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dr tech

Decentralisation: the next big step for the world wide web | Technology | The Guardian - 1 views

    "The proponents of the so-called decentralised web - or DWeb - want a new, better web where the entire planet's population can communicate without having to rely on big companies that amass our data for profit and make it easier for governments to conduct surveillance."
dr tech

A 'Babelfish' could be the web's next big thing, says AI expert | Technology | theguard... - 0 views

    "Shadbolt also forecasts that future changes to the web will mean people will be "connected all the time" to medical diagnostic systems - but also that search companies including Google and China's Baidu may face challenges as web use shifts from the desktop to handheld and mobile devices."
dr tech

Stolen data reaches five continents and 22 countries in 12 days on the Dark Web - 14 Ap... - 0 views

    "The files were then downloaded through the Bitglass proxy service, in which a unique watermark was applied to each copy, so that the company could track when the data was viewed and/or downloaded from that point forward. The firm used a basic "phishing" technique to entice criminals on the Dark Web. The data had been viewed over 200 times in just a few days, and in 12 days it had received more than 1,000 clicks, and had spread across the globe in 22 different countries, in five different continents."
dr tech

As a new year dawns, expect a fresh assault on big tech | John Naughton | The Guardian - 0 views

    "This tulip-mania de nos jours has been happening with cryptocurrencies for a while, but is about to become more frenzied as the notion that blockchain - the cryptographic technology that underpins bitcoin, Ethereum et al - can become the basis for something called Web3: a new, properly decentralised version of the world wide web (as compared with the current version in which control has become effectively centralised in a small number of giant corporations)."
dr tech

This New Tool Is Changing the Way Visually Impaired People Use the Web | GOOD - 0 views

    "Last month, Parsley presented Depict, a crowd-sourced image description tool that could change the experience of the browsing the web for the blind and visually impaired. The tool works in two parts-a browser extension for blind users that provides user-created descriptions of images around the Internet, and a website for sighted users to provide those requested descriptions."
dr tech

2010 preview: The polyglot web - tech - 24 December 2009 - New Scientist - 0 views

    An amazing evolution of the web is about to happen - but what is it?
dr tech

What is HTTP/2 and is it going to speed up the web? | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "HTTP/2 is a more modern protocol that essentially speeds web browsing up using new ways of transporting data between the browser and server across the internet. It is backwards compatible with HTTP1.1 and uses most of the same technologies, but it is more efficient and allows servers to respond with more content than was originally requested, removing the need for the user's computer to continually send requests for more information until a website is fully loaded."
dr tech

Touring the haunting ruins of abandoned Second Life university campuses / Boing Boing - 0 views

    "In the meantime, I actually like how most of these islands represent an attempt by education institutions to embrace the weirdness of the web. The current crop of education startups seem bland and antiseptic in comparison to these virtual worlds. I can't take a Coursera class on a pirate ship, or attend office hours in front of an edX campfire. And honestly, that's probably a good thing. But it makes the web slightly less interesting."
dr tech

the world wide web turns 30 today and its inventor is worried for the future - 0 views

    "he outlines three sources of dysfunction - 'deliberate, malicious intent, such as state-sponsored hacking and attacks, criminal behaviour, and online harassment'; 'system design' which has created 'perverse incentives where user value is sacrificed, such as ad-based revenue models that commercially reward clickbait'; and the 'viral spread of misinformation'. he also calls attention to the 'unintended negative consequences' of the web, which he said had led to 'the outraged and polarised tone and quality of online discourse'."
dr tech

50 ways to leave your lover, but four to sniff browser history * The Register - 0 views

    ""History sniffing" promises a nose full of dust or, you're talking about web browsers, a whiff of the websites you've visited. And that may be enough to compromise your privacy and expose data that allows miscreants to target you more effectively with tailored attacks. For example, a phishing gambit that attempts to simulate your bank login page has a better chance of success if it presents the web page for a bank where you actually have an account."
dr tech

23,000 Thai students' data up for sale on the dark web | Coconuts - 0 views

    "The university presidents' council said this morning that the security of its central admissions system has been upgraded after the personal data of around 23,000 students was advertised for sale on the dark web. The university presidents' council insisted that the leaked admissions data, which included personal information and examination results, was only current through last May after anger erupted over the data breach. #BanTCAS was surging on Thai Twitter this morning in reference to the Thai University Central Admission System, or TCAS."
dr tech

The Expanding Dark Forest and Generative AI - 0 views

    "The dark forest theory of the web points to the increasingly life-like but life-less state of being online. Most open and publicly available spaces on the web are overrun with bots, advertisers, trolls, data scrapers, clickbait, keyword-stuffing "content creators," and algorithmically manipulated junk. It's like a dark forest that seems eerily devoid of human life - all the living creatures are hidden beneath the ground or up in trees. If they reveal themselves, they risk being attacked by automated predators."
dr tech

With the rise of AI, web crawlers are suddenly controversial - The Verge - 0 views

    "In the last year or so, though, the rise of AI has upended that equation. For many publishers and platforms, having their data crawled for training data felt less like trading and more like stealing. "What we found pretty quickly with the AI companies," Stubblebine says, "is not only was it not an exchange of value, we're getting nothing in return. Literally zero." When Stubblebine announced last fall that Medium would be blocking AI crawlers, he wrote that "AI companies have leached value from writers in order to spam Internet readers." "
dr tech

We're losing our digital history. Can the Internet Archive save it? - 0 views

    "But historians of the future may struggle to understand fully how we lived our lives in the early 21st Century. That's because of a potentially history-deleting combination of how we live our lives digitally - and a paucity of official efforts to archive the world's information as it's produced these days. However, an informal group of organisations are pushing back against the forces of digital entropy - many of them operated by volunteers with little institutional support. None is more synonymous with the fight to save the web than the Internet Archive, an American non-profit based in San Francisco, started in 1996 as a passion project by internet pioneer Brewster Kahl. The organisation has embarked what may be the most ambitious digital archiving project of all time, gathering 866 billion web pages, 44 million books, 10.6 million videos of films and television programmes and more. Housed in a handful of data centres scattered across the world, the collections of the Internet Archive and a few similar groups are the only things standing in the way of digital oblivion."
dr tech

Spam, junk … slop? The latest wave of AI behind the 'zombie internet' | Artif... - 0 views

    "Your email inbox is full of spam. Your letterbox is full of junk mail. Now, your web browser has its own affliction: slop. "Slop" is what you get when you shove artificial intelligence-generated material up on the web for anyone to view. Unlike a chatbot, the slop isn't interactive, and is rarely intended to actually answer readers' questions or serve their needs. Instead, it functions mostly to create the appearance of human-made content, benefit from advertising revenue and steer search engine attention towards other sites."
dr tech

AI is weaving itself into the fabric of the internet with generative search | MIT Techn... - 0 views

    "Not everyone is excited for the change. Publishers are completely freaked out. The shift has heightened fears of a "zero-click" future, where search referral traffic-a mainstay of the web since before Google existed-vanishes from the scene.  I got a vision of that future last June, when I got a push alert from the Perplexity app on my phone. Perplexity is a startup trying to reinvent web search. But in addition to delivering deep answers to queries, it will create entire articles about the news of the day, cobbled together by AI from different sources. "
dr tech

Web Technologies That Will Redeem Or Destroy Society - 0 views

    Great article - that gets to the heart of the ITGS syllabus...
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