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Shaping New Regional Governance in East Asia: A Common Vision for Mutual Benefit and Co... - 0 views

    Shaping New Regional Governance in East Asia: A Common Vision for Mutual Benefit and Common Prosperity
    `A peaceful solution to the Korean problem will be a starting point for common prosperity and mutual benefit in East Asia, where security matters such as the North Korean nuclear issue have long intermingled,'' a news release said. ``Experts in their respective fields will engage in in-depth discussions and deepen mutual understanding, exploring ways to promote peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula as well as in East Asia.'' Anyone knows how John Howard get's to be there? Has he become an adviser of some sort? Would be interesting to see what his take on these things is, and what/who's agenda he presents?
xinning ji

China still interested in Asia-Pacific plan | The Australian - 0 views

  • China understood the proposal was a multilateral issue that would be considered separately from the present difficulties besetting the Sino-Australian relationship .
    • xinning ji
      I think what the decision China made is rational and considerable. this is because when the emergence of globalization, China begun to face up to criticizes from foreign countries, like human rights, democrcy, one party domination... finally, national issues quickly became international business. among these criticizes, some are honest but some are fake. With these pressures, nevertheless, China has changed even if it is slowly. During these days we can explore the tension on the relationship between China and Australia due to several issues. however, this article makes me happy to see the growth of China. the reason is that China learned to how to communicate to the world. although China would like to participate into the multilateral issue, it does not mean its compromise on other issues. As Chiese ambassador stated that a multilateral issue and the present difficulties are two different things. in other words, China still insists its own right on national sovereignty. what I trying to say is that every country has an obligation to build up a peaceful and mutual respect and understanding world. we can hold our own right, we respect each other, and we live together in one world.
    Rudd's proposal of an Asia Pacific Community akin to the European Union is a ridiculous idea. There already exists several organisations in the region (ASEAN, APEC, ASEAN + 3, etc.) which serve to achieve exactly which Rudd proposes an Asia Pacific Community will achieve. Not only is Rudd participating in "megaphone diplomacy" which will likely undermine Australia's relationship with many Asian countries but next to no thought has gone into how this organisation will operate or even what countries will be included.
Christoph Zed

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Suu Kyi 'welcomes US engagement' - 0 views

  • San Suu Kyi says she welcomes US plans to engage with the country's military rulers
  • Suu Kyi also wanted the US to engage with the political opposition.
  • direct engagement is good
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  • sanctions remained an important part of US policy but that "by themselves they have not produced the results that had been hoped for on behalf of the people of Burma"
  • US would be looking to employ both sanctions and engagement to "help achieve democratic reform" in Burma.
jung moon

South Korea aims to become Asia's new medical travel hub - 0 views

  • the Seoul city government has launched a project to attract more foreign tourists seeking cosmetic surgery -- capitalising on the popularity of the "Korean Wave" of pop culture in Asia in recent years.
  • Cosmetic surgery is commonplace in South Korea. A Kyung Hee University survey in 2007 found that 47.3 percent of adults had experienced it.
jung moon

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news - 'Native English' is losing its power - 0 views

  • Even as the English language continues its meteoric global rise, native speakers such as the North Americans, British and Australians will soon become a rare breed, overwhelmed by the many millions who have started speaking English as their second language.
  • the new lingua franca in what is now often called a flat world.
  • "So the balance of power is changing, and when the second-language speakers adopt English language as their own language or as a second language, they actually take control of it, mix it and use it with their own language, developing new forms, vocabulary and ways and using English."
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  • "China now produces over 20 million English speakers each year, and possibly within a few years, there could be more English speakers in China than in India."
  • Graddol's findings predict that by 2015, there will be about 2 billion people from Asia and non-English-speaking Europe learning English.
  • However, that is not necessarily good news for native English speakers. Instead, it could come as a big blow because "they can no longer look the other way, celebrating the rising hegemony of their language".
  • As English becomes more widely used as a global language, it will become expected that speakers will signal their nationality, and other aspects of their identity, through English, Graddol says. Lack of a native-speaker accent will not be seen, therefore, as a sign of poor competence.
    I hope someday I can speak 'Konglish (Korean English)' in everywhere. :D
katherine ong

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Twitterers defy China's firewall - 0 views

    Twitterers in China discuss whether the government's attempt to censor the web has worked.
    a mind revolution
Christoph Zed

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australia-China tie 'challenging' - 0 views

