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dr tech

'Remote' Amazonian Tribes Have Been Using the Internet for a Long Time - 0 views

    "In a follow-up article published this week titled "No, a Remote Amazon Tribe Did Not Get Addicted to Porn," Nicas wrote that the aggregations of his article showed in part that the internet truly is a dark place, in part because of the way the story spread: "The Marubo people are not addicted to pornography. There was no hint of this in the forest, and there was no suggestion of it in The New York Times's article." In this article, Nicas blames the people who aggregated him for sensationalizing his article. That may be true, but Nicas's article is also sensationalist.  While the article does explore the history of Marubo people getting access to motor boats and radios and notes "(Some Marubo already had phones, often bought with government welfare checks, to take photographs and communicate when in a city)," it does not explain that many Marubo people have been using the internet for quite some time, and implies that the problems they are now grappling with are things that the Marubo people hadn't thought about before."
dr tech

Leading voting machine company admits it lied, reveals that its voting machines ship ba... - 0 views

    "Kim Zetter asked them, on behalf of the New York Times, if their products shipped with backdoors allowing remote parties to access and alter them over the internet, they told her unequivocally that they did not engage in this practice. But now, in a letter to Senator Ron Wyden [D-OR], they admit that they lied, and that they "provided pcAnywhere remote connection software … to a small number of customers between 2000 and 2006.""
dr tech

How Remote Work Could Destroy Silicon Valley | by Steve LeVine | Jul, 2020 | Marker - 0 views

    "But now Silicon Valley seems to be under a little-noticed threat. Amid Covid-19, the deep recession, and renewed antitrust pressure from Congress and regulators, the Valley faces a very different challenge - the disruption of its very essence, the serendipitous encounter. The culprit is a rush by many of the Valley's leading companies to permanently lock in the coronavirus-led shift to remote work."
dr tech

Companies Start to Think Remote Work Isn't So Great After All - WSJ - 0 views

    ""There's sort of an emerging sense behind the scenes of executives saying, 'This is not going to be sustainable,'" said Laszlo Bock, chief executive of human-resources startup Humu and the former HR chief at Google. No CEO should be surprised that the early productivity gains companies witnessed as remote work took hold have peaked and leveled off, he adds, because workers left offices in March armed with laptops and a sense of doom."
dr tech

Remote Work Means Anyone Can Take Your Job | Marker - 0 views

    "That's where the real disruption comes in. If you thought globalization was fun for manufacturing, buckle up. Remote work is about to globalize a bunch of service jobs as well."
dr tech

Remote tribe gets hooked on internet porn - 0 views

    "Teenagers in a remote Brazilian tribe have become hooked on pornography months after they were given high-speed internet access via Elon Musk's Starlink. The indigenous Marubo people, who for hundreds of years have existed in small huts along the Itui River in the Amazon, were connected to the billionaire's satellite network in September."
dr tech

Internet-connected hospital drug pumps vulnerable to remote lethal-dose attacks - Boing... - 0 views

    "Researcher Billy Rios (previously) has extended his work on vulnerabilities in hospital drug pumps, discovering a means by which their firmware can be remotely overwritten with new code that can result in lethal overdoses for patients. "
dr tech

Twitter hack shows why social media needs cybersecurity regulations - 0 views

    "According to the report, Twitter's security "problems" were only exacerbated by the push to remote work necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic. Like many other newly remote workers, Twitter's employees experienced tech problems working from home. Hackers were able to capitalize on this, tricking at least one Twitter employee into believing the hacker was a member of Twitter's IT team."
dr tech

Bosses turn to 'tattleware' to keep tabs on employees working from home | Technology | ... - 0 views

    "Remote surveillance software like Sneek, also known as "tattleware" or "bossware", represented something of a niche market pre-Covid. But that all changed in March 2020, as employers scrambled to pull together work-from-home policies out of thin air. In April last year, Google queries for "remote monitoring" were up 212% year-on-year; by April this year, they'd continued to surge by another 243%."
dr tech

