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Mark Kabbbash

Here is an iLoci2 video of an Iphone Friend Finder from the Apple App Store. - View Mes... - 0 views

    Here is an iLoci2 video of an Iphone Friend Finder from the Apple App Store.
Mark Kabbbash

LOCi iPhone Apps GPS a true Friend Finder - View Message - 0 views

    While only 18% of all iPhone apps downloaded are paid, the current annual sales of $340+ million cannot be ovelooked. Moreover, Yankee Group's estimate of that number rising to $1B in just two years speaks volumes about the ways our world is changing. The presence of smart phones will grow four fold in as many years to numbers that will have everyone connected wirelessly with each other and to every content source around the world in real time.
Mark Kabbbash

LOCiMobile's First 90 Days Iphones true friend finder - 0 views

    within the first 90 days of launching the LOCiMOBILE ® GPS People-Finding Apps, we have been downloaded throughout the United States and across the globe.
Mark Kabbbash

The iPhone keeps on kicking butt! The iPhone currently owns 10.8 of the market and does... - 0 views

    As the walls that divide television, computers, and cell phones crumble, it is increasingly clear that any device's fate will be decided by its ability to gather and present information on demand. And the cell phone has emerged, for now at least, as the single most important device in the global marketplace. Nokia has never managed to leverage its position as a world leader in handset sales to achieve similar dominance in the United States, where it has only 7% market share
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