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Marisa Furtado

Technology v. No Technology- Test Scores in Elementary Schools - 0 views

    The article "Using Instructional Technology in Transformed Learning Environments: An Evaluation of Project CHILD," by Sarah Butzin, claims that students are able to learn more and are more motivated when they are able to use technology and implement the Computers Helping Instruction and Learning Development (CHILD) project. Butzin studied the effects of technology by comparing two schools that were both technology-rich. One school implemented project CHILD and the other school implemented a more traditional design. According to the author, the CHILD method involves a cluster of three grades that are broken into smaller groups and remain with the same teachers throughout those three grades (K-2 and 3-5.) The more traditional learning style still involved the use of technology in day to day learning, but every year the students changed teachers and only worked within their grade level. The CHILD implementation makes it so that children can learn at their own pace and switch stations that include bookwork, one on one or small group time with the teacher, working with technology, and hands-on experience. Butzin claims that this style of learning showed positive outcomes for testing scores, classroom motivation, improvement in behavior, and increased parent involvement.

Social anxiety and technology: Face-to-face communication versus technological communic... - 3 views

    In Social Anxiety and Technology the author Tamira Pierce did a study by examining teens, and the use of the socially interactive technologies. For example social sites, cell phone/ text messaging, and instant messaging. The position that social anxiety plays on how teenagers communicate with others from technology or face to face.
    Annotation 1: In Social Anxiety and Technology the author Tamira Pierce did a study by examining teens, and the use of the socially interactive technologies, for example social sites, cell phone/ text messaging and instant messaging. The position that social anxiety plays is how teenagers communicate with others from technology or face to face. The people that participated were 280 high school students, statistics indicate that from those students, 35%-40% said they use cell phones/text messaging and online sites around one and four hours daily . In which females use more cell phones and social networks than males. After these results it comes to a conclusion and affirms a relationship between social anxiety, meaning students seem to be more comfortable to talk through phone, text or use social networks than talking face to face. Females tend to feel more comfortable communicating through phone or computer than males.
Marci Sanchez

Technology a Key Tool in Writing Instruction - 0 views

    In Technology a Key Tool in Writing Instruction the author, Maya Prabhu, explains how a report done by the National Writing Project and College Board shows that "teachers play a critical role in driving the use of technology, to teach writing." For this report nine teachers, who were selected for various reasons, were observed by a writer for a day and then interviewed. Results showed that the use of such things like blogs, podcasts, and other software can actually increase students' engagement and improve their writing and thinking skills in all grade levels and in all subjects. These results help fuel the argument that more teaching needs to be done with technology in this new digital age. The NWP and College Board claims that there are ". . . three things [that need to] be done to meet the challenges of teaching and learning in the digital age at all levels of education." A child cannot learn or be impacted by technology if they do not have access, so therefore it is suggested that a child have one-on-one interactions with a computer or some time type of similar technology.
Jessica Stoffel

Networking the Classroom Can Computer Technology Reform Education? - 1 views

    In Christopher Conte's essay, Networking the Classroom Can Computer Technology Reform Education? Conte discusses the roles of computers and other technologies in education. Conte claims that currently the educational system is outdated and should be updated by incorporating the use of computers as well as other types of technology into the classroom.
Azucena Carrillo

Using the Technology of Today, in the Classroom Today - 1 views

    In "using the technology of today, in the classroom of today" authors Eric Klopfer, Scot Osterweil, Jennifer Groff, Jason Haas start to give basis to the argument that technologies such as videogames and social networking sites help shape learning. They focus on how they are learning outside of school but in completely different ways than teachers focus on. They argue, "Nearly all institutions- business, industry, medicine, science and government - have harnessed aspects of these technologies for decades. Games and simulations have been a key component of training doctors and military personnel, but even businesses like PricewaterhouseCoopers used a game about a mining company in outer space to teach its employees about derivatives. Although that may seem a bit "off the wall," the fact is major corporations, the Department of Defense, and the medical community would not use these tools if they were not highly effective" to illustrate how corporations use videogames so the educational system shouldn't reject it them as a learning tool. They point out how videogames can serve as a simulation for real life just as mining in outer space can teach about derivatives. Videogames are also a highly interactive learning environment. Instead of being told information, students are right in the middle of the action and the learning. They also discuss how social networking is a new way of collaborating with other about a wide variety of subjects including school work. The authors write, "Of course, educators have long been aware that learning is a social activity, where learners construct their understanding not just through interaction with the material, but also through collaboratively constructing new knowledge with their peers" but teachers reject the use of social networking as means of learning because of the other aspects included safety or privacy. But what teachers can learn from social sites is that "'knowledge cultures' assembled in these o
    This article is very rich with information that has to do with how digital games, social networks, and simulations can be involved in classrooms. With the involvement of them is more than just entertainment that children or people actually learn stuff from them.
Marci Sanchez

