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Actively Learn: Transform Your Students into Critical Thinkers - 5 views

    Actively Learn aims at creating minds that can be beneficial to the society and contribute something for its betterment. It transforms students into critical thinkers.
Paul Beaufait

Top 13 Screen Recorders to Record Your Screen Activities - 10 views

    "Here are few of the best screen recorders that will allow you to create videos and presentation from your activities and which are free to use" (¶1, 2010.04.13).
    I'm not sure if all the items reviewed are as insensitive, but the CamStudio link merely takes the user to a PC download link without even asking concerning the system that the application will be running on. It is typical of Windows users to assume that the entire world (that they're interested in) uses PC computers. I have not tried it, but for Mac users, I have had IShowU (free program) recommended; Linux users probably also have some options that are available, and perhaps others can share what those not running PCs on Windows use for screen capture.
Paul Beaufait

Centre for Distance Education - Collaborative Tools Evaluation Site - 0 views

  • he site is designed to help distance educators and their students to select appropriate methods of course development and delivery. Athabasca University (AU) in Alberta is Canada's Distance Education University, teaching over 20,000 students around the world, completely via distance education methods and media. The evaluation site is maintained by AU's Centre for Distance Education (CDE), as a collaborative activity by its faculty and graduate students.
  • The highest priority is given to software that can be downloaded from the internet and used at no cost. New product categories will be added, and the existing ratings updated.
    "The site is designed to help distance educators and their students to select appropriate methods of course development and delivery. Athabasca University (AU) in Alberta is Canada's Distance Education University, teaching over 20,000 students around the world, completely via distance education methods and media. The evaluation site is maintained by AU's Centre for Distance Education (CDE), as a collaborative activity by its faculty and graduate students." (Intended Audience, ¶1) Retrieved 2009.09.14, "last updated February 21, 2008" (page footer)
Paul Beaufait

CompendiumLD learning design software - 2 views

    Overview of "a software tool for designing learning activities using a flexible visual interface" (What is CompendiumLD?, 2009.10.17)
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Integrating Technology for Active Life-long Learning (IT4ALL) - 1 views

    Welcome to Integrating Technology for Active Learning (IT4ALL) where we will be featuring exciting e-learning workshops and courses on how to improve instruction and learning. You are invited to enroll in the courses available, suggest new courses, create courses of your
Paul Beaufait

MOOCs: What Part of Learning Goes on Where and How? - 3 views

  • I like the idea that really good teachers could be challenged to change the way they think about learning and put their talents to work finding new ways to structure learning environments that can handle the ever-expanding population of students with widely varying backgrounds.
  • information is not synonymous with understanding, and delivery is not synonymous with education
  • Learning means focusing attention on the key concepts in a topic.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Learning means making connections with a learner’s prior knowledge.
  • Learning means actively processing the incoming information, digesting it, working with it, summarizing, paraphrasing, applying it.
  • Learning also requires that the learners’ attempts receive guiding feedback.
  • There are ways of providing electronic feedback to this kind of active learning. Our solution was to provide examples of answers that would fit the task and let the learners compare theirs. Not totally satisfying and sometimes not totally accurate.
  • One is the “community of learners”
  • possibilities
  • a more elaborate version of peer feedback, where the large group of learners respond to one another’s ideas in hopes of finding some kind of consensus.
  • I think this probably works in an informed community of participants where there is a distribution of prior knowledge that can be drawn on.
  • I think a community of novices still needs the guidance of a more informed individual or group of individuals.
  • the essence of deep learning is in the interaction with others as we grapple with what we think we know versus what we really know. That’s the kind of online learning I’d like to see us build.
    Svinicki posits what learning means, and the kinds of guided feedback necessary, especially for "deep learning . . . [through] interaction with others as we grapple with what we think we know versus what we really know" (¶8).
Paul Beaufait

Brainstorming with a Virtual Whiteboard - YouTube (Sale, 2013.01.14) - 3 views

    Dr. Rachel Sale presents a succinct, six and a half minute demonstration of how to use Google Drive tools as a whiteboard for collective brain-storming and other group project endeavors.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Course: Moodle for Teacher (M4T) Introductory Course - 1 views

    Join the next 2-week Moodle course for teachers on September 15 an learn about and practice the resources, activities and blocks available on Moodle 2.2.3:
Cara Whitehead

February: Black History Month - 0 views

    February is Black History Month. Here's a word list to add to your lesson plans! This list can be used to play all of the games and activities on our site.
Cara Whitehead

SpellingCity for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch on the iTunes App Store - 1 views

    VocabularySpellingCity is a fun way to learn spelling and vocabulary words by playing engaging learning games using any word list. The most popular activities are Spelling TestMe, HangMouse, and our vocabulary games, available to Premium Members. The most popular word lists are Sound Alikes, Compound Words, Hunger Games and SAT Words. This is a free app!
Elysio Soares

DailyLit: Read books online by daily email and RSS feed - 0 views

    Read books by email. Discuss in community forums. 5 Minutes of Daily Literature - an activity which gets students reading 5 mins of literature each day:
Sheryl A. McCoy

Fossil Fieldtrip Guide: fossil, poster, practice | Glogster - 1 views

    a web2.0 poster that will help you start your fieldtrip planning activities
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