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jung moon

Korean families reunite for a few days - 3 views

    Even though South and North Koreans are 'Koreans', we cannot communicate each other because of many reasons.
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    It is amazing isn't it.. so similar yet very different in many ways. Cultural differences due to the distance?
    When I was in Liaoning University of China (it is located in the capital city named Shenyang in Liaoning Province, which adjoins North Koreans), I had a very good friend as my roommate who came from Pyongyang. She was quiet and polite all the time. Meanwhile she even did not like to see those called Roman porn films made by South Korean. She was really different from those many South Korean oversea students in China. Once a time, I asked her to tell me about the confliction between north and south in nowadays. She would say nothing but insisted that "finally, they(the south) will come to us(the north)". Unfortunitlly, she got disappeared at the beginning of the second half semester. Is she a spy?
    From Seoul to Pyongyang (capital city in North Korea) takes only 30 mins I heard. But these families (in the article) couldn't see each other over 50 years....
    I knew that South Koreans and North Koreans can't cross the border to visit each other, but i really don't know that they can't even send e-mails. It's such a pity that they don't know when they will see their relatives next time.
    It is reminiscent of families being split in East and West Germany. People would plan trips to Lake Balaton in Hungary to catch up. But that said they could send (censored) letters and make phone calls. If the North Korean Government are so kean to keep these families split up why are they allowing these meetings to take place? The cruelty of it all is hard to comprehend, seeing a loved one never to know if you will see them again.

China Aims to Steady North Korea - - 0 views

    North Korea's leader gave an unusually exuberant welcome this week to the prime minister of China, whose trip was intensely monitored by the rest of the world for progress on efforts to halt North Korea's nuclear weapons program.
Yu Cao

Roy Greenslade: US journalists pardoned after Clinton visits North Korea | Media | guar... - 0 views

    two American journalists detained in North Korea have been released after Bill Cliton's meet with Kim Jong II
Yu Cao

During Visit by Bill Clinton, North Korea Releases American Journalists - washingtonpos... - 0 views

  • was on a "private humanitarian mission,"
  • North Korea rejected the administration's first choice for the trip -- former vice president Al Gore, who co-founded the television channel that employs the journalists --
  • special pardon
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  • Clinton expressed words of sincere apology to Kim Jong Il for the hostile acts committed by the two American journalists," KCNA reported.
  • U.S. officials denied late Tuesday night that any apology was offered.
  • North Korea had long made it clear that it expected a high-profile visit on behalf of the journalists, but Gore may not have been acceptable because he was viewed as their boss and thus not an appropriate symbol of the United States.
amy wu

India retreats from Australian study - 0 views

  • AUSTRALIA’S elite universities are set to pay a high price for the foreign student crisis, as middle-class Indian parents concerned for the safety of their children opt for universities in Britain, New Zealand and North America instead of Australia.
  • The agents have experienced falls of up to 50 per cent in inquiries by students wanting to study at Australia’s top tertiary institutions since the controversy began.
    AUSTRALIA'S elite universities are set to pay a high price for the foreign student crisis, as middle-class Indian parents concerned for the safety of their children opt for universities in Britain, New Zealand and North America instead of Australia.
xinning ji

Four days in North Korea. - By Sarah Wang - Slate Magazine - 0 views

shared by xinning ji on 10 Aug 09 - Cached
  • they couldn't use their computers or mobile phones—they weren't even allowed to bring them into the country.
    • xinning ji
      look, it is the digital divided in globalization. it is the unequal technological development around the world. there is the gap between rich and poor, developed and developing. it shold let us consider the global problem in the spread of information.
    A North Korean visit
fiona hou

BBC NEWS | Middle East | 'Racism' claims at Lebanon beach clubs - 0 views

    The BBC's Andrew North reports on how migrant workers are allegedly being turned away from many of Beirut's thriving beach clubs.The Lebanese office of campaign group Human Rights Watch says a majority of beach clubs it surveyed are preventing many migrant workers from Asia and Africa from using their facilities.

Shaping New Regional Governance in East Asia: A Common Vision for Mutual Benefit and Co... - 0 views

    Shaping New Regional Governance in East Asia: A Common Vision for Mutual Benefit and Common Prosperity
    `A peaceful solution to the Korean problem will be a starting point for common prosperity and mutual benefit in East Asia, where security matters such as the North Korean nuclear issue have long intermingled,'' a news release said. ``Experts in their respective fields will engage in in-depth discussions and deepen mutual understanding, exploring ways to promote peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula as well as in East Asia.'' Anyone knows how John Howard get's to be there? Has he become an adviser of some sort? Would be interesting to see what his take on these things is, and what/who's agenda he presents?
Christoph Zed

BBC NEWS | Europe | Bhajis and cricket balls in Brescia - 0 views

  • This is the San Polo municipal football ground on the outskirts of Brescia - a big industrial city in the north of Italy home to one of the biggest south Asian communities in the country.
  • The attraction is cricket - the final rounds of a limited overs competition.
  • "It's not a good place to live", he says. "Most Italians only speak their own language and so - unlike Indians and Pakistanis - they don't mix well with people from other cultures."
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  • the place could benefit from a "multicultural mix-up"
  • The League is almost invariably described as xenophobic
  • there have been complaints about cricket in the parks; and, yes, it has been banned, with local police ordered to halt games
  • "I want to see more Italian kids take it up," he adds. "Cricket can help build links between the Italian and immigrant communities - and help us avoid some of the problems we've seen in the past."
  • He is a politician - a pragmatist who simply can no longer afford to ignore the demands of his hometown's large south Asian community. And in this case pragmatism - it would seem - might just be the best way to start building a better life for everyone.
jung moon

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news - 'Native English' is losing its power - 0 views

  • Even as the English language continues its meteoric global rise, native speakers such as the North Americans, British and Australians will soon become a rare breed, overwhelmed by the many millions who have started speaking English as their second language.
  • the new lingua franca in what is now often called a flat world.
  • "So the balance of power is changing, and when the second-language speakers adopt English language as their own language or as a second language, they actually take control of it, mix it and use it with their own language, developing new forms, vocabulary and ways and using English."
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  • "China now produces over 20 million English speakers each year, and possibly within a few years, there could be more English speakers in China than in India."
  • Graddol's findings predict that by 2015, there will be about 2 billion people from Asia and non-English-speaking Europe learning English.
  • However, that is not necessarily good news for native English speakers. Instead, it could come as a big blow because "they can no longer look the other way, celebrating the rising hegemony of their language".
  • As English becomes more widely used as a global language, it will become expected that speakers will signal their nationality, and other aspects of their identity, through English, Graddol says. Lack of a native-speaker accent will not be seen, therefore, as a sign of poor competence.
    I hope someday I can speak 'Konglish (Korean English)' in everywhere. :D
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