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Teaching 'Digital Native' College Students Who Understand TikTok - But Not Microsoft Ex... - 0 views

    "Fluent in Digital Culture - Not Academic Tools"

Teen internet slang quiz: how much do you know? (Wired UK) - 0 views

    "The government-run website Parent Info published a guide to decrypting teenage slang for baffled parents amid concerns for children's safety online earlier this week. " This article explains how the "Digital Immigrants" are worried about this generation and technology and how it can effect teen's lives and safety.
dr tech

AI can now create a replica of your personality | MIT Technology Review - 0 views

    "Imagine sitting down with an AI model for a spoken two-hour interview. A friendly voice guides you through a conversation that ranges from your childhood, your formative memories, and your career to your thoughts on immigration policy. Not long after, a virtual replica of you is able to embody your values and preferences with stunning accuracy. That's now possible, according to a new paper from a team including researchers from Stanford and Google DeepMind, which has been published on arXiv and has not yet been peer-reviewed."
dr tech

Using Technology as a Learning Tool, Not Just the Cool New Thing | EDUCAUSE - 0 views

    "Generational differences in learning techniques are apparent in how people of different ages approach technology. It has been said that we, the Net Generation, are closer to our grandparents-the Greatest Generation-in our work ethic and optimism about the future than to our parents' generation. But how we approach problems is totally different."
dr tech

'They're 25, they don't do emails': is instant chat replacing the inbox? | Email | The ... - 0 views

    "Could office emails go the way of the fax machine and the rolodex? They have not joined those workplace dinosaurs yet, but there were signs of evolutionary change at the annual gathering of business leaders in Davos this week, where tech bosses said emails were becoming outdated. The chief executive of the IT firm Wipro, which employs 260,000 people worldwide, said about 10% of his staff "don't even check one email per month" and that he used Instagram and LinkedIn to talk to staff."
dr tech

I've been waiting 15 years for Facebook to die. I'm more hopeful than ever | Cory Docto... - 0 views

    "My prediction failed. For a decade and a half, Facebook resisted the fate of all the social networks that preceded it. In hindsight, it's easy to see why: it cheated. The company used investor cash to buy and neutralize competitors ("Kids are leaving Facebook for Insta? Fine, we'll buy Insta. We know you value choice!"). It allegedly spied on users through the deceptive use of apps such as Onavo and exploited the intelligence to defeat rivals. More than anything, it ratcheted up "switching costs.""
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