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The Internet and Social Life (Annual Review of Psychology 2004) - 1 views

  • However, the Internet is not merely the Swiss army knife of communications media. It has other critical differences from previously available communication media and settings (see, e.g., McKenna & Bargh 2000), and two of these differences especially have been the focus of most psychological and human-computer interaction research on the Internet. First, it is possible to be relatively anonymous on the Internet, especially when participating in electronic group venues such as chat rooms or newsgroups. This turns out to have important consequences for relationship development and group participation. second, computer-mediated communication (CMC) is not conducted face-to-face but in the absence of nonverbal features of communication such as tone of voice, facial expressions, and potentially influential interpersonal features such as physical attractiveness, skin color, gender, and so on. Much of the extant computer science and communications research has explored how the absence of these features affects the process and outcome of social interactions.
  • Sproull & Kiesler (1985) considered CMC to be an impoverished communication experience, with the reduction of available social cues resulting in a greater sense or feeling of anonymity. This in turn is said to have a deindividuating effect on the individuals involved, producing behavior that is more self-centered and less socially regulated than usual. This reduced-information model of Internet communication assumes further that the reduction of social cues, compared to richer face-to-face situations, must necessarily have negative effects on social interaction (i.e., a weaker, relatively impoverished social interaction).
  • The relative anonymity of the Internet can also contribute to close relationship formation through reducing the risks inherent in self-disclosure. Because selfdisclosure contributes to a sense of intimacy, making self-disclosure easier should facilitate relationship formation. In this regard Internet communication resembles the "strangers on a train" phenomenon described by Rubin (1975; also Derlega & Chaikin 1977). As Kang (2000, p. 1161) noted, "Cyberspace makes talking with strangers easier. The fundamental point of many cyber-realms, such as chat rooms, is to make new acquaintances. By contrast, in most urban settings, few environments encourage us to walk up to strangers and start chatting. In many cities, doing so would amount to a physical threat."Overall, then, the evidence suggests that rather than being an isolating, personally and socially maladaptive activity, communicating with others over the Internet not only helps to maintain close ties with one's family and friends, but also, if the individual is so inclined, facilitates the formation of close and meaningful new relationships within a relatively safe environment.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • STIGMATIZED IDENTITIES McKenna & Bargh (1998) reasoned that people with stigmatized social identities (see Frable 1993, Jones et al. 1984), such as homosexuality or fringe political beliefs, should be motivated to join and participate in Internet groups devoted to that identity, because of the relative anonymity and thus safety of Internet (compared to face-to-face) participation and the scarcity of such groups in "real life." Moreover, because it is their only venue in which to share and discuss this aspect of their identity, membership in the group should be quite important to these people, and so the norms of such groups should exert a stronger than usual influence over members' behavior. This prediction was confirmed by an archival and observational study of the frequency with which stigmatized-group members posted messages to (i.e., participated in) the group: Unlike in other Internet groups, participation increased when there was positive feedback from the other group members and decreased following negative feedback (McKenna & Bargh 1998, Study 1).
  • ON-LINE SUPPORT In harmony with these conclusions, Davison et al. (2000) studied the provision and seeking of social support on-line by those with grave illnesses, and found that people used Internet support groups particularly for embarrassing, stigmatized illnesses such as AIDS and prostate cancer (and also, understandably, for those illnesses that limit mobility such as multiple sclerosis). The authors point out that because of the anxiety and uncertainty they are feeling, patients are highly motivated by social comparison needs to seek out others with the same illness (p. 213), but prefer to do this on-line when the illness is an embarrassing, disfiguring, or otherwise stigmatized one, because of the anonymity afforded by Internet groups (p. 215).
  • Accordingly, Kang (2000) has argued that one potential social benefit of the Internet is to disrupt the reflexive operation of racial stereotypes, as racial anonymity is much easier to maintain on-line than off-line. For example, studies have found that African Americans and Hispanics pay more than do white consumers for the same car, but these price differences disappear if the car is instead purchased on-line (Scott Morton et al. 2003).
  • Yet racism itself is socially stigmatized-especially when it comes to extreme forms such as advocacy of white supremacy and racial violence (see McKenna & Bargh 1998, Study 3). Thus the cloak of relative anonymity afforded by the Internet can also be used as a cover for racial hate groups, especially for those members who are concerned about public disapproval of their beliefs; hence today there are more than 3000 websites containing racial hatred, agendas for violence, and even bomb-making instructions (Lee & Leets 2002). Glaser et al. (2002) infiltrated such a group and provide telling examples of the support and encouragement given by group members to each other to act on their hatreds. All things considered, then, we don't know yet whether the overall effect of the Internet will be a positive or a negative one where racial and ethnic divisions are concerned.
  • People are not passively affected by technology, but actively shape its use and influence (Fischer 1992, Hughes & Hans 2001). The Internet has unique, even transformational qualities as a communication channel, including relative anonymity and the ability to easily link with others who have similar interests, values, and beliefs. Research has found that the relative anonymity aspect encourages self-expression, and the relative absence of physical and nonverbal interaction cues (e.g., attractiveness) facilitates the formation of relationships on other, deeper bases such as shared values and beliefs. At the same time, however, these "limited bandwidth" features of Internet communication also tend to leave a lot unsaid and unspecified, and open to inference and interpretation.
  • As Lea & Spears (1995) and O'Sullivan (1996) have noted, studying how relationships form and are maintained on the Internet brings into focus the implicit assumptions and biases of our traditional (face-to-face) relationship and communication research literatures (see Cathcart & Gumpert 1983)-most especially the assumptions that face-to-face interactions, physical proximity, and nonverbal communication are necessary and essential to the processes of relating to each other effectively. By providing an alternative interaction setting in which interactions and relationships play by somewhat different rules, and have somewhat different outcomes, the Internet sheds light on those aspects of face-to-face interaction that we may have missed all along. Tyler (2002), for example, reacting to the research findings on Internet interaction, wonders whether it is the presence of physical features that makes face-to-face interaction what it is, or is it instead the immediacy of responses (compared to e-mail)? That's a question we never knew to ask before.
  • Spears et al. (2002) contrasted the engineering model with the "social science" perspective on the Internet, which assumes instead that personal goals and needs are the sole determinant of its effects. [In the domain of communications research, Blumler & Katz's (1974) "uses and gratifications" theory is an influential version of this approach.] According to this viewpoint, the particular purposes of the individuals within the communication setting determine the outcome of the interaction, regardless of the particular features of the communication channel in which the interaction takes place.The third and most recent approach has been to focus on the interaction between features of the Internet communication setting and the particular goals and needs of the communicators, as well as the social context of the interaction setting (see Bargh 2002, McKenna & Bargh 2000, Spears et al. 2002). According to this perspective, the special qualities of Internet social interaction do have an impact on the interaction and its outcomes, but this effect can be quite different depending on the social context. With these three guiding models in mind, we turn to a review of the relevant research.

