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Aaron Davis

Making Student Blogs More than Digital Diaries - Getting Smart by Dave Guymon - bloggin... - 0 views

  • Put simply, a digital footprint is what your students would see if they Googled themselves. And whether or not they know it, each of them has a footprint online. A digital footprint is made up of both passive information about Internet use and actively volunteered content.
  • Establishing a positive digital footprint involves more than educating our students about what they should choose to keep offline. We should also be teaching them what to publish to improve their digital image.
  • effective uses of student blogs engage others in meaningful conversations.
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  • quality classroom blogging should transcend the classroom altogether, bridging the gap between school, home, and the world our students live in.
    An interesting post on digital footprint and blogging.
Aaron Davis

ELMORE LEONARD ON WRITING; Easy on the Adverbs, Exclamation Points and Especially Hoopt... - 0 views

    An interesting collection of tips associated with the art of writing from Elmore Leonard. Definitely gets you thinking. 1. Never open a book with weather. 2. Avoid prologues. 3. Never use a verb other than ''said'' to carry dialogue. 4. Never use an adverb to modify the verb ''said'' . . . 5. Keep your exclamation points under control. 6. Never use the words ''suddenly'' or ''all hell broke loose.'' 7. Use regional dialect, patois, sparingly. 8. Avoid detailed descriptions of characters. 9. Don't go into great detail describing places and things. 10. Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip. 11. If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it.
    An interesting collection of tips associated with the art of writing from Elmore Leonard: 1. Never open a book with weather. 2. Avoid prologues. 3. Never use a verb other than ''said'' to carry dialogue. 4. Never use an adverb to modify the verb ''said'' . . . 5. Keep your exclamation points under control. 6. Never use the words ''suddenly'' or ''all hell broke loose.'' 7. Use regional dialect, patois, sparingly. 8. Avoid detailed descriptions of characters. 9. Don't go into great detail describing places and things. 10. Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip. 11. If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it.
Aaron Davis

You have a Class Blog - Now what? | Celia's reflections - 0 views

    A great discussion about classroom blogs and how to get the most out of them.
Aaron Davis

The perils of “Growth Mindset” education: Why we’re trying to fix our... - 0 views

  • By now, the growth mindset has approached the status of a cultural meme.
  • Regardless of their track record, kids tend to do better in the future if they believe that how well they did in the past was primarily a result of effort.But “how well they did” at what?
  • even some people who are educators would rather convince students they need to adopt a more positive attitude than address the quality of the curriculum (what the students are being taught) or the pedagogy (how they’re being taught it).
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  • An awful lot of schooling still consists of making kids cram forgettable facts into short-term memory. And the kids themselves are seldom consulted about what they’re doing, even though genuine excitement about (and proficiency at) learning rises when they’re brought into the process, invited to search for answers to their own questions and to engage in extended projects.
  • the most salient feature of a positive judgment is not that it’s positive but that it’s a judgment; i
  • the first problem with this seductively simple script change is that praising children for their effort carries problems of its own, as several studies have confirmed: It can communicate that they’re really not very capable and therefore unlikely to succeed at future tasks. (“If you’re complimenting me just for trying hard, I must really be a loser.”)
  • books, articles, TED talks, and teacher-training sessions devoted to the wonders of adopting a growth mindset rarely bother to ask whether the curriculum is meaningful, whether the pedagogy is thoughtful, or whether the assessment of students’ learning is authentic (as opposed to defining success merely as higher scores on dreadful standardized tests).
  • what’s really problematic is praise itself. It’s a verbal reward, an extrinsic inducement, and, like other rewards, is often construed by the recipient as manipulation.
  • the series of Dweck’s studies on which she still relies to support the idea of praising effort, which she conducted with Claudia Mueller in the 1990s, included no condition in which students received nonevaluative feedback. Other researchers have found that just such a response — information about how they’ve done without a judgment attached — is preferable to any sort of praise.
  • We need to attend to deeper differences: between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, and between “doing to” and “working with” strategies.
  • Dweck’s work nestles comfortably in a long self-help tradition, the American can-do, just-adopt-a-positive-attitude spirit.(“I think I can, I think I can…”) The message of that tradition has always been to adjust yourself to conditions as you find them because those conditions are immutable; all you can do is decide on the spirit in which to approach them. Ironically, the more we occupy ourselves with getting kids to attribute outcomes to their own effort, the more we communicate that the conditions they face are, well, fixed.
  • It isn’t entirely coincidental that someone who is basically telling us that attitudes matter more than structures, or that persistence is a good in itself, has also bought into a conservative social critique. But why have so many educators who don’t share that sensibility endorsed a focus on mindset (or grit) whose premises and implications they’d likely find troubling on reflection?
  • the real alternative to that isn’t a different attitude about oneself; it’s a willingness to go beyond individual attitudes, to realize that no mindset is a magic elixir that can dissolve the toxicity of structural arrangements. Until those arrangements have been changed, mindset will get you only so far. And too much focus on mindset discourages us from making such changes.
    "An awful lot of schooling still consists of making kids cram forgettable facts into short-term memory. And the kids themselves are seldom consulted about what they're doing, even though genuine excitement about (and proficiency at) learning rises when they're brought into the process, invited to search for answers to their own questions and to engage in extended projects. Outstanding classrooms and schools - with a rich documentary record of their successes - show that the quality of education itself can be improved. But books, articles, TED talks, and teacher-training sessions devoted to the wonders of adopting a growth mindset rarely bother to ask whether the curriculum is meaningful, whether the pedagogy is thoughtful, or whether the assessment of students' learning is authentic (as opposed to defining success merely as higher scores on dreadful standardized tests). "

