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David Leonhardt

Marketing: Plain English Words Make the Sale - Here's How - 0 views

    Literacy rates around the world are abysmal. By around the world, I include in America. Over half of Americans cannot easily read to a grade six reading level. And if they can't read your message easily, they won't read it at all. At the most basic level, shorter words and shorter sentences improve readability.

The responsibilities and duties of being a reader in the 21st century - 0 views

    The publishing industry is changing as are reading habits. Paperbacks are out, ebooks are in; bookshops are closing, Internet sales are booming. So where does this leave the poor old reader? How does he find the books he really wants to read and once he has does he need to do anything about it? Can a reader be content that he's done his bit if he's bought and read a book? Does an author have any right to expect more from him?

Read online fiction, love stories in English - 0 views

    StoryMirror is online portal for all creative people and those guys who love to read more about different & unique fields. We have lot of Fiction, non-fiction, real life, horror and love stories for reading online at StoryMirror.
Michelle Thompson

One Million Monkeys Typing: A Collaborative Writing Project - 0 views

    Read. When you finish a snippet of text, click 'read more'. You'll be given three paths that continue the story. If you like your options, keep reading. If you reach an end, or don't like the story's trajectory, Write a new snippet and take the story's direction into your own hands. Publish - and others may add on to your story. If the story gets ranked well and has enough offshoots it stays, if not, watch it wither and die.
David Leonhardt

Improve Your Relationships by Reading a Book - 0 views

    When people consider fun activities to do on dates, only rarely do they consider reading together. Similarly, once children reach middle school, only rarely do parents read with their children. This should not be.
David Leonhardt

How to write a fiction book cover blurb - 0 views

    A cover is more than just a title and an image. On the back, people read the author's bio. They read the reviews. They look at the author's picture. But most of all, they read the back cover blurb. Those few lines answer the book buyer's critical question: "What's this book all about?"
David Wetzel

"F" is the Letter for Online Readers - Adventures in Online Writing - 0 views

    If you are expecting people to read every word you write, then you may want to rethink how you write. The "F" is for how fast people scan through online materials as they seek out something that may catch their interest. You may have the catchiest title, compelling information, or controversial topic devised for sharing with others. However, if you do not take into consideration the "F", then people will not read your materials.

Reading Love & real life short stories in Hindi - 0 views

    If you love reading online love stories, horror, fiction, non-fiction and real life story in Hindi language. Than StoryMirror is one best option for you because of this an online portal there new generation are shared lot of content as format of story, poems, short stories and fiction etc.

One liner real life short stories in Hindi - 0 views

    Read and share one line short stories in Hindi language with Story Mirror and enjoy reading one line short story in multy category like horror, love and real life story of the creativity people.
David Leonhardt

How to write a powerful blog post headline that says "Read me!" in 6 easy steps - 0 views

    Your blog post headline says only one of two things: "Read me" or "Don't bother". Here are six ways to make sure that your headline says, "Read me."
David Leonhardt

AI Could Improve Assessments of Reading, Writing Skills - 0 views

    Some experts say advances in artificial intelligence could yield educational tools to accurately assess reading level, comprehension, phonemic awareness, vocabulary and other skills that can be difficult to measure.

Drowning in chocolate: an apology ... eventually - 0 views

    All of us spend way too much time online. The big question is: How well is that time spent? We read things and, five minutes later, couldn't tell you what we've read. We post blogs and update our Facebook status and imagine there are people who are really interested but are they-and we, of course-only going through the motions of showing interest? And woe betide you if you're trying to sell something to your peers because the odds are they're trying to sell something to you and if they buy what you're offering and you buy what they're offering isn't that all a bit pointless? Step back, take off the pink-tinted glasses and have a fresh look at your online habits.

Share one line story online, one line love stories - 0 views

    Reading is best term to learn new thing always. StoryMirror is place there you can read and share online one line one line story, with multi genres like love, horror, romance, fiction, non-fiction, real life and natural.

Reading - 0 views

    The easiest way to open your mind to new ideas and concepts is to open a book and read

Scribebee - 0 views

    Books are a rich source of information. #Reading books on varied subjects imparts #information and increases the depth about the subject as well. Read and write stories at-
Marco Gustafsson

"eBooks have already supplanted mass market paperbacks" - 0 views

    Internationally renowned bestselling author Lawrence Block has told about his special attitude to e-reading and his vision of the e-books industry prospects.
Michelle Thompson

Read It Swap It | The UK's Free Book Swap Shop! | The Library - 0 views

    Read It Swap It has over 200,000 books ready to be exchanged between members.
Michelle Thompson

Reader² - find new books to read, put your reading list online - 0 views

    Reader Squared - catalgue, tag, find friends, discuss books and authors.
Michelle Thompson

BookCrossing - The World's Biggest Free Book Club - Catch and Release Used Books - 1 views

    Bookcrossing - share books via this famous community - register the book, and leave it to be picked up locally at a park, coffee shop or anywhere you purposely leave it. You can also hold a library of books read onsite for yourself.
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