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Karl Wabst

Hudson River Pilot Studied Crisis Management Before Crash - 0 views

    If practice makes perfect, it's no wonder commercial pilot Chesley B. (Sully) Sullenberger III was able to save the day last week, guiding a malfunctioning jetliner over New York City and landing it safely in the Hudson River. It turns out Sullenberger was well trained for the job and had been studying crisis management. The Associated Press' Amy Westfeldt says Sullenberger, 57, of Danville, California, is a former fighter pilot who runs a safety consulting firm in addition to flying commercial aircraft. Westfeldt says Sullenberger is president of Safety Reliability Methods, a California firm that uses "the ultra-safe world of commercial aviation" as a basis for safety consulting in other fields. "When a plane is getting ready to crash with a lot of people who trust you, it is a test," Civil engineer Robert Bea told Westfeldt. "Sully proved the end of the road for that test. He had studied it, he had rehearsed it, he had taken it to his heart." The pilot "did a masterful job of landing the plane in the river and then making sure that everybody got out," Mayor Michael Bloomberg told AP. "He walked the plane twice after everybody else was off, and tried to verify that there was nobody else on board, and he assures us there was not. He was the last one up the aisle and he made sure that there was nobody behind him."
Karl Wabst

MediaPost Publications Proposed NJ Law Would Require Social Nets To Police Sites 03/31/... - 0 views

    New Jersey lawmakers are considering new legislation that would require Facebook, MySpace and others to police social networking sites for offensive posts or else face potential consumer fraud lawsuits. But some lawyers say that even if the measure is enacted, it's not likely to have much impact on social networking sites because the federal Communications Decency Act immunizes such sites from lawsuits based on material posted by users. The bill is part of state Attorney General Anne Milgram's Internet safety initiative. "The social networking site safety act is intended to deter cyber-bullying and the misuse of social networking Web sites," the Office of Attorney General said in a statement about the measure. "The bill empowers users of social networking sites to take steps to stop harassment or exploitation." Last year, Milgram garnered headlines by launching a fraud investigation of gossip site -- where users frequently posted insults about college students -- but no legal action resulted. (That site folded last month for financial reasons.) Attempts to rein in cyberbullying might be politically popular, but this type of state effort to regulate global Web sites is also likely to prove useless, say cyber lawyers. "We need to recognize that legislating on the Internet can't be done on a state-by-state basis," said Parry Aftab, an expert on Web safety and cyber-abuse. "We can't have a different law in each state."
Karl Wabst - Industry Insiders Discuss HIT and HIPAA Issues - 0 views

    Industry Insiders Discuss HIT and HIPAA Issues March 30, 2009 by Astrid Fiano, Writer A significant part of President Obama's health care reform agenda is the push for implementing more health care technology. In the health care field privacy is always a major concern, and was the impetus of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996--protecting the privacy of individually identifiable health information in all formats, and the confidentiality provisions of the Patient Safety Act--protecting identifiable information being used to analyze patient safety events. So those in the health care industry now wonder will the Administration's focus on health IT (HIT) present more challenges to privacy concerns? As part of a continuing focus on HIT issues, DOTmed interviewed industry expert Kirk J. Nahra, a partner in the Washington D.C. legal firm of Wiley Rein LLP, specializing in privacy and information security for the health care and insurance industries, and named an expert practitioner by the Guide to the Leading U.S. Healthcare Lawyers. DOTmed also interviewed Lise Rauzi, Vice President, Training Development, for Health Care Compliance Strategies (HCCS). HCCS provides online training compliance for employees. Nahra notes that regardless of the rising concern over privacy and the new HIT legislation, there have already been formal HIPAA security rules on electronic information in place for several years--the health care industry compliance has just been inconsistent. The problem -- to the extent there is one -- is that HIPAA rules are process-oriented, Nahra explained. The rules don't tell an entity what to do, but rather what to evaluate--a standard set of questions, but without a standard set of answers. For example, a covered entity has to have an internal audit, but the rules do not tell the entity how best to carry out that internal audit. Not surprisingly, different businesses have different ideas on how to implement their HIPAA evaluations
Karl Wabst