Object Lessons: Towards an educational Theory of Technology - 0 views

    In this peer-revised journal, the authors give an evaluation and analysis of integrating more technology into classrooms across America. Not only do they bring in material that deals with success stories of some school districts with computer technology but they also look at more in depth matters like the teachers' uses of these new technologies. They give evidence to show how significant of an impact technology has on education as well as why some teachers are frustrated at the idea of more technology.
Brooke Mullins

Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom - 0 views

    In Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom by Shelly Cashman discusses how teachers are able to bring benefit students learning by the use of technology within the classroom. This book, analysis's every part of technology and gives the reader many definitions of terms and literacy's that are needed to use technology in the classroom. Cashman "explains the difference between computers, information, and integration literacy", as well as points out why 21st century skills are needed to be incorporated in k-12 curriculum. In the first chapter she points out how teachers themselves can improve their "professional development, productivity tools in the classroom, and integrate technology and digital media in their instrumental strategies, lessons, and student-based projects.
Brie Phillips

Connecting the Digital Dots: Literacy of the 21st Century - 0 views

    The article, Connecting the Digital Dots: Literacy of the 21st Century, is arguing the point that the types of literacies are expanding every day, and people need to be kept up on them. The authors, Barbara Jones-Kavalier and Suzanne Flannigan, state that to be a fully functioning member of society, you must acquire and understand a new literacy; a digital one. They also state, "Today, we still seek better communication methods, only now we have myriad more choices, along with new tools and strategies and greater knowledge of effective communication". Technologies will not just be used to communicate though anymore, it is being to "create, to manipulate, to design, to self-actualize". In the New Literacy and Education paragraphs, it is stated that classrooms today are less advanced for the students who are being put in them. Almost all of these students are digitally literate, but teachers are presenting ideas in the ways they always have. Maybe, it is not just the classrooms that need remodeling, but the teachers need to attend workshops and become more accustomed to dealing with these new types of literacies. Schools who are looking to hire teachers need to look at what background the interviewees have, or require a pre-requisite for computer literacy. The authors also state that today, students are "digitally savvy". They don't believe that teachers should be re-typing overheads into PowerPoint's. There are so many different technological ways to teach things to students. It just isn't the same anymore to just use a whiteboard and an overhead projector. "As an example, now teachers can do a PowerPoint presentation with streaming video, instant Internet access, and real-time audio-video interaction, and they can do it with relative speed and ease".
    Barbara Jones-Kavalier and Suzanne Flannigan in their article "Connecting the Digital Dots: Literacy of the 21st Century" state the reason the definition of literacy has gradually changed through time, will always be changed, and that the history behind why it has changed leads to the definition itself. They assert that through the technological advancements the thought processes in the humans mind have drastically changed; and in order for literacy to keep up with this rapidly changing "E-generation" Jones-Kavalier and Flannigan express that our minds need to be open to this change. They state that "vision combined with practical, recognizable goals and incentives that encourage people to embrace new digital and visual literacy skills individually and collectively" will allow there to actually be a change universally.
    This article discusses how literate once meant a person's ability to read and write. Now that technology is rapidly changing, our society is learning to adjust to it. Now, literacy has a new definition. According to the authors, "Literacy includes the ability to read and interpret media (text, sound, images), to reproduce data and images through digital manipulation, and to evaluate and apply new knowledge gained from digital environments." Older generations are having a more difficult time adjusting to it than the teenage generation. Learning technology is starting to seem like learning a new language. Although, it's a priority for society to learn to acclimate to these changes in order to learn and communicate effectively.
Keira Cavan

Types of technology used in classroom - 0 views

    This very short article gives you four classic ways that technology can be used. It gives one or two examples for each type of technology used about how it can be used. It also talks about how participation and being able to follow along with the teacher's instructions is very important when it comes down to helping kids understand a concept easier. Technology is a way that we can keep students engages and interested in school today.
saul jimenez

How to Tell If You Are Addicted to Technology - 0 views

    This article was based on the study of people addiction to technology. It talked about how people walk around on their cells phone and ignore the real world, as well as psychiatrists studying the habits on people and technology. The article also talked about how technology is ruining the relationship between people, because it is taking away the intimacy between the people.
saul jimenez

