anonymous on 22 Apr 11How can iphone be hijacked? How can a user tell if she is being SMS attacked? April 26 woo
Woogyeong Jung on 16 May 11was i supposed to do this? it wasnt on the list so i didnt know...
Woogyeong Jung on 16 May 111. How can iphone be hijacked? The experts say that what you would know when your iphone is being hijacked is when one giveaway is if you receive a text message containing a single square character. If that happens, he suggests you immediately turn off your iPhone. The iPhone can be hijacked through a series of invisible SMS message bursts that hijacks the iPhone. The attacker would then be able to control all the functions on the iPhone, as well as continue to send messages to hijack more phones. 2. How can a user tell if she is being SMS attacked? The researchers said the hack involves sending a series of mostly invisible SMS bursts that effectively hijack an iPhone. From thereon, a hacker could control all the functions on the iPhone, such as e-mailing, dialing contacts - and, most alarmingly, sending more text messages to hijack even more iPhones. A user can tell if she is being SMS attacked if they receive a message containing a square character. Prevention measures include immediately turning off your iPhone.