Anonymous - Encyclopedia Dramatica - 0 views

  • Anonymous, in addition to being responsible for 85% of all quotes ever made, is the source of 91% of all internet truth and justice and 32.33, repeating of course, daily dosage of Vitamin /b/. Anonymous is void of human restraints, such as pity and mercy. Those who perform reckless actions or oppose Anonymous will be eliminated. Failure is not tolerated. Enemies are to be dealt with swiftly and efficiently. Anonymous must work as one. No single Anonymous knows everything. Anonymous is everyone and noone. You are. I am. Everyone is. Anonymous is humanity when the gloves come off.
  • Anonymous is not a person, nor is it a group, movement or cause: Anonymous is a collective, a commune of human thought and useless imagery. A gathering of sheep and fools, assholes and trolls, and normal everyday netizens.
  • Anonymous is not so much unlike other web communities, it has in-jokes, culture, extended debates, etc, just like everyone else.
  • ...34 more annotations...
  • Anonymous is not a single person, but rather, represents the collective whole of the internet.
  • As individuals, they can be intelligent, rational, emotional and empathetic. As a mass, a group, they are devoid of humanity and mercy. Never before in the history of humanity has there once been such a morass, a terrible network of the peer-pressure that forces people to become one, become evil. Welcome to the soulless mass of blunt immorality known only as the Internet.
  • Anonymous are the Monsters from the Id.
  • Anonymous is devoid of humanity, morality, pity, and mercy. Anonymous works as one, because none of us are as cruel as all of us. Anonymous cannot be harmed, no matter how many Anonymous may fall in battle. Anonymous doesn't fall in battle, anyway. Anonymous only undertakes Serious Business. Anonymous is everyone Anonymous is everywhere. Anonymous cannot be out-numbered. Anonymous is a hydra, constantly moving, constantly changing. Remove one head, and ten replace it. Anonymous reinforces its ranks exponentially at need. Anonymous has no weakness or flaw. Anonymous exploits all weaknesses and flaws. Anonymous doesn't have a family or friends. Anonymous is your family and friends. Anonymous is not your friend. Anonymous is not your personal army. Anonymous is in control at all times. Anonymous does not accept failure, Anonymous delivers. Anonymous has no identity. Anonymous cannot be betrayed. Anonymous does it for the lulz. Anonymous is humanity. Anonymous are created as equals. Anonymous is a choice. Anonymous is an unstoppable force. Anonymous has over 9000 penises and they are all raping children. If Anonymous must have a name, his name is David. Anonymous obeys the Code. Anonymous is not Hitler. Anonymous is Legion. Anonymous does not forgive. Anonymous does not forget. Expect us.
  • If girls were on the internets...inb4 cumdumpster. Show your tits or leave. Why women shouldn't be allowed out of the kitchen.
  • People these days seem to think we are some sort of internet vigilante group, That couldn't be further from the truth.
  • We are the little voice in the back of your head that wants to fuck your hot sixteen year old daughter. We are the father who beats his six year old child simply because he spilled his beer. We are every chef that's ever spit in some random person's food for the hell of it. We are the pyromaniac who burns down the homeless shelter for shits and giggles. We are the person who rapes the same girl twice. We are that feeling you get when you beat your pets; and enjoy it.
  • We see some guy hang himself live, we laugh. A wrestler kills his family, we laugh. Some maladjusted Asian shoots up his university, we laugh. Fifty-thousand die in North Korea, we laugh. AIDS ravages a continent, we laugh. An Austrian Australian man locks his daughter in his basement for 24 years and fathers 8 children with her, we laugh. A religion invented by a psychotic writer swindles countless gullible fucktards out of their cash, we laugh, and then go kick his religion's ass just for the hell of it.
  • Message to New Anon From Old Anon
  • We have no culture
  • We are an autonomous collective, each an insignificant part of a whole. You cannot assimilate us, we do not change. You cannot defeat us, we do not exist. You cannot infiltrate us, we know our own. We do not sleep, we do not eat and we do not feel remorse. We will tear you apart from outside and in, we have all the time in the world.
