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Daniel Benoni

La charité coûte cher | Louise Leduc | National - 0 views

  • 85 378 organismes de charité, dont 16 328 au Québec, selon l'Agence du revenu du Canada
  • 5,3 millions en dons, la division québécoise de la Société canadienne de la sclérose en plaques a dépensé 2,5 millions pour faire ses collectes de fonds
  • Fondation des maladies du coeur coûtent 80 millions et récoltent 155 millions(1)
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Jean-Pierre Laurin, directeur adjoint de la Société canadienne du cancer pour le Québec
  • On aimerait que ce soit zéro, mais ça coûte de l'argent, aller chercher de l'argent.
  • 95 812$ au cours d'une collecte de fonds qui lui avait coûté 96 849$
  • On n'a plus envie de dépenser des millions pour récolter des millions
  • . Il y a 25 ans, dit-il, les gens choisissaient leur cause et ils envoyaient un chèque
  • Aujourd'hui, ils demandent des activités rassembleuses, des courses de type Relais pour la vie. Ces courses entraînent cependant des coûts, ne serait-ce qu'en sécurité, souligne-t-il.
  • es collectes rapportent gros (13 millions par année)
  • en faisant commanditer des soupers par des groupes et en leur offrant la possibilité aux personnes de venir servir elles-mêmes le souper aux sans-abri.
  • partir à la recherche du riche qui ne demande pas mieux que de donner.
  • Il y a beaucoup de pression à donner, et vous serez étonné de constater à quel point vos dons à droite et à gauche ne réflètent pas nécessairement vos grandes priorités.»
  • érifier d'abord l'encaisse des organismes. «Certains organismes de charité sollicitent des fonds non pas parce qu'ils ont besoin d'argent, mais parce qu'ils en ont la capacité.»
  • «Combien d'argent l'organisme a-t-il à la banque et en placements? Combien redonne-t-il à ses bénéficiaires? Tout organisme a besoin d'un certain coussin, mais certains donateurs peuvent préférer que leur argent serve immédiatement plutôt que de dormir à la banque.»
  • Centraide, dont la mission est notamment d'aider les démunis, n'aide aucun de ces refuges.
Daniel Benoni - 0 views

    Exploitation de la responsabilité sociétale de l'entreprise
Daniel Benoni

Center for Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship(CASE)-The Fuqua School of Business-Du... - 0 views

    For Profit Social Ventures
Rachel Chaikof

Corporate Sustainability Driven by the Bottom Line - Forbes - 0 views

    This article talks about how companies don't have tools to track their sustainability efforts, most notably these sections: Sustainability reporting is growing, but the tools are still developing. About one in four survey respondents use packaged software to track sustainability efforts, but most still use spreadsheets, emails, and phone calls. But the effectiveness of such efforts may be limited by internal systems that don't allow companies to effectively measure, track, and optimize their sustainability impacts or to understand and manage the risks of insufficient action.
Rachel Chaikof

Don't Fall Asleep at the Wheel: Successful Entrepreneurs Have Lives - Business - GOOD - 0 views

    Good tips for aligning your duties as an entrepreneur
Rachel Chaikof

The Ten Habits of Passionate People - 0 views

    Read #9 for encouragements
Rachel Chaikof

What Startups Can Learn From Instagram - 0 views

    Great tips!
Rachel Chaikof

Realized Worth | Employee Volunteering & Workplace Giving: A Comparison of 12 Workplace... - 0 views

    This blog shows how HOT our market is! There is a comparison of TWELVE tools for managing volunteer and donation programs.
Daniel Benoni

Virtual Volunteers - How to Recruit Online Volunteers For Nonprofit Fundraising - 0 views