  • Australia is disturbed by China's detention of an Australian executive; China is angry that Australia allowed a Uighur leader, Rebiya Kadeer, to visit.
  • Australia sells huge amounts of natural resources to China and, despite hitches in the relationship, signed a new gas deal this week with PetroChina.
  • "China has significant interests in Australia. China's interests in Australia go to its long-term needs for its resource security," Mr Rudd said.
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  • Chinese media meanwhile, has called Australia "sino-phobic".
Rika Ninomiya

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China iPhone man commits suicide - 0 views

  • A Chinese man suspected of stealing a prototype for the fourth generation iPhone has committed suicide.
  • "We require our suppliers to treat all workers with dignity and respect," Jill Tan, an Apple spokeswoman in Hong Kong, told reporters. 'Humiliating'
  • On 13 July, Sun reported that he was missing one of the 16 units in his possession.
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  • The company immediately launched an investigation into the disappearance; three days later he had jumped to his death.
  • during the firm's investigation he was beaten, his house was searched and he was locked up alone in a room.
  • one of the most humiliating experiences of his life
  • Mr Gu denies hitting Sun, and a CCTV image of the worker on the day before he died
  • Foxconn has faced allegations in the past that it treats its employees poorly. It has always denied such claims, and was cleared by Apple of any serious abuses, our correspondent says.
    Really interesting article on how China man committed suicide because he lost one of sixteen iphone 4th generation prototype.
xinning ji

Eyeing off cultural difference | The Daily Telegraph - 0 views

  • the oriental "neglect'' of the mouth can lead to more mistakes in interpreting a person's emotion, said the study, describing how feelings can be ``lost in translation.''
    • xinning ji
      different culture makes people who have different behavious. it is obvious between West and East. people in Asia do nto have many facial expression and body language; they looks shy and strict. in contrast, Western people's facial expression always change when they talk to each other. In Asia, people would not like to express themselves to each other. in other words, they sometimes seems try to hide something, or sometime they do not like others, such as family members to worry about them. So, we usually tell each other good news and hide bad things. it is quite interesting to know different cultural values around the world, and also it is useful to understand various ways to communicate with people from all over the world.
  • Asian participants had difficulty recognising facial expressions of fear and disgust, mistakenly interpreting them as surprise and anger instead
    • xinning ji
      I do not think it is a mistake Asian participants made because different explanation or understanding is based on different cultral backgrounds from West and Aisa. so it is not wrong or right but cultural conflicts and differences.
fiona hou

BBC NEWS | Middle East | 'Racism' claims at Lebanon beach clubs - 0 views

    The BBC's Andrew North reports on how migrant workers are allegedly being turned away from many of Beirut's thriving beach clubs.The Lebanese office of campaign group Human Rights Watch says a majority of beach clubs it surveyed are preventing many migrant workers from Asia and Africa from using their facilities.
Andrew Ooi

Al Jazeera English - Asia-Pacific - Malaysia blocks controversial blog - 0 views

  • first official clampdown on a local site
  • went against the government's promise not to censor the internet.
    Malaysia first official clampdown on a local site
    first official clampdown on a local site
xinning ji

War and Family Left Behind, Lone Afghan Youths Seek a Life in Europe - - 0 views

  • “I want to go to school,” he said in English. “I would like it if I could be — it sounds like a lot to ask — an engineer of computing.”
  • Although some are as young as 12, most are teenagers seeking an education and a future that is not possible in their own country, which is still struggling with poverty and violence eight years after the end of Taliban rule.
  • Once in France, the boys face more hardship. The Paris police have started conducting nightly searches to prevent Afghan migrants from sleeping in Villemin Square. The 15-year-old was placed in a cheap hotel, while others were put in temporary shelter in an unused subway station. Others find their own shelter under bridges and beside a canal
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  • “How should I make a future?” he asked. “I’m 15 already. I’m on my own. What can I do?”
xinning ji

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australia 'uranium' dust concerns - 0 views

  • David Bradbury, a renowned filmmaker and activist, claims the haze that engulfed some of the country's biggest cities in the past week contains radioactive grains - or tailings - carried on gale force winds from a mine in the South Australian desert.
    • xinning ji
      it is a disaster. I've never seen Australian weather like that since I lived here. It is a beautiful country and beautiful environment, why there is dust storm? it looks like the end of the world.
  • "In a big dust storm, the dust is not going to come from one isolated site, it is going to be mixed in with dust from a [wide] area and diluted considerably,"
Yu Cao