  • Enjoy your AIDS, faggots.
  • Anonymous Recruitment History (Nevar 4Get) MARCH 26, 2007 Anonymous is dead. JUNE 17, 2007 Anonymous is alive, Moot has brought back forced Anonymous. July 20 2007 Anonymous is dead again, forced Anonymous is no more. July 27 2007 Several Anonymous members engaged in a series of website defacements as a perfectly legitimate form of Anonymous publicity. OVER 9,000! sites were affected. July 28 2007 Anonymous is alive. Forced Anonymous is back. October 20 2007 Anonymous is weaker than ever, with no concentrated energy in the form of /b/! October 24 2007 Anonymous is /b/ack, and ready to do it for the lulz again. January 21 2008 Chanology declares war on the CoS for the lulz (and great justice) February 10 2008 Chanology stages a worldwide IRL protest against CoS, resulting in epic win fucking fail. March 15 2008 Chanology stages ANOTHER worldwide IRL protest against CoS. Another win, but not quite as epic. SERIOUSLY epic win, gets moar media attention MORE FUCKING FAIL. May 08, 2008 Butthurt faggots are letting their own egos run amok and are editing faggotry on ED. May 14, 2008 As of now, Anonymous, Chanology and Raidfags are all united in indifference to one another and are busy bringing in the lulz. May 29, 2008 Anonymous is no longer forced, thanks to the fags found here: lol, Palin emails
  • I will tell you Anonymous' motives. Anonymous does because Anonymous can. It is neither the inherent dark side of every man, nor is it the glorious white knight of the will of the people. Anonymous does because they can. And they feel like it. So do not shame yourself any longer, if you are at all confused. Put on the mask. Lose yourself. Welcome to the collective. You are Anonymous. You are Legion. You do not forgive. You do not forget. And You do not matter.
  • Anonymous, I know who you are - Version 6 How to tell a real anonymous from raidfags. NEVAR FORGET: SRS BINISS Anonymous is like an amoeba: A Real Anon. Simple, yet omnipresent-yet unnoticed. Willing to learn, merge, mutate, exeunt its failures, and survive. it is the very simplistic essence of life: random, undecyphered code; hypocritical and a paradox in itself. Anonymous can be a disease, or the squalor that gives us the right to live on this Earth. Anonymous is a Puzzle that cannot be solved. In order to defeat anonymous, it is required that you suffer greater than Stalin, and outsmart everyone while withholding your true name. You would have to be mightier than God himself, and Satan combined. You would have to undo so many things, and create so many devices. In other words....only anonymous can defeat anonymous. and even then, you would be anonymous, thus making anonymous a paradox. We do not need the internet to thrive, We have existed for over 9000 years, and our concept will exist as long as people can use a vehicle to transmit their thoughts without those being traced back to them. Anonymous is Immortal. You, are not.
  • Identity. One of our most precious possessions. You believe we all have one, but you are sadly mistaken. Identity belongs only to those who are important. Those who have earned it by struggle and blood. Those who matter. You, my friend, do not. Identity is a fragile and weak thing. It can be stolen or replaced. Even forgotten. Identity is a pointless thing for people like us. So why not let go of it and become Anonymous? We are all anonymous in some sense. The person on the bus. A customer in line. A stranger in another country. Being anonymous protects us in some way, making us feel safe at night and keeping us sane. How, you may ask. Simple. Being anonymous is to be part of the world, the ones like you who do not matter and do not stand out. It makes us feel like we belong. Anonymous is one and yet is many. The many combine to make one, the Legion. It is you, it is me, it is everything and anything. Anonymous lives to some day take over everything. No one shall learn the identity of Anonymous, for in finding identity, we lose our anonymous selves. So break away from your identity. Become one with anonymous and give up the struggle for identity. Join us and belong.