Buy Verified CashApp Accounts - USA - 0 views

    There are a few things you need in order to get a verified CashApp account. First, you'll need to provide your full name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your Social Security number. You'll also need to link your CashApp account to a bank account or debit card. Once you have all of this information entered into the system, you'll be able to request verification. You may be asked to verify your identity by providing a photo ID. Once you've been verified, a green check mark will appear next to your name on the CashApp home screen. This means that all future payments sent or received by this account will be automatically deposited into or withdrawn from your linked bank account.
Aaron Davis

How do inquiry teachers….teach? | Justwondering - 0 views

  • The planning and the teaching are certainly deeply connected but – too often, inquiry seems almost synonymous with ‘units’.   The cringe-worthy phrase “we do inquiry” usually means: we fill in an inquiry planner using a cycle/framework of inquiry
  • Inquiry is not just about knowing how to plan – it’s about how we teach
  • 1. They talk less
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  •  2. They ask more.
  •  3. They relate
  • 4. They let kids in on the secret
  • 5. They use language that is invitational and acknowledges the elasticity of ideas.
  •  6. They check in with their kids – a lot
  • They remain open to possibility…
  •  7. They collaborate with their students. They trust them!
  •  8. They use great, challenging, authentic resources
  •  9. They are passionate and energetic.
  •  10. They see the bigger picture
  • 11. They invite, celebrate and USE questions, wonderings, uncertainties and tensions that arise from their students.
  • Good inquiry teachers know how to get more kids thinking more deeply more of the time.
  • Programs and planners don’t make inquiry happen. Teachers and learners do.
    A great post from Kath Murdoch in which she outlines how inquiry teacher teach. What I really liked about it is that even if you don't 'do inquiry' you can still take some of the facets of an inquiry teacher.
Jen Brusey

Teaching Aboriginal Art: Free Lesson Plan - 0 views

    Aboriginal Dot Painting is a popular art lesson classic suitable for learners of all ages as it features an irresistible combination of music, art, culture and history. The beauty of this subject is that the lesson engages learners on a number of different levels - practical painting technique, cultural understanding, linking art with music, dance and storytelling, and getting their fingers nice & dirty in the process!
Aaron Davis

My experience in getting started with Genius Hour | ReconfigurEd. - 0 views

    An excellent post from Anthony Sperenza about implementing Genius Hour into the classroom. He has included a great list of resources too.
Aaron Davis

10 ways to make meetings (and lessons) meaningful… | What Ed Said - 0 views

  • Does every meeting in your school relate to or result in learning?
  • Does every lesson in your classroom contribute to meaningful learning, rather than completion of work?
  • ‘Have you ever had to sit through a whole hour when you felt like the substance of the meeting could have been handled in five minutes?’
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  • 2. Have we established the connection between the work of this and other meetings in the series?
  • 1. Have we identified clear and important meeting objectives that contribute to the goal of improving learning?
  • 3 Have we incorporated feedback from previous meetings?
  • 8. Have we put time allocations to each activity on the agenda?
  • 4. Have we chosen challenging activities that advance the meeting objectives and engage all participants?
  • 5. Have we built in time to identify and commit to next steps?
  • 6. Have we built in time for assessment of what worked and what didn’t in the meeting?
  • 7. Have we gathered or developed materials that will help to focus and advance the meeting objectives?
  • ‘Have you planned a thoughtful meeting only to have it derailed by a couple of rogues participants who have their own agendas?’
  • 9. Have we ensured that we will address the primary objective early in the meeting? 
  • 10. Is it realistic that we could get through our agenda in the time allocated?
    A great post from Edna Sackson about the possibilities and potentials associated with improving meetings (and lessons)
Aaron Davis

Technology and The Evolution of Storytelling - ART & SCIENCE - Medium - 0 views

  • It’s not the technology that entertains people, it’s what you do with the technology.
  • No matter the length of your film — 30 seconds, five minutes, 22 minutes, feature length — it needs a story. It needs a beginning, a middle and an end.It needs to deeply connect with people.
  • Get it up there. Throw it up there as fast as you can, talk about it, tear it back down, put it back up there. Keep doing this.
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  • If you create characters people connect with and tell stories that deeply entertain and move them, the audience will come.
    A great discussion of films and storytelling from one of the key figures behind Pixar.
Aaron Davis

Web Literacy Standard - Mozilla Webmaker - 0 views

  • The Web Literacy Standard is a map of competencies and skills that Mozilla and our community of stakeholders believe are important to pay attention to when getting better at reading, writing and participating on the web.
    A great resource in regards to all things associated with the WWW. It breaks the whole process down into three key areas: exploring, building and connecting.
Aaron Davis

Questions to Ask Oneself While Designing Learning Activities | User Generated Education - 0 views

  • Here are some questions I ask myself as I go through this process: Will the learning activities provide learners with opportunities to tap into their own personal interests and passions? Will the learning activities offer the learners the chance to put them “selves” into their work? Will the learning activities provide learners with opportunities to express themselves using their own authentic voices? Will the learners find the learning activities engaging? interesting? relevant? useful? What “cool” technologies can be used to help meet both the instructional and the learners’ goals? Will the learning activities provide learners with opportunities to have fun and to play? Will learners be able to do at least some of the work independently? Will the learning activities give all of the learners opportunities to shine? Will the learners get the chance to share their work with other learners, with a more global audience?
Aaron Davis

Safer Schools with Creative Commons |  IPAD 4 SCHOOLS - 0 views

  • Who owns the material and it’s components when it’s published?
  • How can schools not only inform but encourage the school community to start using licensing and working safely to avoid being prosecuted?
  • Understanding what is and isn;t ok is a crucial skill for all to learn and I hope this information helps schools get more confident with publishing material online.
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