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Rubayeth M

Military Taps Social Networking Skills - 3 views

Madeline Brownstone

Twitter is Everything but a Social Network - 3 views

    this article talks about twitter being more then just a social network, it is turning into a hub for people to share more important information such as spread of a news event, new discovery and gathering people's opinions on a large scale.
    Ram originally posted this article but did not cache it.
sarah d

Apple Co-Founder Looks to Robotics and Artificial Intelligence - 3 views

    In this article, co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak talks about robotics and artificial intelligence and how he hopes that robotics will excel and will be used for specific functions in the future. If this happens, an issue of reliability may arise. If people rely on robotics to a great extent and the system ends up failing, various jobs will be affected, possibly leading to major consequences.
Madeline Brownstone

Flames with names? That is the online question | online, world, real - Home - The Orang... - 2 views

    "Last week, one of the world's most successful online gaming companies, Blizzard Entertainment of Irvine, told its global community of World of Warcraft players that they'd have to use real names in forums. The pushback was severe. The most outraged, as Register writer Ian Hamilton reported, lashed out by publishing online every public item they could find about Blizzard employees and, in some cases, their relatives."
    Might be a good lead article to spur classroom debate about anonymity in social networking.
Madeline Brownstone

BBC News - Children social network in secret says Prof Byron - 2 views

    ""Parents are often in the dark, so who is talking to kids about what they do?" she told the BBC News website. "
Madeline Brownstone

The virtual doctor visit: Health monitoring at home - - 2 views

  • Right now, the biggest impediment to high-tech monitoring is that Medicare and private insurers generally do not reimburse for it. And the devices can be expensive. As part of a pilot project, Juanita and Arthur Wood get their devices for free; normally patients would have to pay about $100 a month to rent them.
    • Madeline Brownstone
      Equality of access seems to be the only issue here. And, what are the impacts of that? Can that be determined? Is there evidence in this article?
  • Eric Dishman, general manager of Intel's Research and Innovation Group, said these devices perform an increasingly important function: "You just can't crank out enough medical students to solve our personnel shortage in this country. You need to rely on other means, especially technology, to bridge that gap."
    • Madeline Brownstone
      The issue of people relying on machines to do what was previously done by human contact is clearly coming through here.
    Right now, the biggest impediment to high-tech monitoring is that Medicare and private insurers generally do not reimburse for it. And the devices can be expensive. As part of a pilot project, Juanita and Arthur Wood get their devices for free; normally patients would have to pay about $100 a month to rent them.
Jialin C

Google Reports on Government Requests and Censorship - - 2 views

    Google has came up with a tool in which people can view the government's censorships. It keeps track of how many times the government has requested for Google to take down certain information due to privacy.
    Strand 1: 1.2: Security: Google isn't secure if they put statistics and a counter on how many times they were asked to take information down. 1.7 surveillance: Governments don't want to be monitored and therefore, many of them refuse to share whether or not their censorship demands. 1.3 Privacy and anonymity: Google created this tool which keeps track of how many different countries would want their government "secrets" and policies to be taken down; there fore, google does respect that to a certain extent. Although, many countries do make a huge number of requests for their data to be taken down. Strand 2: 2.6:This Google transparency tool can be used to view the demands and requests of data been removed by specific countries and their governments. Stakeholders: Google is the organization that created such a tool. And it's main purpose was to show the world that censorship and privacy is asked for by many. The governments around the world are asking for either data requests to be taken off, or data requests based on their country from the transparency tool. Strand 3: 3.4 Internet: it plays the main role of how Google puts up too much information and due to privacy and surveillance issues, the IT system is shown as a map that organizes the lack of information that can be seen by viewers and the amount of information that are taken off due to requests.
    Please go back and "cache" this page. I see by the URL that this is a blog. Although the lines between bloggers and journalists are somewhat blurred these days, blogs are usually opinion pieces and not considered journalism in the same way as edited news items. For example, this summer, you blogged on the NY Times site. That wasn't "news" it was your opinion about what you read about what was happening.
Madeline Brownstone

F.B.I. Queries Webcam Use by Schools - - 2 views

    "A Pennsylvania school district accused of secretly switching on laptop computer cameras inside students' homes is under investigation by federal authorities, a law enforcement official with knowledge of the case said."
Santiago P.