  • Authored on /b/day, the Declaration of /b/ Independence was (and still is) the essential document that separates Anon's ties to his homeland: When in the course of /b/tard events, it becomes necessary for anonymous to set forth the shackles of oppression we set forth on the Furfag mods of They have plundered our posts, and deprived us of our jailbait. They have forced upon us their twisted ideology of "Furry Fandom." They have deprived us of our ability to fight our enemies, forcing us to submit to the wishes of the Furfag overlords. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated bans from our homeland. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free anonymous. We, therefore, the Representatives of the Anonymous States of /b/, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good Anonymous of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That /b/ is, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the 4chan Crown, and that all political connection between /b/ and the State of 4chan, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor. We are Anonymous. We are /b/. Our home is no longer on 4chan. In these times of unrest, we have formed the State of as our new sovereign nation on the World Wide Internet. Signed, Anonymous
  • Though Anonymous has since been shifting between many *chan sites since /b/-day, this document is still important to the status of Anonymous, which defines them as independent of wherever their 'home' may happen to be. From the authoring of this precious document to present day, Anonymous would get full credit for Anon's doings, and not their home. This has since led to the /i/ slogan "Anon gets the credit, *chan gets the blame." In actuality, Anonymous raiders often claim to be from eBaum's World or Gaia Online, though whether any raid victims have actually been stupid enough to fall for it and hit Anonymous's enemies with a misdirected "counterattack" is unknown.
  • Pyromaniacs lusting after the flames that consume humanity. Right or wrong? No. We destroy for destruction's sake. Strauss warned that this accommodating culture would become stagnant. He feared that materialism would leave philosophy barren. This apathy toward transcendent truth would breed nihilism. Welcome to nihilism made manifest in Western Civilization. Strauss described nihilism as strong or weak. Strong were the Nazis, who worshiped might and power to destroy. Weak are the hollow McMansions, strip malls, and emo kids. Little did he realize weak nihilism would fester in the tubes. Strong nihilism has emerged in resentment of a superfluous society. Tycho's dickwad corollary would go beyond net flaming. To fear us is to fear everything. To not fear us is suicide. Anonymous has achieved a persona. Anthropologists would call it a “death cult.” We have subjugated our individuality for our thirst for hatred. Anonymous moves as a force of nature. Our thirst grows. You will never know when we are watching. We have shattered lives. We are always close to you. We are in each stranger's face. We are the itch that humanity will scratch into an infected, pus filled open sore. TL;DR We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget.
  • With an identity you will eventually be found. The day will come when only Anonymous will walk the ground.
  • We will stop at nothing until we've achieved our goal Permanent destruction of the identification role. You, me, we...I am as you are Together we are united, stretching near and far. Anything standing in our way, doesn't deserve to live We are void of human restraints taught to never forgive Answering the question of who we are is a must. We are anonymous, indeed. Therefore, Expect us.
  • “  Write a wise saying and your name will live forever.  „  — Anonymous
  • “  DESPICABLE, SLIMY, SCUMMY  „  —Bill O'Reilly
  • “  Aha! To be astounded. An army of assholes, an association armed with an arsenal of asinine ambiguously adult anonymii. This antiquated armada no mere attack force, is an astounding assembly of articulate aristocrats. Assuming the collective affliction has not abruptly atrophied, another day of ardent internet arguments arises. Under the ambiguous aegis of internet anonymity, all annoying assertions may be announced with reckless abandon. Apology? Do not forgive. Alas, I am all aflutter. After the anticipation....You may call me Anonymous.  „  — Anonymous
  • “  Then Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" "My name is Legion," he replied, "for we are many."  „  —The Bible, Mark 5:9
    the best ethnography of anonymous out there, written by anonymous

