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Alex Lenk

BBC NEWS | Technology | Supermarket of the future - 2 views

    Jean October 10th  Describe the IT system by watching the video Answer here
    Basically just watch the video... ok lets start 1. The apps used in the supermarket needs to be downloaded by the clients before use. 2. Enter the store and open your apps from your mobile. 3. Pick the goods you want and scan the code off the bar code (using your cell phone) 4. The list of goods you buy will be store into your cell phone. 5. After scanning click the finish shopping button on your apps and the cell phone will generate a big bar-code which mix all the code you scan into one master-code. (like mixing salad after you put vegetables in) 6. Go to the paying counter and insert the master-code into the paying machine. 7. The machine will tell you how much to pay and client pay by cash, credit card and etc, Extra ( you can play stepping on fish in the supermarket for fun) Oh and there is a useless robot roaming around also.

Google beefs up voice search with personal recognition - 5 views

    Describe the IT terms. march 29 jenny
    1.11_people_machines 3.2 _software
    1. Describe the IT terms. Patented - Granted and protected by rights. A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state, national government, to the inventor for a limited period of time in exchange for a public disclosure of the invention. Cloud-based - software systems that based on the cloud (internet) Voice recognition system- computer technology that uses audio input to enter data instead of a keyboard input. Audio input is carried through a connected microphone. The Software is designed to recognize words or phrases with an internal database. The program would then match the audio signature of speech with corresponding data in the database. Cloud-based voice recognition - The voice recognition software the is important to virtual reality since it provides a fairly natural and intuitive way of controlling the simulation while allowing the user's hands to remain free. The audio signals are converted to electrical signals, and then transformed into coding patterns to which meanings have been assigned. Automated voicemail - Automatic voicemail system that stores voice messages. Goog-411 - an automated information service that uses voice recognition to find information for what the caller is asking for on local businesses. This also has a feature to send the information to the caller's phone via text messaging. Goog-411 has provided a foundation for Voice Search (search Google by speaking instead of typing, Voice Input (filling in any text field on Andriod by speaking), and Voice Actions (Controlling Android phones with voice commands). Android - Google's mobile operating system (a modified Linux Kernal system). This is the software stack for mobile devices that include the operating system as well as the middleware along with key apps.
Alex Lenk

BBC News - Australia's central bank targeted by hackers - 2 views

    Eun Young  October 17th  BAA
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. The area of impact the scenario relates to is 'business and employment'. 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. The main stakeholders to the IT system from this article are the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) and customers. 3. Identify and describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. The social/ethical concern that has been identified in this article is 'security'. Security refers to the protection of hardware, software from unauthorized access. Security tries to prevent the access by hackers. In this article, the RBA has been hacked (cyber attacked). For an example, the malware has embedded in the emails. They think it is China to blame because they thought that China has already been through a similar cyber attack, which aimed to get the information out of it. The staffs in the RBA have opened several malware emails. This malware application has managed to go through the computer system. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. * Malware: Malware refers to software programs that are designed to damage or do other unwanted actions on a computer system. * Cyber Attack: Cyber attackers use malicious code to alter computer code,logic or data, resulting in disruptive consequences that can compromise data and lead to cyber-crimes (information and identity theft). * Computer Viruses: Small but insidious piece of programming-code that attacks computer and network systems through infected data files, introduced into a system via disks or Internet. 5. Describe the solution stated in the article or find a solution to the concern (issue) discussed in the article. Even though the RBA did not lose any of their information, it's better to have a safe security system/software to protect their information. The RBA needs to be more careful when opening email files, and for a better protection, they would need to find a better way to secure. I would suggest them to have an encryp

Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories - 1 views

    "You don't need to write any code to create a simple story with Twine, but you can extend your stories with variables, conditional logic, images, CSS, and JavaScript when you're ready. "

Sploder - Make your own Games, Play Free Games - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 17 Feb 15 - Cached
    Try it. Useful to learn coding?
Avik Bag

