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Alex Lenk

Maybe Your Old Credit Cards Are Smart Enough - - 3 views

    Jason October 17th  BAA
    1.Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business and employee 2.Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. The main stakeholder in this article is the credit cards company such as, Visa, MasterCard & American Express. The customer how are using these credit cards company service as well. 3.Identify and describe the ITGS social/ethical concerns in the article. The social/ethical concern in the article is Reliability/ Security. In this article it talk about the old expired credit card that can be re-used again. Unwanted access and get a magnet chip/stripes of a credit card and still use it, to buy whatever they want. The magnet chip/stripes still provide some information of the conventional card. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. PIN- A PIN is a 4-digit number that is used in combination with your Social Security Number, name, and date of birth to identify you as someone who has the right to access your own personal information Chips- is an integrated circuit in which all the components needed for a computer or other system are included on a single chip 5. Describe the solution stated in the article or find a solution to the concern (issue) discussed in the article When a customer uses their credit card to buy product from shops their must type in they PIN to continue the process and if the PIN is enter incorrectly the process cancels. This will allows the original card hold to buy the products only. Dynamics Inc recently unveiled smart-card technology that doesn't require a smart reader but could still require a PIN: the issuer could program the card so that the PIN has to be tapped on special buttons found on the card itself.
Alex Lenk

Electronic Brain Helps Cut Credit Card Fraud : NPR - 1 views

shared by Alex Lenk on 08 Oct 13 - Cached
    Da Woon October 10 Brief Article Analysis Answer here.
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business and employment, home and leisure 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. in this article, the credit card user and credit card companies are the main stakeholder 3. Identify and describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. In this article, the social/ethical concern is integrity. In this article, it tells that Credit Card Company uses neural networks to keep track of every purchase people make and sorts them into patterns and categories. If people changed their purchasing pattern, the credit card calls you and ask you about did you really buy it. So, if we buy the computer first time, we changed our purchase pattern, so we are losing our integrity to Credit Card Company. So we are really hard to use our own credit card. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Transaction - Electronic funds transfer, the electronic exchange or transfer of money from one account to another Software - any set of machine-readable instructions that directs a computer's processor to perform specific operations. Hardware - the collection of physical elements that comprise a electrical device system 5. Describe the solution stated in the article or find a solution to the concern (issue) discussed in the article. The one solution in this social/ethical concern would be making a password then using that password with signature to prove our identity when we purchase the product which is not in our pattern such as put our password on our mobile device when we purchasing product with transaction. So we don't need to get the call from Credit Card Company when we purchase the product which is not in our purchasing pattern. Also we can using biometrics on our digital device to prove that we purchase that product when we using transaction to purchase the product.
Alex Lenk

Twitter Lurches Toward Social E-Commerce | Wired Business | - 1 views

    Rock October 28th  Describe the IT systems
    The article is talking about how customer can link their American Express card with the the customer their twitter account. People who sync their American express card with their twitter account can simply order or buy product by tweeting. 1. User have to sync their American Express card with their Twitter account, account information will be kept secret. 2. After account had been establish, User can access store that are involve with Twitter campaign. 3. If user find any tempting product, they can simply tweet it or go buy it directly from the store and get discount 4. Product price will be charged to user's American express card and deliver to user address

When Passwords Aren't Enough: The Need for Strong Online Authentication That is Easy to... - 2 views

    Describe the IT terms. april 28 kuni
    Authentication- Authentication is the process of determining whether someone or something is, in fact, who or what it is declared to be. In private and public computer networks (including the Internet), authentication is commonly done through the use of logon passwords. Knowledge of the password is assumed to guarantee that the user is authentic. Each user registers initially (or is registered by someone else), using an assigned or self-declared password. Tokens- A Hardware Token is an Authenticator in the form of a physical object, where the user's interaction with a login system proves that the user physically possesses the object. Hardware Tokens authenticate users on the basis that only the Token assigned to the user could have generated the pseudo-random number or code response keyed in by the user. Successful entry of this code implies that the user is in physical possession of the Token. This implies that the user does not allow users to use his Token, and has not lost it. It is use to prove one's identity electronically, and it is small enough to put it in the pocket or attach to keychain. Smart Card-A card with an embedded computer chip on which information can be stored and processed. It is a plastic card about the size of a credit card, with an embedded microchip that can be loaded with data, used for telephone calling, electronic cash payments, and other applications, and then periodically refreshed for additional use. Biometric- Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data. In information technology, biometrics refers to technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics, such as fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns, facial patterns and hand measurements, for authentication purposes.