The Case for Age Verification - Digits - - 0 views

    For years, Attorneys General Roy Cooper of North Carolina and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut have been leading a coalition of 49 states that were pushing MySpace to add technology to verify the age of its members. The attorneys general argue that age verification will help keep younger children off the site, and therefore prevent them from being contacted by sexual predators and other unsavory characters. Tomorrow, however, leading researchers in online child safety are expected to submit a report to the attorneys general stating that age verification technology is flawed and will not protect children from online dangers. Excerpts of separate interviews with Attorney Generals Roy Cooper of North Carolina and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, who led the charge for social networking safety standards.
Karl Wabst

The Ultimate Guide to Internet Privacy Law: 100 Must-Read Resources by The Da... - 0 views

    Every time you get online, your privacy comes under attack. Whether it's an overbearing End User License Agreement, contact forms, or just website cookies, there are literally millions of ways that you can let your private information slip away online. One of the best ways to fight invasions of your privacy is to get informed and learn how to prevent it. Read on to find advice, organizations, and other resources that can help you keep your privacy safe online. Guides & Articles These resources have specific advice and information for protecting your online privacy. 1. EFF's Top 12 Ways to Protect Your Online Privacy: Read this guide from the Electronic Frontier Foundation to learn how you can protect private information online. 2. Frequently Asked Questions about Online Privacy: Get answers to questions about online privacy and safety from this resource. 3. Is Your PC Watching You? Find Out!: This article from CNN will help you figure out if your privacy is being violated through your PC. 4. Nameless in Cyberspace: Anonymity on the Internet: Find out why the right to anonymity online is so important to have by reading this article. 5. Consumer Privacy Guide: The Consumer Privacy Guide offers a variety of resources and information for protecting your privacy online. 6. This Email Will Self-Destruct: Learn about email security measures that you can take to protect your privacy. 7. Anti-Spam Resources: Visit this guide to learn how to stop receiving junk email. 8. All About Internet Privacy and Security: Read this guide to learn about security terms and Internet privacy settings. 9. Online Privacy: The Complete Guide to Protect You: WebUpon's guide discusses steps you can take to protect your online privacy. 10. Social Networking and Safety Online: Read this guide to learn how to practice common sense on social networking sites. 11. Internet privacy: Wikipedia's entry on Internet privacy offers a broad view at staying private o
Karl Wabst

How to Protect Your Children Online - MSNBC Wire Services - - 0 views

    Mary Kay Hoal tried everything she could to keep her daughter off of MySpace. She put password locks on the computer and blocked the site. Still, her daughter found ways to log on. Hoal's concerns stemmed from statistics that showed 29,000 registered sex offenders were on MySpace, one out of every five kids are sexually solicited online, and nine out of ten children are exposed to pornography online. When she looked for alternative safe sites for kids, she found none, so she decided to do something about it. Story continues below ↓advertisement | your ad here Click Here! The result is, the only social networking site for kids and teens that's backed by the Federal Trade Commission through the site's Privacy Vaults approval. The site's Chief Technology officer worked at the California Department of Justice tracking anonymous online sex offenders, as well as the Megan's Law database. Moreover, it requires verified parental consent for a minor to join. Other features include: -- Requires verifiable parental consent to join -- Confirms the identity of the parent providing consent -- Confirms that the parent or guardian providing consent is not a registered sex offender -- Is exclusively for kids and teens through age 18. -- Exceeds COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines for protecting kids online through our approval by Privacy Vaults Inc. -- Whose policy is "no creepers allowed" -- lurkers are removed and banned. -- No fake profiles. (No one is anonymous on "The bottom line is that we're the only place in the online world that that has taken extraordinary measures to help ensure the safety of its members and meets or exceeds standards set by the government," Hoal said. "Our opinion is that if it's a behavior that is illegal, immoral or unacceptable offline, then it's unacceptable online." About Mary Kay Hoal After researching the disturbing la
Karl Wabst

Ten Best Practices to Prevent Data and Privacy Breaches | PCWorld Business Center - 0 views

    The Web safety and online identity protection experts at and helped put together a list of ten different data and privacy breach scenarios, along with suggestions and best practices to avoid them.
Karl Wabst