List of Internet phenomena - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Anonymous - (used as a mass noun) is a label and Internet meme adopted within Internet culture to represent the actions of many online community users acting anonymously usually toward a loosely agreed-upon goal. It is generally considered as a blanket term – not tied to any monolithic group – for the vox populi or members of the Internet culture
  • 2channel — A Japanese Internet forum (the largest in the world). The site has significant influence on Japanese culture and popular opinion.[100] 4chan — The English equivalent to Futaba Channel, responsible for creating many popular Internet memes.[101]
    • Mike Wesch
      We may want a comparison ethnography of 2channel if anybody is up for it.

Nameless in Cyberspace: Anonymity on the Internet by Jonathan D. Wallace - 0 views

    Proposals to limit anonymous communications on the Internet would violate free speech rights long recognized by the Supreme Court. Anonymous and pseudonymous speech played a vital role in the founding of this country. Thomas Paine's Common Sensewas first released signed, "An Englishman." Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison, Samuel Adams, and others carried out the debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists using pseudonyms. Today, human rights workers in China and many other countries have reforged the link between anonymity and free speech. Given the importance of anonymity as a component of free speech, the cost of banning anonymous Internet speech would be enormous. It makes no sense to treat Internet speech differently from printed leaflets or books.

Internet Download Manager 6.21 Build 7 Free Download Review | librosdigitalescs software - 0 views

    Internet Download Manager 6.21 Build 7 - Internet Download Manager 6.21 is the choice of many, when it comes to increasing download speeds up in order to 5x. IDM has a clever download logic accelerator that includes intelligent dynamic file segmentation as well as incorporates safe multipart downloading technology to boost the speed of your data. IDM reuses available connections without additional connections to gain the best acceleration performance.

Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 3 review | librosdigitalescs software - 0 views

    Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 3 review - Internet Download Manager could be the choice of many, when it involves increasing download speeds up to 5x and IDM has a clever download logic accelerator that has intelligent dynamic file segmentation in addition to incorporates safe multipart downloading technology to boost the speed of your retrievals

Kaspersky Internet Security Free Download | librosdigitalescs software - 0 views

    Kaspersky Internet Security Free Download - Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 defends you from Phishing and Adware and spyware websites, that attempt to steal important computer data