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Xinjiang violence: Views from China - 0 views

  • e violence. Information should be released step by step, not at once. If they let people comment freely, anger and hatred will spread quickly and some Han Chinese might want to retaliate against Uighurs.
  • national unity.
  • But these privileges fail to bring true benefits to the Uighur people.
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  • And some of them feel that they have been marginalised. I think this is the fundamental reason for the unrest.
Christoph Zed

Can India's economy overtake China? - 0 views

  • Can the lumbering elephant overtake the hyperactive dragon?
  • In 2010, the Indian economy may grow faster than that of China.
  • China and India, accounting for roughly 40% of the 6.5bn plus people on Planet Earth, are not merely the two fastest growing major economies in the world at present, but are among the few countries that have continued to expand at a time when the economies of most countries have contracted
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  • Economists argue that one reason why India's economy can grow faster than that of China in the near future is simply on account of what statisticians describe as a "base effect"
  • China's economy is roughly three and a half times bigger than that of India - Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measured in US dollars in 2008 for the two countries stood at $4.2 trillion and $1.2 trillion respectively.
  • Two years ago, China overtook the US as India's largest trading partner.
  • World Bank in its Global Development Finance 2009 report projected that in 2010, the rate of growth of India's economy at 8% would be faster than that of China, expected to be 7.7%
  • developing countries could "become a key driving force" in reviving the world's economy
  • it was no longer improbable that India could grow faster than China or that South Asia would expand at a faster pace than East and South-East Asia

China Aims to Steady North Korea - - 0 views

    North Korea's leader gave an unusually exuberant welcome this week to the prime minister of China, whose trip was intensely monitored by the rest of the world for progress on efforts to halt North Korea's nuclear weapons program.
Yair Frid

YouTube - Food Fight - 0 views

    it is a quite funny animation. Also, in an interesting way, it uses symbolic languages to represent the modern world, pop culture and globalization. In my point of view, there is a global war in which sushi represents Asia and hanburg and chips play as West. they fight with each other in order to prove which one is more dominant and powerful.
    Its the recent history of war:Go here to see which country is represented by which food, its quite cool
jung moon

In South Korea, All of Life Is Mobile - - 0 views

  • For South Koreans, efforts to replace credit cards and cash hit their stride in 2004, when banks began issuing integrated circuit chips that slot into the mobile phones and allow them to work like credit cards at A.T.M.’s.
  • Mobile payment has been adopted in many parts of Europe and Asia, especially in Japan. Still, phones have a long way to go before replacing plastic.
  • For Kim Hee-young, her mobile is the Swiss Army knife of the digital era. When she wants ice cream, she just asks her phone, and it shows a list of ice cream shops — complete with their menus and customer reviews — and the shortest way to get there.
    mobile phone is like the Swiss Army knife of the digital era. (Kim Hee-young, a student)
glen donnar

China Puts Online Games That Glorify Mafia on Its Hit List - - 0 views

shared by glen donnar on 29 Jul 09 - Cached
xinning ji liked it
  • This year more than a thousand Web sites have been shut down for “vulgar” content, although some critics complain that academic or public service sites that deal with sexually transmitted diseases have also been swept up in the juggernaut.
  • Industry experts say that at least 90 percent of all online games in China have some form of violence, whether they involve homicidal kung-fu masters, sword-wielding hobbits or monsters with a taste for human flesh
    • xinning ji
      the only thing CHinese government should do is to classify the level of games and also films. it can make people choosing approriate type of game depending on their ages, and avoid young people to reach the voilence and strong sexual behaviour.
  • There are summer camps for teenagers who spend too much online,
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  • more than 10 percent of the country’s young people are “addicted” to the Internet
  • the definition includes children who spend more than six hours a day staring at a computer screen while avoiding sleep, social interaction and schoolwork
  • 70 percent of all juvenile crimes were “induced by Internet addiction
    • glen donnar
      Great work, Jenny! Perhaps Sticky Notes would be good to ask a question of fellow students or for agreement on your comment.
  • Whether it is religion, environmentalism or nonprofit charities, the Chinese government has always been wary of any organized activity it cannot directly control.
    even though Chinese government try the best to govern the mass media but sometimes it is hard to give the restriction on online information because of its fast speed of spread and a large amount of information.
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