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dr tech

yes, all models are wrong - 0 views

    "According to Derek & Laura Cabrera, "wicked problems result from the mismatch between how real-world systems work and how we think they work". With systems thinking, there is constant testing and feedback between the real world, in all its complexity, and our mental model of it. This openness to test and look for feedback led Dr. Fisman to change his mind on the airborne spread of the coronavirus."
dr tech

Mongolia is changing all its addresses to What3Words' three-word phrases - Quartz - 0 views

    "The system is designed to solve the an often-ignored problem of 75% of the earth's population, an estimated 4 billion people, who have no address for mailing purposes, making it difficult to open a bank account, get a delivery, or be reached in an emergency."
dr tech

Silicon Valley's Secret Philosophers Should Share Their Work | WIRED - 0 views

    "Marx had a point. Especially when it comes to ethics, philosophy is often better at finding complications and problems than proposing changes. Silicon Valley has been better at changing the world (even if through breaking things) than taking pause to think through the conse­quences."
dr tech

Sorry, but I've lost my faith in tech evangelism | Opinion | The Guardian - 0 views

    "That tacit acceptance is actually buying into the tech-deterministic narrative, though. The question we should be asking - as the legal scholar Frank Pasquale says - is whether some of these technologies should be outlawed, or at least licensed for socially productive uses, like, say, radioactive isotopes are for medical purposes."
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