BBC NEWS | Technology | Supermarket of the future - 2 views
Alex Lenk on 08 Oct 13Jean October 10th Describe the IT system by watching the video Answer here
Natdanai Itthipalkul on 09 Oct 13Basically just watch the video... ok lets start 1. The apps used in the supermarket needs to be downloaded by the clients before use. 2. Enter the store and open your apps from your mobile. 3. Pick the goods you want and scan the code off the bar code (using your cell phone) 4. The list of goods you buy will be store into your cell phone. 5. After scanning click the finish shopping button on your apps and the cell phone will generate a big bar-code which mix all the code you scan into one master-code. (like mixing salad after you put vegetables in) 6. Go to the paying counter and insert the master-code into the paying machine. 7. The machine will tell you how much to pay and client pay by cash, credit card and etc, Extra ( you can play stepping on fish in the supermarket for fun) Oh and there is a useless robot roaming around also.