers want to use the space. Most of them want to use it for the wrong reasons. Many don’t have a clue what it means to be “in the world” in any real sense, instead focusing on imposing RL constraints on SL constructs — even when those constraints are irrelevant.
Pinhopes Job Site

World Environment Day 2014 | Pinhopes Helps Reduce Carbon Footprint | Pinhopes - 0 views

    World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated worldwide on 5th of June every year. Run by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the celebration raises awareness on the importance of taking positive environmental measu

10 easy ways to reduce the plastic waste on this World Environment Day! - Gossip Ki Gal... - 0 views

    5th June is the World Environment Day! A lot of us might be environment enthusiasts to participate in various activities, plant trees and celebrate this day in every possible way, while the rest of us might shrug it off as just another day. Some of us might be upholding a great zeal but we might end up doing nothing!
michol lasti

Download Java Runtime Environment 8.0 Build 60 (32-Bit) & (64-Bit) | librosdigitalescs ... - 0 views

    Download Java Runtime Environment 8.0 Build 60 (32-Bit)& (64-Bit) - Java software allows one to run applications called "applets" which have been written in the Caffeine programming language. These applets allow user to have a much richer experience online than simply interacting with static HTML websites.

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Le ministère de l'agriculture compte aussi renégocier, un an avant son terme, le contrat quinquennal qui le lie à l'ONF et aux communes forestières. En attendant, l'Office s'est engagé à « équilibr...

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started by masquebf4 on 26 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Highrise cleaning Nigeria - 0 views

    With the advent of high rise buildings, cleaning services took a new dimension and it takes great expertise to take up such a task, you can indeed trust us in doing this for you with our years of experience.We can work at all height levels, regardless of access difficulties, using scaffolding, elevated work platforms, rope access techniques, telescopic equipment and high pressure wall creepers.The result of our thorough cleaning of your building will be a brighter and better working environment.
  • ...1 more comment...
    With the advent of high rise buildings, cleaning services took a new dimension and it takes great expertise to take up such a task, you can indeed trust us in doing this for you with our years of experience.We can work at all height levels, regardless of access difficulties, using scaffolding, elevated work platforms, rope access techniques, telescopic equipment and high pressure wall creepers.The result of our thorough cleaning of your building will be a brighter and better working environment.
    With the advent of high rise buildings, cleaning services took a new dimension and it takes great expertise to take up such a task, you can indeed trust us in doing this for you with our years of experience.We can work at all height levels, regardless of access difficulties, using scaffolding, elevated work platforms, rope access techniques, telescopic equipment and high pressure wall creepers.The result of our thorough cleaning of your building will be a brighter and better working environment.
    With the advent of high rise buildings, cleaning services took a new dimension and it takes great expertise to take up such a task, you can indeed trust us in doing this for you with our years of experience.We can work at all height levels, regardless of access difficulties, using scaffolding, elevated work platforms, rope access techniques, telescopic equipment and high pressure wall creepers.The result of our thorough cleaning of your building will be a brighter and better working environment.

Hospital lighting: improve patient recovery progress and facilitate hospital environment - 0 views

    Hospital Lighting is very important as it plays a pivotal role not only in beautifying and managing the patient but also in improving their health. At the same time lighting also plays an essential role in improving patients recovery progress; appropriate lighting increases sleep, prevents depression, and stabilizes the body's circadian rhythm. Hospital Lighting is one of the most vital parts of patient care, therefore; they require high-quality lighting that is capable of providing the bright lights required to ensure a quick recovery and minimally invasive procedures for the patients. The Lighting at Hospital varies according to the age and/or gender of the patients. The Lighting should be such that it can facilitate the hospital environment and the way of life of the patients.

