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Fred Delventhal

Phone Disk - iPad, iTouch, iPhone Disk Mode for Mac and PC - 16 views

    "For a limited time Phone Disk is 100% Free!! Until September December 1st 2010, we're giving away Phone Disk to everyone for free! If you unlock the software before that date, you get free upgrades and can enjoy the full version of the software on that computer with no expiration (just make sure you enter the code before December 1st)! Use the following registration code to unlock the full version Phone Disk: 2H96A-QK7MX-8GEYK1V-ZR6S8"
John Evans

AppleInsider | iPad now 97% of tablet traffic, eclipses iPhone, iOS remains mobile leader - 0 views

    " iPad now 97% of tablet traffic, eclipses iPhone, iOS remains mobile leader By Daniel Eran Dilger Published: 04:27 PM EST (01:27 PM PST) A new market research report notes that mobile devices now amount to almost 7 percent of all US web traffic, with Apple's iOS representing a 58.5 percent slice of all mobile traffic and the iPad now accounting for more traffic than iPhones. The growth of mobile devices has claimed a 6.8 percent chunk of US web traffic from conventional PCs, according to a new report by comScore. Of that segment, about two thirds of the traffic is from mobile phones and a remaining third is being generated by tablet users. The group notes that Apple's iPad now accounts for 97.2 percent of all tablet-originating web traffic, driving home the reality that competitors have not yet released a significant tablet competitor. Among iOS users, iPad now accounts for 46.8 percent of all traffic generated, making it now a more prolific tool than the iPhone for mobile web use, which represents 42.6 percent of iOS traffic. An increasingly important market segment The firm also outlined why the growth of tablet traffic is significant, noting that almost half of tablet owners have completed purchases using their tablet. "Tablet owners exhibited significant use of their devices throughout the entire online shopping process," comScore reported, "from doing the initial planning, conducting product and store research, making price comparisons, to finally transacting. In the past month, more than half of tablet owners looked up product or price information for a specific store (56 percent) and read customer ratings and reviews while on a tablet (54 percent)." The group added, "the incremental reach through mobile and connected devices should not be underestimated," pointing out that, "in August 2011, the additional mobile and connected device audience for Pandora accounted for more than half of their total cross-platform audience." Who rules the mobile wor
Brian C. Smith

How the iPhone transforms learning and teaching... - 51 views

Just some questions and thoughts... I'm curious as to how the iPhone has changed culture. While it may have changed the culture of a how phone makers look at devices. I think it is important tha...

Learning teaching transforming

Tobias Berlin

CHART OF THE DAY: What Phones Do People Dump For iPhone? - 0 views

    CHART OF THE DAY: What Phones Do People Dump For iPhone?
Mark Kabbbash

The iPhone keeps on kicking butt! The iPhone currently owns 10.8 of the market and does... - 0 views

    As the walls that divide television, computers, and cell phones crumble, it is increasingly clear that any device's fate will be decided by its ability to gather and present information on demand. And the cell phone has emerged, for now at least, as the single most important device in the global marketplace. Nokia has never managed to leverage its position as a world leader in handset sales to achieve similar dominance in the United States, where it has only 7% market share
Julie Lindsay

NECC 2009: SIGML Forum (We Found Kilroy!) - 0 views

    A review by Mark van t 'Hooft of the NECC09 SIGML (mobile Learning) field trip in Washington DC. "Your task is to come up with a compelling argument that demonstrates the importance of the World War II Memorial today. Use your mobile phones to access supplementary digital content, using the QR codes in this booklet. In addition, you may use your mobile phone to collect evidence in and around the memorial. We will leave it up to you as to how you want to do that.
Bruce Huddleson

Thinking of Creating an App for your School? « ICT for Teaching & Learning in... - 8 views

    "re you thinking of creating a mobile phone app for your school? Having an online web presence is what most schools nowadays would see as an essential resource. And nowadays, with more and more mobile phone owners in a school community, a natural extension might seem to be having a mobile phone app for the school too."
Mu He

Apps Continue to Define the Mobile Marketplace - 2 views

  • Three years ago, we knew nothing about apps, and now they’re an integral part of our daily lives. Mobile gaming was virtually unheard of, except for a few iterations of solitaire. Now we can play PC quality games like Infinity Blade and Call of Duty right on our phones and tablets.
     Three years ago, we knew nothing about apps, and now they're an integral part of our daily lives. Mobile gaming was virtually unheard of, except for a few iterations of solitaire. Now we can play PC quality games like Infinity Blade and Call of Duty right on our phones and tablets.
Learning Today

Games for Social Change | e-Learning Today TV - 9 views

    facebook, education, games, social change, ipad, apps, e-learning today tv, iphone, comics, phone
Valerie B.

reQall: What's reQall - 0 views

     reQall is a voice-enabled memory aid that seamlessly integrates your mobile phone, email, text messaging and IM into a powerful organizer, reminder system and productivity assistant. reQall lets you capture your ideas, tasks and commitments before you forget, and it proactively keeps you well-prepared and memory-strong.
Craig Nansen

Who needs a key? IPhone app unlocks and starts car - - 5 views

  • The Viper SmartStart is the latest example of automotive electronics functions migrating into Apple iPhone and other smartphones,
    A California company Tuesday will announce an iPhone application and car receiver that will enable users to lock, unlock and remotely start their car with the phone rather than the car's key fob.
    A California company Tuesday will announce an iPhone application and car receiver that will enable users to lock, unlock and remotely start their car with the phone rather than the car's key fob.
Valerie B.

Chatterous - group chat using the web, IM, email or phone - 9 views

    s group chat using the web, im, email or phone.
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