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Karl Wabst

Risk Management: The Five Most Dangerous Security Myths - - Business Technolog... - 0 views

    Still think that today's computer viruses and other malware come from some maladjusted teen out to vandalize your PC to make a name for himself? Think again. The persistent myth is a holdover from days long gone, and it's important to dispel it if you want to know what you're up against-and how to protect yourself. The splashy worms and malicious viruses that clogged entire networks and indiscriminately wiped hard drives are essentially gone. Today, it's all about cash-and lots of it. If there's a way to use evil software to make money, whether it means taking over a PC to send pharmacy-advertising spam, or stealing financial logins and credit card info, or even hacking game accounts, it's out there in some form. There's even a thriving online black market that sells everything from software kits to roll-your-own malware to spam services using infected PCs to reams and reams of credit card data stolen by keylogger malware. It's most important to get rid of this myth in order to get rid of the idea that you can usually tell whether you're infected by obvious signs like big pop-ups or suddenly missing files. Malware writers today work to keep infections as quiet as possible for as long as possible so that they can continue to make money. But it's also important to keep in mind that today's online crooks have become very creative in figuring out how to make money with their malware. Stolen Webmail accounts have been used to send messages to the account's contact list asking for money transfers. Popular online games such as World of Warcraft are a huge target, with thieves raiding hacked accounts to sell the items or in-game currency for real money. So don't assume that there's no risk using an untrusted PC as long as you don't log onto your bank.
Karl Wabst

Web 2.0 Security: Four Things to Know about the Social Web - - Business Technol... - 0 views

    Social networkig may seed malware spread. Education is still one of the most successful computer security tools
    Websense CTO Dan Hubbard outlines four ways companies can protect their information from threats and compromise on the social Web. 1) Most Web Posts on Blogs and Forums are Actually Unwanted Content (Spam and Malware) As more and more people interact with each other on sites allowing user-generated content, such as blogs, forums and chat rooms, spammers and cybercriminals have taken note and abuse this ability to spread spam, post links back to their wares and direct users to malicious sites. Websense research shows that 85 percent of all Web posts on blogs and forums are unwanted content - spam and malware - and five percent are actually malware, fraud and phishing attacks. An average active blog gets between 8,000 and 10,000 links posted per month; so users must be wary of clicking on links in these sites. Click here to find out more! Additionally, just because a site is reputable, doesn't mean its safe. Blogs and message boards belonging to Sony Pictures, Digg, Google, YouTube and Washington State University have all hosted malicious comment spam recently, and was infected with malicious comment spam.
Karl Wabst

Fake H1N1 (Swine Flu) alerts lead to malware | Zero Day | - 0 views

    "Malicious hackers are using fake alerts around H1N1 (Swine Flu) vaccines to trick end users into installing malware on Windows computers, according to warnings issued by computer security firms. The latest malware campaign begins with e-mail messages offering information regarding the H1N1 vaccination. The e-mail messages contain a link to a bogus Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site with prompts to create a user profile. During this process, a malware file gets planted on the user's machine."
Karl Wabst

PBS' Curious George site hacked to serve malware - SC Magazine US - 0 views

    The website for the popular children's television show "Curious George" was compromised this week to serve malware to visitors, according to researchers at web security vendor Purewire. The site, which is run by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), was propagating malware from at least Monday until Thursday, Nidhi Shah, research scientist at Purewire, told on Friday. It is not clear how hackers were able to break into the site, but it is possible that they obtained the credentials to an FTP account or exploited an SQL injection vulnerability, Shah said.
Karl Wabst

Malware-infected WinRAR distributed through Google AdWords | Zero Day | - 0 views

    Scammers are at it again - taking advantage of Google sponsored ads for acquiring traffic in order to redirect it to malware-infected copies of legitimate software. win.rar GmbH is warning users of an ongoing fraudulent AdWords campaign pushing a malware-infected copy of WinRAR, the popular archiving application. Starting from the basic fact that, both, legitimate and malicious users can purchase their visibility, the fake WinRAR release is only the tip of the iceberg. Let's take a peek at the campaign impersonating - impersonation is a form of flattery - and discuss a separate campaign promising to deliver free copies of the free in general, WinRAR and WinZip, managed by a Zango adware affiliate.
Karl Wabst