"Could YOU survive without technology?" - 6 views theres the link to the article.

survival technology

brittany stewart

Being smart about technology - 1 views

    The article "Being smart about technology" by Elizabeth Marcoux, a librarian, wrote this article about a seminar she had attended regarding technology use in schools. She had talked to technology directors from three different school districts. The article points out the different views of the educators and the views of the educator's administrators. They "viewed the similarities and differences between what I will call "traditional" approaches versus "21st century"
Christie Allen

Rethinking Education In The Age Of Technology - 1 views

    In Rethinking Education in The Age of Technology - The Digital Revolution and Schooling in America, Allan Collins and Richard Halverson jump straight into questioning whether schools are using new technologies to their advantage.
karina michel

Technology in today's classroom - 0 views

    The article I chose talks about how our learning strategies developed, and how there was more of a need for "hands on" learning. It goes on to say how one of the first objects that were used for more visual learning was the chalkboard; the chalkboard was one of the only technological advancements in classrooms for over 100 years. Because our technology has advanced so much in the last decade, things like Ipods and mobile phones are now being useful tools in the learning process also.
Brooke Mullins

Classroom Technology and Teacher-Student Interactions - 0 views

    In "Classroom Technology and Teacher-Student Interaction" by Geneva Logic, they discuss how teachers can use the system called Vision on computers within the classroom and it will benefit the interaction of teachers and students. For in the article, it points out how the "ratio to public school students to instructional computers with internet access had shrunk to 3.8 to 1 in 2005" (14 percent improvement in availability over 2003). Today, in the year 2010 less than 10 percent of students do not have access to a computer. However, researchers have found it is the teachers who are intimidated by bringing in technology within the classroom. Researchers stated that "technology brings about changes in classroom organization and the role the teacher plays; providing teachers with the tools they need to negotiate these changes is crucial to their success". (Muir-Herzic, 2004) This shows that if we were to provide teachers with these tools then teachers would see how technology within the classroom "leads to qualitative and quantitative improvements in teacher-student interaction.
Marisa Furtado

Integrating Technology into The Classroom: Lessons from The Project CHILD Experience - 1 views

    Sarah M. Butzins article, Integrating Technology into The Classroom: Lessons from The Project CHILD Experience, claims that Project CHILD helps students learn to be independent workers and how to work effectively in groups by developing skills to help themselves and each other when the teacher is unavailable. Butzin realizes that it is uncommon for teachers to want to learn how to implement technology into the classroom and curriculum, but by having three main teachers who each specialize in one subject- reading, math, and language arts- they are able to become experts in utilizing technology and software into their area of expertise.
saul jimenez

can we survive without technology - 0 views

    "Could we survive without today's technology," by Isentry; this was the video that I looked at on for my research. It talked about how in today's world everyone is so dependable on today's technology, that it has enslaved us. It had many great examples, as in we pretty much worship the television, because the fact that we take so much information from it, and listen to it on everything we have to do. This goes from where to shop at, to where to eat, and even where not to eat. It also talked about how many people in today's society get anxiety attacks when they do not have their cell phones, or even just their Ipods.
Mary Landaker

Serious Games: Incorporating Video Games in the Classroom - 1 views

    In the article "Serious Games: Incorporating Video Games in the Classroom", Leonard A. Annetta (and other writers) write about Generation N, "N" standing for "net". Annetta claims that this generation has grown up with computers, technology, and the Internet to the point were its just normal to have it around; they have never known a time without it. This creates a generation gap between student and teacher. The students (especially k-12) are becoming more and more interactive with computers and can relate to learning better through the use of technology. However, the teachers often lack this technological knowledge that the students share, leaving the teachers in a game of catch-up. But according to Annetta this is a game well worth playing.
kaitlin wilcox

How computers affect student performance, the good and the bad - 0 views

    The Technology and Assessment Study Collaborative of the Lynch School of Education at Boston College did a study based on the "Use, Support and Effect of Instructional Technology" otherwise known as USEIT, in 55 classrooms in nine Massachusetts school districts. They were trying to research if student usage of technology would affect their tests scores on standardized tests.
Rachel Barnhill

Using Technology in the Early Childhood Classroom - 1 views

    This article talks about the pros and cons of using technology to help children learn in their classroom and how different technologies affect the developing minds of young children, whether good or bad.
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