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dr tech

It's not them, it's us: the real reason teens are 'addicted' to video games | Games | T... - 0 views

    "And even without parental anxiety hemming them in: where are teens to go? In the last decade, YMCA data shows that more than 4,500 youth work jobs have been cut and 750 youth centres shut down. According to the Music Venue Trust, two grassroots music venues are closing every week. The nightclub industry is in freefall. Teenagers can't hang around in parks without arousing the suspicion of overprotective adults who have decided these rare recreational spaces belong to their toddlers alone; city squares and skate parks and pedestrian zones that were once public are now being insidiously privatised, monitored via CCTV and policed by private security guards. No wonder then, that teens withdraw to online video game worlds, the last spaces they have left that remain unmediated by their parents or other authority figures - the last places where they are mostly beyond the reach of adult control."
dr tech

Did social media cause the teen mental health crisis? - 0 views

    "Has the introduction of social media in the past 10-15 years caused the increase in prevalence of mental health problems in teens? At this point, most of what I'm reading and hearing is a resounding yes (especially for girls). I don't necessarily disagree with this. Just to level set: I think there is a very good chance (my current number is probably around 75%) that social media has contributed to the teen mental health crisis. At the same time, I think large-scale mental health crises are complex phenomena, that there are likely multiple causes, and that we need to make sure we're approaching the data with the scrutiny it deserves. It's this nuance that, I think, has been missing from the conversation."
dr tech

Teen girls are struggling. They need our help | Nancy Jo Sales | The Guardian - 0 views

    "But it's not hard to see how social media and a rise in misogyny are, in fact, related. Social media sites trap girls in spirals questioning their attractiveness and self-worth. They're encouraged to compare themselves to others and seek approval for the way they look, while reinforcing beauty standards that favor thinness and whiteness. They feel pressured to promote themselves as objects. There have been many studies establishing all this over about the last 10 years, including Facebook's own research into girls and Instagram - research that the company suppressed until exposed by whistleblower Frances Haugen in 2021. "Teens blame Instagram for increases in the rate of anxiety and depression," Facebook's study noted. "This reaction was unprompted and consistent across all groups.""
dr tech

'Luddite' Teens Don't Want Your Likes - The New York Times - 0 views

    "'Luddite' Teens Don't Want Your Likes When the only thing better than a flip phone is no phone at all."
dr tech

Johnson - Whatever you tweet may be used against you | Books & arts | The Economist - 0 views

    "But a newsroom rebellion ended her tenure before it began. A group of employees wrote a letter protesting against her appointment because of several tweets she had written ten years earlier, when she was herself a teen. In them Ms McCammond reported Googling how to avoid waking up with "swollen, Asian eyes". She complained about the lack of an explanation for a poor mark in chemistry: "thanks a lot stupid Asian T.A. [teaching assistant]". She had apologised for these comments in the past, but a killing in Georgia on March 16th, in which six of the eight victims were Asian women, made them look even worse. Two days later Ms McCammond took to Twitter again-to say that she had agreed to renounce the Teen Vogue job."
dr tech

Facebook aware of Instagram's harmful effect on teenage girls, leak reveals | Instagram... - 0 views

    ""We make body image issues worse for one in three teen girls," said a slide from one internal presentation in 2019, seen by the Wall Street Journal. "Thirty-two per cent of teen girls said that when they felt bad about their bodies, Instagram made them feel worse," a subsequent presentation reported in March 2020."
dr tech

Facebook has made it easier than ever to profit off teen girls' insecurity - 0 views

    "As adolescents and young adults fled Facebook for platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, Facebook knew its long-term survival depended on winning over that demographic. But the savvy business move had a different, less public price tag. Caught up in recommendations from a powerful algorithm designed to keep them engaged, some teen girls found Instagram worsened their body image, according to a new Wall Street Journal investigation. Users even pinned feelings of increased depression, anxiety, and suicidal thinking on the app."
dr tech

Social Media is a Major Cause of the Mental Illness Epidemic in Teen Girls. Here's The ... - 0 views

    "Taken as a whole, it shows strong and clear evidence of causation, not just correlation. There are surely other contributing causes, but the Collaborative Review doc points strongly to this conclusion: Social Media is a Major Cause of the Mental Illness Epidemic in Teen Girls."
dr tech

Should Teens Have Access to Disappearing Messages? - The Atlantic - 0 views

    "Should Teens Have Access to Disappearing Messages? A recent lawsuit argues that Snapchat causes harm to young people through its basic design."
dr tech

Campaign | Project Liberty - 0 views

    "We demand a stop to addictive design features - Also known as the social slot machine. Ninety-five percent of teens in the US have or have access to a smartphone, while ninety percent have a desktop or laptop computer and eighty-three percent have a gaming console, a survey from the Pew Research Institute found. The data also found that roughly one in six teens describe their use of two platforms - YouTube and TikTok - as "almost constant.""
dr tech

Shocking revelations about teens in redacted TikTok documents : NPR - 0 views

    "TikTok quantified the precise amount of viewing it takes for someone to form a habit: 260 videos. Kentucky authorities note that while it might seem a lot, TikTok videos can be just a few seconds long. "Thus, in under 35 minutes, an average user is likely to become addicted to the platform," the state investigators concluded."
dr tech

Teens' night-time use of social media 'risks harming mental health' | Society | The Gua... - 0 views

    "Teenagers who engage with social media during the night could be damaging their sleep and increasing their risk of depression and anxiety, research shows."
dr tech

Inside Facebook's struggle to keep young people - The Verge - 3 views

    "The "aging up issue is real," the researcher wrote in an internal memo. They predicted that, if "increasingly fewer teens are choosing Facebook as they grow older," the company would face a more "severe" decline in young users than it already projected"
dr tech

Social media and teen mental health: 10 things to know : NPR - 0 views

    "Research suggests more than half of adolescents are on screens right before bedtime, and that can keep them from getting the sleep they need. Not only is poor sleep linked to all sorts of downsides, including poor mental health symptoms, poor performance in school and trouble regulating stress, Prinstein said, but "inconsistent sleep schedules are associated with changes in structural brain development in adolescent years. In other words, youths' preoccupation with technology and social media may deleteriously affect the size of their brains.""
dr tech

"That robot makes me feel important" - 0 views

    "The fact that only 4% of teens are using these tools daily stands out. On the one hand, AI tools may not yet be as pervasive among young people as the tech-focused among us (including me) have believed. On the other hand, I wonder about young people's awareness of the degree to which AI is already baked into the tools they're already using-from Snapchat to Google."
dr tech

Inside Snapchat's Teen Opioid Overdose Crisis - 0 views

    "Law-enforcement sources and grieving families allege that the social media giant Snapchat has helped fuel a teen-overdose epidemic across the country. Now, their parents are fighting back"
dr tech

When gaming is good for teens and kids - 0 views

    "The greatest gains came when gaming met needs the kids couldn't meet in real life. Different games support different aspects of well-being depending on how they are designed."
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