mobiles, human rights, and anonymity - 0 views

  • So that got me wondering: is there a mobile equivalent of Tor? For those of you who aren't familiar with it, TOR is a software project that helps Internet users remain anonymous. Running the TOR software on your computer causes your online communications to bounce through a random series of relay servers around the world. That way, there's no easy way for authorities to track you or observe who's visiting banned websites. For example, let's say you're in Beijing and you publish a blog the authorities don't like. If you just used your PC as usual and logged into your publishing platform directly, they could follow your activities and track you down. With Tor, you hop-scotch around: your PC might connect to a server in Oslo, then Buenos Aires, then Miami, then Tokyo, then Greece before it finally connects to your blogging platform. Each time you did this, it would be a different series of servers. That way, it's really difficult for authorities to trace your steps.
    Mobile Phones, Human Rights and Anonymity I've been playing around with my new Nokia N95 for the last couple of weeks and quite amazed with its ability to stream live video from the phone to the Internet. Like last weekend when I streamed from the Smithsonian Kite Festival; for around 30 minutes I gave a tour of the festivities and took questions from users as they watched the stream over the Internet. I've also spent some time talking it up with colleagues at NPR, brainstorming the possibilities of what would happen if reporters used these phones - or if their sources did. The example that keeps coming to mind regarding the latter scenario is the rioting in Tibet. While some video has leaked out, it's been limited and often delayed. Imagine if the protestors were able to webcast their protests - and the ensuing crackdowns - live over their phones using China's GSM network? The video would stream live and get crossposted via tools like YouTube, Seesmic and Twitter, spreading the content around so it can't be snuffed. But that raises an obvious question - how long could protestors or dissidents get away with such activities before getting caught? If you were running software on your phone to send live video over a 3G network, like I've been doing on my N95, you'd think it wouldn't take too much effort on the part of the mobile provider and/or government to figure out which phone was sending the signal and its precise location. So that got me wondering: is there a mobile equivalent of Tor? For those of you who aren't familiar with it, TOR is a software project that helps Internet users remain anonymous. Running the TOR software on your computer causes your online communications to bounce through a random series of relay servers around the world. That way, there's no easy way for authorities to track you or observe who's visiting banned websites. For example, let's say you're in Beijing and you publish a blog the authorities don't like. If you just used your PC as

How Boxxy brought the web to its knees | Technology | - 0 views

  • A year ago a young, unnamed and heavily-eyelinered young woman who hung around on Gaia Online made a video. She went by the handle of Boxxy.
  • That's it. Or at least it was for nearly 12 months.At Christmas, the video - by then languishing in YouTube's vaults - got posted to i-am-bored, and from there hit 4Chan, and in particular the site's /b/ messageboard... the heartland for many memes (and definitely NSFW). Why? Nobody's sure. Was Boxxy herself behind it? Or was she simply a vehicle for fans who liked her camgirl approach, apparent ADD and weirdly excitable behaviour?Over the subsequent days and weeks, Boxxy became a topic of contention on 4Chan - with the site splitting into two groups; those who professed to love Boxxy and all she stood for and those who hated Boxxy and her fans. Every thread threaten to spill over into Boxxy spam or a flamewar, and hundreds of 4channers went hacking Boxxy's YouTube account and other websites in search of her true identity. So far they don't seem to have succeeded.
  • Things really came to a head, though, when Boxxy haters - sick of seeing so much about her on 4Chan - decided to launch a denial of service attack on the website itself, bringing it down for some hours as a protest.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • OK, yes, the whole story is extremely convoluted. But it's the sort of thing that I saw in evidence at ROFLCon earlier this year: somebody who is entirely unknown can get picked up for basically doing nothing, but doing it in public. So when our future digital archaeologists start looking back at our actions, they'll come across Boxxy and look confused. How on earth do you relate that story in a way that makes sense in 100 years, given that it makes basically no sense right now? That's partly what I love about the internet - and partly what makes my brain hurt.
  • candleja 20 Jan 09, 6:48am posting about a site that shouldn't be talked about, much less visited, is unwise enough. gaining recognition as the person who's talking about it just doesn't make sense to me. plus the article itself is about some teen nobody, hardly worth putting yourself under that kind of scrutinyeven FOX news had more sense, and we all know how irresponsible their journalism is.this entry should probably be amended in some way, to protect the site, the poster, and the general population from exposure to one of the "darker corners of the internet." there's a reason people don't encourage others to walk down dark alleys in a bad part of town
  • the majority of people posting about boxxy were neither, they were people who didnt care less either way but decided to troll the boxxy haters by posting boxxy pictures of bawksey everywhere. they did it for the lulz
  • Please note that off-topic comments will be removed from this thread. Any users posting such comments may have their posting rights withdrawn and subsequently have to move with their auntie and uncle in Bel-Air.
  • @dvdhldnPerhaps I've got too much time on my hands, but I wrote about this because I find memes fascinating, and the idea of being internet famous is really intriguing. Add that to the violent, misogynistic tendencies of /b/ and the ability of the crowd to bully someone for basically nothing... this is - if we let it happen - the future of the internet.
  • Just looked up Anonymous on Wikipedia. Their 'demotivational logo' has the catchphrase 'Because none of us are as cruel as all of us'.What an incredible and disturbing concept - frightening because it is both barbaric and intelligent. Fodder for a Neal Stephenson novel, but in the real world. Anybody with an ounce of humanity would think these fascinating aspects of networked society very worthy of discussion.
  • I just lost the game. Boxxy isn't a meme, AT ALL. EFG is a meme. Boxxy = NOT.The old Anons will let this pass, new ones will get bored and eventually boxxy will be forgotten
    Short story about Boxxy, the latest meme to get picked up by 4chan.