CIO Issues - With Security and Privacy Issues, Is the Internet Broken? - 0 views

    IT directors are adding multiple layers of protection to their networks and constantly upgrade those measures to adjust for new threats. Is this good? Is the Internet too broken to fix? Is there a better path to enterprise network security? One option is a new "gated community" Internet, where users give up their freedoms and anonymity for safety. My initiation to the Internet and the World Wide Web occurred in 1994 in a large meeting room at an Atlanta hotel. Most of the 100 or so seats were empty. Those in attendance seemed fairly rabid about this new network and took exception to one speaker's prediction that the Web would become a major marketing vehicle. "Not gonna happen," said one attendee. "We'll spam them into submission if they try. We won't let this become commercialized." I kind of chuckled to myself. Those early adopters were mainly concerned with protecting the Internet from commercialization and marketing. Security was not even part of the discussion. Now, it is threatening to dismantle the Internet as a communication and commerce tool. Cyber attacks on U.S. government computer networks increased a reported 40 percent in 2008, according to data from the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team. More than 100 million credit card accounts at Heartland Payment Systems were compromised last year. In November, the Pentagon suffered from a cyber attack in the form of a global virus or worm that spread rapidly throughout a number of military networks, and caused the agency to ban the use of external storage devices, such as flash drives and DVDs. And this is just the tip of the Internet security Relevant Products/Services iceberg. Enterprise networks are being used to launch phishing Relevant Products/Services and other Internet scams, such as the Conficker worm that infected 12 million computers late last year. IT directors everywhere are adding multiple layers of protection to their networks and constantly having to upgrade those measures to adjust fo
Karl Wabst

Are Electronic Health Records Worth the Risks? - Health Blog - WSJ - 0 views

    Even a booster of electronic systems like David Blumenthal, who just started his Washington post as the national coordinator of health IT, points to a myriad of challenges when it comes to digitizing the nation's medical records. Just take a look at his piece this month in the New England Journal of Medicine, in which he cites technical concerns and worries about patient privacy, among other things. In an interview with the WSJ, he said problems can crop up if the systems are installed too quickly and without enough technical support. There are plenty of potential advantages that electronic records can bring, from helping hospitals and doctors get information quickly on patients' medical histories to making catches when two drugs are being prescribed that may interact dangerously together. But there are also risks: Take a look at a study in Pediatrics that cites the case of Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, which initially saw a rise in the death rate for certain patients after computerizing its order-entry system, perhaps because it took longer to begin their treatment. (The hospital told the WSJ the study was "flawed," adding the mortality rate had fallen since then.) The WSJ also cites the case of a patient who was initially given an incorrect diagnosis based on a mix-up involving electronic records and a test result for another patient. Health Blog Question of the Day: What's been your experience with electronic records? Do they prevent safety problems or create new risks?
Karl Wabst

Poor infrastructure fails America, civil engineers report - - 0 views

    America's civil engineers think the nation's aging and rusty infrastructure is just not making the grade. The American Society of Civil Engineers issued an infrastructure report card Wednesday giving a bleak cumulative ranking of D. "We've been talking about this for many many years," Patrick Natale, the group's executive director, told CNN. "We really haven't had the leadership or will to take action on it. The bottom line is that a failing infrastructure cannot support a thriving economy." Video Watch what the report had to say » The ranking -- which grades the condition of 15 infrastructure entities such as roads, bridges and dams -- is the same as the the last time such a report was issued, in 2005. In 2001, the grade was D+, slightly better but still poor. Roads got a D-, with Americans spending more than $4.2 billion a year stuck in traffic. "Poor conditions cost motorists $67 billion a year in repairs and operating costs. One-third of America's major roads are in poor or mediocre condition and 45 percent of major urban highways are congested," the engineers' report said. Drinking water, D-. "America's drinking water systems face an annual shortfall of at least $11 billion to replace aging facilities," the report said. "Leaking pipes lose an estimated seven billion gallons of clean drinking water a day." Inland waterways, D-. "The average age of all federally owned or operated locks is nearly 60 years, well past their planned design life of 50 years. The cost to replace the present system of locks is estimated at more than $125 billion." Wastewater systems, D-. "Aging systems discharge billions of gallons of untreated wastewater into U.S. surface waters each year." Don't Miss * Congress looks to boot zoos, golf from infrastructure list Levees, D-. Many levees are locally owned and maintained, but they are aging and their "reliability" is not known. "With an increase in development behind these levees, the risk to public health and safety from f
Karl Wabst