Bank app users warned over Android security | IT PRO - 4 views

    Mobile apps provided by mobile operators and handset manufacturers could put expose phone users to fraud, according to research that as many as 64 per cent of manufacturer added applications were exposing users to serious security issues.
    "Bank app users warned over Android security" Describe at least four types of vulnerabilities. Describe mobile point-of-sale devices. Explain why card fraud could endanger the payment chain.

Smarter ways to pay | Bangkok Post: tech - 10 views

  • charge it to their credit cards simply by saying their names.
  • Starbucks is also investing $25 million (about 787 million baht) in Square as part of its latest round of financing, which values the company at $3.25 billion, and Howard Schultz, Starbucks' chief executive, will join Square's board. Starbucks has offered its own mobile payment app since last year and processes more than a million payments a week. Customers will continue to be able to use it, but they will also be able to use Pay With Square, Square's cellphone app, which eliminates even having to take the phone out of your pocket or sign a receipt.
  • At first, Starbucks customers will need to show the merchant a barcode on their phones. But when Starbucks uses Square's full GPS technology, the customer's phone will automatically notify the store that the customer has entered, and the customer's name and photo will pop up on the cashier's screen. The customer will give the merchant his or her name, Starbucks will match the photo and the payment will be complete.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • challenge
  • Square, which was introduced in 2010, is one of many businesses _ like Google, PayPal, Sprint and Microsoft and start-ups like Scvngr and GoPago _ that are trying to offer mobile payments. But they have been slow to catch on as they require the cooperation of many players, including retailers, credit card firms, banks, phone carriers and phone makers.
  • compelling, safe and convenient experience for shoppers
    Article Analysis

Guest Post: Using NFC tags with your Android PhoneGoMo News - 7 views

    How does this work? What is nfc used for? Can this be used for pay phones? sept 12 - 13 Chut rebecca
    How does this work? - NFC tags are just RF chips. They use radio frequency to communicate with each other. What is NFC used for? - They can be used for many purposes. Since that it can communicate with other devices that use NFC tags as well, it might be used as a credit card-like payment device, being to pay for something by just your phone. Anything that also uses NFC tags may be synchronized to work together. Can this be used for pay phones? - Yes it can. If payphone also have NFC tags, people may be able to call without having to insert a coin or a card.

PayPal Debuts Its Newest Hardware, Beacon, A Bluetooth LE Enabled Device For Hands-Free... - 6 views

    summary yongkyu
  • ...2 more comments...
    describe the IT systems
    One of David Marcus's biggest challenges when taking on the role of President of PayPal was extending the platform into point of sale, and making it easier to pay with PayPal than swiping your credit card. But changing consumer behavior is an enormously difficult task. PayPal played with geo-location leveraging GPS and Wi-Fi for iOS and Android. These technologies are what powers Square's hands free payment system 'Pay with Square. But they found that it ended up being a poor experience for the consumer because it sucked the batter life out of their phones. PayPal also warns that it is aware of the potential privacy issues so PayPal Beacon won't constantly track your location unlike other technologies. If you enter a store and decline to check in, or just ignore the prompt entirely, no information is transmitted to PayPal or the merchant. PayPal has also said that there will be no ads served via the platform. As evidenced by PayPal latest app update from last week, the company is making a big bet on creating an in-store experience for both consumers and retailers. It's ambitious to say the least because not only does the payments company have to change the behavior of the consumer (from just swiping a card) but it also has to convince retailers and the 100 million plus PayPal users that it is worth it. Marcus says that providing a frictionless experience for both parties will be the key to success when changing behavior.
    Describe IT. Alex Oct 4
    Bluetooth Low Energy: Allows connected devices to communicate with each other while keeping the energy consumption of the devices at a very low level. The transaction should take place without GPS, other apps running, or even without a phone signal. PayPal Beacon: A small hardware device that runs on its own Wi-Fi, plugs into an outlet and serves as a beacon to other devices. It updates itself and the storekeeper doesn't have to touch it at all. It will track your location according to privacy issues. It is completely up to you whether you accept or decline Beacon when you enter the store. A hands free check in payment device.