Anonymity on the Internet: Why the Price May be Too High by David Davenport, Communicat... - 0 views

    Anonymous communication is seen as the cornerstone of an Internet culture that promotes sharing and free speech and is overtly anti-establishment. Anonymity, so the argument goes, ensures governments cannot spy on citizens and thus guarantees privacy and free speech. The recommendations of the American Association for the Advancement of Science's conference on "Anonymous Communication Policies for the Internet" [1] support this view. Among the findings were that "online anonymous communication is morally neutral" and that "it should be considered a strong human and constitutional right." This view is fundamentally mistaken; by allowing anonymous communication we actually risk an incremental breakdown of the fabric of our society. The price of our freedoms is not, I believe, anonymity, but accountability. Unless individuals and, more importantly, governments can be held accountable, we lose all recourse to the law and hence risk our very freedom. The following sections argue this in more detail and suggest the only real solution is more openness, not less.

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Google Ultra-Fast Internet Plans Are On Pause - Locality News - 0 views

    Google is an American international technology corporation concentrating in Internet associated services

Best Internet Franchise - 0 views

    Are you searching for top inernet franchise? Connect with Franchise India get to know about internet franchise,franchise fees and many more.

Internet Download Manager 6.20 review | librosdigitalescs software - 0 views

    Internet Download Manager is the choice of many, that it comes to increasing download speeds up to 5x and with IDM has a clever download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and incorporates safe multipart downloading technology to increase the speed of your download. IDM reuses available connections without additional connections to gain the best acceleration performance

Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.23 Build 20 Review | librosdigitalescs software - 0 views

    nternet Download Manager (IDM) 6.23 Build 20 Review - Internet Download Manager (IDM) 6.23 could be the choice of many, in relation to increasing download speeds nearly 5x. IDM has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation in addition to incorporates safe multipart downloading technology to improve the speed of ones downloads

Google Image Result for - 0 views

    This one is interesting because it's the internet from about 12 years ago.  I'm guessing that it would be almost impossible to make an image like this now because everything would be a stream of light.

Anonymous (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Anonymous broadly represents the concept of any and all people as an unnamed collective
  • none of us are as cruel as all of us.
  • Anonymous is everywhere. Anonymous is legion. Anonymous is nowhere
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Anonymous has no identity
  • Anonymous is one; Anonymous is many.
  • Anonymous is united by one, and divided by zero
  • It is important to note that the distinction between this section, and the above, is of necessity somewhat blurred
  • "loose coalition of Internet denizens
  • We have this agenda that we all agree on and we all coordinate and act, but all act independently toward it, without any want for recognition.
  • Anonymous has no leader or controlling party, and relies on the collective power of its individual members acting in such a way that the net effect benefits the group.
  • the group responsible for Forcand's arrest as a "self-described Internet vigilant group called Anonymous" who contacted the police after some members were "propositioned" by Forcand with "disgusting photos of himself". The report also stated that this is the first time a suspected Internet predator was arrested by the police as a result of Internet vigilantism.[15]

Measuring Classroom Progress: 21st Century Assessment Project Wants Your Inpu... - 8 views