GAO Reports Urge FDA To Boost Privacy, Modernize IT Systems - 0 views

    This week, the Government Accountability Office issued a report related to privacy and security issues at FDA and another report about the agency's plans to modernize its IT systems, Government Health IT reports. Privacy and Security Report On Monday, GAO released a report suggesting that FDA has not included sufficient privacy and security protections in its plans for a medical product safety monitoring system called the Sentinel Initiative. The system would use data from insurance companies, academic institutions, government agencies and health care providers to track the performance of medications and medical devices. According to the FDA Amendments Act of 2007, the initiative would have access to data from 25 million people by mid-2010 and 100 million people by mid-2012 (Foxhall, Government Health IT, 6/2). For the report, GAO conducted an audit of FDA's planning process for Sentinel from May 2008 to May 2009.
Karl Wabst

Data Explosion Expands Breach Exposure, But Insurers More Open To Handling Risk - 0 views

    The problem with securing data and insuring its safety is that there is simply so much more stored electronically these days that opportunities for outside hackers or insiders to steal valuable, confidential information off a company's computer systems are growing exponentially, according to those in the insurance industry who make it their business to cover this expanding exposure. Indeed, "you can take out more data in a thumb drive now than people could take out in a super-computer 10 years ago," according to Kevin Kalinich, co-national managing director for Professional Risk Solutions at Aon. The risk of a data breach is very real for companies large and small across almost any industry, noted Mr. Kalinich. He cited a report from the University of California, Berkeley, that more data has been aggregated and stored in the last three years than in the entire history of mankind. He also noted that between 75 and 85 percent of Fortune 2000 companies have suffered a "material data breach," meaning there is a growing market for those selling insurance coverage for liability and repair costs, as well as loss control services. Companies that take an "it won't happen to me" approach to securing data need only look at news headlines to see that organizations are often hit by breaches, and as more data is being stored electronically, the potential for, and impact of possible breaches increase. Princeton, N.J.-based credit and debit processing company Heartland Payment Systems reported that it had been compromised in 2008 in a breach that involved up to 100 million records, which would be tops for number of records accessed in a breach. The Heartland incident would displace the 2007 breach of TJX, in which over 45.6 million credit and debit card numbers were stolen. The TJX breach, in turn, took the record set by a breach of CardSystems Solutions in 2005.
Karl Wabst

A Privacy Law That Protects Students, and Colleges, Too - - 0 views

    A law designed to keep college students' grades private often is used for a much different purpose -- to shield universities from potentially embarrassing situations. Some critics say a number of schools are deliberately misreading the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act in order to keep scandals and other unflattering news from hitting the media. "Some schools have good-faith misunderstandings of the law, but there are others that simply see this as a handy excuse to hide behind," says Frank LoMonte, executive director of the Student Press Law Center, which provides student journalists with legal help. Legal experts say part of the problem is that the law is loosely defined. In addition, the potential consequences of violating the law -- namely, that schools would lose their federal funding -- prompt university officials to be conservative in their decisions about releasing information. Those complaints rankle advocates of student privacy, who say that, if anything, the three-decade-old law should be expanded. "Most of these kids are adults, and they should be able to make their own decisions," says Daren Bakst, president of the Council on Law in Higher Education. Congress already reworked the law to clarify when universities can disclose student information, especially involving health and safety matters. Those changes, adopted in January, followed the 2007 shooting rampage at Virginia Tech by a mentally troubled student.
Karl Wabst

No Easy Answer for Protecting Kids Online - - 0 views

    There is no simple technology solution to protect children from bullying, pornography, sexual predation and other online threats, a new study says. The highly anticipated report -- results of a year-long study ordered by 49 state attorneys general -- found that "a combination of technologies, in concert with parental oversight, education, social services, law enforcement, and sound policies by social-network sites and service providers, may assist in addressing specific problems that minors face online," according to a draft of the report reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. The report also found that the risks that minors face on the Web -- notably bullying and harassment by peers -- aren't very different from those they face in the real world. The report is scheduled to be issued Wednesday by the Internet Safety Technical Task Force, led by Harvard University's Berkman Center for Internet and Society. Task-force members included representatives of several top Internet and security companies, including News Corp.'s MySpace, Google Inc., Time Warner Inc.'s AOL and Facebook Inc. (News Corp. also publishes the Journal.) The 278-page report is a boon for the Web companies, which have long argued that technology isn't the sole solution to the dangers kids face online. It is a disappointment for those in favor of stricter technological controls, such as age-verification and filtering tools.
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