Google Jumps Into Fashion E-Commerce - - 2 views

    brief nat nov 22
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, leisure 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Google Inc., users in the US. 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Security. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. : It is like amazon or ebay, and it directs shoppers to site where it can be purchased. Merchants pay them if the shopper buy the goods or click on it to learn more about it. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Because it is on the internet, attention has to be paid to the issue of security. If any users buy anything, they would need to pay online by their credit cards, and some may feel reluctant to give credit card information online. To diminish this issue, Google will have to ensure a secure system where datas of each customers are kept safe and not misused.
Alex Lenk

BBC NEWS | Technology | Supermarket of the future - 2 views

    Jean October 10th  Describe the IT system by watching the video Answer here
    Basically just watch the video... ok lets start 1. The apps used in the supermarket needs to be downloaded by the clients before use. 2. Enter the store and open your apps from your mobile. 3. Pick the goods you want and scan the code off the bar code (using your cell phone) 4. The list of goods you buy will be store into your cell phone. 5. After scanning click the finish shopping button on your apps and the cell phone will generate a big bar-code which mix all the code you scan into one master-code. (like mixing salad after you put vegetables in) 6. Go to the paying counter and insert the master-code into the paying machine. 7. The machine will tell you how much to pay and client pay by cash, credit card and etc, Extra ( you can play stepping on fish in the supermarket for fun) Oh and there is a useless robot roaming around also.
anonymous - 6 views

    summary march 29 kuni
    1. Adjust social-network privacy settings, You should adjust privacy setting in Facebook by changing the privacy option in Facebook. Facebook updated its privacy dashboard in October, which now, it can change the privacy setting in mobile phone, and you don't have to do it in computer. You can also protect twitter to not let show in the public. 2. Ensure personal data is sent over a secure connection, You should find if the site is secured enough before giving a credit card number. Make sure the adress shows that the site is encrypted. 3. Consider opting out of ad tracking, You should get rid of ad tracking by disabling the third party cookies. Now, no one will be able to track your pc. 4. Use private Web browsing features or install a VPN Install VPN for more strong security for your browser. Such as Little Snich, which gives out a warning sign every time the website automatically changes your settings. 5. Think before you post. You should always check and think if the site is secured enough to give out a privacy information or post email. You have to be careful to not let hackers get into your computer. And don't give out privacy information even to friends.

Bangkok Post : Social networking' s DARK SIDE - 5 views

    Describe the following terms and explain possible solutions: drive-by downloads clickjacking targeted brand attacks on social networks MitB (Man-in-the-Browser) MitMo (Man-in-the-Mobile) advanced on-the-fly SSL hacking may 23 soo
    drive-by downloads Drive-by downloads are downloads to the computer that are harmful, and are downloaded because the user doesn't know that the download took place, what was downloaded (virus, malware) or downloaded something, but didn't know it was malware. When a malicious website is visited, malware may be downloaded to the computer without users even knowing. Solutions to prevent drive-by downloads include having the internet security suite (like Norton Internet Security) installed and kept up to date. Also, using a proxy can filter the web content (like Vidalia). The user's antivirus firewall should always be turned on. Clickjacking Clickjacking, also known as user-interface (UI) redressing, is one of the most common attacks against users by creating malicious pages that tricking users to click on buttons and links which reveal sensitive information, or can allow the attacker to take over control of the user's computer. The true function of the button is hidden under an opaque layer that shows something different to trick the users. A possible solution to clickjacking is the "walled garden" that iPhone has. It has a closed or exclusive set of information services provided for users, instead of allowing open access to apps and content. Targeted brand attacks on social networks Targeted brand attacks on social networks is attacking the big brand names, and attacking its reputation, currently common through attacks on social networks and phishing. Scammers that hijacked a social networking account can add random people to their friends list, and link them to malicious sites. Or an attacker would disguise themselves as the "official" profile of the brand company, and make friends and trick them into revealing sen