Code of consumption | Bangkok Post: tech - 14 views

    Paper 2 analysis october 1888888888888888888888888888888888888
Alex Lenk

The science and technology of air traffic control | Ars Technica - 6 views

    Da Woon November 1st  Describe the IT system
    This article tells us the air traffic controller (ATC) which helps us to have safe fly. ATC has access to sophisticated radar systems that provide an overview of the airspace they control, and they have communication tools to coordinate flight paths with the air crew. When the aircraft travel at higher speed than common modes of transport, the time available for pilots to react to a dangerous situation can be quite short. And ATC helps to aircraft approaching an airfield carefully and it checks the weather conditions for prevent pilots can't see other aircraft. ATC uses radar systems positioned at ATC facility to get a real time overview of the aircraft flying in the airspace they control. Many types of radar equipment are served for traffic on the ground. Primary Surveillance Radars (PSR) - The radar sends a directed pulse into the atmosphere, and when that pulse encounters an object it gets reflected back to the radar station. The bearing of the object with respect to the radar station and its approximate distance can be calculated by this. The radar is typically enclosed in a dome to protect it from adverse weather. Secondary Surveillance Radars (SSR) - the Secondary Surveillance Radar listens for messages from the aircraft's transponder. The radar rotates about the vertical axis, but transmits a specific signal on 1030 MHz. This signal is subsequently received by the aircraft's onboard transponder, which responds with a reply on 1090 MHz. SSR Modes - There are different modes of interrogation that compliant transponders respond to. A - The transponder responds with its squawk code, a unique identifier for the aircraft assigned by ATC comprising of four octal numbers. This code enables ATC to differentiate between the various aircraft being monitored, though it can also be used to discretely communicate the existence of an emergency situation onboard the aircraft. C - the transponder responds with the aircraft's pressure altitude, which is the altitude ab

Bangkok Post : Social networking' s DARK SIDE - 5 views

    Describe the following terms and explain possible solutions: drive-by downloads clickjacking targeted brand attacks on social networks MitB (Man-in-the-Browser) MitMo (Man-in-the-Mobile) advanced on-the-fly SSL hacking may 23 soo
    drive-by downloads Drive-by downloads are downloads to the computer that are harmful, and are downloaded because the user doesn't know that the download took place, what was downloaded (virus, malware) or downloaded something, but didn't know it was malware. When a malicious website is visited, malware may be downloaded to the computer without users even knowing. Solutions to prevent drive-by downloads include having the internet security suite (like Norton Internet Security) installed and kept up to date. Also, using a proxy can filter the web content (like Vidalia). The user's antivirus firewall should always be turned on. Clickjacking Clickjacking, also known as user-interface (UI) redressing, is one of the most common attacks against users by creating malicious pages that tricking users to click on buttons and links which reveal sensitive information, or can allow the attacker to take over control of the user's computer. The true function of the button is hidden under an opaque layer that shows something different to trick the users. A possible solution to clickjacking is the "walled garden" that iPhone has. It has a closed or exclusive set of information services provided for users, instead of allowing open access to apps and content. Targeted brand attacks on social networks Targeted brand attacks on social networks is attacking the big brand names, and attacking its reputation, currently common through attacks on social networks and phishing. Scammers that hijacked a social networking account can add random people to their friends list, and link them to malicious sites. Or an attacker would disguise themselves as the "official" profile of the brand company, and make friends and trick them into revealing sen