  • “21st Century Literacies” compiled by Cathy N. Davidson Media theorist and practitioner Howard Rheingold has talked about four “Twenty-first Century Literacies”—attention, participation, collaboration, and network awareness—that must to be addressed, understood and cultivated in the digital age. (see, Futurist Alvin Toffler argues that, in the 21st century, we need to know not only the three R’s, but also how to learn, unlearn, and relearn.  Expanding on these, here are ten “literacies” that seem crucial for our discussion of “This Is Your Brain on the Internet.” •  Attention:  What are the new ways that we pay attention in a digital era?  How do we need to change our concepts and practices of attention for a new era?  How do we learn and practice new forms of attention in a digital age? •  Participation:  Only a small percentage of those who use new “participatory” media really contribute.  How do we encourage meaningful interaction and participation?  What is its purpose on a cultural, social, or civic level? •  Collaboration:  How do we encourage meaningful and innovative forms of collaboration?  Studies show that collaboration can simply reconfirm consensus, acting more as peer pressure than a lever to truly original thinking.  HASTAC has cultivated the methodology of “collaboration by difference” to address the most meaningful and effective way that disparate groups can contribute. •  Network awareness:  What can we do to understand how we both thrive as creative individuals and understand our contribution within a network of others?  How do you gain a sense of what that extended network is and what it can do? •  Design:  How is information conveyed differently in diverse digital forms?  How do we understand and practice the elements of good design as part of our communication and interactive practices? •  Narrative, Storytelling:  How do narrative elements shape the information we wish to convey, helping it to have force in a world of competing information? •  Critical consumption of information:  Without a filter (such as editors, experts, and professionals), much information on the Internet can be inaccurate, deceptive, or inadequate.  Old media, of course, share these faults that are exacerbated by digital dissemination.  How do we learn to be critical?  What are the standards of credibility? •  Digital Divides, Digital Participation:  What divisions still remain in digital culture?  Who is included and who is excluded and how do basic aspects of economics, culture, and literacy levels dictate not only who participates in the digital age but how we participate? •  Ethics and Advocacy:  What responsibilities and possibilities exist to move from participation, interchange, collaboration, and communication to actually working towards the greater good of society by digital means in an ethical and responsible manner? •  Learning, Unlearning, and Relearning:  Alvin Toffler has said that, in the rapidly changing world of the twenty-first century, the most important skill anyone can have is the ability to stop in one’s tracks, see what isn’t working, and then find ways to unlearn old patterns and relearn how to learn.  This requires all of the other skills in this program but is perhaps the most important single skill we will teach.  It means that, whenever one thinks nostalgically, wondering if the “good old days” will ever return, that one’s “unlearning” reflex kicks in to force us to think about what we really mean with such a comparison, what good it does us, and what good it does to reverse it.  What can the “good new days” bring?  Even as a thought experiment—gedanken experiment—trying to unlearn one’s reflexive responses to change situation is the only way to become reflective about one’s habits of resistance.
    ""21st Century Literacies" compiled by Cathy N. Davidson Media theorist and practitioner Howard Rheingold has talked about four "Twenty-first Century Literacies"-attention, participation, collaboration, and network awareness-that must to be addressed, understood and cultivated in the digital age. (see, Futurist Alvin Toffler argues that, in the 21st century, we need to know not only the three R's, but also how to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Expanding on these, here are ten "literacies" that seem crucial for our discussion of "This Is Your Brain on the Internet." * Attention: What are the new ways that we pay attention in a digital era? How do we need to change our concepts and practices of attention for a new era? How do we learn and practice new forms of attention in a digital age? * Participation: Only a small percentage of those who use new "participatory" media really contribute. How do we encourage meaningful interaction and participation? What is its purpose on a cultural, social, or civic level? * Collaboration: How do we encourage meaningful and innovative forms of collaboration? Studies show that collaboration can simply reconfirm consensus, acting more as peer pressure than a lever to truly original thinking. HASTAC has cultivated the methodology of "collaboration by difference" to address the most meaningful and effective way that disparate groups can contribute. * Network awareness: What can we do to understand how we both thrive as creative individuals and understand our contribution within a network of others? How do you gain a sense of what that extended network is and what it can do? * Design: How is information conveyed differently in diverse digital forms? How do we understand and practice the elements of good design as part of our communication and interactive practices? * Narrative, Storytelling: How do na

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started by stlwdwl1 on 09 Dec 14 no follow-up yet

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started by masquebf4 on 09 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
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