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dr tech

For two years, criminals stole sensitive information using malware hidden in individual... - 0 views

    "The criminals were able to send banner ads and javascript to their targets' computers by pushing both into ad networks. These networks aggressively scan advertisers' javascript for suspicious code, so the criminals needed to sneak their bad code past these checks."
dr tech

Algorithms associating appearance and criminality have a dark past | Aeon Ideas - 0 views

    "However, the recent study's seemingly high-tech attempt to pick out facial features associated with criminality borrows directly from the 'photographic composite method' developed by the Victorian jack-of-all-trades Francis Galton - which involved overlaying the faces of multiple people in a certain category to find the features indicative of qualities like health, disease, beauty and criminality."
dr tech

Google: Stop Endangering Abortion Seekers - 0 views

    "The constitutional right to safe, legal abortion has evaporated following the recent Supreme Court decision. Some states with so-called "trigger bans" have immediately criminalized abortion. Next, Congress may seek to criminalize abortion in all 50 states, putting the government in control of peoples' bodies. Google is fully complicit in the criminalization of people seeking abortion care. That's because Google stores historical location data about hundreds of millions of smartphone users, which it routinely shares with government agencies through "geofence" orders that unmask the identities of anyone who traveled to a specific place at a specific time-like an abortion clinic on a specific day. Google received 11,554 such geofence warrants in 2020."
dr tech

Ransomware creeps steal the entire St Louis library system / Boing Boing - 0 views

    "The criminals who took over the library system want $35,000 in Bitcoin to give it back.The criminals who took over the library system want $35,000 in Bitcoin to give it back. The FBI is investigating. The library does not store sensitive patron data, so the hack does not expose patrons to data-breach risks."

CNA - On using TraceTogether data for criminal investigations: "I had not thought of th... - 0 views

    "Vivian Balakrishnan on why he had earlier said that TraceTogether app data would only be used for COVID-19 contact tracing. The Home Affairs Ministry has since said the data could be used for criminal investigations."
dr tech

Facial recognition CCTVs at convenience stores help curb crime - Mazlan - 0 views

    "KUALA LUMPUR: Facial recognition technology today is increasingly being used by law enforcement agencies, banks, hotels, airport and now convenience stores to detect and arrest criminals quickly. Kuala Lumpur Police chief Datuk Seri Mazlan Lazim said by the installation of facial recognition closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in convenience stores the faces of criminals can be clearly recorded to trace their identities."
dr tech

Locating The Netherlands' Most Wanted Criminal By Scrutinising Instagram - bellingcat - 0 views

    "Locating The Netherlands' Most Wanted Criminal By Scrutinising Instagram"

Drones operated by criminal gangs used to deliver drugs, mobile phones and potentially ... - 0 views

    Small commercial drones are being used to lift packages containing illicit goods from mobile phones to synthetic drugs into jails, where they threaten security by increasing the availability of intoxicants which can provoke disorder in prisons.
dr tech

How the FBI's Trojan Shield operation exposed a criminal underworld | Financial Times - 0 views

    "But unbeknown to Real G and hundreds of criminals who until this week believed that ANOM was the best way to arrange drug deals, money laundering and murders away from the eyes of authorities, the FBI was also secretly copied in on every message. Indeed, in one of the most elaborate and sprawling honeypot traps known to date, the entire communications platform was being covertly operated by the FBI, marking a first for the agency."

Singapore Police Force can obtain TraceTogether data for criminal investigations: Desmo... - 0 views

    "The Singapore Police Force (SPF) can obtain TraceTogether data for criminal investigations"
dr tech

3D Printed Hand Replicas - A New Security Concern - 0 views

    "Experts now believe that criminals could 3D-print hands complete with fingers and fingerprints to defeat security precautions at banks, airports and police stations."
dr tech

'Alarming' rise in ransomware tracked - BBC News - 0 views

    "There are now more than 120 separate families of ransomware, said experts studying the malicious software. Other researchers have seen a 3,500% increase in the criminal use of net infrastructure that helps run ransomware campaigns."
dr tech

Your iPhone is now encrypted. The FBI says it'll help kidnappers. Who do you believe? |... - 0 views

    "Given the government's obsession with passing cybersecurity legislation, you would think they'd be happy that Apple and Google are making it harder for foreign governments and criminals to break into people's phones or company servers to steal your data. But you'd be forgetting that the head of the FBI and his fellow fear-mongerers are still much more concerned with making sure they retain control over your privacy, rather than protecting everyone's cybersecurity."
dr tech

Dutch IT contractor lays out the case for spying on everyone's wearables, always - Boin... - 0 views

    "A promo video from Pinkroccade, a prominent IT contractor to Dutch local governments, makes the case for spying on wearables (if your heart-rate rises because you're about to be mugged, the police could be alerted, and get GPS from your phone, find nearby phones belonging to people with criminal records, check the view from your Google Glass, and respond -- case closed). "
dr tech

The 'Athens Affair' shows why we need encryption without backdoors | Trevor Timm | Comm... - 0 views

    "One of the biggest arguments against mandating backdoors in encryption is the fact that, even if you trust the United States government never to abuse that power (and who does?), other criminal hackers and foreign governments will be able to exploit the backdoor to use it themselves. A backdoor is an inherent vulnerability that other actors will attempt to find and try to use it for their own nefarious purposes as soon as they know it exists, putting all of our cybersecurity at risk. "
Max van Mesdag

Facebook fugitive back in custody - 0 views

    A criminal who escaped prison has been taunting the police by posting pictures of himself on Facebook. Although he gained a supportive following, he was eventually captured again.
dr tech

Anyone who makes you choose between privacy and security wants you to have neither - Bo... - 0 views

    "It's clear that surveillance affects a broad group of people, with real painful consequences for their lives. We've seen journalists being monitored, lawyers having their client confidentiality broken, victims of police misconduct being spied on and environmental campaigns infiltrated. These people are not criminals, and yet when we have a system of mass surveillance, they become targets for increasingly intrusive powers. "
dr tech

Blanket digital surveillance is a start. But how about a camera in every bathroom? | Si... - 0 views

    Scary but if we are not careful - could be true in the future - "Existing properties will be required to install them over a four-year period. These would supply real-time images of terrorists, criminals and paedophiles at any time of day and night. Any disconnection of a camera would immediately alert the police as prima facie evidence of wrongdoing. I have held talks with the industry on whether the cameras should be in bathrooms and bedrooms. It would clearly be nonsensical to exclude them, as terrorists and paedophiles often make use of these rooms."
dr tech

Stolen data reaches five continents and 22 countries in 12 days on the Dark Web - 14 Ap... - 0 views

    "The files were then downloaded through the Bitglass proxy service, in which a unique watermark was applied to each copy, so that the company could track when the data was viewed and/or downloaded from that point forward. The firm used a basic "phishing" technique to entice criminals on the Dark Web. The data had been viewed over 200 times in just a few days, and in 12 days it had received more than 1,000 clicks, and had spread across the globe in 22 different countries, in five different continents."
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