FTC warns of online economic stimulus scams - - 0 views

    Beware of web sites offering free money Iain Thomson in San Francisco, 04 Mar 2009 The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is warning of a rash of online scams offering payouts under the economic stimulus plan passed by Congress. Businesses and individuals are being targeted by the scammers using web sites and emails, the organisation warned. Recipients are typically offered 'grants' from the government, and must either surrender bank details to get the funds or make a small payment. Advertisement"Web sites may advertise that they can help you get money from the stimulus fund. Many use deceptive names or images of president Obama and vice president Biden to suggest that they are legitimate. They are not," said Eileen Harrington, acting director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection. "Don't fall for it. If you do, you'll get scammed." Several variants have also been discovered that use malware to steal important data. These include pages that purport to offer links to sites that show how to get the federal funds. The pages are loaded with malware that can penetrate an improperly patched browser. "Consumers who may already have fallen for these scams should carefully check their credit card bills for unauthorised charges, and report the scam to the FTC," said Harrington.
Karl Wabst

Cybercriminals refine data-sniffing software for ATM fraud - 0 views

    Cybercriminals are improving a malicious software program that can be installed on ATMs running Microsoft's Windows XP operating system that records sensitive card details, according to security vendor Trustwave. The malware has been found on ATMs in Eastern European countries, according to a Trustwave report. The malware records the magnetic stripe information on the back of a card as well as the PIN (Personal Identification Number), which would potentially allow criminals to clone the card in order to withdraw cash.
    Windows XP is an obvious choice to run ATMs! Sigh!
Karl Wabst

Silon malware intercepts Internet Explorer sessions, steals credentials - 0 views

    A new malware variant called Silon is targeting Internet Explorer users, attempting to intercept their sessions and steal credentials. "Researchers at security vendor Trusteer Inc. issued an advisory warning that the Silon Trojan can detect when a user initiates a Web login session in Internet Explorer. It intercepts the login session, encrypts the data and sends it to a command-and-control server where it is collected with credentials from other victims. In a more sophisticated attack, the Trojan targets people logging into their online bank accounts. New York, N.Y.-based Trusteer said Silon can inject sophisticated dynamic HTML code into the login flow between the user and their bank's Web server. The method involves using a webpage displaying a phony message asking the victim to verify their login details. If the victim complies with the request, the login credentials are sent to the command-and-control server, said Amit Klein, chief technology officer of Trusteer. "
Karl Wabst

Data and Privacy in Web 2.0 | - 0 views

    Free, vendor-neutral online Data and Privacy in Web 2.0 Summit on August 13th. Thought leaders will present a series of webcasts discussing best practices and case studies on legal issues in online social communities, implications of the smart grid and the Cloud, privacy policies and more: Web 2.0 services have been rapidly growing because of the value they offer to businesses and individuals alike. However, with so much information at stake and so little control of employees and customer activities online, how do companies ensure consumer and businesses' data are secure and safe from misuse and malware-related data breach? This summit will focus on minimizing leakage from people, devices and data on the move, keeping consumer and businesses' data secure and safe from misuse and malware-related data breach.
Karl Wabst

Social networking users fail to change their passwords or adjust their privacy settings... - 0 views

    Social networking users are more vulnerable than ever and taking more risks with their online privacy. According to the 'Bringing Social Security to the Online Community' poll by AVG, while the social networking community has serious concerns about the overall security of public spaces, few are taking the most basic of steps to protect themselves against online crimes. Participants indicated concern over growing phishing, spam and malware attacks, and nearly half of those surveyed are very concerned about their personal identity being stolen in an online community. Despite widespread use of social networks at home and/or at work, 64 per cent of users infrequently or never change their passwords on a regular basis, while 57 per cent infrequently or never adjust their privacy settings. Further, 21 per cent accept contact offerings from members they do not recognise, more than half let acquaintances or roommates access social networks on their machines, 64 per cent click on links offered by community members or contacts and 26 per cent share files within social networks. As a result of this widespread proliferation of links, files and unsolicited contacts, nearly 20 per cent have experienced identity theft, 47 per cent have been victims of malware infections and 55 per cent have seen phishing attacks.
Karl Wabst

