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Learning The Right Lessons From The Amazon Outage - 5 views

    Define: AWS Iaas Define and describe: Free redundancy rapid scalability server failover maintainability Explain each lesson and determine whether you agree or not with each one. May 13 az
    1) Define: AWS- The Amazon Web Services (AWS) are a collection of remote computing services (also calledweb services) that together make up a cloud computing platform, offered over the Internet The most central and well-known of these services are Amazon EC2 and Amazon S3. Iaas - infrastructure-as-a-service; a way to deploy a less reliable server, quickly and without human intervention. 2) Define and describe: Free redundancy- re-deploying your application in another data center or cloud service using on-demand resources instead of having an idle redundant data center. Rapid scalability- Scalability approach that doesn't require access to AMIs that is stored on S3 or EBS. Instead, it uses the on-demand resources. This is when the system can withstand changes in transaction volume without major changes. Server failover- Virtual servers fail more frequently that physical servers, and when they do, there is less ability to recover them. Treat server failover the same way as scalability, just bring up a new server. Maintainability- Use a fully automated deployment and not a server configuration that is created manually to make it maintainability. Since, when a server configuration that is created manually and saved to a "golden image" has numerous problems such as: only the person who built it knows what is there, so if that person is gone, it can be time consuming to re-configure it. On the other hand, a fully automated deployment is not only a maintainable process, it also serves as documentation. 3) Explain each lesson and determine whether you agree or not with each one. Wrong lesson #1 The lesson where the infrastructure of the cloud is either not ready for its time to shine, or never will be. This is the lesson that explains that the infrastructure is still carried out on physical servers, just in remote areas where they are held in the physical data center in large numbers. These physical server

Corporate computing: Online reputations in the dirt | The Economist - 2 views

    Explain the issues that are in common with both Amazon and Sony? Explain the reasons that cloud computing will continue to grow? What could have prevented Sony from getting hacked? Describe: Rambo architecture Chaos monkey Explain the reason that data centers for cloud computing need backups? may 9 woo
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    1. Explain the issues that are in common with both Amazon and Sony? Issues that are in common with both Amazon and Sony are their reliability and integrity as well as its security. Amazon has just revealed that its Availability Zone in northern Virginia has failed to accommodate customers that were using their services. Sony's hack incident includes its network protection system to be unreliable. Also the security of Amazon's customer's data along with Sony's online users' data is at risk, as well as sensitive information linked to bank accounts. Both Sony and Amazon suffer a setback on their online reputation. Both companies have their servers down which affect a lot of their customers using their services. They both revived worries about the safety of storing and processing data over the Internet. The two crises have also raised questions about the speed and quality of information provided by tech companies when confronted with systems failures. This further links to the data integrity. Amazon users have said that some data may be corrupted or loss resulting from their sites crashing. Sony's users' accounts data may have been altered by unauthorized people. 2. Explain the reasons that cloud computing will continue to grow? Cloud computing will still continue to grow despite its recent incidents because the benefits users receive outweigh the risks that come with cloud computing. The outage suffered by Amazon has been rare. Also, managing one's own network is hardly a guarantee of reliability; it costs a lot of money and is high maintenance. Cloud computing provides another alternative that can save costs for businesses. Also, the recent incidents have proven that managing one's own network is not as reliable as some think considering protection issues and failure/crashes in the network itself. 3. What could have prevented Sony from getting hacked? Sony could have increased its protection system, as well as create random simulations in orde
    Tags: 1.1 Reliability and integrity 1.2 Security 3.3 Network

Amazon Malfunction Raises Doubts About Cloud Computing - - 2 views

    Describe the two issues that came up from the technical problems that interrupted computer services provided by Amazon. Why is the cloud model gaining popularity? List the problems that companies reported. april 28 az
    1) Describe the two issues that came up from the technical problems that interrupted computer services provided by Amazon. One of the issues is that Amazon need to reconsider the contracts that cover cloud services such as how much to pay for backup and recovery services, including paying extra for data centers in different locations. The reason for this is because small businesses are less apt to pay for extensive backup and recovery services. The second issue would be many companies are relying too much on remote computers that are beyond their control. So they need to reconsider that also. The technical problem that interrupted computer services provided by Amazon told its customers and users that there may be a reliability problem with Amazon's service in online computing in the cloud. Companies and businesses operation network now revolves a lot around these remote network systems, so this also affects how companies will reconsider their use of exporting their files and data as opposed to keeping them within the company walls. 2) Why is the cloud model gaining popularity? Because owning a data center is high maintenance and therefore expensive. By using the cloud model, companies are avoiding the costs and headaches of running their own data centers. They just simply tap in, over the Web, to computer processing and storage without owning the actual machines or operating software. Businesses can also save their time by outsourcing to the cloud to save having to keep track of running their own data centers. 3) List the problems that companies reported. ( Unable to access data Service interruptions Sites being shut down
anonymous - 4 views

    brief april 28 jen
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business and Employment 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Amazon and companies using Amazon's cloud service 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article Reliability 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. The hardware used in this situation is the servers used to host information for companies. Amazon's cloud model is used by the connecting to the internet network. The Availability Zones are the zones that according to Amazon, are distinct locations that are engineered to prevent failures in other Availability Zones. Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Amazon's web service that provides companies with infrastructure web service platforms in the cloud. Amazon's Elastic Computer Cloud (EC2) - A web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud, designed to make web-scale computer easier for company developers. Amazon's Elastic Block Store (EBS) service - this service provides block level storage volumes for use with Amazon's EC2 instances. The EBS volumes are off-instance storage that is independent from the life of an instance. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). A solution to the reliability concern is for businesses and companies to filter out what they plan to put on Amazon's cloud services, and what to keep in their private network within their control. Balancing the two would beneficial and can prevent a lot of damage that a failure of a server may do the company as well as its files and data stored in the cloud. Amazon explaining how their cloud service actually works and have it backs up everything should be able to calm down businesses, and regain their trust again once everything is back up and running again.

