"Novels by serious writers of genius often eventually become best-sellers, but most contemporary best-sellers are written by second-class writers whose psychological brew contains a touch of naivety, a touch of sentimentality, the story-telling gift, and a mysterious sympathy with the day-dreams of ordinary people." This quote by Leonard Woolf depicts the realm of best-selling lists: they are filled with badly-written prose that does not help readers establish lasting impressions and values. "
"Although everyone is aware of the fact that social media is only getting bigger by the day, many business owners still think that Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are not serious marketing channels. If you are one of the people who are dismissing social media platforms as inefficient marketing tools, you're making a huge mistake."
Bipolar disorder is a serious brain illness. It is also called manic-depressive illness or manic depression. Children and teens with bipolar disorder should get treatment involving medication and different kinds of psychotherapy, or "talk" therapy, that can help bipolar disorder. If you think your child may have bipolar disorder, make an appointment with your family doctor to talk about the symptoms you notice
As a writer, you may be witty, humorous, friendly, conversational, perky and so on but the brand that has hired you wants you to write short, serious content with lots of statistics and numbers. So, it doesn't really matter if the writer's natural style differs from what the brand expects. All successful writers have one undeniable quality: Adaptability.
StoryMirror is online portal for all creative people and those guys who love to read more about different & unique fields. We have lot of Fiction, non-fiction, real life, horror and love stories for reading online at StoryMirror.