BBC team buys a botnet, DDoSes security company Prevx | Zero Day | - 0 views

    BBC Click's tweet states that they took legal advice following comments on the potential violation of U.K's Computer Misuse Act. There's a slight chance that you may have unknowingly participated in a recent experiment conducted by the BBC. In a bit of an awkward and highly unnecessary move, a team at the BBC's technology program Click has purchased a botnet consisting of 22,000 malware infected PCs, self-spammed themselves on a Gmail account, and later on DDoS-ed a a backup site owned by security company Prevx (with prior agreement), all for the sake of proving that botnets in general do what they're supposed to - facilitate cybercrime. A video of the experiment is already available. Here are more details : Upon finishing the experiment, they claim to have shut down the botnet, and interestingly notified the affected users. Exposing cybercrime or exposing the obvious, the experiment raises a lot of ethical issues. For instance, how did they manage to contact the owners of the infected hosts given that according to the team they didn't access any personal information on them? It appears that they modified the desktop wallpapers of all the infected hosts to include a link notifying them that they've been part of the experiment. Thanks, but no thanks.
Karl Wabst

Users increasingly falling victim to malware distributed on Digg, YouTube - SC Magazine US - 0 views

    Infection of the adware called "VideoPlay," which has been spreading through malicious posts and comments on Digg and YouTube, increased 400 percent from January to February, according to Panda Security. Attackers have been posting comments on news stories and videos posted to the social networking sites and, claiming users will be able to see videos of celebrities - some of which claim to be pornographic - by clicking a link that is provided, Sean-Paul Correll, threat researcher and security evangelist for Panda Security, told in an email Tuesday. But, when a user follows the link, they will be re-directed to a page where they will be prompted to download a codec to view the video. The download is the VideoPlay adware - a worm that aims to steal email login credentials and other information stored in a user's browser and then further propagate itself through removable drives.
Karl Wabst

Fannie Mae IT contractor indicted for planting malware; Mortgage giant didn't revoke se... - 0 views

    A former Fannie Mae IT contractor has been indicted for planting a virus that would have nuked the mortgage agency's computers, caused millions of dollars in damages and even shut down operations. How'd this happen? The contractor was terminated, but his server privileges were not. Rajendrasinh Makwana was indicted on Tuesday in the U.S. District Court for Maryland (press report, complaint and indictment PDFs). From early 2006 to Oct. 24, Makwana was a contractor for Fannie Mae. According to the indictment, Makwana allegedly targeted Fannie Mae's network after he was terminated. The goal was to "cause damage to Fannie Mae's computer network by entering malicious code that was intended to execute on January 31, 2009." And given Fannie Mae-along with Freddie Mac-was nationalized in an effort to stabilize the mortgate market Makwana could caused a good bit of havoc. Makwana worked at Fannie Mae's data center in Urbana, MD as a Unix engineer as a contractor with a firm called OmniTech. He had root access to all Fannie Mae servers. The tale of Makwana malware bomb plot is a warning shot to all security teams and IT departments. Given the level of layoffs we've seen lately the ranks of disgruntled former employees is likely to grow. Is there any company NOT lopping off a big chunk of its workforce? And some of these workers may even have Makwana's access privileges and knowledge of the corporate network.
Karl Wabst

Algorithm Sought to Analyze Insider Behavior - 0 views

    The Air Force is seeking an entrepreneurial innovator to develop technology to analyze the conduct of insiders to determine if they pose a threat to government IT systems. In a call for proposals aimed at small businesses, posted on Tuesday, the Air Force is asking outside developers to "define, develop and demonstrate innovative approaches for determining 'good' (approved) versus 'bad' (disallowed/subversive) activities, including insiders and/or malware." For their initial efforts, the Air Force will pay up to $100,000. The proposal says current techniques that monitor illicit activities only address the most blatant violations of policy or the grossest deviations from accepted behavior. Most systems concentrate their resources on repelling attacks at the network borders with little attention devoted to threats that evade detection and/or emanate from within. The proposal states: "As such, there currently exists a great need across the federal, military and private sectors for a viable and robust means to provide near-real-time detection, correlation and attribution of network attacks, by content or pattern, without use of reactive previously-seen signatures. Many times, these trusted entities have detailed knowledge about the currently-installed host and network security systems, and can easily plan their activities to subvert these systems."
Karl Wabst