BBC News - Turkish net hijack hits big name websites - 12 views

    M12 analysis M13 brief sept 12-13 jen max
  • ...1 more comment...
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Security 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. The hacking group which is called 'Turkguvenligi' and seven victims (Sites) 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Privacy and anonymity 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. URL- A URL is an address that shows where a particular page can be found on the World Wide Web. URL is an abbreviation for `Uniform Resource Locator'. Meaning, it is an address to access to web. DNS- DNS stands for Domain name system. It is a network service that is converting or interpreting domain or host name to IP address. In this case, it is easy to convert domain to IP address so, hackers could easily access to the webs. NBT- It stands for NetBIOS over TCP and IP. It is kind of rule for communicating that exists to run NetBIOS application in TCP and IP. NetBIOS application is an application or program interface that has been used in PC-LAN. TCP stands for transmission control protocol. It is a core protocol of the Internet Protocol Suite. SQL injection- It is a basic skill to hack information. Its ways to do is too easy so, most web sites are blocked for this. Hackers put special elements such as ' or ] between ID and password to call server to DB. They changed SQL sequence. Suppose, SELECT count(user_id) from USER_TB where user_id='test' and pw='1234' (Example) That sequence allows to login, and people can login if the result is over than 1. So, we put ' 'or 1=1 ' the space between ID and password and change it through injection attack. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Since the seven web sites are hacked behind the scenes, security has to be reinforced than before. Also, they need to update the web site to check any 'debris' from attack. Although it has been announced that there are no lost, they might not confirmed for certain so, users better make sure the information is fine a
    1. Identify the scenario. Business 2. Describe a social/ethical concern and the relationship of one primary stakeholder to the IT system in the article. Security is a social/ethical concern because it regards the security of the Database Servers that are used to store the Domain Names and IP addresses. With insufficient security, the database security can be breached by outsiders and be altered. The primary stakeholder is Group NBT, and is the domain name management firm of NetNames and Ascio whose DNS Databases were compromised in this attack. Their SQL commands were infiltrated by the hackers, so that the information stored on their DNS Database was altered, that made website visitors be re-directed to spam websites. 3. Describe the IT concepts and processes. Domain Name System (DNS) - The address book for the website that links the URL of websites to IP address numbers that computers use to visit a website. IP Address - The numbers that are separated by period dots that make up a website's numerical address of its location. (DNS) Database - A database is a massive spreadsheet with numerous data types and forms used to store large amounts of data (in this case, websites' domain names URL and their respective IP addresses.) SQL Injection - SQL stands for Structured Query Language, used for database manipulation. This is a hacking method by using the various layers present in SQL commands, by 'injecting' a hidden command that enables to create a loop hole for access and change the database information. This includes changing strings of commands in the original SQL command into malicious commands, that are executed when the altered SQL command is executed.
    4. Explain the relationship between the IT system referred to in the article and the concern presented above. The security of the DNS Databases run by NetNames and Ascio (two subsidiaries of domain name management firm Group NBT) is a concern. Their SQL commands were being altered and compromised, which resulted in the altered domain names and IP address links. Their relationship is that the concern is the IT system's (in this case the Database's) security. The IT system, Group NBT's Database, has a concern over it's security. The DNS Database system has a security concern because the hackers were able to alter the paths of redirecting certain websites to scam websites instead through a SQL Injection attack that manipulates the SQL command used to manipulate the domain name database. 5. Describe and evaluate the impact of a social/ethical issue on the stakeholders The social/ethical issue is security. The stakeholders are Vodafone, the Daily Telegraph, UPS, and four other websites, Turkish hackers (Turkguvenligi), and internet users who visited those seven websites within the hacking duration. This has an impact on their security issue because their database has already been compromised once, and unless they create a new system of security to prevent SQL injections, they will never be able to know when someone is changing their SQL command strings. They need to have someone constantly monitoring their SQL to see if there are any changes. The security issue impacts Group NBT because it makes their customers that use their services doubt the secure service because hackers were able to alter the redirection of customers to scam websites instead of their respective website. Therefore security, to a large extent, has an impact on Group NBT. 6. Explain and evaluate one solution to the issue identified. A solution to the issue identified by NBT was to further review their Database system to ensure customers of a more secure service, since it is impossible for a

When Passwords Aren't Enough: The Need for Strong Online Authentication That is Easy to... - 2 views