  • Virtual Volunteers - How to Recruit Online Volunteers For Nonprofit Fundraising
  • Most parent organizations, charities, teams, and other non-profits can always use as many volunteers and donors as they can get.Organizations have difficulty finding volunteers for a variety of reasons.
  • the smaller and more local the organization is, the smaller the number of potential volunteers there are available.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • a community soup kitchen will never be able to recruit as many volunteers that a national hunger relief charity will be able to.
  • smaller nonprofit organizations have the same needs that the larger ones have
  • fundraising, there is always a need for a fund-raising chairman, a person to do publicity, team leaders and members and the list goes on
  • virtual
  • For example, if you are in need of a graphic designer you might be able to find a virtual volunteer half-way across the country willing to design your fundraising promotional materials.
  • Managing virtual volunteers requires a person with good communication and computer skills.
Daniel Benoni

What Is Social Finance? | Social Finance - 0 views

    Suggéré par Simon Bolduc PAEIC
Daniel Benoni

The Struggle in Finding An Addressable Problem - Lean Startups - blog - kyle ... - 0 views

  • focusing on a market before an actual product idea
  • By starting with a market and focusing on data/interviews to find an addressable problem, rather than building software from day one, we encountered problems I would never have predicted
  • spent our time talking to as many parents/teacher/psychiatrists that would give us their time
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • The more we narrowed our focus the less motivated we became.  We went from looking at a massive addressable market to a subset of people and a minimal product offering.
  • Focusing, as difficult as it was, was necessary given the reality that we were two
  • Write everything down.
  • best ways to drastically narrow your scope, it’s easy to list four or five options but having to pick just one and describe it fully really focuses things.
  • Pitching everyday
  • it helps you to iterate much faster.
  • People tend to love your idea when it’s vague, as they develop their own picture of what it will really be.  -- What we found to really work well was building a baseline pitch deck and iterating on it every day based on what we had learned.
  • Take all the “ands” out. 
  • We help parents to fix the problems in their child's daily routine and to encourage them to try new things
  • We help parents to fix the one or two main problems in their child's daily routine. 
  • It’s tough to not start writing code after your first positive interview.
  • Not because we found the best problem/solution mix, but rather because we found one solution that we can quickly test and on which we can iterate.
Daniel Benoni

The 5 Minute Guide To Cheap Startup Advertising - 0 views

  • trategy #1: Try to Get Permission
  • Strategy #2: Use Advertising to Test
  • Use advertising as a testing tool rather than a long-term stream of customers.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • use it for what it's best at: the ability to generate a slew of visitors very quickly, and to be turned off just as quickly.
  • With properly tracked conversions and an ad on Facebook
  • deal market for your applicati
  • another example, with AdWords you can learn in a hurry which keywords convert for you, and which don't
  • Option #1: Niche Advertising
  • Option #2: Google AdWords
  • Option #3: Facebook
  • 10-15 cent clicks under the right circumstances.
  • The key to low cost Facebook clicks is having a high click through rate (CTR). The key to a high CTR is a combination of a powerful image, an engaging headline, and laser-focused targeting.
  • Target your demographic information so tightly that you can write a headline that addresses them specifically.
  • Start the ads with a modest budget of, say, $5-10 per ad per day
  • But since you've chosen a small group of people, they will start to tune out the ad rather quickly. At this point your CTR will drop and your cost will climb. Pause the ad, and start over with new cities, new images or new headlines.
Rachel Chaikof

11 Top Professionals to Follow on Twitter - 0 views

    Good people to check out for inspiration
Rachel Chaikof

Want Your Startup Name in the Dictionary? Choose Wisely - 0 views

    How cool it would be to see "Invup", "Invuping" "Invuped" in the dictionary! LOL!
Rachel Chaikof

100 Most Creative People - 0 views

    Just some fuel for inspiration and ideas!
Rachel Chaikof

How To Encourage Learning By Making - 0 views

    Yeah! Mistakes rock!
Rachel Chaikof

7 Hot Startup Tips for Raising a Killer Seed Round - 0 views

    Great tips!
Rachel Chaikof

5 Things to Un-Learn From School - 0 views

    Great tidbits on how working is different from going to school
Daniel Benoni

Our Portfolio | SSE Labs - 0 views

    Stanford Accelerator
Rachel Chaikof

Here's How Apple Makes You Fall in Love with Its MacBooks - 0 views

    This article can give us some ideas for when we are presenting Invup's platform to potential clients and letting them try out the demo.
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