Sony suffers second major user data theft | Reuters - 1 views

    Explain what happened. Describe the issues. May 9 jen
    1.Explain what happened. Sony suffered a hack on their PC games network, which lead to theft of online user's data from its PlayStation video game network. The theft involved 77 million user information. Sony is now hiring various outside firms to investigate on the matter, and try to find the offenders to this hacking. Cyber-security detectives from Guidance Software and consultants from Robert Half International Inc's subsidiary Protviti were brought in to help with the clean-up. 2.Describe the issues. Issues from this includes the reliability and integrity, as well as the security of Sony's protection system and online user's sensitive information which include credit card numbers as well as passwords. The reliability is the reliability of Sony's software. It might have failed to function properly, thus being a loop hole of the hackers to get through. The integrity is keep users' data complete and unaltered without their permission by the hackers. There is also a privacy issue because user's sensitive data was stolen.
    1.2_security 2.1_online_bus 3.7_databases 3.6_multimedia_digital_media

Magid on Tech: How Sony users can protect themselves in wake of security breach - San J... - 2 views

    List and explain each of the ways suggested to provide protection from this type of security breach. May 9 nat
    List and explain each of the ways suggested to provide protection from this type of security breach. Change the password. This is very crucial, if you've used the same password for every other accounts, because it means that anyone can open any account that belongs to you. An easy way to make a complicated password that's fairly easy to remember, is to create a meaningful sentence and take the initials. 'I was born on July 30th 1994' = Iwboj3094 Check your credit reports. This allows you to check and activities that is carried out with your credit card. You can also set your fraud alert. Don't get deceived by e-mails that looks official, because it may be a phishing site.

Identity Theft Resource Center ITRC Fact Sheet 102 - 0 views

    Select and list 5 guidelines you think are reasonable. May 9 az
    * Provide cross-cut paper shredders at each workstation or cash register area or uses a locked wastebasket and shredding company for the disposal of credit card slips, unwanted applications or documents, sensitive data or prescription forms. * Use an alternate number instead of Social Security Numbers (SSN) for employee, client and customer ID numbers. * Encrypt or password protect all sensitive data stored on computers and allow access only on a "need-to-know" basis. * Notify consumers and employees in advance as to the purposes of the data collection, to whom it will be distributed and the subsequent use after the fulfillment of the original purpose. * Keep sensitive information of consumers or employees on any item (timecards, badges, work schedules, licenses) out of view in public areas. That may include home addresses or phone numbers, SSN and driver's license numbers.

Wolverton: Customers had more faith in Sony than it deserved - San Jose Mercury News - 3 views

    Are any corporate databases and networks safe? Should consumers be wary about providing personal data online? How valuable is data stored online? May 11 soo
    Are any corporate databases and networks safe? According to the article, they mentioned that no corporation databases are not completely safe and secure enough to protect personal information. There are too much false which makes network perfectly safe. It is very large storage and contains a lot of personal information. If the network is too big, they can't manage the network well and all the weaknesses will occur. The hackers will aim to hack the corporate databases because it has a lot of information therefore; it is not actually very safe. Should consumers be wary about providing personal data online? Yes, consumers should be wary about providing personal data online, because all services that store the online data are all under risk of being hacked, and the data compromised. Once the sensitive information is compromised, the user is more vulnerable to scam attacks through e-mails, as well as have their bank accounts or other user accounts online hacked. consumers should be a warning to be wary about providing personal data online because no corporate networks are frequently attacked by hackers and no matter how diligently their administrators work to protect them or how many protections are put n place, no network is perfectly secure. Even Sony' security systems are not perfect at all. Therefore, people have to be wary about providing personal data online How valuable is data stored online? Data stored online is very valuable, especially sensitive information such as ID numbers and bank/credit card numbers. Other personal data such as names, passwords, and security question answers are useful for hackers, and can be easily used for impersonation on other sites to hack into user accounts for further bad intentions.
    1. ITGS 2. Security 3. Sony 4. Database 5. Network 6. Digital net networking
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