    Describe the IT terms. april 28 kuni
    Authentication- Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be. In private and public computer networks (including the Internet), authentication is commonly done through the use of logon passwords. Knowledge of the password is assumed to guarantee that the user is authentic. Each user registers initially (or is registered by someone else), using an assigned or self-declared password. Tokens- A Hardware Token is an Authenticator in the form of a physical object, where the user's interaction with a login system proves that the user physically possesses the object. Hardware Tokens authenticate users on the basis that only the Token assigned to the user could have generated the pseudo-random number or code response keyed in by the user. Successful entry of this code implies that the user is in physical possession of the Token. This implies that the user does not allow users to use his Token, and has not lost it. It is use to prove one's identity electronically, and it is small enough to put it in the pocket or attach to keychain. Smart Card-A card with an embedded computer chip on which information can be stored and processed. It is a plastic card about the size of a credit card, with an embedded microchip that can be loaded with data, used for telephone calling, electronic cash payments, and other applications, and then periodically refreshed for additional use. Biometric- Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data. In information technology, biometrics refers to technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics, such as fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns, facial patterns and hand measurements, for authentication purposes.

Code Kingdoms - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 17 Feb 15 - No Cached
    Try it. Useful?

Ten Ways To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking - FindLaw - 10 views

    Define SEO. Describe the ten ways to improve a SEO. all nov 10 kuni
    Define SEO. SEO, (Search Engine Optimization) is a way of ensuring that your Web site shows up high in the rankings of search engines. Describe the ten ways to improve a SEO. 1. Learn Basic HTML- To do SEO yourself, you need to have a rudimentary understanding of HTML programming. 2. Understand the Difference Between Search Engines- There are basically four types of search engines in use today, (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Altavista) and each has different methods of ranking sites. 3. The Quick Fix: Meta-Titles- it is important to include keywords in your meta-title that are relevant to your Web site. 4. The More Links, The Better- It is important to have a high number of quality links to your website from other similar websites. 5. The Content of Your Content Matters- Search engines also have the technology to look at the actual content or words you put on your page. So, if a user types in a search for a particular keyword, the more often that keyword appears on your site, the more weight your site will receive, and the higher it will probably be ranked. 6. What About Keywords?- Meta-keywords are something you find in the source code of a Web page. They serve no other purpose than to try to convince search engines that a Web site should be highly ranked. 7. Experiment- The best way to improve your search engine ranking is to continue to experiment with different meta-titles, meta-keywords, content, and linking strategies. 8. Avoid Dirty Tactics- There are many ways to try to trick search engines, but if the search engine discovers your tricks, it may ban your website completely. 9. Paid-Inclusion is an Option- you can guarantee that a search engine will see your Web site, and that your Web site will be ranked if you pay either pay a one-time or annual fee. 10. When in Doubt, Use a Professional- Many Web site designers have full-time SEO personnel to make sure that your website is highly ranked.

'App Economy' credited with creating 466,000 jobs - - 7 views

    Why is the app economy growing so quickly? List the kinds of jobs app companies create. all feb 13 Palm
    The Piracy Problem: How Broad? Why are copyright violations are a serious problem? Copyright violations are a serious problem because it is equivalent to stealing. A person who watches from free online movies doesn't realize that all the people behind the movie used their time, labor and energy to create that movie, not to mention the amount of money that was used to produce the movie. So, to broadcast it to as free movie is truly unfair for all the industries concerned. Describe two advantages and two issues with illegitimate downloading. Advantages: (1) People around the world who can't afford to have it have the option of having for free. (2) It is available anytime, anywhere in the world. Issues: (1) Million of dollars as revenues and earnings are stolen from industries (movie, music, TV, etc.). (2) It will cause the affected industries to increase the price of their "product" when purchasing it legitimately. Explain two possible solutions to this kind of piracy. Possible solutions: (1) If people around the world really see stealing as a morally corrupt practice, then let us all shun away from the use of the internet. (2) If we can't afford to avoid the disadvantages of the Internet, let us all practice, encourage and teach honesty. This golden virtue is the only potent cure against SOPA and PIPA. Not enough is being done to tackle cyberbullying, according to the NSPCC. Give examples of cyberbullying. Some examples of cyberbullying are the following: receiving nasty text messages or e-emails 24/7. Describe possible solutions. Some possible solutions are the following: students must not give their mobile number to acquaintances or other students who are their close friends; never chat to anyone whom you don't know; when you received nasty text messages from your mobile phone, change your mobile phone number right away; and lastly be very selective in choosing whom to friend in FB or in other social networks. Trendnet securit