Tax season brings phishing and other scams | Security - CNET News - 0 views

    Two things to remember as you prepare to file your taxes: If you get an e-mail from the IRS, it's probably a scam. And don't forget the stamp. As the April 15 tax filing date nears, online tax-related scams tend to ratchet up, experts say. If you're not careful, you could lose a lot more than just the refund. "Filing your taxes online is extremely convenient, however if you want to maintain the privacy of your data, you need to ensure that you are connecting to the proper Web site, that the connection is using encryption, and that your computer is free from any malware. If any of these components are compromised then your data is not safe," Ryan Barnett, director of application security research for Breach Security, said on Friday. "This would be like going to an ATM machine to withdraw money and allowing everyone around you to see your PIN number as you punch it in," he added. Not only do people have to take precautions in storing and transmitting their data over the Internet, but they also have to be wary of social engineering-type ruses that scammers use to trick people into giving out their sensitive data. Probably the most common type of tax season scam is the fake IRS phishing e-mail. These e-mails will either claim to be a tax refund or an offer to help file for a refund, settle tax debt, or other aid. (Not long ago, scammers were offering economic stimulus payments, even before the plan was approved.) They will provide a link to a Web site where the visitor is prompted to type in personal data like a Social Security number. Don't trust it, experts say.
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Karl Wabst

Time to go beyond PCI? - FierceSarbox - 0 views

    The PCI DSS standard was released back in December 2004 and was quickly hailed as one of the most important private-industry data security standards ever developed. Over the past few years, however, amid a steady stream of news about breaches and thefts, the PCI DSS standards has been roundly criticized. At a congressional hearing this month, one congresswoman said, "I do want to dispel the myth once and for all that PCI compliance is enough to keep a company secure." Many would agree. A case in point noted by Network World: The breach at Hannaford Brothers, where hackers installed malware on the grocery store chain's internal servers to seize card numbers as they were swiped by customers. Hannaford was certified a PCI DSS-compliant company as the scam was in progress. Heartland Payment Systems, before its scam broke in the news, was also certified compliant by Visa. Visa defends the standard as a way to minimize theft if properly implemented, and you certainly can't blame PCI DSS entirely for recent thefts. For all we know, there would have been many more if not for the standard. Still, the general view is that the PCI DSS standard has become overly complex and has done little thus far to stop fraud, as fraud artists get sophisticated technologically.
Karl Wabst

More Data Breached In 2008 Than In Previous Four Years Combined -- Security Breaches - 0 views

    More electronic records were exposed in 2008 than in the previous four years combined and most of those breaches -- nine out of 10 -- could have been easily avoided with basic preventative controls consistently applied. In its 2009 Verizon (NYSE: VZ) Business Data Breach Investigations Report, Verizon Business Security Solutions analyzed 90 confirmed breaches that occurred in 2008, affecting 285 million compromised records. The company's previous data breach report covered from 2004 through 2007, a period that saw 230 million compromised records. About a third of the breaches in Verizon Business' caseload have been publicly disclosed, and additional disclosures are expected before the end of the year. But many breaches will remain unreported because of the absence of any applicable disclosure requirement. Among the report's findings: 91% of all compromised records were linked to organized criminal groups; customized malware attacks doubled; and the most common attack vectors were default credentials and SQL injection. In a statement, Peter Tippett, VP of research and intelligence for Verizon Business Security Solutions, described the report as a wake-up call. Businesses need strong security and a proactive approach, he said, particularly because the economic crisis is likely to spur even greater criminal activity.
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Karl Wabst