The Only Way to Deal With the Threat From AI? Shut It Down | TIME - 0 views

    "Many researchers steeped in these issues, including myself, expect that the most likely result of building a superhumanly smart AI, under anything remotely like the current circumstances, is that literally everyone on Earth will die. Not as in "maybe possibly some remote chance," but as in "that is the obvious thing that would happen." It's not that you can't, in principle, survive creating something much smarter than you; it's that it would require precision and preparation and new scientific insights, and probably not having AI systems composed of giant inscrutable arrays of fractional numbers."
dr tech

Researcher Remotely Operates Colleague's Brain Over The Internet | Singularity Hub - 0 views

    ""The Internet was a way to connect computers, and now it can be a way to connect brains," said researcher Andrea Stocco, assistant professor in psychology at the University of Washington."
dr tech

Medical students take final exams online for first time, despite student concern | Educ... - 0 views

    ""To the best of our knowledge, this is the first digital 'open book' exam delivered remotely for final-year students," said Dr Amir Sam, Imperial's head of undergraduate medicine. Open-book exams allow students access to any resource material they may need during the exam."
dr tech

Homeworking sounds good - until your job takes over your life | John Harris | Opinion |... - 0 views

    "In September last year, researchers at New York University and Harvard Business School published their analysis of the emails and online meetings of 3.1 million remote workers in such cities as Chicago, New York, London, Tel Aviv and Brussels, in the very early phases of their countries' first lockdowns. They found that the length of the average working day had increased by 8.2%, or nearly 50 minutes, "largely due to writing emails and attending meetings beyond office hours"."
dr tech

'Missing from desk': AI webcam raises remote surveillance concerns | Working from home ... - 0 views

    "Explained by "Anna", a desk-sitting avatar complete with an artificial voice, the video introduces TP Observer as "a risk-mitigation tool that monitors and tracks real time employee behaviour, and detects any violations to pre-set business rules". Anna explains that this means home workers will have an AI-enabled webcam added to their computers that recognises their face, tags their location and scans for "breaches" of rules at random points during a shift."
dr tech

Another day not at the office: will working from home be 2020's most radical change? | ... - 0 views

    "Remote working changes not just our understanding of a working community and the company ethos, but also our very concept of physical reality. Suddenly, to misappropriate Gertrude Stein, there is no there there. But if there is no shared space, what's to stop employers following the example of many customer-care call centres, and employ much cheaper staff based in the developing world?"
dr tech

Remote work: Employers are taking over our living spaces and passing on costs - 0 views

    "Employers argue they make considerable savings on real estate when workers shift from office to home work. However, these savings result from passing costs on to workers. Unless employees are fully compensated, this could become a variant of what urban theorist Andy Merrifield calls parasitic capitalism, whereby corporate profits increasingly rely on extracting value from the public - and now personal - realm, rather than on generating new value."
dr tech

'I feel constantly watched': the employees working under surveillance | Work & careers ... - 0 views

    "Employees use Hubstaff, one of the myriad monitoring tools that companies turned to as the Covid pandemic forced many to work remotely. Some, such as CleverControl and FlexiSPY offer webcam monitoring and audio recording. Mae says she often has dry eyes and a sore head at the end of the working day. "Tracking doesn't allow for thinking time or stepping away and coming back to work - it's very intense.""
dr tech

Stealing an AI algorithm and its underlying data is a "high-school level exercise" - Qu... - 0 views

    "Researchers have shown that given access to only an API, a way to remotely use software without having it on your computer, it's possible to reverse-engineer machine learning algorithms with up to 99% accuracy. In the real world, this would mean being able to steal AI products from companies like Microsoft and IBM, and use them for free. Small companies built around a single machine learning API could lose any competitive advantage."
dr tech

Viral anime photo filter app Meitu sparks security and privacy concerns - 0 views

    "But when you dive into the code of Meitu, that's where things get interesting. Security researchers have jumped in to assess the photo editing app and found that it was indeed collecting information, including a phone's IMEI number (a handset's unique ID number), and sending it back to remote servers:"
dr tech

Statistically, self-driving cars are about to kill someone. What happens next? | Scienc... - 0 views

    "As the miles grow, the odds shrink. At some point, a car driving autonomously or semi-autonomously will cause a fatal accident. If their performance is remotely comparable to a human's, that moment could come within the next 18-24 months. If so, by the law of averages it will probably involve a Tesla Model 3. Self-driving cars may be about to have their Driscoll moment."
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