100+ Google Tricks That Will Save You Time in School - Eternal Code - 1 views

    fyi march 17

Egypt, Internet access: Egyptian government restores Internet service - - 6 views

  • bring down Egyptian government websites
  • Welcome back to the Internet, #Egypt. Well, except — you stay down,"
    Wooh How might the internet be useful for the Egyptian citizens? What does it mean "bring down Egyptian websites"? Feb 4
    1. How might the internet be useful for the Egyptian citizens? Egyptian citizens, especially for the protesters, have organized the initial protests against the government online, through social media such as Facebook groups. The restored Internet would allow them to use to do so again and other citizens are now back to their computers and can have regular socialization online. A main ways of communication with the outside world as well as with themselves, Internet would allow the citizens to join together through websites on the internet to create groups that support what they think is best for them. In this case, they want a reelection from their current leader. 2. What does it mean "bring down Egyptian websites"? "Bring down Egyptian websites" means to stop access to those Egyptian websites through means such as having a DoS attack on the website. Also hackers can hack into the website and destroy the coding and content of the website and thus "bring down" the websites. Bringing down Egyptian websites can also mean that they are blocking all access to Egypt because there wouldn't be any portal into Egypt if all the Egyptian websites are brought down.

China Tightens Electronic Censorship - - 2 views

  • A host of evidence over the past several weeks shows that Chinese authorities are more determined than ever to police cellphone calls, electronic messages, e-mail and access to the Internet in order to smother any hint of antigovernment sentiment. In the cat-and-mouse game that characterizes electronic communications here, analysts suggest that the cat is getting bigger
  • LinkedIn, a networking platform, was blocked for a day during the height of government concerns over Internet-based calls for protests in Chinese cities a few weeks ago, he said
  • China’s censorship machine has been operating ever more efficiently since mid-2008, and restrictions once viewed as temporary — like bans on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter — are now considered permanent. Government-friendly alternatives have sprung and developed a following
    This is similar to the Google accuses China... article and will help with the answers. Describe VPN. How does a proxy work? List a proxy you find useful. When would you use a proxy? Explain: Google has "played a role in manufacturing social disorder". march 25 Azman
    Describe VPN. A VPN means virtual private network and what it does is that it send you data over the Internet in a secure connection. It travels packet over unprotected network in a secured manner. It provides you tunnel which secures your data and send it encrypted form over the Internet. How does a proxy work? By using a proxy the web browser window is then coded as part of the proxy site address and not the real website the surfer is visiting. Any information cached in the temporary folder is that of the proxy, not the users. This means the user is not traced at all and the information is kept hidden. Article Source: List a proxy you find useful. Tor Trycatchme anonsafe When would you use a proxy? When you want to hide your IP from anyone. It is a good idea to use it while online shopping, accessing bank websites, and putting personal information. Explain: Google has "played a role in manufacturing social disorder". This means that Google has been the source of creating all the social disorder in the real world. Examples of these social disorders include the Libyan Protests as well as the Egypt Protests. These are named as social disorders. And Google, who feeds information to the various organizations and governments as well as provide social networking interfaces play a role in the community to communicate with each other in order to plan these social disorder events, such as the protests to overthrow the government.

Learning The Right Lessons From The Amazon Outage - 5 views

    Define: AWS Iaas Define and describe: Free redundancy rapid scalability server failover maintainability Explain each lesson and determine whether you agree or not with each one. May 13 az
    1) Define: AWS- The Amazon Web Services (AWS) are a collection of remote computing services (also calledweb services) that together make up a cloud computing platform, offered over the Internet The most central and well-known of these services are Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3. Iaas - infrastructure-as-a-service; a way to deploy a less reliable server, quickly and without human intervention. 2) Define and describe: Free redundancy- re-deploying your application in another data center or cloud service using on-demand resources instead of having an idle redundant data center. Rapid scalability- Scalability approach that doesn't require access to AMIs that is stored on S3 or EBS. Instead, it uses the on-demand resources. This is when the system can withstand changes in transaction volume without major changes. Server failover- Virtual servers fail more frequently that physical servers, and when they do, there is less ability to recover them. Treat server failover the same way as scalability, just bring up a new server. Maintainability- Use a fully automated deployment and not a server configuration that is created manually to make it maintainability. Since, when a server configuration that is created manually and saved to a "golden image" has numerous problems such as: only the person who built it knows what is there, so if that person is gone, it can be time consuming to re-configure it. On the other hand, a fully automated deployment is not only a maintainable process, it also serves as documentation. 3) Explain each lesson and determine whether you agree or not with each one. Wrong lesson #1 The lesson where the infrastructure of the cloud is either not ready for its time to shine, or never will be. This is the lesson that explains that the infrastructure is still carried out on physical servers, just in remote areas where they are held in the physical data center in large numbers. These physical server

