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How the internet was invented | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "In response, the architects of the internet developed a kind of digital Esperanto: a common language that enabled data to travel across any network. In 1974, two Arpa researchers named Robert Kahn and Vint Cerf published an early blueprint. Drawing on conversations happening throughout the international networking community, they sketched a design for "a simple but very flexible protocol": a universal set of rules for how computers should communicate."
dr tech

The post-Snowden digital divide: the ability to understand & use privacy tools / Boing ... - 0 views

    "in the post-Snowden era, we can no longer address the "digital divide" just by providing access -- we also have to teach people how their online usage is spied on, how that will harm them, and what to do about it. "
dr tech

Is technology bad for us? | Eva Wiseman | Life and style | The Observer - 0 views

    "So instead of switching off the internet, the conversation should be about how to change it. How to clarify what we're giving for what we take. And the responsibility should not be with young people, in their WiFi-reliant worlds - it should be with the massive corporations that profit from them. As with cigarette packets (their photos of messy lungs a stark reminder of the choice you're making), so should the internet be required to advertise its risks, to alert you to where your data is being held. Because this is not just somewhere we play. The internet is where we live."
dr tech

Did Google Autocomplete Ruin This Man's Life? - 0 views

    "A cautionary tale: Back in 2009, government contractor Jeffrey Kantor was browsing online, seeking to make a radio-controlled airplane for his son. He began to type his search into Google: "How do I build a radio-controlled"-[enter autocomplete]-"bomb." That's right, before Kantor knew it, he had accidentally asked Google how to make an explosive device. And his life would never be the same."
dr tech

8 Skilled Jobs That May Soon Be Replaced by Robots - 0 views

    "Unskilled manual laborers have felt the pressure of automation for a long time - but, increasingly, they're not alone. The last few years have been a bonanza of advances in artificial intelligence. As our software gets smarter, it can tackle harder problems, which means white-collar and pink-collar workers are at risk as well. Here are eight jobs expected to be automated (partially or entirely) in the coming decades. Call Center Employees call-center Telemarketing used to happen in a crowded call center, with a group of representatives cold-calling hundreds of prospects every day. Of those, maybe a few dozen could be persuaded to buy the product in question. Today, the idea is largely the same, but the methods are far more efficient. Many of today's telemarketers are not human. In some cases, as you've probably experienced, there's nothing but a recording on the other end of the line. It may prompt you to "press '1' for more information," but nothing you say has any impact on the call - and, usually, that's clear to you. But in other cases, you may get a sales call and have no idea that you're actually speaking to a computer. Everything you say gets an appropriate response - the voice may even laugh. How is that possible? Well, in some cases, there is a human being on the other side, and they're just pressing buttons on a keyboard to walk you through a pre-recorded but highly interactive marketing pitch. It's a more practical version of those funny soundboards that used to be all the rage for prank calls. Using soundboard-assisted calling - regardless of what it says about the state of human interaction - has the potential to make individual call center employees far more productive: in some cases, a single worker will run two or even three calls at the same time. In the not too distant future, computers will be able to man the phones by themselves. At the intersection of big data, artificial intelligence, and advanced
dr tech

Riding with the Stars: Passenger Privacy in the NYC Taxicab Dataset - Research - 0 views

    "The most well-documented of these deals with the hash function used to "anonymize" the license and medallion numbers. A bit of lateral thinking from one civic hacker and the data was completely de-anonymized. This data can now be used to calculate, for example, any driver's annual income. More disquieting, though, in my opinion, is the privacy risk to passengers. With only a small amount of auxiliary knowledge, using this dataset an attacker could identify where an individual went, how much they paid, weekly habits, etc. I will demonstrate how easy this is to do in the following section."
dr tech

Multimillion dollar humanoid robot doesn't make for a good cleaner | Technology | The G... - 0 views

    "Atlas is a semi-autonomous system. The operator tells the robot where to be and what position to take, such as where to put its hands on a vacuum cleaner, and then the robot comes up with a plan of how to do that. For some chores Atlas's actions are logical and human-like. Others require re-thinking of how to get the job done in a way that its quite different to the way a person would perform the action."
dr tech

Everybody lies: how Google search reveals our darkest secrets | Technology | The Guardian - 0 views

    "People will admit more if they are alone than if others are in the room with them. However, on sensitive topics, every survey method will elicit substantial misreporting. People have no incentive to tell surveys the truth. How, therefore, can we learn what our fellow humans are really thinking and doing? Big data. Certain online sources get people to admit things they would not admit anywhere else. They serve as a digital truth serum. Think of Google searches. Remember the conditions that make people more honest. Online? Check. Alone? Check. No person administering a survey? Check."
dr tech

disney research tracks your emotions while watching movies - 0 views

    "the facial recognition system was tested by disney research using infrared hi-def cameras that capture people's faces while watching movies like 'big hero 6', 'the jungle book' and 'star wars: the force awakens'. the results showcased 16 million facial landmarks from 3,179 viewers demonstrating a 'very strong predictive performance'. to do so, the AI software takes the faces of people and understands how many of them are laughing, how wide are their eyes, and the different expressions they make."
dr tech

Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier - revie... - 0 views

    " If your consumption of content is tailored by near limitless observations harvested about people like you, how could your universe not collapse into the partial depiction of reality that people like you also enjoy? How could empathy and respect for difference thrive in this environment? Where's the incentive to stamp out fake accounts, fake news, paid troll armies, dyspeptic bots?"
dr tech

How China censors the net: by making sure there's too much information | John Naughton ... - 0 views

    "Flooding involves deluging the citizen with a torrent of information - some accurate, some phoney, some biased - with the aim of making people overwhelmed. In a digital world, flooding is child's play: it's cheap, effective and won't generate backlash. (En passant, it's what Russia - and Trump - do.) In her book, Roberts provides abundant evidence of how the Chinese authorities deploy these three techniques."
dr tech

Maths and tech specialists need Hippocratic oath, says academic | Science | The Guardian - 0 views

    "When Fry returned to London, she realised how mathematicians, computer engineers and physicists are so used to working on abstract problems that they rarely stop to consider the ethics of how their work might be used"
dr tech

The post-human world is emerging, will free humans resist? -- Society's Child -- - 0 views

    ""It literally is at a point now we've created tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works. That is literally where we are. I would encourage all of you how to internalize this is - if you feed the beast, the beast will destroy you.""
dr tech

How many anti-vaxxers does it take to misinform the world? Just twelve | Social media |... - 0 views

    "How many conspiracy theorists does it take to change a lightbulb? QAnon won't let me tell you. I can, however, reveal that it takes only a dozen anti-vaxxers to spread dangerous misinformation to millions of people. According to a report from the NGO Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), up to 65% of anti-vaccine content on Facebook and Twitter can be traced back to just 12 people. Although Facebook has disputed the report's methodology, the 12 have been nicknamed the "disinformation dozen", and include Robert F Kennedy Jr, the nephew of John F Kennedy. A few of the 12 have been removed from at least one social media platform, but are still free to post on others."
dr tech

yes, all models are wrong - 0 views

    "According to Derek & Laura Cabrera, "wicked problems result from the mismatch between how real-world systems work and how we think they work". With systems thinking, there is constant testing and feedback between the real world, in all its complexity, and our mental model of it. This openness to test and look for feedback led Dr. Fisman to change his mind on the airborne spread of the coronavirus."
dr tech

I know where your cat lives (privacy and metadata) ^JB - cs4fn - 0 views

    "German Green party MP, Malte Spitz, went a step further and published 6 months of records kept (at the time by law) by his phone company about him. To emphasise how scary it was privacy-wise he published it in the form of a minute by minute interactive map, so anyone could follow his exact location (just like the phone company) as though in real time from the location metadata his phone was giving away all the time. The metadata was combined with his freely available social networking data, allowing anyone to see not just where he was but often what he was doing. Germany no longer requires phone companies to keep this metadata, but other countries have antiterrorist laws that require similar information to be kept for everyone. You can explore Malte's movements at (archived link: to get an idea of how your life is being tracked by metadata."
dr tech

Instagram at 10: how sharing photos has entertained us, upset us - and changed our sens... - 0 views

    "Instagram turned our phones into adult pacifiers. At first, this was a tranquillising reel of pretty pictures, pumped in a steady stream with each thumb-swipe. Like a warm milky drink, but of sunsets and puppies and toes in the sand. Later, and more insidiously, the dopamine hit shifted to refreshing your feed to see how many likes your own pictures had. Either way, we had got ourselves in a feedback loop of attention-seeking in which our emotions were channelled from our brains to our phones and back again. Twitter is about your tribe, Facebook is about home and family, but Instagram is a romance between just you and your phone."
dr tech

One way to fix social media? Look at how the US, UK, and USSR dealt with radio in the e... - 0 views

    ""When a new technology comes to town, we have choices about how to use it," he said. "It doesn't necessarily need to broadcast propaganda, [and] it doesn't have to become a commercial free-for-all. Instead, we can look at a new technology and invent something new.""
dr tech

Snowden: Tech Workers Are Complicit in How Their Companies Hurt Society - VICE - 0 views

    "Former NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden says that tech workers need to think long and hard about how their labor is used by companies to amass power, surveil people, and fundamentally change society, and need to think about whether it is ethical to work at tech companies at all."

How Instagram transformed our personal lives - 0 views

    "How Instagram transformed our personal lives Ten years after its first post, the app exerts an almost inconceivable degree of influence over our culture, psychology and relationships"
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