Heartland Payment Systems to vigorously defend breach claims, CEO says - 0 views

    Heartland Payment Systems Inc., which announced a breach of potentially millions of credit and debit cards last month, said it plans to vigorously defend itself against lawsuits filed as a result of the data breach. In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Heartland Chairman and CEO Robert Carr acknowledged the claims that cardholders, card issuers, the credit card brands, regulators, and others have asserted, or may assert, against the payment processor as a result of the breach and the impact it could have on the business. Several class action lawsuits have been filed against Heartland, claiming that the payment processor issued belated and inaccurate statements when it announced a security breach of its systems. Carr He said the company could not "reasonably estimate the potential impact of the breach on the day-to-day operations" of the business. "We intend to vigorously defend any such claims and we believe we have meritorious defenses to those claims that have been asserted to date," Carr said. "At this time we do not have information that would enable us to reasonably estimate the amount of losses we might incur in connection with such claims." The Princeton, N.J.-based payment processor announced Jan. 20 that its systems were breached last year when intruders installed malware to pilfer data crossing the company's network. Since then, Sherriff's authorities in Tallahassee, Fla. arrested three suspects for using stolen credit card numbers to make purchases at local Wal-Mart stores. The credit card numbers used by the trio were allegedly stolen from the Heartland processing center in New Jersey. Carr said the company's sales force was doing well despite the obvious challenges caused by the combination of the downturn in the economy and the data security breach. The payment processor's current customer base has responded positively, he said. "In the weeks since our announcement of the breach, we have installed more margin, and have a bit
Karl Wabst

Commercial Twitter spamming tool hits the market | Zero Day | - 0 views

    Last week, a commercial Twitter spamming tool ( pitching itself as a "fully automated advertising software for Twitter" hit the market, potentially empowering phishers, spammers, malware authors and everyone in between with the ability to generate bogus Twitter accounts and spread their campaigns across the micro-blogging service. TweetTornado allows users to create unlimited Twitter accounts, add unlimited number of followers, which combined with its ability to automatically update all of bogus accounts through proxy servers with an identical message make it the perfect Twitter spam tool. TweetTornado's core functionality relies on a simple flaw in Twitter's new user registration process. Tackling it will not render the tool's functionality useless, but will at least ruin the efficiency model. Sadly, Twitter doesn't require you to have a valid email address when registering a new account, so even though a is used, the user is still registered and is allowed to use Twitter. So starting from the basics of requiring a validation by clicking on a link which will only be possible if a valid email is provided could really make an impact in this case, since it its current form the Twitter registration process can be so massively abused that I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. Once a Twitter spammer has been detected, the associated, and now legitimate email could be banned from further registrations, potentially emptying the inventory of bogus emails, and most importantly making it more time consuming for spammers to abuse Twitter in general. If TweetTornado is indeed the advertising tool of choice for Twitter marketers, I "wonder" why is the originally blurred by the author Twitter account used in the proof ( currently suspended, the way the rest of the automatically registered ones are? Pretty evident TOS violation, since two updates and 427 followers in two hours clearly indicat
Karl Wabst

Facebook Slow to Respond to Phishing Scam - Digits - - 0 views

    The latest phishing scam on Facebook has raised the question yet again as to whether the social networking site is dropping the ball on security measures and properly responding to privacy complaints. Facebook faced consumer fraud charges was investigated by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo in 2007 for allegedly responding too slowly to user complaints about harassment, pornography, or nudity from the social networking site. As a result, Facebook agreed to settlement requirement requiring it to respond to such complaints within 24 hours. But in a recent string of phishing attacks in which hackers have broken into a user's Facebook account and hit up his or her friends for money with the online chat tool, pretending to be stranded or robbed, a complaint has emerged that the privacy team at Facebook hasn't responded to users in a timely manner. Mark Neely, a Sydney-based management consultant, became aware that his Facebook account was hacked when friends called him to see if he was all right - the hacker had contacted them via Facebook chat saying that Neely had been robbed at gunpoint in London and would need them to wire him money so he could return to Australia. Neely says he filled out two online complaint forms and e-mailed the privacy team at Facebook, but it took them more than 40 hours to respond to him. In the meantime, his friends continued to call him about being contacted by the hacker. Facebook spokesman Barry Schnitt disputes Neely's figure, saying it only took 30 hours to respond. "In this case, we have restored access to the account to the rightful owner, are identifying the means by which the account was compromised (likely malware), and building in technical protections in the Facebook system to address this particular type of scheme," Schnitt said
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