Couchbase Offers NoSQL for IPhone | PCWorld Business Center - 1 views

    Explain: NoSQL non-relational database Explain the advantages of CouchDB's noSQL . May 9 soo
     Explain  NoSQL= NoSQL is a category of database engines that do not support the SQL (Structured Query Language) in order to achieve performance or reliability features that are incompatible with the flexibility of SQL. -  Non-relational database= a non-relational database developed by Damien Katz, now the chief technology officer for Couchbase. The company claims that Mobile Couchbase is the first non-relational, or NoSQL database, built for iOS. -  Explain the advantages of CouchDB's noSQL - CouchDB and noSQL architecture has a number of advantages that make it attractive to iPhone applications developers, the company asserts. - CouchDB= Efficient use of working memory, Amount of storage space (takes up relatively minimal, under 20 megabytes download size limit imposed by many people CouchDB's NoSQL has advantages such as its synchronization capabilities with minimal coding. Data can be automatically synchronized across a network. The app can store data created on the phone itself, all the while also synchronizing the same data with a cloud service or a data center. The storage space taken up by CouchDB's NoSQL has efficient use of working memory. When it is embed in an app, it can still keep the app to be under the 20 mb download limit, and doesn't drain the battery.
    1. ITGS 2. NoSQL 3. iPhone 4. Network 5. Database

Identity Theft Resource Center ITRC Fact Sheet 118 - 0 views

    Explain the meaning of the following guidelines: Do you check the validity of site certificates when sending sensitive information to another website? Do you check for locks (bottom right browser status line) or the notation that the site is secure (https:// = secure = lock in status line) prior to entering sensitive information to that site? You must safeguard your information if you are going to store it on your computer. However, if you must store personal information on your computer, encryption is necessary. may 9 cream
    Explain the meaning of the following guidelines: Do you check the validity of site certificates when sending sensitive information to another website? It is about checking the validity of site certificates for guarantee myself that I sent sensitive information to real and Safety Company. Do you check for locks (bottom right browser status line) or the notation that the site is secure (https:// = secure = lock in status line) prior to entering sensitive information to that site? This action is when you see a green lock in the URL space of web browser such as, which it says about US privacy and stuff. Https codes help you know that you are transmitting via a safe system. If the padlock is open, do not transmit sensitive information! You must safeguard your information if you are going to store it on your computer. However, if you must store personal information on your computer, encryption is necessary. It is best to ere on the side of caution and use encryption to not only protect the data but also protect yourself
    1.3 Privacy and anonymity 3.3 Networks 3.4 Internet 3.5 Personal and public communications

BBC News - Chemicals and defence firms targeted by hacking attack - 3 views

    Explain the type of attack and possible security measures to prevent it. m12 nov 8 jenny
    The type of attack was a phishing attack that involved sending e-mails that had attachments, that when opened, will install a Trojan horse code into the person's computer. From there, the Trojan horse will be able to locate and copy files to another part of the computer system where they will be extracted back to the hacker who performed the attack. Possible Security Measures to Prevent it: Don't open e-mail attachments unless you know they are from a trusted source, especially attachments containing extensions .exe, .ink, and .vbs. Always have your security software up to date. Customize your firewall settings for your browser to filter out content. (Default is usually all, but choose to "limit" your connection so that it limits the connection to possible attackers).
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