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António Teixeira

How To Influence Your Co-workers - 0 views

  • One of the tasks which ed tech coordinators are landed with is cajoling other teachers to use the technology in their lessons. And not just in a one-off or a tokenistic way, either. No! You’re expect to persuade them, somehow, that this is the way of the future and that they should therefore cast aside all their old, non-techie teaching methods and step into this brave new world.
  • Fundamentally, what you need to have in order to succeed as an ed tech coordinator, is not so much a technical understanding of computers, but an intuitive understanding of people.
  • I reasoned that nobody in, say, the English department would listen to me telling them how they could improve their teaching of English if they used the right software or device. But they probably would listen to one of their co-workers in the same department.
    Artigo de Terry Freedman particularmente interessante para coordenadores pedagógicos de PTE's...
António Teixeira

Creating a Learning Ecosystem - Why Blended Learning is Now Inadequate - 0 views

  • Unlike a traditional blended learning environment where those who learn are fed from one source, a learning ecosystem balances those organisms (people) with the environment (organization, culture, tools).
  • what is the difference between blended learning and creating a learning ecosystem?  Blended learning takes on the funnel mentality.  All knowledge must funnel through the learning department’s people, systems, processes, packages and must be measured in standard ways as it goes through.  If it does not route and measure in these ways it is out of our circle of influence. In a learning ecosystem the environment is created so that learning just happens.  It is a part of work rather than separate from it.  It includes traditional blended learning when appropriate (for each piece does not lose its significance) but the funnel, for the most part, is gone.  Formal learning intersects with social learning intersects with informal learning intersects with traditional learning…
  • Instead of, “I am going to learning” it is “I am always learning.”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • We must strategically create learning ecosystems within our organizations where formal courses of all kinds, social interactions using all mediums and all types of informal learning blend together.
  • It is a holistic approach to learning.
  • must watch
    Artigo interessante sobre como criar um "ecosistema" de aprendizagem.
António Teixeira

Factors Influencing College Science Success - 0 views

    Estudo efectuado em 2006 sobre os factores (relacionados com o ensino secundário) que determinam o sucesso educativo dos alunos do ensino superior.
Hugo Domingos

Assessing the effects of ICT in education - 0 views

  • Likewise ICT use in education influences the private life of all educational actors in the sense that these are engaged in innovative practices which require new methodologies, techniques and attitudes
  • In search for the Sustainable Knowledge Base: Multi-channel and Multi-method?
    • Hugo Domingos
      Great reflexion and challenges.
    Workshop com apresentações de altos representantes da Educação na Europa. Ler para criar ideias e desenvolver conceitos!
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