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Carlos Vaz

Big Universe Learning - Engaging Online Reading and Writing Community for Grades K-8 - 3 views

    This site has curriculum and tools for learning, assessment, reading and writing development, using a vast library of online books. The site has a three-pronged approach: reading, creating and sharing online children's books.
Jose Paulo Santos

'The Objective of Education Is Learning, Not Teaching' - Knowledge@Wharton - 0 views

    In their book, Turning Learning Right Side Up: Putting Education Back on Track, authors Russell L. Ackoff and Daniel Greenberg point out that today's education system is seriously flawed -- it focuses on teaching rather than learning. "Why should children -- or adults -- be asked to do something computers and related equipment can do much better than they can?" the authors ask in the following excerpt from the book. "Why doesn't education focus on what humans can do better than the machines and instruments they create?"
Teresa Pombo

Welcome to Shelfari! Read, Share, Explore! - Shelfari - 0 views

    Shelfari is the premier social network for people who love books.
Jose Paulo Santos - Totally Wired - 0 views

    Anastasia Goodstein on Totally Wired: What Teens and Tweens are Really Doing Online. MySpace, Facebook, Xanga, Live Journal, Ning - foreign and frightening to some parents, tremendously popular and patronized by teens - online social networks are at an all-time high and show no signs of losing favor. Inspired by her daily blogging about teens and youth on YPulse and extensive interviews with teens, teachers and parents, Anastasia Goodstein arms adults with the language and knowledge they need to understand how teens are really using the internet, showing them when to set boundaries, and when to just relax. "Totally Wired" is a voice of reason amidst panic, and will open the eyes of concerned adults everywhere. Come learn which sites are appropriate for each age group and ways to monitor or block children from accessing certain sites; the ins and outs of online social networking and journaling; how to handle cyber bullying, the difference between healthy, harmless internet usage and potential dangers, and how to better talk to kids about the internet - Cody's Books
    Seminário para pais sobre crianças e jovens e a sua relação com as redes sociais online. Excelente! Oradora: Anastasia Goldstein
Teresa Pombo

21st Century Technology Tools by Liz Davis (Book) in Education & Language - 0 views

    Table of Contents Page 2 - Set up a Gmail Account Page 5 - Set up a Google Docs Account Page 7 - Create and Share a Google Document Page 13 - Create and Share a Google Presentation Page 20 - Google Spreadsheets, Data and Graphs Page 24 - Google Spreadsheets, Forms Page 28 - Get started with Page 34 - Get started with Diigo, Part 1 Page 40 - Get started with Diigo, Part 2 Page 48 - Create a VoiceThread Page 54 - Create a Ning network Page 62 - Get started with Wikispaces
António Teixeira

La escuela digital - 0 views

  • En Italia, la joven Ministra de Educación, ha establecido que en los próximos cinco años la escuela primera y secundaria ofrezca en formato electrónico los antiguos libros de texto.
  • los nuevos medios digitales traerán consigo la posibilidad de que profesores y alumnos establezcan una relación más dinámica con los contenidos que  hayan de tratar, una relación necesariamente más activa, más interactiva, porque los contenidos no tendrán ya que mostrarse de manera estática en un libro en papel, sino que se convertirán en objetos digitales dinámicos manipulables y parametrizables.
  • Tendremos que andar vigilantes, cómo no, para valorar qué clase de capacidades ganamos y cuáles otras perdemos -como no se cansa de repetir el mismo Landow.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • La escuela digital no es una lejana abstracción, no puede seguir siéndolo cuando nuestros jóvenes viven en ricos ecosistemas digitales y cuando la educación informal gana terreno sin cesar a un tipo de educación hija de una textualidad nacida de los libros de papel.
    Um texto sobre o futuro dos livros e das... escolas.
António Teixeira

Word Spy - 0 views

    Serviço muito curioso que permite seguir a evolução lexical da nossa língua (o Inglês, claro...)
    "This Web site is devoted to lexpionage, the sleuthing of new words and phrases. These aren't "stunt words" or "sniglets," but new terms that have appeared multiple times in newspapers, magazines, books, Web sites, and other recorded sources."
Teresa Pombo

Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities - 1 views

    "a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc."
Jose Paulo Santos

Alan November : Innovation in Education : Best Practice : Professional Development : Pr... - 0 views

    Alan November, an international leader in education technology, joins us for a three-part series covering student-centered learning, dynamic learning communities and 21st Century learning environments. In part one of this series, Alan explores new and emerging trends in technology integration, and discusses the kinds of information and social tools that support student-centered learning. In part two, host Sonny Magana and Alan November discuss the importance of student ownership in the learning process and the need for educational institutions to implement both technology and the correct mindset in order to make it become a reality. The series wraps up with a lively discussion in part three, featuring key components from Alan November's latest book, "Web Literacy for Educators."
Carlos Vaz

Tikatok - 0 views

    Escrita de ebooks, com ilustração. Uma boa ideia para utilização em aulas de línguas, em escrita criativa.
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