Learn to Read at Starfall - teaching comprehension and phonics - 0 views
Teachers around the world use Starfall.com and Starfall high-quality educational products as an inexpensive way to make the classroom more fun and inspire a love of reading and writing. Parents use Starfall to prepare their children for school, and to support them once they are there. Starfall is an educational alternative to other entertainment choices for children. Primarily designed for first grade, Starfall is also useful for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and second grade. Starfall is perfect for home schooling. Be sure to visit The Starfall Store for low-cost writing journals and books that parallel this website.
IEDirectory - Welcome - Zoho Notebook - 0 views
ebrary, Inc. - 0 views
Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine - 0 views
The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.
Vários sites disponibilizam filmes, livros ou mesmo música de forma totalmente grátis e legal. Em muitos casos não pertencem ao top dos mais vendidos ou mais recentes, mas podem ajudá-lo a passar agradáveis momentos de lazer. É o caso de algumas raridades cinematográficas que caíram em domínio público - ou seja, filmes sem direitos de autor ou cujos direitos já expiraram - e que estão disponíveis para 'download' em sites na internet. No archive.org, por exemplo, pode navegar entre cerca de 400 mil filmes e vídeos gratuitos de diferentes estilos: comédia, terror, animação ou documentários. De animação e cartoons, existem mais de mil filmes, incluindo clássicos dos anos 30 e 40, mas a verdadeira mina é a secção de filmes de domínio público.
Computers in schools could do more harm than good - Telegraph - 0 views
When you read a book, for example, you go on a journey
There is no real empathy for the princess
Já António Damásio referiu a possibilidade da nossa cultura mediatizada poder estar a afectar o desenvolvimento das emoções relacionadas com o juízo moral. http://goo.gl/t8Tj
There is no long-term significance to the characters
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Creating a Tech-Infused Culture, Harry Grover Tuttle - 2 views
3. Display student work.
4. Use morning news.
5. E-mail research.
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Future Of Education: The Best 2009 Articles And Reports From MasterNewMedia - 4 views
A new year has just begun, but while time passes by our educational system keeps standing still. Your kids are still learning the same way you did 20-30 years ago, because they are still in a classroom with books.
Online learning tools and technologies have surfaced in recent years but the impression you get is that e-learning is still confined to a little group of savvy educators who have understood how to leverage the power of the Internet for teaching and learning.
the educational paradigm has not fully embraced those fantastic discoveries to give birth to a new learning paradigm that gets rid of useless exams, tests and paper sheets to focus on those new learning skills required to live a successful and meaningful life.
Biblioteca Digital Camões - 0 views
Wikisource - 1 views
Europeana - Homepage - 0 views
Início - PURL.PT - 1 views
PT Principal - Gutenberg - 1 views
TEDxNYed: This is bullshit « BuzzMachine - 0 views
What does this remind of us of? The classroom, of course, and the entire structure of an educational system built for the industrial age, turning out students all the same, convincing them that there is one right answer
But that is what education and media do: they validate.
Do what you do best and link to the rest.
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Exploring Earth Visualizations - 1 views
eBooks made simple - Wobook.com - 4 views
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