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in title, tags, annotations or urlValuing and responding to resistance to change - The Learner's Way - 0 views
Change is something that we fear or embrace. It is widely considered as the one constant in our lives. For education at present we face a deluge of reports that the pace of change shall only accelerate and its scale become more absolute. No wonder then that many teachers feel now is a good time for a move out of the profession. For others the changing face of education is seen as bringing exciting new possibilities wrapped in engaging challenges. Regardless of how reliable predictions for change may prove to be it is worth considering how individuals and groups respond to it.
Organisational Learning - The Learner's Way - 0 views
For schools the concept of a learning organisation should make perfect sense, after all learning is our core business, or it should be. Perhaps that almost three decades after Peter Senge identified the importance of learning within organisations the idea is only now gaining traction in schools tells us something about the approach taken to learning and teaching within schools. With an increased focus on the development of professional learning communities as a response to the complex challenges that emerge from a rapidly changing society, it is worth looking at what a learning organisation requires for success.
Shaping the Curriculum - Exploring Integration - The Learner's Way - 0 views
After two days of talking about curriculum, integration, STEM, STEAM and HASS I am left with more questions than I started with. In some respects, the concept of curriculum integration is simple. It is after all something that Primary teachers almost take for granted. But for Senior and Tertiary educators the question of curriculum integration is inherently complex. At all levels questions emerge of what curriculum integration might achieve, what purposes it serves, what it could and should look like and how it should be supported by curriculum planners. In the current climate, with its debate around the role of education within an innovation economy, shaped by technology and confronting demands for a STEAM enabled workforce the shape of our curriculum is under pressure.
Learning vs Work in a Culture of Thinking - The Learner's Way - 0 views
Earlier this year a group of teachers I work with explored the 'Eight Cultural Forces' identified by Ron Ritchhart of Harvard's Project Zero. In doing so we decided to focus on our use of the term learning instead of the word work. Our goal was to bring our language choices into the spotlight and explore how a more deliberate focus on learning might alter the culture of our classrooms. Two terms later this focus persists and it is worth reflecting on the effect that this has had.
Banishing The Culture of Busyness - The Learner's Way - 0 views
At the start of each year we arrive back from our break hopefully rested and energised. The new year brings many new opportunities including new students, new team members and new teaching programmes. We begin again the climb up the hill with a fresh group of learners arriving at our doors full of excitement who will rely on us to meet their learning needs in the year ahead. All of this means we are at risk of starting the year with a certain level of panic. There is so much to do, our students are not accustomed to our routines, we don't know each other well, there are parents to meet, assessments to be done and before we know it we are back to being busy.
Why banning technology is not the answer - The Learner's Way - 0 views
There is something about human nature that draws us towards dichotomous patterns of thought; an all or nothing, us or them style of thinking in which an option is either good or it is bad. In such a model complexity and subtle nuance with multiple possible outcomes and routes towards a goal are ignored. The field of educational technology is one where such a pattern is evident and recent ban on technology by a Sydney school shows how this style of analysis can have a significant impact on student learning.
Striving to preserve Truth - The Learner's Way - 0 views
What purposes does education serve? What needs of humanity does education serve? What might the product of our labours be like and how might our efforts contribute to the greater good? These are questions we have long struggled with but with but it seems that in the current times we might need to rethink how we answer these questions.
Touchless SDK - Home - 24 views
with a webcam and some colored markers, here is a mutitouch app , easy it seems to use .. many app to develop from it ... coz it's not block on a screen but in space !
coz this one is not just a flat used screen, but uses further colored markers to detect the movements, and create other "in space for kids" app.
Wunderworks - Welcome to the future of cooperation! - 0 views
TeamPlayer 2.0 is the first commercial solution for working together on the same computer. Simply connect extra mice and keyboards to your usb ports, install the software and multiple cursors will appear on your screen. Just hook up your mice and keyboards, add a digital whiteboard or tablets and start your group session.
This looks like it might be cool for collaboaration on the IWB. Free for schools too!
Webspiration - 0 views
Promethean IWB Users - 1 views
Elluminate and the Promethean IWB - 0 views
muxicall - 0 views
ed.VoiceThread - 0 views
Jing Project: - 1 views
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