Amazon Goes Back to the Future With 'NoSQL' Database | Wired Enterprise | - 1 views

    Describe NoSQL and its purpose. Explain how it is used differently than MySQL. M12 jan30 az
    Describe NoSQL and its purpose. NoSQL is a highly scalable and reliable non-relational databases designed to maintain high performance and to be highly cost efficient for workloads of any scale, from the smallest to the largest internet-scale applications. It is also used to build a new kind of database for "unstructured" information that comes spilling off the Internet with each passing second. It is capable of handling large amounts of data du to the fact that they use flash storage rather than traditional spinning disks. These solid-state drives can provide single-digit millisecond response times. Explain how it is used differently than MySQL. MySQL database is a relational database that stores data in neat rows and columns, and it's designed to run on a single machine, while NoSQL database can store data in a more flexible way and is designed to scale across a very large number of machines. "SQL databases are like automatic transmission and NoSQL databases are like manual transmission. Once you switch to NoSQL, you become responsible for a lot of work that the system takes care of automatically in a relational database system. Similar to what happens when you pick manual over automatic transmission. Secondly, NoSQL allows you to eke more performance out of the system by eliminating a lot of integrity checks done by relational databases from the database tier. Again, this is similar to how you can get more performance out of your car by driving a manual transmission versus an automatic transmission vehicle."
Alex Lenk

Silence trolls with flattery - 1 views

    This article talks about many reviews of devices and software using. The new release of the Amazon kindle and the new kindle fire release in November. A kindle enables you to read for pleasure and it has about 8 weeks of battery. It is only designed for reading. It also talks about reviews of the Windows 8 PC tablet and what trolls are.
Alex Lenk

Seeing That Ad on Every Site? You're Right. It's Tracking You. - - 0 views

    Smile October 28th  BAA
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, Home and leisure, 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. The main stakeholders of the Internet users and the internet advertisement provider (such as Google) 3. Identify and describe one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. A social/ ethical concern in this article is privacy. This article refer to advertisement stalking you around and show up in every site that you are in. The concern is privacy because of the tracking of ads on the users. The IT systems uses cookie to track the user. For example if a user open a commercial website such as ebay and amazon the clicking into a certain product will place a cookie onto your web browser. The next time the user open the web browser, the ads will track you around. The companies that it target marketing which shows users the product that they are interest in at the right time. However is it ok for this ads to track the users around? 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. Web browser: a software application for retrieving, presenting and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web. Cookie: Computing a packet of data sent by an Internet server to a browser, which is returned by the browser each time it subsequently accesses the same server, used to identify the user or track their access to the server. 5.Describe the solution stated in the article or find a solution to the concern (issue) discussed in the article. One solution that can help solve this problem is to install an adsblocker. Advertisement blockers will block the advertisement from showing on the web browsers. However the cookie is still in your computer. Some web browsers or operating system allow the user to delete the cookie on your computer.

Google Jumps Into Fashion E-Commerce - - 2 views

    brief nat nov 22
    1. Identify the area of impact the scenario relates to. Business, leisure 2. Identify the main stakeholders to the IT system. Google Inc., users in the US. 3. Identify one ITGS social/ethical concern in the article. Security. 4. Describe ITGS terminology and systems. : It is like amazon or ebay, and it directs shoppers to site where it can be purchased. Merchants pay them if the shopper buy the goods or click on it to learn more about it. 5. If possible, describe a solution to the concern (issue). Because it is on the internet, attention has to be paid to the issue of security. If any users buy anything, they would need to pay online by their credit cards, and some may feel reluctant to give credit card information online. To diminish this issue, Google will have to ensure a secure system where datas of each customers are kept safe and not misused.

How Google Chromebook Will Feel for Music Fans | Epicenter | - 2 views

    What are the problems with doing everything on the cloud? may 19 az
    Doing everything on the cloud is efficient in a way that we can work on from anywhere anytime as long as we have internet connection. However, when we don't have good internet connection, there is nothing we can do since everything we have done is stored on the cloud. . Internet data storing plans might also be an obstacle while operating on the cloud because the costs increase as more data is wanted to be stored on the cloud. Moreover, The cloud is not invincible to attacks so your data is not 100% safe. Having a backup saved on a physical hard drive is a must, cause you can't rely too much in the cloud (look what happen to Amazon and Sony).

Apple named 'least green' tech company | Environment | - 0 views

    Why does apple rank low for being green? Which companies are fairly green? Why don't companies want to disclose their energy consumption? Is cloud computing green? Determine if use of IT often reduces environmental impacts or not. april 28 nat
    Why does apple rank low for being green? Because of their huge electricity consumption and the increase in their consumption in a new facility, which consumes approximately the same amount of electricity 80,000 US homes. Which companies are fairly green? Yahoo, Google and Amazon. Why don't companies want to disclose their energy consumption? They don't want others to know what they did or what they had to do to reach to the position they are in now. Is cloud computing green? No, it's not green as it already accounts for approximately 2& of the world's electricity consumption, and it is predicted that it will rise. Determine if use of IT often reduces environmental impacts or not. Yes it does, because if something was electronically saved, it can save paper. Moreover, It has been said that there are less carbon emissions produced when music is downloaded of the web, rather than bought in CD stores, because you don't need to use CDs.
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