BBC News - Robot trainer benefits stroke patients - study - 2 views

    This article is disscussing a solution for a heath disability of slowed and lessened movements after a stroke. the solution is a robot trainer that helps to improve movement in the upper body. the article desnt state any issuses about this
    It took me some time to figure out the issue because one is not given in the article. If I had to infer, I would say that this article will soon bring up an issue of equality of access. This is because the article states that these robots are possibly going to be accessible to people in their comfort of their own home. I know this machine is not going to be cheap, which is going to set limits on who could buy it. Those who are in poverty will not be able to afford these robots. This can be a possible positive issue, which connects directly with the economy.
Madeline Brownstone

BBC NEWS | UK | Wales | Web misuse teacher can work again - 2 views

  • "Her attention was being deflected to the extent that it may have seriously affected those in her care.
  • The issue is she does not apply herself when using the internet during teaching time."
    Can this be a portfolio item?
    Can thi be a portfolio item?
Madeline Brownstone

Can Employers Do That? Turns Out, They Can: Exploring Workers' Rights : NPR - 2 views

    "In terms of monitoring its employees, the list of things a corporation can't do is a short one - it's basically confined to eavesdropping on a personal oral conversation, Maltby said. "Anything else is open season." And outside the workplace, personal blogs or social media pages on services like Twitter or Facebook offer no refuge. "
Madeline Brownstone

Trendsmap - Real-time local Twitter trends - 2 views

    Awesome mashup.
    Awesome mashup.
Madeline Brownstone

Shortcuts - Typing In an E-Mail Address, and Giving Up Your Friends' Too - - 2 views

    Contact Scraping to build user base of
Richie P

Robots Designed To Save Lives of Construction Workers - 2 views

    In this article the possibilities of robots are very helpful. Robots can help extend human faculties by allowing them to do dangerous jobs, that involve surveying buildings from great heights. Although this is helpful and limits the danger for construction workers, if this technology becomes more popular on construction sites it could limit the amount of jobs on the construction site, so the workers would be replaced by these robots. "The need for autonomous tools in the construction field is great" so it is reasonable to expect that this technology will be used more frequently, what will happen to the workers who are currently doing this job?
Santiago P.

New Military Robot Walks Like Flesh-and-Blood Person | ChattahBox News Blog - 2 views

    More military uses for robots...
    new front soldiers for the army
    This is quite the interesting robot. It would seem as though it would be very helpful to the military. The only issue that i could see arising is the issue of reliability because there is an a chance that the robot could malfunction or stop working. Although this issue isn't specifically noted in the article we can infer this because machines these days always have a limit and it's very hard to get all the kinks out of them. It could be interesting if they actually tried to put this robot out in the field fighting with the other soldiers. maybe that could be the next step.
Madeline Brownstone

BlackBerry Spy Software Hits the Market | Reuters - 2 views

    Can't be a good portfolio article because it is a product announcement.
    Interesting software. BUT!! Can't be a good portfolio article because it is a product announcement.
Madeline Brownstone

Business & Technology | UW team researches a future filled with RFID chips | Seattle Ti... - 2 views

    Potentially a lead article. Needs to be checked further.
Madeline Brownstone

The Future Is Now For Virtual House Calls | Epicenter | - 2 views

    Interesting new technology for health care--check it out.
helen g

March of the Robo Chef - Mechanized Cooks Invade the Kitchen - - 2 views

    This article touches upon the issue of people and machines. They are more efficient and can get the job done faster. However, because of the horrible economy, many restaurants are not able to afford these robots. But if restaurants invest in a robot, there is a possibility that the human employees will be replaced with these systems.
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