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started by masquebf3 on 20 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
Theron DesRosier

Center for Teaching, Learning, & Technology: Case Studies of Electronic Portfolios for ... - 0 views

  • this Microsoft white paper for EDUCAUSE 2007,
    This blog documents the day to day investigations of ePortfolios, assessment, and innovation in learning environments by Washington State University's Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology.

sac à dos longchamp pas cher Au - 0 views

Tandis que règne cette ambiance délétère au sein de l'Institut, des concertations ont fini par être engagées avec une association de professeurs pour assurer la sauvegarde de l'outil d'enseignement...

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started by masquebf4 on 25 Aug 14 no follow-up yet

sac à dos longchamp pas cher Au - 0 views

Tandis que règne cette ambiance délétère au sein de l'Institut, des concertations ont fini par être engagées avec une association de professeurs pour assurer la sauvegarde de l'outil d'enseignement...

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started by masquebf3 on 25 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
Devia Rajput

In The World Top 10 Unsafe States in 2014 - 0 views

    Here You See Top 10 Unsafe States in 2014.Few countries have hit poorly by the unexpected happening. People living there can't be considered as safe as they have to face several fears. Few issues related to politics and violence doingsmade these people insecure. These nations are not completely harmless for visit. They imagine¬ having safe and sound environment to live but due to violence and other reasons they just can't do so.

Growing Your Business - 0 views

    SMBs especially those with complex and lengthy supply chain can benefit the most.Technology has been one of the limiting factors for most small businesses; especially when it operates in a heterogeneous, network-based environment. Complex and lengthy supply chains add more to the woes of such business owners.
edwin maicle

A Skillful Phlebotomist in the Field - 0 views

    We are wondering sometimes why most of the times we are not hired for the job. Imagine, you endured the number of hours learning about blood, venipuncture, medicines, and a lot of things related to phlebotomy. You also did your best in order to pass the examination and got certified, but after everything, you find it hard to land on the job. What happened? Well, looking at your current situation, your environment and yourself can speak for you.
Pinhopes Job Site

Climb up the career ladder faster | Few useful tips for Interview | Pinhopes - 0 views

    Reaching your work goals may look like a daunting task at first. With careful planning and implementation of right strategies, you can step up the career ladder quicker than you thought of. Here are few tips on how to get promoted at work quickly:

    Continue learning

    Learning is a lifelong process. To grow in your career, it is imperative that you keep accumulating knowledge across industries' trends, challenges and insights. Staying updated about your domain knowledge enables you to tackle challenges at work more efficiently and higher your chances of getting noticed by employers.

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    To take charge in a work environment doesn't always require you to be in a top position. You can assume a leadership role when circumstances demands at workplace. Exhibit your leadership skills while solving a critical problem at work by effectively communicating, motivating and working in coordination with other team members. Also start taking responsibilities a level in advance to show that you are ready for the next role.

    Give your best

    When you give your best in your work, you stay visible for your passion and performance. If you want to add more value to your work, then go t
descendants1 descendants1

Lunettes Soleil Ray Ban Wayfarer D'abord - 0 views

Il s'agit d'abord d'un choc de volontés. La lutte sera remportée ou perdue devant le tribunal de l'opinion publique. Certes l'ennemi est habile dans la manipulation des médias et l'utilisation des ...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 16 Jun 14 no follow-up yet

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Un porte-parole des services du métro de Washington a dit pour sa part ne pas avoir d'indication de menace précise contre les transports publics de la capitale fédérale.En France, l'Elysée a annonc...

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started by masquebf on 26 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

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Une information judiciaire a été ouverte pour "détournement de fonds publics", abus de confiance" et "blanchiment". Selon le site Mediapart une partie de l'argent versée au Sénat par l'UMP pour fia...

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started by masquebf on 16 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
descendants1 descendants1

Lunettes Ray Ban pas cher Le - 0 views

C'est un terrain parfait pour la prolifération de maladies", a dit Rownad Khan, adjoint au représentant de l'organisme spécialisé de l'ONU pour l'enfance. - Entonnoir administratif - A cet égard, M...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 08 May 15 no follow-up yet
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